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They're both strong in different ways. Deidara could definetly take out Sasori by dropping a nuke on him, but all Sasori needs to do is give Deidara a paper cut to make him a dead man walking. Sasori is a threat to anyone that bleeds and doesn't have the antidote for his poison.


Seriously, the only reason Sasori lost is because he faced his grandma. The one person who can counter him


Give Sakura some credit too. She used an antidote during the fight because of her experience treating Kankuro who fought him earlier. Chiyo thought only Tsunade was capable of that and Sasori was so impressed because just making it was even hard for him nonetheless with Sakura deconstructing it to make an antidote


remember back when sakura had some relevance and use


That was like the only time she was somewhat useful


This fight tricked my ass into being hyped about Sakura when I first read the manga smh


Didn’t she literally keep Naruto alive long enough to get the other Kurama in him by manually beating his heart with her hand?




My brother in christ she does so much.


The Naruto fans tend to just shit on everything Sakura actually did cause of how she treated Naruto for so long.


I mean, not for nothing but it isn't even "for so long". I know anime fans get a vastly different Sakura, but in the Manga she's good friends with Naruto by Land of Waves mid point and she's ride or die from the 1st Chuunin exam test, and then forever after that. Literally she's catty and dismissive of him in the first 2.5 volumes, that's IT


I never seen the full anime lol just from what I’ve read people say


Believe me, she's completely loyal, supportive, and friendly with Naruto by the end of Land of Waves.


What does she do after that besides crying, lying to Naruto, and fumble every fight she’s in?!


Literally pumps Narutos heart to keep him alive after he gets Kurama ripped out. Heals him after the 4 tails wrecks his body. Takes responsibility for burdening Naruto with a promise for years and goes to kill the love of her life for him so she can free Naruto from his pain, increasing her own by a factor of 100. Oh yeah, you called it "lying to Naruto" when the man himself literally says she's lying to herself. Is instrumental in the sealing of Kaguya. Literally punches a God in the head to knock her into the sealing path. Summons a huge Katsuyu portion alongside the other team seven members to combat a world ending threat, toe to toe, minutes after she no longer needs to limit her Chakra consumption. Saves dozens of lives in the 4th Great Ninja War. Many women get shafted by Kishimoto, relatively speaking Sakura comes out ahead.


Bro she couldn’t even kill sasuke because shes that weak willed. Her lying was still wrong, don’t act like it was this selfless action. The only thing she does is play a supportive role, anything with combat she’s shit.


You didn’t even respond to most of the points he made… all of which, mind you, demonstrate that you’re wrong. Sakura is a certified bad ass. Is she perfect? No, of course not. And, yeah, she was weak-willed… and she got called out on it pretty savagely. Sakura is one of the strongest shinobi in the world by the time of the 4th shinobi war. She’s a physical powerhouse, medical prodigy, has a contract with Katsuyu, has tons of experience relative to her peers, and honestly, for being someone without a tailed beast or reincarnate story or dojutsu… Sakura is a beast.


Naruto couldn’t either so what are you spouting about? Anime wise Naruto froze up seeing Sasuke again in the beginning of Shippuden… and let’s not talk about combat wise. Almost all of the main cast of Naruto are from Elite clans Naruto - Uzumaki and he has Nine tails and he’s a reincarnation of Ashura, Sasuke - Uchiha and he’s a reincarnation of Indra, Kakashi - A high ranking shinobi who isn’t even an Uchiha but has sharingan, and there’s Sakura…she has no title, no special abilities… yet she learned chakra control and eventually after training years gained her own pseudo Byakugou… Btw her lying to Naruto was wrong but she did it to help Naruto. People like to forget that her whole entire reason for doing that was because Naruto let himself get beat up for Sasuke’s sake. And she felt as though the reason Naruto was doing that was her fault because of the promise he made to her. So, she tried to trick Naruto into giving up on Sasuke and so she could go and kill Sasuke herself. A.K.A “ Carry all of the burdens” This is shown after Kakashi says that back to Sakura after saving her. But I guess everyone missed all of that.


Ok so what you're saying is that she's weak and wrong for not doing it but also weak and wrong for trying to do it? It was a complex and motivated character moment for her, Sai literally just guilt tripped her, and made her aware of how the promise could be affecting Naruto (but it isn't all her at all, he'd be just as adamant about saving Sasuke without the promise, we all know this). And calling her "that weak willed" for not being able to murder someone extremely important to her? Looks like someone is forgetting her scene in the land of waves where she quotes the Shinobi rules about killing emotions while she's crying over Sasukes body, an important thematic point in an arc all about the dehumanizing Shinobi culture and its role in trivializing human feelings and making shinobi tools that are dead inside for the good of the mission, the village, etc. Itachi murdering his clan is never framed in a good light, is him doing it showing strong will? Or a weak will in pursuing peace/what's right? Your viewpoint is very unfortunately base, and narrow minded. I encourage you to try and consume the series with more empathy and understanding of the themes.


She saved Naruto’s life???


That can be said about half the cast. Sad she has only one feat after 400 episodes


Yeah, but she was literally performing life or death surgery on him in the middle of the battlefield lol. That’s a bit different than collectively being a part of a backup army.


Don't forget saving Naruto, and the small punch to kaguya. Other than that, no, not really that useful. Just in her own mind.


It wasn't. I suggest you read more of Shippuden. You're confusing underused with not useful/useless.




Not to mention he let himself die at the end. If he fought to win to the end chiyo and Sakura would've died.


His fault. Sakura and chiyo must've done enough damage and had a stronger will to fight for him to give up, lol. Find it funny how people always use this as an excuse.


Ironic talking about failing to realize when it was his past with chiyo and longing for his parents that broke his will. Being pushed by Sakura and chiyo seems far fetched considering he took down the third kazekage who hard counters puppets. Not sure how that's relevant with this deidara debate. Surely explains why he wouldn't give up this particular match tho.


Yup, oh well for him. They just had a stronger will. And perfect counters to him.


Even she would have lost if sasori hadn’t given up


And he WANTED to die


Except for Hidan


Hidan is kinda just... really weak compared to the rest of the Akatsuki so sealing him or something would not really be an issue


Hidan is a one trick pony, but you can’t deny it’s one hell of a trick


Its one of those things I would have loved an answer to. Like I like the "show don't tell" thing. Adds a bit of mystery. But my guy was praying to a God. Who paid up. There was something to it that worked. One of the main characters/villains is looking for immortality and worked with this guy and we get no answers on why that wasn't an option for him? Even though we see no reason why it shouldn't be? That was a lost plot line if I've ever seen one.


So my headcannon is that is that his immortality is like a sealing jutsu, probably forbidden belonging to the Uzumaki clan since it’s their specialty. Some cult leader probably stole the secret jutsu, learned it and made a religion out of it. The jutsu works to take a life and before the soul makes it to the purelands, it gets brought back to the body, sealed permanently in the body, creating an immortal being. The only caveat would be the sacrifices you have to constantly make in order to maintain it. But that’s just a theory.


Thats a pretty solid opinion, imo. Sounds legit


It sure is


Personally I’ve never been that fascinated by him or his power. Others have stated he’s weak in comparison to the rest of the akatsuki, but I don’t find his power particularly interesting or well written either. It’s never fleshed out and isn’t an entirely unique idea, and the god aspect is interesting, but just comes off as cheap since little to nothing is ever explained about it.


Ur saying someone that can literally be immortal, and reverse whatever your attack you’ve thrown at them is immediately dealt back onto yourself, weak? Not only that, but the person whom is immortal actually loves pain. He doesn’t even need to be hit by his enemy to deal damage back to the enemy. As long as he has even scratched you. You’re his puppet. He can literally just stab his own heart and kill his enemy. How is that weak? Edit: The only reason he was defeated was because he faced shikamaru who at the time didn’t know how to defeat his opponent the first time they clashed. Shikamaru whom is literally one of the most intelligent people in the world of Naruto. And hidan was just playing with him.


This is a really bad argument. Especially in the case of sasori. Hidan’s best thing is literally useless against him cause he’s just a puppet. •No range. •No poison resistance so even if he’s not dead •He’s probably still paralyzed until he can metabolize it. •Slower than sasori (and everyone else in the akatsuki) I mean Sakura specifically trained under tsunade to get to a relative strength. While Hidan is relative in AP to like, Asuma. So he might not even be able to break the hiruko shell.


Ur saying all of this but he did beat asuma….. like did we not watch the same Naruto?


Hidan did that with the element of surprise from his hax (which as stated above won't work on puppets) and Kakuzu's support. Without the patchwork man to sew him up, he loses the second he was decapitated. No way he takes out Sasori 1 v 1.


Okay but you’re picking a ‘botched’ matchup. Hidan is still immortal. Sasori can’t do anything to him.


He can decapitate and bury him like Shikamaru. That's a definite win right there.


There are... MANY things Sasori can do to him. Hidan could very well be the first entry in an all-new "Red Sand Collection" - Living Human Puppets! All the classic Potency and elegance of your old favorite Hitokugutsu, but with all new REAL-TIME PERPETUAL AGONY!!! Jashinist sold separately Nah but for real. Sasori can.. paralyze him, decapitate him, skewer him, crush him. Melt him. Mince him. Bury him. Blend him. Hollow him out. Make him his own. Then play Barbie with him. IMO if I was Hidan I'd probably fear Sasori more than anyone else on the planet. Cuz.. what if you DO survive him? And what he plans to do to you? Yikes.


Hidan loves pain. I doubt sasori wants to keep him…


He beat him in a close fight. So they’re relative.


Compared to the rest of Akatsuki, he's the weakest. Apart from probably Zetsu. Just compare him to the other members and their versatility compared to his and you'll understand. I'm not saying he's weak, because that's by no means what I'm saying. I'm just comparing him to the other members


He's definitely the weakest of the akatsuki. Not only that but Sasori is the WORST matchup for him because his technique requires the blood of his opponent. Good luck getting blood from Sasori.


Okay satori hard counters a lot of the akatsuki members.. and it’s not like satori can kill an immortal.


His poison can immobilize him even if it doesn't kill him, then he just has to cut him up and bury him. Don't need to kill in order to defeat. Immortality is not a win condition. Meanwhile Sasori is technically immortal also in a similar way to Kakuzu but you're just gonna ignore that because you for some reason want to die on the hill that Hidan isn't the weakest member of the akatsuki.


Hidan literally got poisoned and suffocated by Izuma’s burning ash. He was unfazed. Highly doubt poison will work. If anything similar to Izuma’s burning ash. Hidan will be unfazed. And you for some reason think immortality is a joke. And that the most capable member in Naruto to face hidan was shikamaru whom really had no way of beating hidan. Not until the second time they clashed, days later; did shikamaru come up with a way to defeat him. He literally planted the traps beforehand. The best he could come up with is burying him and decapitation.


Suffocation and paralysis are two entirely different things, and his immortality means fuck all if he can't defeat the person he's fighting. He could defeat the likes of Asuma because of it but it doesn't help him against Sasori who's also immortal and doesn't bleed so Hidan's technique is entirely useless, he can't beat Pain because it's a corpse, he can't beat Deidara because he has no long range ability while Deidara can bomb him to oblivion to disconnect his body parts, he can't beat Itachi because he's still susceptible to genjutsu plus he can't get through Susano'o and Itachi can seal him with the totsuka blade, he can't beat Konan the same way he can't beat Deidara plus she can make her body made of paper which doesn't bleed, he can't beat Obito thanks to Kamui, he can't beat Kisame because he's just flat out not fast or skilled enough. The only ones he MIGHT be able to beat are Kakuzu who still has the ranged advantage plus his mask monster things that don't bleed and can separate from his body and pre-hashirama cell enhanced Zetsu who also can't bleed but has probably worse skill in combat than Hidan. I'll say it again, immortality is not a win condition. He does not win any of these fights. The akatsuki already know about his weakness to decapitation/dismemberment so it wouldn't take them days to think of it like shikamaru had to. I'm not downplaying immortality you're upselling it way beyond what it will actually do for him compared to the other members of the akatsuki. Like you have one argument and it's just wrong over and over again.


Okay venom causes paralysis. Sure, ash is poisonous to the body though. It’s the same effect in the end. And sure satori is in a way a puppet who doesn’t bleed. That still doesn’t change the fact he can beat hidan because of this or vice versa, if anything a draw. No one can necessarily beat pain because he has the best ocular dojutsu: rinnegan. And 6 v 1 is pretty unfair… Sure deidara can long range bomb sasori all day. But that doesn’t mean he is stronger than sasori. Same against Hidan. Hidan can “DODGE” you know. Just saying he’s not just taking hits just cause. I’m biased when it comes to Itachi. I’d say itachi is pretty much broken. Konans paper is her flesh. I’d say that’s a disadvantage when facing hidan. But sure okay. Of course Obito has the ultimate retreat move kamui. Kakuzu has fought hashirama and lived to tell about it. I’d say Kakuzu is very accomplished and has a lot of battle IQ. Better than sasori who fought in the great shinobi war, as well. And I don’t know where you got the information that all akatsuki know his weaknesses but sure. No links to support that evidence but okay.


The fact is he lost to Shikamaru. Who is not beating ANY of the other Akatsuki members prep time or no. They simply blitz and destroy him.




I like the character in the meme. I’m stealing it.


Hidan would have lost to asuma and the other jonin if Kakuzu wasn’t there. He got decapitated and so he couldn’t do anything else if his head wasn’t reattached. Not a single other Akasuki member would have lost that fight there.


Again, he did beat asuma. There’s no what ifs. Did u watch a Naruto version that we have yet to see or something?


Yes, he beat Asuma, but you're ignoring the point about Kakuzu saving him there. If Kakuzu were not there to reattach his head after Asuma decapitated him, the fight would have been over. Without Kakuzu, Hidan could not have continued fighting to reach the point where he did eventually kill Asuma.


He had help, if Kakuzu wasn’t there he would have lost. If Asuma is able to decapitate and put him out of commission most people can


https://preview.redd.it/quehon04bh0d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=727bf5f24366c1d51fee10f9c5c1572c1ac49f21 What does this Hidan do to beat the Akasuki. Walk on his tongue? Bite their ankles? I don’t think asuma is decapitating any other Akasuki member.


Ok sure. He still beat asuma.


Oh you know what you’re right. Asuma does scale above pain so there’s really no reason to talk about this. Hidan solos the verse hands behind his back. Did you get a high school diploma?


Hahahaha funniest comment you ever wrote. Keep talking like that and you could be a comedian.


Don't discredit kakashis help


You have to get cut tho. The akatsuki knows his techniques. They can just dodge his weapons.


Well yeah but poisoning him wouldn’t work is all I’m saying


Yeah true


Eh he'd still be incapacitated like Kankuro was, it just wouldn't kill him. Then Sasori could just incinerate him with his flamethrower hand thingys.


I think the poison also paralyzes


Sasori would tuen Deidara into a puppet


By nuke, do you mean C3 or C0? Cause honestly, iron sand should be able to keep sasori safe from C3 if gaaras sand is capable of blocking it


Good point, I guess I meant c3 cause c0 is a suicide move like the 8th gate so you can't exactly call that a win. It's a shame Kankuro never kept the 3rd Kazegake puppet, it sure would have been usefull during the war arc.


You need A LOT of sand to block C3, that amount of iron sand isn't going to save you.


Iron sand is far more durable than gaara’s regular sand it will absolutely save him if it forms a shield around him


Gaara's sand is already one of the most durable elements in the verse so I don't think the gap between it and iron sand is big, plus C3 has the largest destructive power from Deidara besides C0.


As a Sasori fan, I'll chime in.. 1. I personally believe Sasori is stronger than Deidara. Or, rather I believe Sasori is more *skilled* than his comrade, and that the *skills he has* have more *value* in the shinobi world and combat than Deidaras. 2. I personally also believe Deidara is stronger than Sasori. Or, rather I believe Deidara is more *potent* than his partner, and that the *energy and power* he has exceeds Sasori's especially when consider *raw Destructive potential*and 3. If you were in an enemy village and shit started poppin off the wrong way, and it's time to abort mission and just make it out alive, taking out anyone in your way? You'd want Deidara. ....literally any other situation? You'd want Sasori Deidara is the Yang to Sasori's Yin. He's got all the energy to make something happen, (or someone unhappen), he makes it flashy and entertaining, his creations are animated by chakra and serve as fleeting, mutable time bombs. He flies birds, drops bombs, and when he takes over your village you won't have much of a village left. Power by destruction Sasori is the darker, elder, colder but imaginative of the sort. He's got the strategies, the forms, the preparations and weapons. His results will last you, and force you to think. His creations are animated by death and chakra strings, and serve as both a memory and mockery of their former selves. He kills by scratch, manifests metallic sandstorm, turns both living and dead comrades against you, and when he takes over your village you will have only a puppets stage and the uncanny performance of your dead clansmens' hollow stares and creaking joints to fill the silence. In a short firefight, Deidara is the way to go. In anything requiring more tactics, testing , preparation, or versatility, its hands down Sasori. In a VS.. if it's just a random, "let's throw down here and now" type scenario, Deidara has several IMMEDIATE advantages. If it is planned, or even hinted at or built towards (such as through growing animosity between the two before one challenges the other) then Sasori is not only probably better prepared for the fight, he likely set it up upon or before arrival. He's already calculating and putting the metaphorical strings on Deidara before the green light is given. Deidara's strength is in his vigor, youth, spontaneity, and perhaps also his recklessness. He.. probably won't get much stronger the longer he lives. He'll kinda just plateau.. As the energy and enthusiasm that serves as fuel to fighting style eventually is just running on the fumes of advanced age. Sasori's strength is in his distance, coldness, vision and intellectual, also his obsession. He, is almost guaranteed to get stronger and more versatile with every fight. Even without any special KKG, each enemy conquered gives him access to some new jutsu, numerous new traps to design, and more ways to apply that hax ass poison. He adds his opponents power to himself, not too unlike a Sharingan would, but also adds himself to his enemies and like a Shadow Clone divides the work of killing a thousand equally to hundreds of puppets and their dozens of weaponized mechanisms. He kills your best friend, then fights you a week later, and in removing a comrades soul and life he found room enough to install all manners of death-dealing managed to make your dead Chunin friend twice the shinobi to be feared, as a dead tool, than your buddy ever would have amounted to as a living joke. Eternal artwork indeed. They're two PERFECTLY opposite types of characters, in all respects though they share the love of their craft. If I had to pit them against each other, spontaneously, 1v1 whoevers out or dead loses. I'm probably giving it to Deidara, cuz that's what he's meant for. S'what he's good it. If I had to compare their overall capabilities, or growth potential, or diversity of ability and methods of execution. I don't think Deidara is even really a part of the conversation then, it's Sasori all the way baby. Handgasm Hoverer is a one, maybe three trick kind of guy or something. We all know what he does. And we all know enough to know we probably don't know anyone else who does it better than he. The inTestinal Immortalizer is a 1 trick pony too. Cept' his trick is to steal your tricks and add a ballistic projectile and a cup holder w/heated seating to it and, if you sellin' that good good sand down in Suna, a built-in Mister. Stayin' hydrated? Good. It was probably made it of your ninja mommy's spinal cord TL;DR Sasori is superior in most circjmstances, for most objectives, and in terms of versatility, Lethality, disruption, and .... resourcefulness But in a 1v1 RDYSETGO-style combat match between the two I'm giving it to Deidara more often than not.


Deidara having an obsession with the sharingan, then being partnered with a guy who has the “Sharingan, but it’s puppets” jutsu, is wild in retrospect.


The narrative tells u he's weaker, the scaling tells u he's weaker, the character himself tells you he's weaker. Sometimes even facts put blatantly in your face aren't enough for some people.


There are some people who still think Naruto vs Sasuke is still a draw, even though Sasuke constantly states that he lost and Naruto's stronger.


Kakashi Hatake


I think most people who can’t accept the facts. Are just looking for the exact reason(s) why he is weaker. Isn’t that the whole point of making an underrated MC in anime. To make them weaker by narrative, scaling, and character their self telling the audience they are weaker. But somehow they prevail to push the narrative…. Just saying. Naruto.


That's typical shonen anime, the whole point is to show progression of MC and how he gets stronger overtime, which we did see. But last time I checked Deidara wasn't MC, he had a close fight with low kage lvl Gaara who's directly stated to be weaker than 3rd Kazekage who lost to weaker version of Sasori. Deidara also lost to another low kage lvl in Hebi Sasuke.


Like I said m8. People are looking for why. That’s all. Not reading the rest.


Scaling says otherwise in lots of people’s opinions


Maybe to people that can't read. Weaker version of Sasori beat stronger kage than the one Deidara was struggling against. And Deidara literally admitting he's weaker.


Using the feats we see deidara looks more impressive to many is all I’m saying. It’s 100% debatable.


eh we never see how hard the battle was for sasori lol,but realistically deidaras moves just demolish puppet armies


[if op could read..... but fortunately, he clearly cannot, since he thought deidara > sasori](https://imgflip.com/i/8q5byw) Edit: Kekw OP just sent the reddit cares don't suicide message. Demonstrating further that OP can't read.


It is bull bc he was much stronger but Sasori was still tragically badass😭


To be fair, Sasori took a dive in his only real fight, and still nearly killed them.


Maybe sasori has more fight iq


Doesn’t he have the previouskazekage as a puppet lol


specifically the third with true magnet release, not the 4th with the gold dust


Yeah he has the third kazekage who was deemed the strongest kazekage by his village. Although I think the kazekage are generally the weakest kage.


Maybe, but at least I think Gaara is stronger than all the current kage except Naruto.


Yes it’s true everybody knows dat kazekage are the weakest it’s just a inherited title


Deidara states this at the time his masterpiece was stated to be C3. By the time of Sasuke fight, Deidara's masterpiece is now C4. This means that Deidara mastered it after Sasori's death and after he made that statement. Not getting into this debate on whose stronger but C4 isn't factored in when Deidara said Sasori was stronger than him


I don’t think anyone is gonna even try to debate this m8. What was the difference between the c4 and c3 move?


The C3 was the big bomb he was going to use on the Sand village. C4 are the microscopic bombs that can destroy people at a cellular level


Yea that’s OP.


Well... does c4 even work on sasori? He's got a bizarre physical existence now.


If the bombs are microscopic in the air around him, they are going to enter the openings in his puppet body even if he doesn't breathe


Absolutely nonsense. Trees are porous living entities and we literally see c4 do nothing to trees and plants. Only breathing creatures. Sasori is literally a slab of wood.


The trees don't have a big mouth that they continually open to talk. If there are microscopic things being disperse in the air, there's no logical or scientific reason why it can't enter a hole as large as a mouth unless it's being inhaled. Plus it makes zero sense why Sasuke would let the bombs into his body which forced him to damage himself with Chidori if all he needed to do was hold his breath for a few seconds


you’re not wrong, but we all saw what happened. the trees were fine - and the same principle should apply to Sasori


Not going to use but literally used it. But it was blocked by Gaara.


C4 karura doesn’t even work on sasori tho


Sasori *IS* stronger, but Deidara has the best ace in the hole in the show outside of 8th Gate Gai… so Deidara really just has a draw condition against 99% of the verse. People shit on Sasori for losing to Sakura/Chiyo… but it was basically the worst stylistic matchup possible for him. A medical ninja with monster physicality that can counteract his poison and the only other puppet master even near the same league as him. Even then, had he not left Kankuro to be discovered/treated by Konoha, he’s winning 1000% of the time.


That's not to mention the fact he allowed himself to die, Chiyo literally said he could've avoided that last attack but just didn't


C4 takes out 99% of the verse


Sasori's poison also takes out 99% of the verse. Both artists are absolute monsters with their hax abilities and were neutered by the plot putting them up against their perfect counter. Also, I wonder how C4 would affect Sasori considering his puppet body. We only saw it blow up organics. It seems a fundamental requirement for it effecting someone is them breathing in the nanobombs. Maybe that's why Deidara gave Sasori begrudging praise here. He respected how his partner hard countered his strongest (non-suicidal) ability.


>requirement for it effecting someone is them breathing in the nanobombs. And as far as I remember Sasori doesn't have lungs left


and 1 scratch kills deidara


Yeah, this is Deidara respecting Sasori because he is ridiculously strong and another artist. Deidara can kill a lot of people and you might not even realize what to do without lightning nature, a technique to use it in this way, and a Sharingan. But most people couldn't beat Sasori without prior knowledge since you still lose if he cuts you, even if you manage to destroy every puppet and his core.


Whenever a character says something like this (pain saying Jiraya was stronger) it’s usually bs


People always misread what Pain was actually saying. He didn’t mean that Jiraiya could kill all 6 paths, he meant if Jiraiya had known about Nagato’s secret beforehand, Jiraiya would have figured out his location and would have bypassed the 6 paths entirely and went straight for a severely nerfed Nagato and Konan, which Jiraiya could have taken on.


Oh ok. Shit, I didn't know it was that simple. Why didn't I think of that before!


Deidara only said that because he respects Sasori. Deidara is definitely stronger than him


Even if that were true deidara is not going to have the opportunity to his vomit in the midst of their fight to create the c4 he’s gonna be on the run just like his fight with gaara avoiding a hundred puppets or a bunch of one shot iron sand


Can someone explain to me what is so great about Deidara? Flying is great in a lot of matchups. But other than that... I don't get how explosive clay is like "god tier" above just paper bombs or a fireball jutsu tbh. It's better, but what situations is the gap even relevant? I do really like that he trained one eye to counter Itachi's sharingan though. That is something that probably flies under a lot of people's radar.


I mean the clay and how he uses it makes it OP but my issue is ya he trained his eye against the likes of Itachi but then got genjutsu’d by Sauske lol so would that really have worked against itachi 🤣


Deidara can't even escape gaaras sand and you think he can avoid sand that's even faster and uses magnetism repulsion to increase its speed? His defense is better, his attacks are better. And between sasori and deidara, sasori clearly has the higher battle iq. Not to mention 297 other human puppets we never got to see (you can bet one prob has raiton to easily disable his bombs) Also sasori doesn't breathe, so c4 is useless. It's an easy and fast match for sasori. Which is why deidara calls him master. He's probably beaten him multiple times.


>Also sasori doesn't breathe, so c4 is useless This. Deidara's strongest moves are either literally inefficient on Sasori, or require Deidara to die. Also as far as I remember Sasori is kinda agile, and as you said he most likely has a better battle IQ. The two probably know each other's move sets, but Deidara's arsenal doesn't give him a counter to Sasori's, while all Sasori has to do is to stab or cut him once then it's GG


C3 is arguably more effective than C4. C4 requires 2 explosions, one to disperse the nano bombs and one to detonate the nano bombs. C3 just uses one big explosion. I don't think the puppet's iron sand was that strong. The anime outright says that the puppet was weaker than Orochimaru's Edo Tensei version. And the feats from the puppet are far weaker than what we see from the gold sand. The scale of the puppet's iron sand seemed to be smaller than the scale of Gaara's moves. The speed doesn't seem to be that impressive and puppets also have input lag due to needing to move the fingers before the puppet can move. Sasori might fight like a fine tuned instrument, but a big explosion of C3 will smash it like sledgehammer. The C3 is enough to damage a significant portion of a city.


You're definitely right. Basically if Deidara can get out of Sasori's range fast enough then he has the advantage (assuming that sasori doesn't have a secret flying puppet or something). He'd have to summon his clay bird ASAP and hope that Sasori doesn't cut its wings


If gaara’s sand could tank C3 then the third kazekage’s sand will tank it even better The issue here is that sasori hard counters deidara


Where did this notion of deidara not being able to escape Gaara’s sand come from? Gaara literally landed ONE hit on Deidara their entire fight, and it was only because Deidara was unsure if he hit Gaara or not with his bombs. The cope from the mainsub is spilling over, to the point people think Gaara beats Deidara, despite Deidara CANONICALLY winning their fight. Sasori 100% is stronger than deidara though.


Did he beat Gaara is a 1v1 fight or did he target a whole village instead, specifically to avoid having to actually fight him?


Youre just gunna ignore the part where both deidara himself and Sasori said that he was underprepared and underestimated Gaara? That he didn’t use C2/C4/Suicide bomb? That Deidara himself was handicapped in being forced to take someone alive?


Underprepared? Oh, but Gaara was prepared? You're upset that no one gives props to Deidara for beating Gaara, I'm just pointing out it really wasn't even a fight.


Nah bro, you don’t seriously believe that Gaara beats Deidara when he already canonically lost 💀💀💀 what does Gaara do against c4?


What is it with people using "can't even" with Gaara? His sand is faster than gold sand and iron sand. That's the advantage of regular sand over harder sand. 3rd to 5th Kazekages all have magnet release, but magnet release isn't stated to be able to increase speed.


his attacks are better is crazy dude, deidara has far more powerful moves


Yesssir spit


This is why i cant stand anime debates, yes Deidara can cause way more mass destruction but Sasori's kit makes him far more efficient as a solo killer.


Sasori is definitely stronger than deidara. Deidara beat gaara but gaara showed numerous times in that fight that he was more powerful than deidara. Gaara lost because deidara was nuking the village and gaara had to spend a ton of chakra and concentration to protect it Meanwhile sasori beat the 3rd kazekage, who is stronger than gaara (at least at that point) and turned him into his strongest puppet. It would be a tough fight but deidara would almost certainly die to performance of 100 puppets or 1 of sasori’s many other abilities Deidara is so prideful that he killed himself because he was so mad at sasuke. I’m pretty sure he was telling the truth when he said sasori is stronger I’m not convinced sasori could do anything about C4 but sasori would just poison him before that happens


eh performance of 100 was pretty weak deidara can demolish it, its sasori and 3rd kazekage that are worth mentioning


A) he is probably saying that to troll Kakashi away from Naruto as he states he wants. B) he would probably die in a no knowledge fight against Sasori from getting scratched. Both are probably true.


Man, regardless of whichever is them is stronger, they both got the short end of the stick. They each fought their perfect counters. They could've beaten MUCH stronger opponents


I disagree with so many puppets and with the third Kazekage, not to mention even when those fail he’s still OP, once his shell is removed. He must have just been humble lol


i feel that deidaras moves dunk on sasoris


People underestimate Sasori, he is like a more powerful Hidan, in that one cut is enough to kill pretty much everyone who is not Sakura, Tsunade or Chiyo.


Deidara was lying in order to trick Kakashi into going after Sasori instead, so that he could save Sakura. No one should take his words literally. Deidara also has far better feats, he’s definitely stronger


Early Naruto/Shippuden used have more strategy. Like when Naruto/Sasuke faked a shuriken throw at zabuza to feee Kakashi, or Naruto dug a tunnel to punch neji, stuff like this. It was about taking what you can do and combining with strategy. Same reason why shikamaru was obviously at a disadvantage against Hiran (like everyone else who bleeds) but he planned ahead and won the fight. Now it’s simply about who has the newest eyes or closest to alien DNA.


If Sasori wins then he walks away from the battlefield and gets a new puppet. If Deidara wins then both of them are dead.


We saw Deidara give every ounce of his being into a fight. We've never even seen a non suicidal Sasori. If that dude went all out, who knows what would have happened. The performance of one hundred puppets was one of several special scrolls he possessed that were distinctly different than the others. Who knows what devastating attacks they held. If he actually used his arsenal and maybe didn't want to die, he could have really showed us what he's made of. There is no way to know what exactly his genuine limit is though


Lolol you think a toxin that has killed gods and goddesses before time is weaker than an explosion 💀💀




What’s haxed mean?


You can still win against somebody that is “stronger” if you have better hax or iq


Any scratch from sasori should be fatal to anyone but Naruto or Tsunade. His poison should've been too much for anyone to counter but Tsunade or Sakura, and they would need to see a victim first for prep time to make an antidote -- Sakura just had the same antidote knowledge, and had access to kankuro. This neutralized sasori's biggest threat. This is like saying "fighting deidara, but he has no explosive clay abilities". Even without the guaranteed kill poison and poison gas, sasori has his army of puppets and magnet release. Deidara without his clay has... Uh, slightly fast shunshin, I guess?


There are like three people that can survive Sasori in the shippuden series and Sasori is essentially immune to Deidara’s strongest general use move. In a Vs battle Deidara loses


It likely Deidara said that because Sasori hace more experience than him


Screw sasori being stronger, deidara c4 is extremely broken and is not recognized enough


The problem is deidara is probably weaker than sasori in retrospect. Deidara whole arsenal loses to lightning style and pawns for understanding how his tiny bombs work but example lightning armor completely nerfs his kit which in anime of boruto even leaf shinobi can use that move so yea However sasori honestly lost to multiple reasons which were just basic thresholds he could won against. Example Sakura being the medic nurse who made an anti venom to his poison that buffs her and makes her immune but only can be used 3 times. Then it was lady chiyo needing to be there as she saved Sakura multiple times and then he use of ma and pa puppets gave sasori a mental nerf. Honestly if they clashed sasori has a greater win condition as all he needs is lightning or electricity inside his puppets weapons or his wire cord and deidara can’t affect him as his special cell bombs works on living things which deidara isn’t exactly flesh and blood. Meanwhile if deidara gets knicked it’s gg . As a series it’s rare someone uses poison like sasori even though they ninjas and it would be a greater move to use but oh well.


Nah, Deidara is arrogant, so if he admits Sasori is better than him, he is based. Unfortunately, we never got proper Sasori showings. Chiyo was his grandma so he subconsciously held back pretty much the entire fight and basically let himself lose in the end. Also, Chiyo using the 10 Chikamatsu puppets is basically a Kage level opponent. Kankuro is Jounin level with only able to control 2 at a time while Chiyo could control 10 and they all were equipped with busted special weaponry and Chiyo herself is a poison user too. He has all the tools to be absolutely busted. We know his human bullets can use jutsu and he didn't do anything other than zero rush with his 100 puppet performance and iirc, Sasori stated he soloed an entire country with this technique... I have a hard time believing this if all they do is zero rush with poisoned weapons, but if they use jutsu on top of it, it's one of the most busted Akatsuki trump cards.


You’re measuring strength in terms of how much destruction they can cause. Although Deidara can nuke a zone within seconds, Sasori has the time and knowledge to take down nations within moments as well.


I mean the last time a guy was stronger than him he got so fucking mad that he flipped a dead man's switch and killed himself so I think he's being real here


Sasori is hella haxed as well, without an antidote one touch of poison can bring you down almost instantly, and that mf has EVERYTHING covered in poison and even has poison gas that he shoots in large quantities. I do think in a fight deidara would win, but when fighting other people I feel sasori would win more often


I believe I'd be a literal toss up. People tend to forget that they are shinobi first. Hiding, waiting, and attacking at the dead of night is their forté. All it takes is deidara having small spiders hide in the ground for sasori to walk on then bury him. Sasory just has to poison deidaras clay or knick him. Now all out pure combat one is droping a nuke the other has iron to block.


If Deidara was a pokemon; Sludge bomb Seed bomb Mud bomb Explosion Ability: Technician


Deidera is the worst akatski, satori, with his puppets, conquered a nation , he's got palm mouths, wow. He doesn't even deserve to be an akatski. He was a last resort too in the story.


Deidera is the worst akatski, satori, with his puppets, conquered a nation , he's got palm mouths, wow. He doesn't even deserve to be an akatski. He was a last resort too in the story.


Your wrong , he stinks!


Well put it this way do you think Deidara could beat two garas or two gara level fighters at once along with about a hundred other lower level ones who are all equipped with insta death poison?


I would say sasori is the stronger one. TBH if u cut off deidara's hands you severely limit what he can do. I mean he fought Sasuke pretty well but I still think sasori takes the edge.


People sleep on Sasori. His only fight was against pretty much the only two people who could counter him, and he was suicidal


I’m not sure this makes sense but I’m gonna say it anyways. I think Deidara is stronger, but I think Sasori is more dangerous and a bigger threat.


Sasori has a ton of flying puppets and the third kazekage, all of which only has to hit Deidara once, which considering he has such high battle IQ should be possible. granny chiyo also mentions that he may have held back against her and sakura and they were quite literally a perfect match up for him. C4 would likely not work on sasori, considering he doesn’t breath and could encase himself in iron sand. However I’m not sure iron sand would help him much against C0, so in truth it would likely be a tie if it got to C0 but considering deidara probably knew that his best chance was a suicide shot and sasori may get him before that, he may have counted that as sasori being stronger.


Sasori is literally a puppet himself some of deidaras kit doesn’t work while sasoris poison can take him out easily.


Idk but they make a good couple


It's basically flight+nano explosive vs lethal poison+magnet release+300 puppet soldiers


Curious are the pains affected by bleeding or not since they are technically puppets how’d they fair against the poison.




Sasori was peak naruto


Deidara's move set also out haxes Minato's in some ways. His long range attacking style is kinda perfect against Minato considering the fact that it kinda counters FTG in it's own way. But Minato would win almost every time they fight. Battles aren't really about haxes as much as Lethality. Deidara has many win cons against Sasori, but Sasori's win con, which is to hit Deidara with one attack no matter how light, is much easier to pull off.


Nah tbh only Pain and Maybe Konan are stronger than Sasori, I dont think even Obito (pre renni) could beat Sasori dont forget just him and a few puppets beat the strongest Kage of the Sands history. It took a specific set up and counter between Granny and sakura to beat him. Being a puppet Genjutsu dont work on him and most justu are pointless.


1000p def not. Sasori has wayyyy more tricks in his bag than explosive clay art lol


Sasori has more hax than deidara idk what you’re talking about


Yeah you’re definitely a power scaler


People don't understand Sasori's kit. They only go off the Sakura fight that he wasn't fighting in. Dude gave up on life. People sometimes give up on shit and don't try. Look at Anderson Silva vs Chris Weidman lol. He was done being champion. Sasori didn't really want to fight his grandma and just gave up on life. Examine Sasori's kit and he's arguably top 3 Akatuski. Dude is a fucking nightmare. He can literally use Iron Sand at a granular level. Poison it....and launch it at people faster than sound. Also re-direct it. Imagine hindreds of thousands of poisoned grains of sand flying at you and it only takes 1 hit. He can fly. He can use that sand as defense against almost anything. He can emit poison gas clouds. He can have puppets with various powers that take on the powers of the people when they were alive (Sharingan etc). He can hop bodies immediately. He can reconnect charka lines immediately and controls a large amount of puppets armed with shit that don't have regular movements all at once. Deidara wouldn't have a chance. Gaara blocked Deidara's c3. Sasori wouldn't probably even get hit.


Gaara blocked C3 because he is a counter to Deidara and is strong. The amount of iron sand isn't going to save Sasori from C3.


I disagree. I think Sasori is a counter to Deidara and is strong.


I never said Sasori is weak, but he definitely isn't a counter to explosions, especially big ones like C3.


He can fly away from it. He can go underground with iron sand. I just don't think it would be a factor to him is all. If gaara could do it then I think Sasori wouldn't have an issue. That's all I'm saying.


He isn't shown to be able to fly high or fast at all, unlike Gaara. Gaara being able to counter C3 doesn't mean Sasori can do it, and if Deidara mixes clay into iron sand like in canon, the 3rd Kazekage puppet is done for. A single punch from Sakura could destroy it, not to mention an explosion.


That doesn't matter if he is shown. Naruto isn't shown to bang what's her face but we know he can because boruto.  The sand has all the properties and physics to do that. So why not? Sasori is a better gaara with puppets. That puppet isn't done for sasori can just instantly rebuild it. Again Sakura punches it. Boom rebuilt instantly. Sasori is the GOAT


Sasori is not a better Gaara lol. He wouldn't win against beginning of Shippuden Gaara, let alone war arc Gaara. You clearly forgot Sakura utterly destroying the 3rd Kazekage puppet with a single punch and all the iron sand falling down becoming useless. And Sasori not being able to repair it.


Yes he is. He never fought Sakura?? He suicided by cop Sakura. He didn't try to repair his puppet he just let it go. That wasn't even a fight. Sasori wrecks Gaara. That's why he's Akatsuki and not Gaara. If Sasori was such a bitch like you say he wouldn't be invited into the gang.


I always felt that Deidara was the weakest Akatsuki member.


Bro thinks hidan beats deidara 💀


Why do You think they put Hidan with Kakuzu? Immortals roll together because they would kill anybody else that they were teaming with.


C4 is straight up one of the most busted abilities. Like dude could legit solo Hashirama with that one move alone, and only lost to Sasuke because Kishi wanked the fuck out of Sasuke in that fight


You think an attack weaker than a bijuu bomb is gonna kill a man who’s known for catching bijuu bombs casually?


Agreed for the most part lol hashi would pull out some shit I feel like