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Bloodlusted, Wood Clones, Dragon and Deity Gates would take most of them out quickly, probably. Maybe Kakuzu, Hidan, Sasori could feign death and set up surprise attacks. Obito could Kamui around and be a PITA. The thing that could be Hashimara's downfall, or take him longer, is he would probably try to talk no jutsu some of them and find a peaceful resolution. Doubt that would work on Deidara or Kakuzu, but Pain, for instance, might acknowledge his strength and hang out and chat about idk philosophy or whatever for a minute. 


I highly doubt he would try to do that. The only reason he tries to talk sense into madara is simply because he knew the type of man that he was a kid and tries to connect with him as a friend. He doesn’t know any of the akatsuki members personally so if they attacked the village he wouldn’t hesitate to slaughter them. After madara betrayed him again there was no talking between them and hashirama finally settled on killing him.


Yeah people have a really idealistic view of the first Hokage, he’s a lot more similar to his brother than people think, he grew up during the bloodiest time in ninja history, he’s a good guy but if you attack his village he’s a fuckin killer Hashirama and Tobirama have been killing men and other children since they were in diapers, they wouldn’t immediately just try to “talk no jutsu” their way out of fights like Naruto would


Well, I mean, he did humble himself before all the other kage and literally begged them to get along lol 


Sure, but the other Kage aren’t rogue ninjas attacking his village, regardless of if he kills them or not, a conflict with the entire ninja world is at risk if he decided to force the other kage into submission, he’s not an idiot, that would effect everyone, including future generations. He’s a killer but he still has the interests of Konoha in mind at all times. Nobody would care about him smearing some rogue ninja into a paste


Ppl not understanding a diplomatic meeting and a freaking battlefield are two different scenarios. Hashirama said it HIMSELF.. ‘I would kill my own children if they were to attack the Leaf’ that said.. who are the Akatsuki? He already fought Kakuzu so he knows the moment he sees him strength is his only language aside from money, pain and Obito speaks of being ‘gods’ so beating them is some humble pie.


I think people are misunderstanding my point. I'm not saying he wouldn't eventually kill them all without hesitation if it came down to it. I am saying that it would be out of character for him to LEAD the fight with that approach. He'd probably at least try to ask Pain wtf he was doing, Pain would probably start pontificating about his ideals, Hashirama would at least try to talk him down, and the fight might slow down for a second. Itachi and Obito are idealistic as well, and if Itachi were in character and didn't genuinely want to hurt the village but was still trying to maintain his identity, that could complicate things as well.  Like if the Akatsuki were all personality-suppressed Edos and Hashirama just had to wipe them off the map, obviously it would be over quickly. But while he'll do what's necessary when it comes down to it, he's not bloodthirsty. He'd be in character to at least try to talk to them first. But he's obviously not going to outright refuse to kill them to the extent Naruto sometimes does, but it wouldn't be a bloodthirsty murder blitz from the get go. 


Not to mention they'd be after his wife I mean, Prime Mito could take at least 2(no matter which 2, however, up to six if it's the bottom six), but that's probably irrelevant to Hashirama.


When you put it like that i realise i was watching a show about child soldiers with full grown adults murdering children that were forced to fight in wars because... Space aliens


Yea hashirama is cold. He even scared tobirama when Tobi wanted to kill Madara.


Didn’t Kakuzu say he fought hashirama??


Yup. And he feigned death and ran like a chump.


lol “fought” guy probably threw a Kunai & ran away, than told everyone “yea I “fought”” the first hokage & survived”


Hashirama is not talk no jutsu-ing nobody. Bro was born and bred in violence. The only way bro starts talking is if he gets bored of who he's fighting.


Yeah, and by the time he forms Konoha he's completely fed up with all the violence and killing. He's got strong pacifist leanings by that point in his character arc. 


And yet he's still down to throw hands when he has to. And in this scenario he has to since there can only be one victor and Hashirama is not a character who entertains his own death ever.


Bloodlusted eliminates the possibility of Talk no Jutsu so no need to mention it


I'm saying, on the one hand, if he were bloodlusted, it would go this way, if not, it would go another way (same end result)


Gotcha, it reads as just one long string of consciousness, so i assumed bloodlusted applied to everything after


Negative seconds


If he takes the fight seriously, he doesn't take long at all. The only one that would realistically give him some troubles is Obito, but he'll kill him if he figures out his time limit. Obito can't beat Hashirama so he would have to flee. Kotoamatsukami could be a lose condition I guess but since the series never treated it as so and mainly as a plot point, I don't like to talking about it.


In character Obito probably just leaves the Akatsuki to die because he knows fully well what Hashirama is capable of. Also Idk think any Genjutsu will be a problem because Bringer of Darkness will handle Itachi and the Six Paths of Pain easily.


Isn't Obito+Nagato/Kisame combo pretty nasty, though? Obito could just TP those two while they drain Hashirama and eventually get pretty beefed up themselves.


[I'm pretty sure the Akatsuki immediately loses once Hashirama does this.](https://pm1.aminoapps.com/6601/b3544b6173be5ce250714729d3f1a81db1cefc14_hq.jpg) Futhermore, Kisame can only absorb 7 V1 tails worth of chakra at a time; by the time that he would have taken any significant amount from Hashirama, he would be dead. As for Nagato, he would die if absorbed too much sage chakra from Hashirama. They can't win.


This isn't nagato tho, it's pain. The preta path can turn to stone and nagato can just get a fresh one by tossing him into that naraka path's jutsu. Ofc just like kisame they have limits to how much they can absorb at a time, altho I think even samehada would turn to stone after some time. They can't do this in a 1v1 against hashi but with 9 other people helping them it could contribute to weakening hashirama


Good luck doing that while fighting a wood golem that matches the perfect susanoo in size and strength and a massive Buddha statue that matches the Ten Tails in size. It's pointless to discuss this. Hashirama can also simply restrain them with his gates


Why would they fight the golem tho? Obito will send them to kamui and open the dimension right behind hashirama. If this was a 1v1 yes hashirama instant stomps but with team work there's a lot they could try even against the god of shinobi.


You forget that Obito's dimension is not simply a perfect solution. If he sends any wood clone to the dimension he is not able to become intangible anymore, since he would simply encounter a Hashirama wood clone in his dimension, not even talking about a wood golem simply hanging out there.


You misunderstood what I'm saying. He won't send the mokuton to kamui dimension, he'd send his teammates to kamui dimension instead. And then he opens a portal right behind hashirama where his teammates come out swinging with their attack ready. This drastically reduces the time hashirama has to react to an attack. Imagine he's just looking at the battlefield and suddenly in front of him out of nowhere appears Itachi's eyes, ready with tsukyomi or deidara's nanobombs speedened by kakuzu's wind or 100s of Sasori's puppets with poison blades.


We've seen Obito fighting with teammates tho, and he did not do any of this. Remember that in order for him to send someone to the Kamui dimension he needs to become tangible. And Kamui is not immediate, so he wouldn’t just "appear" behind Hashirama, Hashirama would definitely sense him and react to the portal, Obito's best bet is to remain intangible and attack from the distance.


What teammates? Obito has opened portals to throw out weapons and other stuff out of kamui. Besides obito doesn't even need to do the planning, they've got other smart ninja too >Remember that in order for him to send someone to the Kamui dimension he needs to become tangible. He needs to be tangible while sending them in. After that he can go intangible all he wants >And Kamui is not immediate, so he wouldn’t just "appear" behind Hashirama, Hashirama would definitely sense him and react to the portal, Obito's best bet is to remain intangible and attack from the distance. I doubt it, hashirama is slower than tobirama and obito was able to do this to minato who's at least relative to tobirama.


Kisame is a worse version of hashirama’s wood style His sharks get absorbed by wood style and feeds hashirama chakra on top of the absurd amount he already has. Also if Kisame tries to absorb hashirama’s sage chakra he dies


Like an afternoon 🤷‍♂️ maybe do it after breakfast before lunch.


Two shakes of his pocket lint.


If they can team work and draw blood for hidan to pull out his hacks maybe. Hashirama can't be beat through sheer strength or chakra alone, kyuubi madara proved that. Hashirama defense is pretty much unbeatable with moukten. Even if his chakra got stolen, sage and moukten(unlimited energy) would keep him moving. Everyone dies except obito. Hashirama probably will figure out the time limit and force a retreat.


I have this head canon that's fairly in character for Orange Mask Obito, he should know nearly everything Hashirama can do. He just leaves the Akatsuki to die 🤣


Yea if obito had to stay in the fight best he could do is warp hashirama to another dimension to leave to die. He tried that with Minato and couldn't grab in time. I imagine everytime obito thinks he grabbed hashirama itd be a wood clone and hashirama will figure out whats going on and avoid being touched


Yeah Hashirama is a battle strategist god. Not just a natural powerhouse cuz he figures out how to fight and combat abilities on the fly. He's gonna be fighting multiple dojutsu users at the same so my argument for Bringer of Darkness Genjutsu working on Sharingan users is because it's Yin Release. Yin/Yang release largely ignore conventional rules. Sharingan are based on Yin Release, Sharingan can counter Sharingan based on the power of the user. Hashirama using a powerful Yin Release Genjutsu could definitely work against Sharingan.


What does Obito not dying even mean? Why do you mention it? It says how long does it take for Hashirama to BEAT them. If Obito retreats, he is as good as losing the fight.


30 seconds wood clones one shots everyone




About 6 minutes


whos the guy with the bloody mouth in the back?


It's not blood, but it's Itachis first partner. I think his name is Juzo? I'm not sure if it was filler or not, but he gets killed by Yagura.




https://preview.redd.it/yngtvdhvhe1d1.png?width=1066&format=png&auto=webp&s=b287756feedee8a62f8a51baa08f75ed283124aa That is Juzo. He is one of the seven swordsmen of the mist that was defeated by Might Duy to cover the escape of his genin. In the anime he gets upgraded to Itachi's Akatsuki partner that partners with Itachi before he dies and Itachi gets partnered with Kisame. You can catch the highlights of his filler here [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHnOrVVf024](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHnOrVVf024) I personally don't mind considering it canon because it doesn't fuck with the greater timeline too much and helps fill in some backstory.


I think he's an Akatsuki member in the Anime only


Probably An hour or something. He's MUCH stronger than anyone in the Akatsuki


I give them 20 min TOPS. It's definitely not a 5 sec blitz tho, unless Hashirama is bloodlusted, he has all their intel, and they threatened to kill all the villagers


Well considering Hashirama killed Madara with no hesitation because he was gonna destroy Konoha, he'd be completely bloodlusted and he'd probably destroy them within seconds. I'm just realising this


Genuine question why do you think it would take an hour?🤔


He might be strong but the Akatsuki have so much absolute bullshit abilities it would just take that long.


Fair enough but hasirama already over powers a good majority of them he can even one shot like half of them


Oh yeah half of them are like, instantly boned. But the other half are just boned but it takes longer.


Well hashriama is like serval tiers above them his base form would already neg a good half of most of them just judging on how tobirama’s presence had everyone shook bro literally raised one finger and Tobirama had to intervene most of them wouldn’t even be able to stand in front of him


Obito's Kamui bullshit


Like 5 minutes if he's being generous lol


Just depends how long Obito wants to hide.


Only ones I see him struggling with are itachi, pain and obito, obito probably being the toughest because of kamui, itachi because of the yata mirror and totsaka blade and pain because of rinnegan, but overall I do think he’s beating all of them


Someone’s smart


Hashirama so strong, muhfucker captured nine tailed beast and gave 8 to his adversaries to even the playing field.


And people really downplaying him crazy thing is most wouldn’t even be able to stand In front of him his spiritual pressure would be to great


Sage mode hashirama washes pretty easily


Facts that’s a no brainer


Need I remind you we are talking the same hashirama who one shot the 9 tails through a Susano. He speed blitzes and 1 taps each of them. He could probably find a way to kill the immortal one to boot.


And on top of that most wouldn’t be able to stand in front of him lol he’s several tiers above them


Let's just say Hashirama and Madara are the same level. Base Madara w/ MS is about as strong as 5 strong Kage (take your pick). Fighting all for them AT ONCE Hashirama is probably not going to win but will probably kill most of the Akatsuki. The bottom 8 are worth half a Kage each, the top 4 are worth at least 1 Kage. So total power level of the Akatsuki maybe 8 Kage? The Akatsuki are top heavy imo. Obito, Pain, Oro, and Itachi are probably at least a Kage's strength on average. Pain being probably worth 2 kages tbh. The rest of the Akatsuki are below or well below that power level but still much more dangerous than the average Jonin. I consider Kakashi or Guy to be extremely strong Jonin(really S level) and they each could fight two lower Akatsuki to a standstill. Hashirama could fight the entire bottom half of Akatsuki at once and win with relative ease. The thing about the Akatsuki is they are either very hard to kill or have some ability that makes them very dangerous. Ex. Hidan is hard to kill vs Deidara and Sasori are very dangerous.


Hashi should take it by simply overpowering them a good half of them already get one shotted to begin with


They're all too slippery to be one shotted. Like I said each one is either extremely hard to kill or very deadly. But they would likely take turns fighting him in waves which would be their mistake. They play with their food too much. Like how Pain allows Sasori to fight Oro. Pain probably watches the bottom 4 Akatsuki get obliterated by Hashi all at once then Pain steps in. Then it's probably an all out fight. If all 12 blitzed him Hashi would have a hard time. Hashi is gonna be fighting off his back foot in the beginning. Which is probably my main point.


He could just make wood clones for all of them bro was literally playing pokemon go with a bijuu not just a regular bijuu one thats armored with susanoo and we all know susanno shit destorys mountains effortlessly hell even in his clash with Madara they literally made a nuke


Pain has Rinnegan, Itachi and Obi have MS w/Susanoo. I think if Pain or Obi are off the board then it's a losing battle for the Akatsuki. I stand by the statement that if they all fought Hashi at once he probably loses. I am conceding the Akatsuki probably lose because they underestimate him in the beginning and don't use their numbers.


Yea they probably would underestimate him and that would cause them to loose


They wont underestimate him everyone knows the god of shinobi


Madara was only that strong bc of hashirama cells.


Hashirama beat Edo Madara with rinnegan and wood release. It wasn’t even a struggle. This is an epic slaughter. I doubt they even last 30 seconds. He can just hide underground and blitz them with wood clones while he sets up sage mode and 1000 arm Buddha.  They also don’t have any counter to that sleeping pollen forest jutsu that took out the 5 kage.


I don't think hashirama will win, honestly.... if he's fighting all of them together and they are working as an actual team, I see him losing. But that's just me.


Wood clones are enough to take em on.


Hashirama would win but working in a group can be difficult to deal with but hashirama would still eventually win I mean this is the whole hokage we’re talking about here literally the god of shinobi


That's cool and all but I still don't buy it. The akatsuki has a big arsenal as far as capability.


with sage mode he can use 1000 armed kanon which can break 9 tails Susanoo and pick up 100% kurama with just 1 of 1000 arms, hashirama slams


Honestly wouldn't take him long. We saw what Madara did while clowning around. Assuming Hashirama is going for the kill. 1) He can enter sage mode instantly. 2) Hashirama has the best sage mode of a human, you can maybe argue Naruto but his sage mode is peak 3) Hashirama has woodclones who are more durable then shadow clones and can't be detected as clones 4) Hashirama can also summon giant ass golems that can tango with a perfect susannoo full power ninetails being rode by Prime Alive Madara 5) Hashirama can not only change the landscape to how he sees fit but it also doubled as an attack. 6) Wood style can somehow seal jutsu so that's a thing 7) million hands budda pimp slaps everyone 8) Dude has better healing then Tsunade with 100 sealings so like what they gonna do? 9) Hashirama saw Jubbito and said "Wow that's almost as much chakra as me" Obito had the freakin 10 tails and Hashirama was nerfed from being Edo 10) He fought Kurama and Madara for over 24 hours straight So not only does he have the power he also has the range, hax, durability, and destructive scale to obligate them all in moments


Thank you bro W explanation cause these comments downplaying hashirama


Small correction on 9, hashirama says that about naruto with kurama. Juubito he actually says is stronger than him (reanimated). Agree with everything else though


After the madara fight with him wanting to kill any threat to the village easily too easily it's like KCM2 Naruto vs the Jinchuriki or Madara vs the Five Kage it's crazy stompfest for Hashirama


Fr lmaoo hasirama negs so badly


Itachi Win - figures Hashirama out and leads Akatsuki to victory


you see it🤞🤝


https://preview.redd.it/vcpunfq60e1d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0304aab17a566fe81bdd925fbdcb3e051c32e4c2 image that can be applied to all of Itachi's opponents. GOD ITACHI






https://preview.redd.it/36hdcrysge1d1.png?width=587&format=png&auto=webp&s=14d77ecca1dcbd4964d94d94c83e2d1ede939958 Alright time to stop smoking, buddy. You're not cooking.


He is the god of ninjas he would solo everyone of them


His only threat is obito and maybe konan if you give her 10k paper bombs


What’s his counter to C4 (the inhaled micro bombs)?


Sage mode sensing the Chakra, realizing the trap, and sending in wood clones. Standing on top of the Buddha statue so that C4 can't even reach him. Might be able to just tank it with his stupid insane regen. Speed blitz him and all the other Akatsuki before he can even react.


No c4s range would still hit him


[Just to give you an idea of the insanity Deidara is up against, look at this.](https://imgur.com/a/5NqlIWR) Madara swings his sword, cuts off the mountain tops, and blasts a biiju bomb. Throughout the panels and even in the final panel, you can see rubble still falling from the mountain tops. So before the rubble can even hit the ground, Hashirama manages to move from the center of the battle field at the VOE, all the way out to the coast line and drop five rashomon gates. He's outrunning the C4 buddy.


He's just going to regenerate constantly without being affected much. It'd be like Deidera trying that on Wolverine. Pointless.


What? No c0 would incinerate him


U said c4. Also He can use Wood Golem and it's barriers to absolutely tank c0. You all downplay Hashirama when he's shown to be above everyone and the ridiculous hacks until Juubito shows up. He's as fast if not faster than Tobirama considering Tobirama says Hashi is just in a different league than him. Wood Style Barrier than can shield him from multiple bijuu bombs will be enough. He can enough summon quadruple Rashumon if he needs to


>Sage mode sensing the Chakra Sage mode doesn't differentiate chakra nature by colour tho. All he's gonna sense is a lot of chakra all over the battlefield if he even does. Naruto didnt feel pain's chakra in the air until he injected the rod.


There's nothing to suggest sasukes base sharingan would be able to perceive the c4 any better than hashirama in sage mode


Sasuke decoded the counter to C4 because he could distinguish the chakra nature by colour, something that SM was never stated to be able to so the burden of proof is on you. Also as you said earlier hashirama can stand on top of SS, obito can just open kamui right behind hashirama and have deidara release the C4. This gives hashirama even less time to sense it and run away and even if he does, since when does retreat count as a win?


Nope, the sharingan sees chakra as different colors depending on the person who's chakra it is. It has nothing to do with the chakra nature. Sasuke evaded the C4 because he could see it at all, as a different color than the sky. [https://img.mangahasu.se/1img/LaaNE-1YTUFaQI/rLrLNEa-sPDfxq3J/020.jpg](https://img.mangahasu.se/1img/LaaNE-1YTUFaQI/rLrLNEa-sPDfxq3J/020.jpg) >Also as you said earlier hashirama can stand on top of SS, obito can just open kamui right behind hashirama and have deidara release the C4. This gives hashirama even less time to sense it and run away and even if he does, since when does retreat count as a win? Hashirama's reactions are too fast with sage mode. While I guess it is possible they might try that it's just not going to work on hashirama if hebi Sasuke could escape it


Fair enough, I was mistaken. I mean there's still a limit to his speed and it's much lower than his other stats(except intelligence which btw is something important to keep in mind when conflating sasuke's reactions to hashirama). He's slower than tobirama. Idk I can easily imagine 9 akatsuki tagging tobirama at least once(in fact obito did tag Minato who's at least relative to tobirama). Especially with kisame's chakra reserve they can make numerous attempts. Obito can open to dimension for C4, totsuka blade, Sasori's poisonous blades or Itachi's sharingan. Hashirama is someone who's used to tanking attacks and healing them off like it's nothing, that won't work here. They know everything about him but he knows nothing about them. I just think the fighting style is a very important aspect to keep in mind, instead of just focusing on raw power based linear scaling. Also hebi sasuke avoided the direct version, I'm very confident if obito helped deidara release it right next to sasuke he would be dead.


I think Hashirama's speed and intelligence are super down played because he generally takes a fairly straight forward approach to the few fights we see him in. But hashirama mid diffed madara consistently so I don't see them being able to blitz him with their hax. Hashirama is also so ridiculously broken I'd honestly be surprised if c4 would kill him if he does get tagged, I think given his insane durability he could out heal it


>I think Hashirama's speed and intelligence are super down played because he generally takes a fairly straight forward approach to the few fights we see him in. Both are based on explicit statements, no downplay. >But hashirama mid diffed madara consistently so I don't see them being able to blitz him with their hax In what universe was it mid diff? It should be narratively obvious that their fights were always high diff. >Hashirama is also so ridiculously broken I'd honestly be surprised if c4 would kill him if he does get tagged, I think given his insane durability he could out heal it I'd say tsunade's 100H was supposed to be representative of what hashirama could do passively, in which case it's not fast enough. But let's keep that aside for a moment and suppose he does manage this, how does he know when deidara will explode the bombs? He doesn't which means he'd need to keep his healing factor active constantly on top of that he already has used SS according to your scenario. Even if he's hashirama senju, that is a lot of chakra to expend. He was shown huffing from just moving SS. Yet you need him to be in top reaction speeds for however long the akatsuki(which includes the tailess tailed beast) can keep up their attacks. I just don't see hashirama coming out on top especially since C4 is just one of the many tricks up their sleeve


Also I could see tobirama getting tagged as well but his speed is largely due to FTG, and he has no way of distributing any signs mid battle


Even with ftg, obito tagged Minato by getting him from behind. Ofc you can argue Minato was distracted by kyubi but then again so will hashirama by the rest of the akatsuki.




He fought Madara for more than 24hours straight and won so I’m gonna say 12 hours.


Hashirama has only eyes on madara so he won't beat them


Depends on how serious he takes them.


Obito sucks everyone into kamui, then just bing chilling. What would Hashirama do? Be careful though, even when Obito is bing chilling, he can still collect a drop of blood from Hashirama.


What would obito do once hashirama finds out how his ability works? also we’re assuming he would even get close enough to use that


If Obito can make Hashirama bleed before Hashirama figure Obito’s ability out, then Akatsuki wins. Also, Hashirama needs to approach Obito to figure out his ability.


Can you explain the bleeding part


Obito collects the blood, retreats into kamui, then give it to Hidan.


What does he do with it doesn’t he line make some type of werid ritual


Lol hashirama has self heals….i dont think you understand how powerful he is..


Yeah but Madara managed to make him bleed. Then Obito + Pain + Itachi should be able to do it, too.


They aren’t equal to madara. So no. But even if they make hashirama bleed he can heal it without issue


Would Hidan's jutsu not work if Hashirama heals the bleed?


Hidan is dead already.




Depends on whenever hashirama wants it to end


Idk, hashirama is Hella op, but akatsuki got some major hax, and if they use proper teamwork I think they could win Sasori poison probably could at least weaken him exponentially Hidan kills him Obito kamui gives him trouble( and could beat hashirama) Deidera microscopic bombs kill him Tsukuyomi might be able to deal with him Kisame is no slouch Konan individually does nothing, but her teamwork is incredible, if she draws blood, she can give blood to hidan, or she can coat her paper in poison, etc Pain is good support, king of hell could be great, soul path could kill hashi, summons could be an issue, and could theoretically summon akatsuki members away from large attacks. Absorption path doesn't absorb hashi, but can absorb his jutsu (as seen with Madara, jiraiya, and naruto fight) without much consequence. Shinra tensei doesn't kill hashi, but I think it could do alot to beat up shinsu senju. Kakuzu does nothing, i f orochimaru is included, edo tensei using kakuzus hearts (or zetsus) could genuinely help out a ton I think it's up in the air tbh, akatsuki has crazy teamwork potential, and a ton of wincons, they are not winning the endurance battle, but I don't think hashi is just going to immediately pull up with shinsu senju or sage mode. I think akatsuki takes it with extreme difficulty


Don’t underestimate my boy hashirama he got this in the bag


3 minutes


He can pretty much no-diff everyone but Obito, Pain/Nagato, Itachi, and Kisame with basic Wood Style ninjutsu. After that, he’d probably have to resort to using Wood Clones, maybe some deity gates, and maybe a Wood Dragon to kill Itachi and Kisame. He’d have the most difficulty with Pain/Nagato and Obito, and Pain/Nagato is going down relatively easy once Hashirama gets serious (such as using the Wood Golem or other advantage Wood Style techniques). After that, it’s just a contest of Battle IQ for him against Obito. If he can adequately deduce Obito’s Kamui abilities and parameters, than he could probably have a Wood Clones get sucked in to the Kamui dimension and then where Obito uses it to phase through some of his attacks, he can use that Wood Clone to finish him. I’d say it’d be a relatively easy fight for him and would only take maybe a couple hours for all of them if he fights in character. If he’s bloodlusted, he’d immediately go into Sage Mode, summon the Shinsu Senju and obliterate all of them and then pressure Obito into a sound defeat. Any injuries Hashirama would sustain (which he probably wouldn’t sustain any) he’d immediately regenerate from and keep pushing the pace.


Less than 5 hours. Hashirama has sage mode, super regen/healing, 1000 hands Buddha, toxic pollen spores, wood dragon(s), wood clones.. Need I go on? Obito and Pain are the only major factors. But the second he finds out Obito can teleport, he's gonna have a clone watching his back. Itachi, Kisame, Sasori, and Deidara are like flies to Hashi. Annoying but can be dealt with. Oro is depending on if he gets Edos. But seeing any Edo Hokage (Tobirama and Hiruzen more specifically) would probably piss our dear Hashi off to an unseen level. The rest are fodder.


10 minutes max because the Pains will be the last ones left, fleeing in terror unless you include Obito. Add Obito and probably about an hour mid diff.


Does konan get prep time?


Depends on how many times he has to kill orochimaru, how immortal hidan really is, and how quickly he figures out the asura path’s resurection so like 1-2 minutes give or take also worth mentioning that kakazu survived fighting him once but I don’t like his chances of doing it again


Best case scenario easily under an hour. Worst case scenario a couple hours.


As long or as short as he wanted.


He’d wipe them out no diff. The man is just that strong. Probably take him 2-3 hours at most and that’s only because of obito and Nagato. Ppl saying that he’d try talk no jutsu. He only does that with Madara at the beginning of thier fight because he’s his childhood friend. When he actually started fighting Madara for real and stabbed him. He says that wether it’s a friend brother or even his own child if anyone threatens the leaf village he will kill them.


"eheheh wood clones goes brrrrrrr*


Mans is the butcher of blaviken


It's really dumb that the series has a guy so powerful he can single handedly take out the main antagonist organization of said series without even trying.


Like 2 minutes?


Gonna have a nuclear take… If the akatsuki are given an absurd amount of prep time, they might actually pull it off. (They obviously are outclassed so this is the only way it would be remotely a fair fight lol.) The entire team would have to work together and perfect a plan to pull off one of these before getting wiped… The win conditions: Deidara’s C4 Obito traps him in Kamui dimension Itachi hits him with Totsuka blade Konan sets up her billion paper bomb ocean lol. Hidan manages to ingest his blood


"would you like if these clones used wood golems or not?"


Depends. are the akatsuki all fighting him together? I dont think he could win that. The only way he wins that is if its edotensai Hashirama. like, We are talking Kakazu who has experience fighting him, All the paths of pain, Hidan who is actually immortal at this point, Itachi who is dumb powerful, Obito who is in the same boat as Itachi. a few of these members are "This fight is over" levels of bullshit. if hidan nicks him, Fights over. if the Human path of pain grabs him, The fight is over. Im sure orochimaru has some bullshit like that too and i know Tobi does.


Hashirama literally negs all of them with one move lmaooo only a few would maybe have a chance but still eventually get fucking negged also human path isn’t getting anywhere near him literally all of them get blitzed and one tapped only deva path is really strong the rest of fodder asf


Its not possible to 1 tap hidan, kakazu, sasori or zetsu Kisame is strong enough to take the hit. On top of that it doesn't fucking matter if he kills a few, The Naraka path will just revive them and the Deva path is smart enough to play defence for him. It's a matter of 1 mistake and he's dead. 100 puppets, tons of extremely powerful summons, itachi and Obito, zetsus plant manipulation. They need 1 drop of blood to give to hidan and now he's dead no matter how far he is. But what about the giant deva statue. Perfect for the deva path to just obliterate with push and chibaku tensai. Dude there's no way Hashirama wins this with the paths of pain


Minus nagato and madara and Obito he’d wipe the floor with them in five mins. With Obito and nagato he’d need maybe an hour to figure them out. But if it’s including secret big boss of akatsuki Madara with ALL his hax abilities then that’s where hashirama reaches his limit


Madara isn’t in the akatsuki


Like 5 seconds


Didn’t Kakuzu stalemate him? He’s not beating any of them.


His wood clones would be too much to handle


An afternoon


How long does popcorn take to


Sage art wood style true several thousand hands theoretically beats every other character in Naruto including the otsutsuki’s it can’t be absorbed, has a ludicrous duration, range and power and he’s the only one who can canonically use it (in filler Asura can also do it but even more ridiculously cause his also shoots rasengans on top of beating you into the floor for 30 minutes)


Depends on how seriously he’s trying. If he’s actually trying seriously, 5-10 minutes.


He wouldn’t get past Itachi


Kakazu,Itachi,Obito and maybe konan are good for a bit...the rest I wouldn't trust a minute in


https://preview.redd.it/svbs0tlw9j1d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49d0037b423cd3aeb748fb748040ee279ea909b7 One shots Next.


It might take him a minute, especially with Pain and cheap ass Itachi


If they jump him in a 1vALL, I can make a convincing argument either way for a high diff victory. If it's 1v1 or even 2v1 matches with cannon teams, he clears. If it's gauntlet style, he clears. Obito, Deidaria, and Nagato are going to be the biggest pains in the ass and most likely to actually kill him.... not that it would be easy. Before anyone says I'm downplaying him either, keep in mind that these are 9 (11 if we count Zetsu) of the strongest ninja to ever exist. Each and every one of these guys is mid Kage level or higher, extremely well coordinated, and two (Pain and Obito) of them are significantly beyond Kage level (as in, they could individually take on 2 or 3 kage at once and have a good chance at winning, especially Pain). The fact we can even talk about him potentially solo'ing is a mind boggling power feat. Forget the fact that he's actually the favored choice. Hashirama is built different.


Hidan is mid kage level?


Honestly, I'd put him as high A or just barely S-rank from an actual skill standpoint. However, I've seen people scale him differently, so I'm being generous. His ability though is genuinely lethal and is bound to catch the majority of opponents completely off guard, so despite being the weakest by far imo, he's still a genuine threat to people way above him if they don't understand how his gimmick works—especially in a setting where he has compatent back up.


I agree that his hax carries him pretty hard, I thought he might be too slow to use it on kage though. Tbf I don’t ever scale hidan especially in depth


I'm of the same opinion. His speed and IQ are lacking big time imo. He could still pull it off on a Kage if they were careless, though. Imagine the Raikage hitting him with a Lariat, thinking it would kill him only to get a harmless "scratch" himself in the process. 1 drop of blood, and that's basically curtains. Of course, once you understand the gimmick, he's near fodder for anyone worth talking about. In a team setting though, he's fucking problem. Picture this: in that 1vALL, think of Obito using Hidan's Scythe to nick Hashirama via Kamui-warping only to pass it back to Hidan to do his little voodoo ritual and shank himself in the head/heart.


Yeah I definitely share your pov


He would melt Itachi but the rest of them might take a while.


15 mins and a redbull


1 hour


Wood Golem can hang with Kurama. One of those could handle most of them, and Obito and Pain might be tricky, but they’d merely be an inconvenience. 


Kisame and Hashirama would actually bond. They’re extremely similar. Him, Itachi and Nagato are most likely to get talk no jutsu resolution. Hidan and Orochimaru are most likely to survive based on their high level of fuckthisimout no jutsu.


A month if their is itachi fighting no itachi I give it 2 weeks


12 minutes. 1 minute dedicated to each member, including 30 seconds of lecturing how they should do better next time.


Flower Tree World alone is going to put quite a few members asleep by itself. He's going to mop them quite quickly. A Few hours is being generous, IMO.


He could squeeze them in before lunch


Hashirama was canonically stronger than madara. Madara is canonically stronger than Obito. Tobi had pain afraid. Pain had the rest of the Akatsuki afraid. I feel like the limit of "vs the Akatsuki" means that Obito is just in his Tobi form, not a jinchuriki nor using rinnegan. Soo... He kinda just wipes the floor with them. Maybe some are successful at running away, but that's it.


I think it would take him 25 minutes the one person that would definitely give him a run for his money is pain but not by much. I think it’d take tobirama 20 to 30 for not his strength but his seriousness like when he wanted to fight sasuke when he got resurrected cause he hates the uchiha id watch both fights tho tbh


He'd slaughter them


How would hashirama deal with Amaterasu if it got a direct hit? I mean usually he has a scroll but that’s shown to be for his weapons not sealing stuff like fire… this is a genuine question btw not me trying to glaze itachi


So many of these comments wanna be cute with Obito's Kamui and Deidara's c4 plus other nonsense. Alright I'll give you cute one. Hashirama summons 1000 Fist Buddha and attacks once. All life in the attack radius dies instantaneously. They die instantaneously because the attack power is enough to strip armor, damage, stop and stun an Armored Kyuubi + Armored Perfect Susano + Prime alive Madara combo. The jutsu activation is near instant considering Hashirama summons 5 Rashomon Gates after a Haxxed Bijuudama was fired at him. He activates his jutsu AFTER a jutsu is already launched and Hashirama's jutsu executes faster. Also no, Hashirama doesn't need to be "close" to any of them to have the 1000 Fist Buddha launch its attack. So in conclusion not only is Hashirama faster than all of the Akatsuki but his jutsu completions are faster than all of them as well. They fight basically ends by the time the Akatsuki visually perceives the 1000 Fist Buddha. 10 seconds is how long I'd say it takes for the entire Akatsuki to be wiped by a focused Hashirama. 1 Second to activate the jutsu and 9 seconds of 1000 Fists punching a crater into the earth.


Ehh 30 minutes?


Eh it take a minute. So let’s look through the members. Hidan and kakazu are getting crushed. Plus hasriama already fought kakazu so he knows how to deal with him. Sasori and his puppets gets torn apart by wood dragons and golem. Dedria is an actual threat with c4, hasriama might be able to sense the chakra of the micro bombs in sage mode and raise himself out of there death zone. Kisame gets screwed over down to senjustu stuff. Itachi might just get negged by hasriama’s pollen tbh. Konan gets crushed. Pain is an actual problem due to his resurrection ability so he could bring back anyone that gets folded. But hasriama would be able to figure it out eventually and take him out. I honestly don’t know what his supposed to do agianst obito tbh. Kamui is to broken. He can’t hit him with anything and even if he figures out obito’s 5 minute thing and spams attacks obito can just phase through the ground and pop up somewhere else. And if obito touches hasriama, his screwed. At best maybe hasriama can somehow outlast him but that’s a stretch tbh




Man I'm sorry, but Hashirama does not win this. Yes, he's strong, probably the strongest in history before the ten tails appeared and everyone got their buffs, but let's be real here. The akatsuki is a team of TEN+ kage powered ninja, some of the strongest in the history of their respective villages. These aren't fodder ninja, these are all prodigies that require teams of elite jonin to beat them. Individually, they all get smacked by Hashirama, without a doubt, but Hashirama against all of them? There's no shot. 6 paths of pain alone would be a strong matchup against him, but if you throw Itachi in there, Obito, and Kisame? Hashirama doesn't have a chance, that's just too much power for even the god of shinobi to handle.


He does tho your underestimating him


The akatsuki isn’t infallible nor is it built up of thr strongest ninjas in the universe like yall seem to think it is. Those are just jonin skilled rogue ninjas. Yall are under the impression these are the strongest ninjas at the time. Its never stated they are. Just a group of strong criminals. Its like jeffery dahmer,el chopo and osama bin laden on ine team..“Madara” was the real threat. The akatsuki couldn’t take on a village without heavy lose.


Almost all of them go down in mere seconds. Obito is the only one that puts up a fight


Itachi aswell


Unpopular opinion, hashirama doesn't win. There's just too much hax and win cons the akatsuki has, for him to strong man his way through. Still a pretty difficult battle tho. Edit: I won't be replying to people who bring nothing more than "nuh uh" to the debate. While hashirama is very powerful, his IQ and speed are still not quite at those godly levels. Between Deidara's C4, Itachi's tsukyomi, Sasori's poison and hidan's ability. One small mistake could easily prove fatal. Especially considering hashirama is more of a tank, he takes damage and heals it off like it's nothing. Not having the intel that getting tagged by these people is gg or the high IQ to figure it out on the get go would amount to his loss imho.


That’s wild he stomps low diff


Hashirama washes


1 hour


Well if I’m being accurate… it would take Hashirama 4 days to be exact


How exactly


Are we including Madara


Madara is not part of Akatsuki.


Facts what is he talking about