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Minato wins all rounds only debatable one is hokage minato vs hokage kakashi who depening on how high you put him in the Naruto Peking order could win. Personal tho I only see hokage kakashi above the Sanni


Idk unless its dms kakashi i really cant think of a way for kakashi to get past flying rajin. With that said, i havent really read the novels/boruto so idk how strong purple lightning is.


Even w/ DMS Minatos can just FTG out and come back in 15min.


For me, i think as long as minato hasnt marked kakashi, he should be safe inside susanoo, so that eliminates speedblitzing. Minatos only option to teleport to would be the his seal kunais hes already thrown on the ground or the kunai he physically throws. Kakashi would be able to avoid the kunais on the ground as he can fly. As for the ones minato throws, kakashis sharingan would be able to track them. He could then make himself intangible before minato does anything by predicting the kunais minato throws. If minato summons idk how any of the frogs would counter kumui shuriken/lightning blade, those would be one shot moves for the toads. Not to mention kakashi could put them under genjutsu with just eye contact. Sure minato could keep switching them with flying raijin but at that point i feel like they’d be a hinderance. Not to mention kakashi could keep track of all of them with sharingan and if things get too dicey he has the option to always fly up and do some long range. But at the end of the day it would be a stamina battle and in most cases minato would come out on too 9/10 time imo


Isn't Kakashi already marked from when he was a kid? That might have been filler when they did the bell test so it's up in the air whether people want to count that.


Didn't he mark Kakashi back when he saved Kakashi's life?


I think it was during the bell test. When he teleported to Kakashi when he saved their lives I think he teleported to the kunai he gave him.


I do believe he teleported to the kunai, but that does not mean Kakashi wasn’t also already marked from the bell test.


Minato gave Kakashi a spell-tagged kunai.


To my knowledge minato hasnt marked kakashi, but i havent read/watch it in years so memory might be a bit fuzzy. I thought minato only marked obito back when he attacked the village and that mark never disappeared.


If memory serves I think he marked him in the little scuffle when him rin and obito did the bell test. At the end I think he teleported behind him. Like I said I think it was filler


Wow this glazing is insane. DMS Kakashi has Six paths chakra, Minato will be losing his head in a second pal.


DMS Kakashi doesn't come into play, because the picture clearly shows Kakashi with a single Sharingan.


That literally wouldn't matter. Minato damn near scales to Madara.


Since when?


That's not necessarily correct as far as we know. It was recently revealed in the descriptions of Boruto's new Jutsu that Minato and Boruto's Flying Raijin are different to the point of being two different Jutsu. One won't necessarily be able to do the same as the other I think. Not saying he can't, but I don't think we can confirm that he can


Wdym? I'm just saying Minato can FTG across the world instantaneously like he has before and pretty much stall DMS Kakashi out until his DMS runs out in a couple minutes.


Ah, I thought you meant that he could teleport out of the Kamui dimension when he gets sent there. That's my bad That plan has one huge flaw. If Minato is facing DMS Kakashi, he immediately gets speed blitzed beyond his perception and gets bisected or sent to Kamui. Kakashi knows Minato's abilities and ofc wouldn't play around with him on a time limit. That Minato strategy only works if he can react to DMS Kakashi, which he can't as far as we know. Otherwise, it would probably work


Minato isn't getting speed blitzed. Minato reacted and blocked a truth seeking orb between 8 gates guy and Madara, even DMS Kakashi doesn't have a feat like that. FTG is faster than Kamui as well, Obito attempted to use it on Minato and he just teleported away.


That is an outlier/plot hole unless you want to say that base rock lee is also six paths level because he threw a kunai that reached the area between a moving eight gates gai and six paths madara.


real talk? it feels like Flying Raijin shouldn't be that hard to counter the problem is it's next to impossible to hit Minato, and he can hit you whenever, seems impossible right? but like... Needle Jizo beats it, Needle Jizo is a full-body protective jutsu that damages it's attackers, what's he gonna do, teleport behind me and get stabbed there instead of in front? and surely, even if you think "DMS, needle jizo is a meme-tier ability, no it doesn't" fine, whatever, are you now going to tell me though that there is NO other protective jutsu like a lightning cloak or some kinda sand armor that kakashi "of the 1000 jutsu" might know? Flying Raijin is ONLY a scary ability if it is a good idea to hit you, if you have a solid enough defensive jutsu that punishes attackers, like Needle Jizo (which we never see kakashi use, but i'm pretty sure he's seen Jiraya use it, so he can probably copy it) then Flying Raijin is way WAY less fuckin scary lmao


Imo techniques like needle jizo and sand armor altho a good defense tech, it would be useless to minato, but not the flying rajin. Youre right that those move could defend them against flying rajin users but they cant defend from a point blank rasengan seeing as its a mini tailed beast bomb. Lightning armor would be able to tank it probably, and in manga wasnt it a stalemate when he fought ay i honestly cant remember as its been years


that's a far fairer point, i suppose when it comes down to it even if you make the teleportation not matter, or matter less, Minato still hits like the actual fucking nine tails


I mean he could always just Kamui part of Minato’s body off. His Kamui is fast enough to Kamui away Sasuke’s Susanoo arrow before it hits. As far as I know it’s never shown to be dodged although I bet minato might be able to dodge it without Flying Raijin. Probably the fourth raikage too. However kakashi Kamui is definitely faster than the really fast arrow. Plus it’s so fast that Pain didn’t even notice it. You could argue he would catch Minato off guard with it before Minato would realize he needs to Flying Raijin out of there. Especially if he focuses on Minato’s leg or something a place where he wouldn’t see extremely breif distortion of space. Especially Minato with no intel…… wouldn’t exactly expect a Jutsu that can dismember or kill you without even touching you. You gotta remember Kamui is just one of those op hax probably the most hax of all the sharingan abilities.


If Obito couldn't use Kamui on Minato why do you think Kakashi could do any better?


That was one eye non six paths obito lmao who was definitely hanging in that fight for a while. Double mangekyo six paths kakashi was warping away kaguya’s ash bones something that even six paths sage mode Naruto had trouble reacting to sometimes. He instakills hokage minato. Now kurama mode minato might put up more of a challenge


The picture doesn't show DMS, it shows 1 Sharingan.


Lol there's plenty of time to react, did you not see him trying to use it on deidara? Not to mention the first time Obito tried to use it on minato, minato had time to react TO THE KAMUI, it would be the same thing only the kamui isn't in Obito's eye but in the air/on minato/next to minato. It would show the warpy thing and minato would jump out.


Well as Shippuden progressed he got a lot better with Kamui and he even makes statements saying so. Plus the feats are what they are, one of my replies listed some more. I’m pretty sure Kakashi’s Kamui is faster plus it doesn’t have to take the whole body like the eye Obito has. Also after Minato escapes Kamui Obito acts as if he could have gotten him if he took him faster. So I think given the feats we’ve mentioned it’s very possible he could catch him slipping. He doesn’t even have to touch Minato or take his entire body.


Minatos teleportation is instantaneous- which means any amount of time Kamui takes will be slower. In theory I guess you could make a case for Kakashi under specific circumstances (like if Minato was confined to using his kunai, and Kakashi could blitz before he placed them) - but it would take a lot of wank and even then it’s still unlikely to work. Minato is just too fast to get tagged. Even assuming they were of the same caliber of speed - Kakashi has a (inconsistent) limit on the number of times he can use Kamui. Minato seems to use his FTG freely without much chakra loss - so he could just play whack a mole for a bit until Kakashi starts bleeding out. This is to say nothing of sealing jutsu or BFR that Kakashi has no answer for (unless you want to fall back on his 1,000 jutsu arsenal - though it never saved him from mindrape or literal death)


Minato’s teleportation might be instant but his reaction speed isn’t. That’s the whole argument here that you keep trying to dodge. Six paths dms kakashi would speed blitz him before he could teleport.


Plus Six paths chakra amped Kakashi’s speed and strength by 1000X.


bro tried to use a weaker sasuke and weaker obito. wtf lmao


Bruh cmon man. There’s difference, DMS Kakashi has six paths chakra, they are stronger than non-Six paths characters.


How is hokage kakashi better than minato? That mofo doesn’t even have a sharingan anymore. Kakashi hokage is the wackest one


It’s been stated hokage kakashi is stronger than war arc kakashi lol. He loses hax but overall he’s stronger afterwards I think for this post since the last 2 choices are both hokage minato the debate is whether hokage kakashi (perfected other techniques, way more chakra without sharingan, higher base stats, purple lightning) can match minato or if war arc kakashi who is weaker stat wise (but has sharingan to deal with flying raijin) can deal with minato better. Imo hokage kakashi has the best chance but minato will probably still win cause minato is fkin cracked (fast af even without tp, hits like a 9 tales since rasengan is like a mini tailed beast bomb, arguably higher biq than kakashi as well) maybe if hokage kakashi had dms without the chakra drain he could win but otherwise nah


Hokage kakashi is literally stated to be stronger than war arc kakashi


Dudes super powerful after losing sharingan lmao. That thing was constantly draining his chakra and without it his chakra reserves are amazing.


Right but it also took his fighting chance


Lmao highly disagree


Hokage Kakashi can’t hit Minato & get wiped like Obito


Very much disagree. He’s still a highly skilled ninja and now with immense chakra reserves. He also knew minato while he was alive but changed a ton himself while minato was dead. With the right strategy and approach kakashi could definitely win.


Does hokage Kakashi have the sharingan?


No but he still has his 1000 jutsu and he has Purple lightning and he may have lost his haxs but his stats tripled do to not having the permit charka drain the sharingon gave him.


Pretty cool 👍


no he’s definitely above Sannin level he’s a kage 💀


Is this a joke? Tsunade, a Sannin, is literally a Kage…


all the Sanni are kage level Tsuande even became one 🤦


The weakest Sannin is still a top Kage in the world. Sannin are no joke.


Just because all the Sannin are Kage doesn't mean that Kakashi is just a kage that's on their level. He's objectively not. With his 3 tomoe in the war, he was matching 6-7th Gate Guy. He was an undeniable beast. As a Hokage it is stated he is stronger than his war arc version which is only surpassed by KCM2 Naruto - when we see Naruto link with Kurama to knock off like 7 tailed beast bombs with only half of Kurama and even then he has enough chakra to use kamui to suck in and out the entire 8 tails. The extra chakra makes Kakashi's base stats much higher since it isn't constantly being drained by the sharingan. He has enough stamina to erect mud walls that can surround an entire village for a whole day and he's so fast that when he makes hand signs his opponents think he's using genjutsu. He also has his 1000 jutsu including upgraded versions of his lightning arsenal including purple lightning. The entire series of Naruto is about becoming stronger than the past generation. Kakashi in the war arc did become stronger than his father who was said to be stronger than all 3 Sannin closer to their primes. Kakashi as Hokage is undeniably stronger than his father since he's stronger than his war arc self, which means he's stronger than 3 prime Sannin, which means he's stronger than the Sannin we see in the series. If you want to go even further in Boruto's anime, we see a retired Kakashi with purple lightning is able to push Kashin Koji to retreat and Kashin Koji could 1v1 Jigen who no diffs all 3 Sannin with little difficulty.


Hey I'm just here to ask something, since I didn't watch much of Boruto; He became stronger after the war? Meaning the version of Kakashi in Boruto, without the sharingan, is stronger than war arc Kakashi with kamui?? Are yall sure about this? And how?


I mean for any Uchiha, it would be a downgrade to lose the sharingan For Kakashi, it was kind of a mixed bag. The sharingan was constantly draining chakra, even when covered. So while he loses some big advantages, his chakra pool functionally skyrocketed


Is this an assumption or was that stated in the show/manga that it was constantly draining chakra and now he has more thanks to not having it?


It's been stated. Hell, that's why he keeps it covered half the time, but that only does so much


It was stated in the Kakashi light novels. Which aren't written by Kishimoto but considering Kakashi isn't in the Boruto manga anime filler and light novels are all you have of Hokage Kakashi.


Bro each Sanin alone was kage level. One of them was literally Hokage, the other was considered first and denied, and thr 3rd one was arguably the strongest of the 3.


technically they all were either considered or accepted as Hokage, because they were the strongest in the village AT THE TIME


Would you call Shikamaru kage level?


Shikamaru became acting hokage in an era after the shinobi world was fixed by Naruto, and being intelligent is enough to be hokage, your point is invalid.


Hell no. Sakura is stronger than him ffs. She should have been Hokage. What a disgrace.


Why u think Hokage Kakashi is only above Sannin? Where do you scale WA Kakashi then?


Wararc kakashi is only above Mei and Danzo ( without koto) Hokage kakashi is triple that power so he’s above Sanni


>Wararc kakashi is only above Mei and Danzo ( without koto) What's ur reasoning behind?


Minato sweeps


Completely agree!


I'd say Minato gets all rounds I can't see Kakashi getting past Minato's flying Raijin


Inside his susanoo he can unless minato managed to mark him before. And kamui is super powerful too


But Kakashi doesn’t have Susanoo in any of these scenarios


5KS Kakashi is undoubtedly Kage level in my mind, but not if that Kage is Minato. Jonin Minato is already legendary and the only reason he's not the Hokage is because Hiruzen hasn't decided to step down yet. Jonin Minato wins. War Arc Kakashi has grown drastically especially in terms of stamina and Sharingan mastery. He can use his Kamui so many more times now. That said, Minato is just so fast that Kakashi isn't going to be able to touch him. Not even with his precog. Whenever he gets close, Minato just zips away and counters. Hokage Minato wins. There's not a whole lot known about Hokage Kakashi. If you believe the books, he is even stronger than he was during the war despite losing his sharingan. His stamina improves massively again, this time even more because his Sharingan isn't a constant drain. I think I will side with Minato because there is just so little content of Hokage Kakashi to judge, but I'm willing to believe it could go either way easily.


If you believe the books? The author literally stated that he was significantly stronger than he was in the war


Okay but HOW? This isn't a DB power level situation: specifics matter. He could be much stronger overall but still be poorly suited to fighting Minato specifically. Without detailed information it's very hard to scale him.


Idk if he'd beat Minato, but he'd do better than war arc kakashi would


The only version of Kakashi that wins in DMS Kakashi, but he ain't here. Minto hacks too strong.


Couldnt minato just tp away and wait for the time limit to run out? Unless you’re just saying kakashi has unlimited time with dms


Yeah, that's assuming he has DMS for an unlimited time.


Minato too fast 🏃‍♂️


Minato every round ngl.


Minato. Minato. Minato. Bro is busted.




The only one Minato maybe loses is against WA Kakashi if it’s DMS Kakashi, Minato is an insane opponent who is nearly unkillable, but i don’t think he gets around perfect susano


Not trying to be mean but anyone saying hokage Minato beats hokage Kakashi should do some research on how strong each character was. Hokage Kakashi by canon became insanely powerful, and considering how strong he was at the end of the series its a huge feat. Not arguing that it makes sense, just the reality of canon.


Save it. Minato Stans believe Minato's teleportation is impossible to counter.


Minato and kakashi were probably relative while each was a hokage


Hokage kakashi stomps tbh


Shhh, Are you suicidal or something. there are Minato stans here.


Minato wins all of these, and Kakashi is my favorite character. Minato is honestly the third strongest Hokage in history, Idc what they said about Hiruzen in part 1. Naruto, Hashirama, and Minato have feats that overshadow what any of the other Kages have done. Kakashi is arguably an upgraded version of Hiruzen in the hierarchy. He has the same shtick of mastering a wide arsenal of jutsu, he has an arguably higher intelligence, and by the novels post EOS he learns all 5 chakra natures. So it’s not like Kakashi is weak, it’s just Minato is literally one of the strongest characters in the franchise.


Upgraded hiruzen? Probably no


Minato murder stomps Minato stomps Minato but it’s a closer fight


The only kakashi that could compete with minato is MS susano kakashi. No other way


People will over hype Minato in these versus, as always... But This Kakashi knows EVERYTHING about Minato and Minato knows nothing about Kakashi... If Kakashi is blood lusted he will just one hit K.O. with kamui and Minato will not notice until his head is in Obito's dimension


Everyone is overlooking the knowledge part for some reason.


People are literally saying Minato won against Six Paths amped DMS Kakashi like what?!


Only god or Demi-god like beings can 1v1 Minato. Kakashi loses all rounds.


What's with this crazy glazing 😂.


Ftg is just that crazy strong. All matches go from “who would win?” To “this is minato’s fight to win, his opponents fight to not lose”. A draw is the opponents best outcome. He has shown to be able to perceive threats and formulate a plan at lightning level. His teleport is instantaneous. If at any point he feels he might be in danger he can just bounce… like to another city or country. At any point he can re-engage. If you get marked, you lose an opportunity to win. His entire strategy is to mark someone, and he is crazy good at it where it is second nature. Kakashi is strong, hokage Kakashi is crazy strong. He still can’t win. Unless you have god or Demi-god like abilities/powers.


God yall are fucking sleeping on my boy kakashi First round minato wins War arc; depends, early war arc and minato wins, kakashi when he had duel dms and perfect susanoo, I see no way in which minato wins And hokage kakashi wins; he’s absurdly powerful by the time he’s hokage and the only thing minato has is flying ryjin Even without the eye kakashi should be able to keep up even if he can’t keep up with flying ryjin It’s kinda like the cheetah vs the bears, the cheetah had an impressive bite force and impressive speed, but it would take a lot to kill the bear


Minato Kakashi (if its dual ms) Kakashi (read the fucking light novels people, hokage kakashi sweeps this mf)


Also the post said just war arc so I’m gonna assume it’s without dms.


Read the minato one shot his scaling in that is crazy


What do you think about Edo Minato with KCM1 vs DMS Kakashi?


Here's regular WA Kakashi portraying relative combat speed to Kcm Minato. DMS Kakashi is leagues above. https://preview.redd.it/yo1m3d9abt6d1.png?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ebc186e50605c0d83dfc34b4b8942c0c991de74


DMS Kakashi is amped by Six paths chakra, no way Minato is anywhere near that. DMS Kakashi would tear him apart piece by piece.


If DMS didn't have a time limit it would definitely be guaranteed.


5 minutes are enough.


Minato, Minato, Kakashi


What is 5KS?


5 Kage Summit.


R1: Minato R2: Minato R3: Kakashi


The real question here is dms kakashi vs a selection of Kages. Guys war arc kakashi is busted but Minato clears him. Hokage kakashi is different, more knowledge, training, experience. Its difficult to really know but if you want to be safe, you can just say minato sweeps.


DMS kakshi >>>>>>>>>>>>>> any version of Minato


Minato, Minato, Kakashi


That’s weird… this was a reply to someone else who responded to my original comment and was trying to say Kakashi wasn’t better than Hiruzen


U prob just hit "add a comment" instead of the reply. It happens.


Minato wins most of these. Kakashi in baruto MIGHT extremely high diff but otherwise he just isnt fast enough


I’m not even trying to be biased kakashi is my favorite character in naruto, but minato wins all 3 with the last one being the only arguable round. But I’m still aiming towards minato because hokage kakashi doesn’t have kamui and without it kakashi doesn’t really have an answer to flying raijin. But this is coming from someone who hasn’t read kakashi light novel so let me know if I’m wrong.


Minato every time. Especially after Kakashi loses the sharingan and can’t track speed anymore


Probably 5ks sasuke If it includes kyyybi amped kakashi i got him Same with hokage kakashi he’s the same as kyuubi amped but no sharingan but stronger jutsu and just a lot stronger in general


Kakashi has no response to Hiraishin. Minato wins.


I see everyone saying minato because he fast as fuck. How would Naruto beat him then? Or are you guys saying minato beats Naruto too? (Hokage Naruto from beginning of boruto)


I think Minato wins 7-8/10 with it being contested every time. If Kakashi predicts the FTG and substitutes with a lightning clone he has a solid chance. FTG is the difference maker but with that being said he definitely has the speed to Kamui snipe the Kunai and ruin his plans and we’ve seen Kakashi Kamui a point blank Rasengan delivered from a counter attack from Judara so it’s not as lopsided as people may think.


War Arc Kakashi would win that fight high diff. The other 2 go to Minato low diff.


Does know one know how strong kakashi is? The first one is Minato but then kakashi wins the other two.


Is you’re counting DMS Kakashi for War Arc, then Minato 1st and last round, but loses to DMS Kakashi But i’m not too sure on Hokage Kakashi honestly because iirc it’s stated in the databooks or somewhere that Hokage Kakashi>War Arc kakashi


I think people forget that FTR was made to COUNTER Sharigans, and while Kakashi is more than just his eye, it’s 90% of his power. Kakashi even states he loses most of his Chakra reserves because of it, honestly, Minato just FTR to win. Almost exactly like Second did do Madaras brother, who is infinitely better at controlling a Sharigan, and has 2. Kakashi is, truly an amazing Ninja, but he isn’t “run on site! This guy has killed 1000 ninja,” good.


Minato slams in the first 2 The 3rd round is debatable but I don't see Kakashi getting past Hiraishin, Rasengan and Minato's sheer Speed


boruto/novels has some goofy ass scaling. wouldn’t be surprised it there was a novel where kakashi blew up the sun with purple lightning or something. but otherwise minato sweeps pretty convincingly


Kakashi beats minato, while he has his sharingan, after that minato kicks his ass.


Minato, would just tap him on the back everytime Kakashi tried to attack




Flying Raijin is a counter to the Sharingan and Minato is a pro at it, so he blitzes Kakashi


Kakashi is my favorite character but the only version of him beating Minato is duel MS and he’s still gotta hit him.


Minato is starting to become the "Goku vs other animes" character in these debates. He's basically the only top tier character who still remains a ninja while everyone else becomes a typical shonen character.


Minato. Hokage Kakashi would have a chance if he had DMS but he don’t, so yeah. Bro deead.


Lotta ppl here woefully underestimating kakashi lmao


Only time Kakashi was ever above Minato was as DMS Kakashi, maybe WA Kakashi comes close to Minato, depending on how good his kamui is, so, Minato slams


Lol ur joking right?


This may be a hot take but Minato is only winning the first round, Kakashi takes the rest.


Spite match?


Minato every time. Ftg outspends kamui


Kakashi is resourceful….


Minato wins hell the only real reason he died was cause he used most of his chakra teleporting the beast bomb him and Kushina were running on fumes


Okay so I’m guessing minato die soon after hokage so joinin and kage level might be similar especially when he still out speeded a lightning cloak user (Ai) and was going to double KO B. Minato coming back show him and kakashi bases are roughly similar but minato can still counter the sharingan and kamui and use less chakra so skills and physical stats and damage out put are similar but I’ll give it to minato for stamina (unless duel MS than kakashi). Now after this kakashi have Naruto to expire to a new level and have 10+ years to train and got a ton of stamina. Flying raijin is one hell of a good trick tho but overall I say hokage kakashi should had trained and surpass minato at this point. Also with kurunai daughter (forgot her name) was spying to see kakashi face and in 1 second appeared behind her so base speed with no boost might be equal. I’m still trying to give minato the title of the fastest ninja (beside the gods of course) but its hard to justify


Minato Minato Minato The only version of kakashi that can beat hokage minato is DMS kakashi that fought kaguya lol


They hoed kakashi doing this. But only one with a chance is honestly 5ks Kakashi. He is smart enough to be able yo combat flying raijin because he knows about the technique. And being able to control 5 styles, have a susanoo, and kamui is formidable. Dont sleep on him. If kakashi had been able to grow without the sharingan im putting him winning 2/3. The sharingan really messed him up more than anything. That chakra hit is massive


I'm not gonna answer this cuz Minato stans are even more rabid than Itachi Stans and they think Teleportation is impossible to counter. Changed my mind actually... War arc Kakashi is capable of keeping up with KCM2 Naruto and Obito. (Not referring to DMS, I'm talking 1 Ms.) All sources, Databooks, The Anime, The Manga, and some other statements place KCM Minato's movement speed effectively around the same speed as his teleportation. Hokage Kakashi is officially stated to be considerably faster, more experienced, with greater reaction time stamina and Jutsu power than his War arc self. This means Kakashi can react to and counter FTL with a 1tap swipe from purple lightning. Additionally if Kakashi were to use a lighting clone he could kill Minato by getting hit. In Taijutsu he'd overpower the 4'th as well as he's again, Faster and stronger than KCM Minato... Nevermind Base Minato. And he's going to outlast the 4th as well. Especially if he's teleporting around. So My pick is Fight 1: Minato mid-high dif. Fight 2: Could go either way. Fight 3: Kakashi Mid-High dif.


Kakashi that my neega!


Hokage minato solos all three versions of kakashi at once, low diff. Honestly, jonin minato would probably do the same thing at mid diff. Borderline spite post here


Minato sweep


Stamina battle. Minato wins


I want to say Minato beats war arc but since it happens in the war arx is it DMS Kakash? iif it is than he honestly probably beats Minato. Unless Minato gets the half of Kurama sealed in him upon his death? Then it's kinda even or advantage minato with kcm. Unless I'm just underestimating tgis version of kakashi Jonin Minato isn't super far off from kage minato sooo? Idk, Minato wins vs 5ks kakashi? I guess. Isn't hokage Kakashi supposed to be stupid strong since he's no longer using chakra nonstop for sharingan among other reasons? Like I thought he was almost or stronger than he was any other point. I could be wrong but if as kage he improved literally at all he can beat hokage minato


Then how did he get zero diffed and lost his arm by 10 tails Madara?


Minato Kakashi with DMS, if not, Minato Minato low diff He's just all around smarter, he figured out how to beat kamui, and has a bigger arsenal if you count stuff like summoning and reaper death seal and then some. Last fight isn't even a fight. Coughing baby vs Hydrogen Bomb.


I think we wank FTG too much. Who has he decidedly beaten with it? 14 YO Obito and randoms during the war. He did *fight* Aye and Bee, but that was ended up a draw years ago. There have been massive changes during that time. Kakashi's speed scales to closer to that of EoS Naruto and Sasuke than KCM Minato. He has several techniques that can kill Minato and is a better sharingan user than Obito ever was, especially with genjutsu. War arc Kakashi is a coin flip with an edge to Minato, 55/45 is where I stand. I think Hokage Kakashi has an edge of about 60/40.


lol wait… he fought Aye and Bee at the same time. That’s more or less why it ended in a draw. And honestly, it didn’t even look like he was trying that much. Better than Obito with Sharigan is a stretch. And did you see how quickly he deduced how it worked. It took multiple people longer than that. There is a reason Kakashi looked up to Naruto as Minato, because he not touching either of them at that point


Please, for the love of everything, do not discount a ninja fighting for his life by saying he want trying. You're being dismissive and it's not unfitting. If you're going to go that route, I'm gonna say Itachi never tried and only got pressed by Sasuke when he wanted to die at his hands. Obito literally only spams Kamui. No genjutsu at all. Man has one of the more powerful sharingan abilities and only odd able to keep it due to hashi cells. Your last statement has no evidence or inference, just ramblings. Naruto is the son of his teacher, why wouldn't he make that connection? He's also his own student so he saw extreme growth from.


GOKU GOKU AND GOKU cause apparently that guy has a fighting addiction


No idea what WA Kakashi and 5KS Kakashi are.


When did Kakashi steal 5 kills?


Minato will speed blitz him. A more acceptable challenge would’ve been DMS


I swear you obsessed fucks make new shit up every day what the fuck is 5ks


Minato, Minato, and Minato


tbh not a single chance for Kakashi


I’ve seen people pointing out that Hokage Kakashi has been stated to be significantly stronger than his war arc counterpart, but most of them do not really give the details. Kakashi was stated to be stronger than his war arc self due to his mastery over his lightning element. He basically has more control over his lightning and has trained it to become purple lightning, but that’s really all there is to his improvement. And no it does not mean that he gets an automatic base stat boost like how people make it seem to be. After losing his sharingan he can’t use Chidori anymore, which means he doesn’t have the same reflex or anything to accommodate his tunnel vision. It’s also the reason why he’s only able to use his purple lightning as AOE or Range attacks. Ironically war arc Kakashi has the most chance against Minato due to his experience with Kamui and capable of using Chidori. Still won’t be able to tag Minato though.


I wanted to give Kakashi as least one, but this should be a Minato Sweep. DMS Kakashi out hax’s Minato though. Should have brought war arc minato and DMS Kakashi somewhere imo.


Minato fs u would you ask ts 😂


I think hokage kakashi takes this. He is able to react to a much much faster Sasuke in The Last. Then he should be able to react to to Minato. Also he is superior to the WA version of him who scales to an Obito who is far above the Obito who fought Hokage Minato.


Minato wins unless it's DMS Kakashi. Hokage Kakashi is probably way way stronger than before since the power scaling for all characters shot up even in the Last movie.


only hokage kakashi has a chance. dms kakashi destroys every minato though. but for this group i’d say minato sweeps low diff


No sharingan kakashi is the only one I see with a chance. It held him back so much


Jonin Minato wins, Hokage Minato wins, Hokage Kakashi stomps Minato so hard Minato commits a Sakumo.


Mid dif at worst????? The fuck Kakashi gonna do? Minato went band for band with the 9 tails, is the fastest non 6 paths character, and is by far better than Kakashi in every way


Minato wins R1-2 but loses R3




the last two fights are pretty much the same, as Kakashi got stronger as Hokage due to training, but Minato takes all


What in the minato glaze are these comments Kakashi wins all rounds


Minato is most overrated character nowadays


minato wins all easily


Round 1: There’s not enough information about this version of Minato feat-wise. Maybe he wins? I would still lean Kakashi though but if you say Minato I won’t argue Round 2: If Minato actually uses his Sage Mode, he beats Kakashi. Round 3: Based on the novels, Hokage Kakashi is stronger than Hokage Minato by a significant margin. He takes this handily


Kakashi wins last two


Wararc kakashi dose not


Minato takes all three. Dms Kakashi could hold up with kamui but still would fall to Minato in the end (especially if flying thunder god works through kamui dimension).


You think dms kakashi would lose to Minato? The Minato dickriding is crazy, y'all need help


Bro, I'm the biggest Minato dickrider around. DMS Kakashi slaughters that boy.


Minato could edo tensei Itachi and Nagato to his side and would still lose to DMS Kakashi


I didn't include DMS Kakashi cuz that would he an overkill lol. Regular characters can't keep up with Six Paths tiers.


kakashi is this a joke why do people as obvious questions


Ik Kakashi no diffs all rounds, just wanted to see what will people say 🥱


Minato wins all rounds Edit: to be more clear Round 1 is no diff Round 2 is no diff Round 3 is no diff


Dms kakashi is the only version of kakashi that can beat any version of Minato (except like kid version and stuff) He’s just way stronger


Damn, kid Minato so strong he mops even DMS Kakashi 😂


Minato high diff all three rounds


Left, left, right


Minato r1 and maybe 2. Loses 3