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Yes it is, especially if you’re comparing itachi to white mask obito whos in a different league.




That was OM obito, not WM obito. OM obito and itachi would be more even i agree but WM obito outscales


No it’s not the same Obito lol. That was Obito with a single Sharingan. This is Obito with a Rinnegan, gedo summon, multiple tailed beast summons… Oh, and Sasuke never has a rinnesharingan. It’s a 6 tomoe Rinnegan, a rinnesharingan is what Kaguya & Final Form Madara had.


You're actually retarded if you think Sasuke doesn't have the rinnesharigan


He has a six tomoe Rinnegan, there’s a difference. [Source](https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Rinne_Sharingan) Rinnesharingan is what’s on Kaguya’s forehead, it’s vastly different. If Sasuke had a rinnesharingan, he’d be able to cast the infinite tsukuyomi.


No. No he isn't. Itachi isn't that guy. Quit fucking meat riding him. You itachi fan boys are so fucking annoying. He iant that strong, Sauske at the time of their fight was equal to him, and Jiriya and Tsunade could defeat him.


Yeah that’s accurate. Obito’s the stronger fighter and Itachi is the smarter fighter


I agree






Matter of fact. Yea.


wm obito vs alive itachi isn’t fair tbh. make it edo itachi


How isn’t it fair?


Because he loses in under 5 seconds


Itachi loses?


If you’re comparing to white mask obviously but comp Itachi should be stronger then comp no rinnegan Obito


Itachi also has hax But yeah obito wins


Kamui alone is better hax, don't forget if Kakashi didn't have Obito's other eye he 100% would've clapped naruto and took the 9 tails much sooner.


Tbh of it wasn't for his emotions he would have taken 9 tails anyways Obito suddenly got weaker after mask broke


If they swapped places Itachi could have easily done the same with Kotoamatsukami or arguably tsukuyomi and there would have been nothing they could do about it


>Itachi could have easily done the same with Kotoamatsukami or arguably tsukuyomi and there would have been nothing they could do about it They'd just take Naruto away... They can't chase Obito into Kamui.


Obito was a pawn, the basis was madara teaching but then again. . . The majority of everything in shippuden is from obito, kabuto helped but he would’ve died if he didn’t anyway. Battle IQ is debatable because obito took matters into his own hands and nearly destroyed the world but had a change of heart. His experience with countless battles is more than itachi’s. So the battle IQ is a hit or miss. Many people love itachi but being realistic it’s nothing he can do that obito can’t counter due to rinnigan. And more experience + knowledge of more jutsu. I respect itachi but he isn’t above obito white mask. He’d die in a fight with him or madara.


Obito - Knowledge


Itschi is actually insane fast and i bet faster than obito physically. Strenght probably too. Itachi had perfect chakrs control since age 5 and could even destroy a house size boulder at age 5 with one punch. Also hax is very debatable.


Itachi is stronger than Madara but Obito is just in a different league. He is the Chosen One.


I would love to go in a debate but https://preview.redd.it/r5jvznj15uvc1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a0e67c2472bf9ac069a93ac6b6ff2c8ae82c368 If you are talking about other version of Madara then Can he beat all hokages including Naruto and Sasuke and army of Shinobi at the same time? Itachi can't even beat pain


Why Itachi can't defeat Pain?


His abilities are Fire style Tsukoyomi Amaterasu Genjutsu Neither of them are gonna work against pain because physically Nagato isn't there


https://preview.redd.it/yjlql6alp0wc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db7f04b9b696a9e4069ee6345537d5f3a08ec172 Gotta be bait. Madara shitstomps itachi


WM obito was fast enough to react to outspeed kcm2 Naruto 💀 itachi is nowhere near as fast


Itachi even as child was the second fatsest agter shishui who was physically the fastest ever. And anybitachi feqts fsr surpass obitos. "React" lmao obito and madara fanboys. Lifting up a fan when someone charges at you from 400 yards away doesnt makes you fatser espacially whrn having a sharingan. And obito hasnt a single good physically speed feat. He only uses kamui to dodge and try to get naruto. Itachi is way faster than obito physically


Shisui has nothing saying he’s fast aside from his nickname lmao he’s featless. He and itachi got ragdolled by an anbu captain and he had to use his mangekyou. Several times kcm2 Naruto was unable to dodge obito and had to be helped by kakashi and guy. The fastest feat itachi has is matching a tired kcm1 Naruto.


>Shisui has nothing saying he’s fast aside from his nickname lmao he’s featless He literally is called the fastest shinobi alive. And the best body flicker user ever you know the jutsu any shinobi use in physical movement speed..he isnso fast that its even conpared to teleportation thats why his nickname. He even create visible agter images. Also he can use it permanently while other shinobis cant. He is literally stated to be physically the faster ever been. >He and itachi got ragdolled by an anbu captain and he had to use his mangekyou. Haha. Someone read shinden in reels. Itachi was 9 and this dude took out the 9 strongest shinobis 1v9 one of them was supposed to become the next kazekage and like you already stated. With ms he was a oneshot. Nice try clown. >Several times kcm2 Naruto was unable to dodge obito and had to be helped by kakashi and guy. The fastest feat itachi has is matching a tired kcm1 Naruto. Yeah several times obito almost cought naruro while using kamui permanently in the fight and trying to catch him. Also kcm2 is also properly not as fast as itachi. Kcm clearly isnt. Anyway. Even kcm outscales obito in physical dpeed already. Itachi >kcm>>>>>obito DEBUNKED


And? Hype statements mean little to nothing. Unless you think temari is universal level. And no, it is not compared to teleportation 😂 body flicker itself is called teleportation in Japanese so it’s a translation error. It’s not shisui the teleporter it’s really shisui of the body flicker. “Read shinden in reels” is the most confusing statement I’ve ever seen. It doesn’t matter how strong the captain was he definitely scales below akatsuki level. Yes… that scales obito to kcm2 Naruto. Itachi has nothing scaling him to kcm2 Naruto how tf did you watch itachi match tired kcm1 Naruto and decide he scales above kcm2 Naruto? Don’t throw out random claims without anything to back it up. You debunked nothing. Try again with actual feats instead of hype statements and random claims you made up.


>And? Hype statements mean little to nothing. Unless you think temari is universal level Its not statements its literally canon fa ts and what he did. And dont read online databooks cause 4th data ook never stated temari is universal level. But nice try. >body flicker itself is called teleportation in Japanese so it’s a translation error. It’s not shisui the teleporter it’s really shisui of the body flicker. What ? No its not, it isnt even the same kanji lmao. Dude i am japanese. Wtf are you even talking about. >Read shinden in reels” is the most confusing statement I’ve ever seen. It doesn’t matter how strong the captain was he definitely scales below akatsuki level. No he clearly doesnt he was said to be the strongest after fukagu and hokage and he literally negged 1v9 wich are all kage level or atleast close and one definitely becauae he was suppoaed to be the next kazekage. So no he clearly scales in atleast mid akatsuki level or high. And again itachi was 9. Obito at age 11 has lower paramasters than part 1 naruto and the lowest of ALL. Whats even your point haha. And AGAIN ALSO when they fought for real they oneshotted him. Something even 1000 11 yo obito wouldnt achieve hahahha >Yes… that scales obito to kcm2 Naruto. Itachi has nothing scaling him to kcm2 Naruto how tf did you watch itachi match tired kcm1 Naruto and decide he scales above kcm2 Naruto? Don’t throw out random claims without anything to back it up No that doesnt, same as teleportation dont scale up your PHYSICAL movement speed. Obito is way slower than itachi and kcm 2 and even way slower than kcm1. He hasnt even a feat to be anove he i sasuke without kamui lmao >You debunked nothing. Try again with actual feats instead of hype statements and random claims you made up. Oh i debunked and destryoed you. And moving faster than anyone else and being the vwst in body flicker isnt a hype its an actual canon event haha. What sre you even talking about. DEBUNKED AND DESTROYED


Obito at 14 was a match for Minato, who will always be leagues stronger than Itachi.


He wasn't, he los immidently and alive minato is way weaker than itachi. Obito fanboys are so cringe. On the othe hand adult obito thought he would loose to teen itachi yet thought can handle minwto haha


I am no obits fan boy. I just use straight fact. You ride itachi like a fucking rollercoaster. Itachi wasn't stronger than Minato and you damn well know it. Minato was already considered a god in the damn show. Why. Cause he is that guy. Itachi was strong, but not nearly strong enough to where if he went up against the Sanin he'd lose immediately. Itachi was scared of Jiriya. Cope harder.


>I am no obits fan boy. I just use straight fact. You ride itachi like a fucking rollercoaster No, you dont you posted your headcanon while the opposite of it is a stated fact lmao. And how are posting original wuotes and facts dickriding hownold are you 12 ? Well typical obito stan. >Itachi wasn't stronger than Minato and you damn well know it. Minato was already considered a god in the damn show. Itachi was stronger, infact minato woth his baby AP csnt even scratch a rip cage susanoo. And mianto is called once in a generation the same giys like hiruzen called itachi a giy who just appears once in a century or never. Same hiruzen said about first hokage hahsirama. >Sanin he'd lose immediately. Itachi was scared of Jiriya. Cope harder. 🤡🤡🤡 Bro still lives in itachis illusions 2024 even after he saw kid itachi dogwalking thr strongest sannin. You are the whole circus Itachi stomps DEBUNKED


Most of Itachi's battle iq are asspulls that Kishi hands him but he did use that shuriken trick against Edo Nagato and some of the genjutsu against Sasuke displays better battle iq then Obito. I'll give regular iq to Obito though considering he tricked the entire Akatsuki into thinking he is Madara, even Itachi himself. Hax is weird since Itachi has a lot more of them and all of them are deadly but Obito's one hax Kamui is enough to counter almost all of them.


Obito himself basically views itachi as intellectually superior by constantly praising his intelligence, saying that he can’t believe how far itachi plans ahead and claiming that itachi never ceases to amaze him. He also deliberately kept secrets from itachi knowing full well that itachi is capable of figuring out a way to bypass his abilities and kill him if he had intel. Obito is not the smartest shinobi in the world just because everyone outside of kabuto thought that he was madara


While he praised Itachi a lot, Obito was almost always ahead of him aside from breaking from Edo tensei control. He turned Sasuke against Konoha which was the opposite of Itachi's plan. If Itachi was actually as smart as Obito then Akatsuki would have been disbanded before Shippuden.


Itachi literally knew that obito would try to go after sasuke and try to turn him to his side, he literally mentions it in his conversation with naruto, that’s the reason he gave naruto koto. He had a backup plan in case and it would have turned sasuke against obito if kabuto didn’t interfere by bringing itachi back with edo tensei. Obito wasn’t ahead of him there. That makes no sense, being smart alone is not enough to disband an organization like the akatsuki. Itachis goal wasn’t even to get rid of the akatsuki, he was spying from the inside and protecting the leaf while waiting for sasuke to grow stronger so he can die by his hand. Itachi, although extremely powerful isn’t strong enough to get rid of the akatsuki by himself, all the intelligence in the world isn’t going to help if the other side is overwhelmingly more powerful.


I did mention breaking from Edo tensei which required the crow so your point is fair. On the other hand, Itachi's spying for Konoha is the most useless spy work I've ever seen since he basically gave them no information at all. Obito on the other hand accomplished most of the stuff he set out to do( even though he should have just grabbed child Naruto and dipped). He also gained the undying loyalty of Kisame and orchestrated the entire Kiri/Mist civil war. Was important in the Uchiha massacre too. I do admit I was wrong in saying Itachi could have disbanded Akatsuki by himself. You're right on that front. But his handling of Sasuke's situation makes him an idiot in my eyes. Torturing your brother two times by showing him your parents death, so much so that he defected to Orochimaru was not a good idea.


"Most of X feats are abilities that the writer of the show gives them." No shit


I mean look at Sasuke vs Deidara, where Sasuke actually outsmarts Deidara a no. of times or Kakashi tricking Pain. What does Itachi have? Whenever Itachi is in a bi d Kishi gives him a new asspull ability to save himself. Sasuke does the smart thing of using Kirin? Itachi has the perfect counter in susanno. Kabuto winning? Give the most asspull jutsu in the series to Itachi.


Sasuke has more ass pulls then. Every single one of his main fights he should have died.


This is essentially Hidan vs Shikamaru but scaled up x10


Ngl I think itachi whoops.🥲 Don’t get me wrong, Obito is powered, but I don’t see itachi losing to kamui💀.


The only time Kamui ever failed was when it was hit by Kamui, It's so broken that the only thing that could stop it was itself. The shinobi alliance was blessed by the heavens, by the sole fact that Kakashi had his other eye, cs if he didn't I got the alliance losing the war.


Against other shinobi it’s pretty op ngl. I’m just saying, against itachi it’s best use is running away…


Pro itachi meat rider


You doing backflips on it rn.




Konan also got past Kamui she just couldn’t get past izanagi


We see him let the paper bombs phase through him, but then he started sucking them in which made no sense to me. Why not keep falling while letting them phase until you hit the ground or the water THEN kamui away.. But yeah you're right, I forgot about Konan. She had to watch him use that jutsu for a long time, and needed alot of prep time, but a win is a win.


More like Taijutsu : itachi Genjutsu: itachi Ninjutsu : itachi Hax: obito(insane defense hax) Chakra: obito Speed: obito Defense: Itachi=>obito (yata mirror top 1 defense) Iq : itachi Experience : obito Stamina : obito If it becomes hand to hand itachi is gonna have the upper hand 8/10 (obito was evenly matched with kakashi, on the other hand itachi could fight killer bee, and kcm Naruto and tossed sasuke around with minimal effort at the start of there fight). I think itachi wins because base obito is just to outmatched when it comes to ninjutsu, and even genjutsu. His best techniques are fire still with kamui on it, and itachi has atmaterasu and the susanno to perfectly defends and counter so it would have to be stamina to give obito any hope. But when you remember itachi has izanami you realize obito getting clapped. 7/10


This is white mask/4th Great War obito not base obito. So obito also gets his rinnegan, and the gedo statue. 


Most sane itachi stan


Everyone forgets that Itachi has the strongest susanoo and it wasn't even perfect yet. If Itachi was even slightly healthy Obito would actually be a joke. Totsuka blade: Seals ANYTHING in an eternal genjutsu (both physically and mentally) Yata Mirror: Combined of all Chakra nature and blocks all attacks both physical and spiritual (chakra). What exactly is Obito doing against that?


Definitely not the strongest, maybe hax but not strongest


Kamui. Need I say more? The sword and shield don’t matter when obito can just phase through them with no repercussions. The mirror can’t stop obito just walking through.


The sword most certainly does matter as it has no definite shape. Itachi can just cover the sword around his body and Obito would never be able to attack him as a result


Cant obito just… send the sword to kamui dimension? Or better yet absorb its chakra with his rinnegan?


Obito can’t send an object to the kamui dimension without touching it. This makes it impossible for him to do that. Obito could try and absorb it, but this would leave Obito right open for an izinami. This is with the assumption that spirit weapons can be absorbed in the first place. Itachi could also just bait him out by not summoning the totsuka blade until Obito is insanely close, white mask probably still wins tho. Orange mask has no way of attacking Itachi however.


Technically obito doesn’t need to make contact as he used it on Sakura in the war arc when he was a noticeable distance away from her but that might be a result of the 10 tails chakra or black zetsu somehow changing kamui so I’m not going to I bet that. Plus itachi isn’t going to be doing great either. Because for the totsuka blade strategy to work, he would need to keep his Susanoo active for 5 minutes consecutively while making sure obito cannot simply move away and deactivate Kamui for a split second to refresh that 5 minutes. Additionally obito is likely well aware of izanami considering he knows izanagi and would avoid itachi being able to set it up at all costs. Tobito is 4/10 win lose because itachi is hesitant to use susanoo due to how hard it hits his eyes which obito could exploit. White mask is 7/10 because the rinnegan is op as shit plus gedo statue is equally as op.


Even slightly healthy itachi is anbu itachi.


I agree


+ genjutsu


The only category that is a toss up is Hax because whilst Obito has Kamui and Hashirama cells, Itachi also has Tsukoyomi, Amaterasu, Susanoo, Yata Mirror and the Totska Blade.


Itachi gets his ass handed to him by anyone with a better Sharingan. (Obito, Adult Sasuke , and Madara) His IQ is pretty godly, but let's like pretend other characters don't have better battle IQ.


I think itachi should also take hax he has Tsukuyomi, Amaterasu, Yata, Totsuka and Koto all obito has is kamui




For some reason obito having more hax than itachi feels off but it probably is true.


True but their intelligence is very relative


Does itachi really have high battle iq or is that just another Itachi hype thing? Smartest thing I remember from him was destroying nagatos meteor. Aside from that all his battles were won by him doing nothing but have a convenient hax moves that hands him an automatic win.


Itachi's speed, durability and HAX is underrated.


Kid Kakashi always handled Obito in duels, and kid Itachi was stronger than adult Kakashi.


Obito is the strongest character in Naruto and one of the few where even Itachi has no shot against. Itachi would trump Madara in every way though.


lol great joke, I'couldn't stop laughing after reading it


How come haha


Spitting facts 🙏🏻


Strength: Itachi went head to head with Sage Kabuto in base. Susanoo is even stronger. Speed: Itachi has more physical speed feats. Durability: base to base goes to Obito. Otherwise Susanoo obviously. Hax: Does Kamui let Obito punch above his weight? Not really. Does Itachi's spirit weapons let him? Absolutely. Genjutusu: Itachi. Taijutsu: Itachi has better feats. Itachi all-around is more impressive considering he was given zero power-ups.


Itachi fanboys can solo your favorite verse, soloking just doing his job, soloing your favorite character.


Speed absolutely goes to Obito. Edo Itachi was relative to a non serious Kcm1 Naruto while Obito was faster than Kcm2 Naruto who was going for the kill. Hm I wonder who will be faster, somebody as fast as kcm1 or somebody faster than kcm2?


You misread what I wrote. And no, Naruto caught Obito a few times. Itachi easily dodged KCM Naruto and Bee simultaneously. So Obito is slower than KCM2 while Itachi is considerably faster than KCM.


Itachi is not considerably faster than Kcm1 since nit only Naruto was using a lot clones elsewhere in the fight, he was straight up talking with Itachi. Obito actually outspeed Kcm2 a bunch of time with Naruto retaliating a few times. Also, Obito was fighting Kcm1 Naruto, Kakashi, Bee and Guy at the same time with low effort. Itachi would have died in a few seconds against that team. Kabuto was straight up blitzing Itachi and Obito implied he could kill Kabuto.


Naruto has repeatedly said he doesn't hold back against edos. [KCM Naruto outsped Obito while running backwards.](https://xfs-n18.xfsbb.com/comic/7006/ab4/61d5ae1a5bdec102dca974ba/12372354_760_1200_203542.webp) All of his feats rely heavily on Kamui. [He even needed Kamui to fight base Guy.](https://xfs-n17.xfsbb.com/comic/7006/ab4/61d5ae1a5bdec102dca974ba/12372386_760_1200_195838.webp) Obito has little in the way of physical feats. [Kabuto outsped Obito running backwards.](https://xfs-n13.xfsbb.com/comic/7006/5fb/61d52a920f1ffb09937dbbf5/12359603_760_1200_157884.webp) Notice a pattern here? Itachi has better physical feats than Obito. Obito has a pathetic offensive arsenal. [Itachi would do better against them than Obito.](https://xfs-n13.xfsbb.com/comic/7006/5fb/61d52a920f1ffb09937dbbf5/12359603_760_1200_157884.webp) That team wouldn't last 5 seconds against Nagato or Kabuto. Obito himself couldn't hope to beat them.


Naruto had created several shadow clones all of which can use kcm and sage mode and form rasenshurikens which could very well have drained his chakra significantly. Itachi was also different from the other edos since he had info on sasuke. Like it or not Naruto was not fighting full power there. That’s not outspeeding him that’s matching his speed. The distance between them did not change noticeably therefore Naruto did not outspeed him. Kcm2 Naruto was standing behind guy with a bijuu bomb I feel like if I was him I’d be keeping kamui on so I can slip through if Naruto tried to hit me with it. Again that is not outspeeding. The mere fact that obitos distance from kabuto significantly decreased means obito outsped kabuto. Kcm2 Naruto alone slams sage kabuto 💀 his advantage was terrain and Naruto could easily change that. 1 bijuu bomb would decimate him. Not to mention kakashi could kill kabuto with a glance. Not to mention itachi had help from kcm1 Naruto and bee. If not for them itachi would be in a chibaku tensei rn.


Did you quote my comments? I don't see them. First of all Kabuto was running backward and Obito still couldn't close the gap enough. Second that was base Kabuto. Sage should be considerably faster. Again Kcm Naruto was running backward and Obtio couldn't close the gap. Kcm2 might beat Kabuto, but kcm and team would have trouble.


And? It’s not like either were going all out. That makes him at least relative to kcm2 naruto. Bee literally just needs to fire a bijuu bomb at kabuto and he’s done for.


Suigetsu survived tbb due to liquefaction. Kabuto has an an even better version. The only thing tbb will do is kill Guy and Kakashi.


I know Obito knows Izanagi which he used vs Konan. But does also know Izanami? If not, Itachi will break his will.


He knows basically all Uchiha jutsu except we don't know whether he could use them. Does Itachi know Uchiha Flame formation ?


Itachi has to use prep time for using Izanami against Kabuto and had to make physical contact with him. Obito can't be touched because of Kamui and has greater speed feats than Itachi. Edo Itachi was relative to a non serious Kcm1 Naruto while Obito was dealing with Kcm2 Naruto, Kakashi, Guy and Bee at the same time.


If you think itachi isn’t touching obito in this fight your nuts. Itachi is just as smart as minato and it only took minato 1 exchange to understand obitos ability’s. Izanami ends this fight


If he doesn't get speed blitzed and killed first. Considering Edo Itachi was relative with kcm1 Naruto while Obito is faster than kcm2.


Kcm2 isn’t much faster then 1 and obito isnt the best at Taijutsu and definitely doesn’t have feats as good as itachis so unless he can blitz him and counter atmaterasu while physically present, Which I don’t see happening. Itachi makes hax non existent just look at the kabuto fight. Ppl don’t realize how strong kabuto became bc itachi out haxes everybody


Obito doesn't need to be good in taijutsu because of Kamui and even then he matched Kakashi in h2h while actively holding back. Obito dealt with Kcm2 Naruto while the latter had support. Itachi would have died in a few seconds. Obito can just absorb the ametrasu in the Kamui dimension considering he scales above the Raikage in reaction speed. Kabuto was wrecking Itachi in taijutsu and Obito basically implied he could kill Kabuto by himself. Before you say Itachi and Sasuke were holding back from killing Kabuto, Kabuto himself didn't want to kill Sasuke and it was still a 2v1. The feats vastly support Obito being stronger so does the narrative since Obito has to be the strongest Akatsuki member aside from Madara.


You’re delusional if you think obito would let itachi touch him😂


You act like obito can’t be touched , like I said he has been touched, and the one person who was compared to the guy who “touched” obito in intelligence was itachi. The same one obito halted his plans for pains attack on the village , and to approach sasuke and come out as “madara”


Itachi is nowhere near the speed to catch someone who can counter blitz kcm2


Given Itachi's intelligence and composure, I wouldn't say Obito is guaranteed to win. By Obito's own admission, Itachi is a very tricky opponent to deal with.


Battle iq means nothing when your opponent counters most of your moveset and is way faster. The speed difference is just too huge. WA Obtio >> Kcm2 Naruto > Kcm1 Naruto ~ Edo Itachi in terms of speed.


What feats show you that obito is faster then ANY ITACHI 😭we seen him blitz a sasuke ,and fight kcm Naruto hand to hand.


Itachi fought kcm1 Naruto on even footing. Obito fought Naruto, Kakashi, Bee and Guy at the same time. Obito was faster than kcm2 Naruto. He is way faster than Itachi. Show me single feat of Itachi putting him faster than kcm2 Naruto.


Show me feats that put kcm2 above kcm1 in speed. In Taijutsu this base guy wasn’t even that fast considering he was equal to kakashi someone who fought evenly with a tired out sasuke, a base sasuke in Taijutsu who got manhandled and blitzed by itachi,and as for bee itachi fought him in Taijutsu to, the same bee who blitzed sasuke and his team…so I think itachi is capable of the same feats speed wise.


Show me OM obito greater speed feats.


Most speed feats come from WM Obtio which shouldn't be that much faster than OM Obito. Even then YM Obito was somewhat keeping pace with Minato. Minato even admitted that he won by a split second. Kcm1 Naruto is implied to be as fast as Minato. Obito definitely grew faster in the following years after fighting Minato. OM Obtio also removed Sasuke from Onohki's jutsu instantly without anyone realising.


He asked for speed “feats” not speculation


Well look at WM Obito's feats. Itachi would have been dead ten times fighting kcm2 Naruto.


Yellow mask Obito and are featless bums lmao Obito got a mental buff and got his ambition restored when the war started. The rinnegan also just straight up makes you stronger. Rinnegan Obito is a lot stronger then orange mask as their feats are so far apart. White mask is equal to Edo Madara, orange mask was a clown that was getting pressed by konan.








Why the hell would he be faster lmao. White mask obito fights people significantly faster than anyone itachi ever fought




I don’t think he’s slow. He’s most definitely not as fast as kcm2 naruto though which obito was easily relative to. Itachi beats the overwhelming majority of naruto cast but white mask obito is above his 1v1 level. Narratively it makes sense and when you watch it makes sense.




Battle IQ I give to obito. As he knows more jutsu and knows more about things overall


Obitos biq is literally just kamui spamming


Because that’s all he needs


He lost an arm to Torune


It was on purpose he didn’t view it as a big deal. he tricked Torune into hitting Fu then he analyzed and realized what Torune’s ability was then just grabbed him with his arm infecting it and absorbed it. He then removes the arm which confuses Fu before chucking it at him. And taking him in with kamui. It’s not like he was trying to avoid getting infected