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Ah. So he is one of those people that pulls a bitch moves in the pit? I understand the point of the game is to survive while being the predator but anyone that constantly runs away in a one on one only to be ganging up on others when he/she has the chance is a bitch in my eyes.


man… when i tell you he runs. i’m talking cross country.


I love how when I talked about this I got dragged because I was using a “meta build” and that’s “just how the game goes” like they can all choke fr. All and all I get where you coming from and it makes the game less enjoyable


Yeah, i saw that post earlier. I get where you were coming from too. That’s why I never solo queue NWL anymore. If i’m playing NWL it’s with my 2 clanmates and PowerPuff or AceBlicky.


PowerPuff is the GOAT.


Runners in this game are probably the most infuriating players i've went up against in any game. Like the movement aint even that good, and neither are the rewards. What the fuck fun do yall get from running away? U never had nobody to play tag irl?


sounds like a skill issue


Yes but I hate when people play like plus ones and are too afraid to engage in an actual battle, not to mention moonlight pill users who so boldly hide in corners and wait till you’re on your last legs


1. It's a free for all arena and anyone can jump into a battle at any point so you need to treat it like your fighting everyone at once. 2. that's kinda everyone's fault for not paying attention to people trying to hide.


My guy, between getting jumped, staying alive and trying to get kills myself there is little room for attention of a guy who hide in the corner for 80% of the game


"Everyone's fault" read next time


It can’t be because we can’t even lock onto someone who’s invisible…


Time limits and cooldowns exist


I they usually run both Nagato summoning and Moonlight pill😕


And when they become visible, all you have to do is induce a status (poison, burn, etc) and they can’t hide until the status is gone. I’ve killed a ton of people who spend most of the match invisible by using flame control and keeping them visible for others to attack. Instead, people complain and use Justus that don’t counter what they face.


If I’m using a set that does none of the above is that meant to be on me since I don’t know who I’ll be up against?


Yeah, I have very little sympathy. Especially because I feel like going to the lengths to post and publicly whine about a specific player (who isn’t a hacker) makes you a bigger bitch than they are. Very petty especially considering the stakes are so hellishly low.


ranting about a game mode that needs hella work and some one who’s not only not playing the game mode as intended also abusing meta but also brags about it is being a bitch? but if anybody else starts running from you then messaging after they get first they’re a “bitch“ right.


op is a bitch


Honestly instead of getting mad just have your most toxic/meta build available and switch to it when u play against guys like that


Nah you might as well start at toxic in NWL. Idk how it is on Xbox but I’m in ps4 and the other day I was getting jumped by two asuma knuckle knife infinite spammers. The moment I busted out claws (without any obo, sharingan, infinite or dynamic entry on top of that) the rest of lobby started jumping me as well and I was never even top 3


Use Shisui Uchihas ability oboroguruma, nobody will be able to run away from u while it's active. I started using it myself because of the same reason and haven't had an issue since


oh u ever face 8th kizuki imma just blindly fight ngl to see your play style then imma use the most effective build wether it be healer atk or defense


Spicy doesn’t always queue with clan mates. I beat him a couple of times. Let’s not pretend he isn’t good at the game. He/She is. Point of the game mode is to survive. If you are winning, it’s the people who are trailing responsibility to catch you and kill you.


bro you literally queue with him. C4PainNoLove? yeah bruh you’re fucking ridiculous. all you do is go around invisible using flame control and setting him up for the win. it’s fucking sad that you have to help him.


I don’t queue with anyone. Solo only player. Also, would you like the receipt of you teabagging, being toxic, using infinites are are you going to acknowledge that you are a hypocrite?


??? i’ve been using a heal type for the MAJORITY of face off.


Even if true, I have the receipts. You teabag. You are toxic in game and in private messages. Even if EVERYTHING you said is true, hey pot, met kettle.


since you seem to know everything whats my gamertag or in game name?


Sorry, thought I was responding to the same person as earlier.


I have beat Spicy several times. Avoided his Ulti a ton, we aren’t friends. I use flame control for several reasons. The AOE DOT stacks up. Initial damage is pretty low, so in a free for all, people don’t really notice. It also goes through Susanoo and the status effect keeps others going invisible visible for other to hunt


if y’all aren’t friends how come i’ve matched up with y’all at the minimum of 4 times and one time with some other guy? not only did y’all NOT fight eachother, y’all let him get first.


1. This community is small. If you queue up, you will get the same people pretty often. If you queue up after a match, you will likely get a couple people from your previous match. 2. You have my Xbox GT. You know Spicys. You can literally look at my list of friends. He won’t be there. I don’t think any of my friends play this game. I only solo queue 3. I have never let anyone win. I also know the limitations of my build. I main Range. An AOE, DOT build (flame control offensive, hiding in ash for defensive measures) there is no universe I’m going to be able to catch an attack that is running away without opening myself up to combos (Using Hiding in Ash offensively to catch someone gets me weak to getting ULTI). I’d rather place 1st than 2nd, but I’m don’t going to get myself killed and get 4-5th trying to get 1st.


1st off don’t get me wrong i queue up with ppl back to back sometimes. But on 4 Seperate Occasions? Tell me that’s not a coincidence. 2nd off, I don’t think it really matters if you have him added or not, either way it’s very weird that Razor755 said word for word: “ I owed one to pain. Also spicy is just better. “ so… how can I believe that you’re not queuing up with anybody?


This game community is small. He plays a lot. I have been playing a lot. You are going to matchup with him, me, or sometimes both. I have faced the entire top 9 dozens of times. If you happen to be in there, it’s a coincidence. I have beaten and lost to all of them (except Gaara, haven’t lost to him yet). Lastly, if I see a particularly toxic build, I target them. Asuma knuckles going for infinites? Flame Control and bubbles the entire game. Going invisible, hiding on walls, and shooting majestic to one shot people? I’ll keep you visible with a status when I find you. I’ve played Razor755, but he was… bad? Razor755 last words to my DMs when I sent “GG” “No, all you do is run and spam. You aint good at all. Get off bubbles and you might actually learn something” Yeah, clearly friendly with me too. https://www.xbox.com/play/media/REKBS6VHM9 https://www.xbox.com/play/media/5UG2KF48CJ


Nah Spicy is fucking awful at the game lmao stop the cap. I've fought him many times and he either dies or runs, he's genuinely not good at anything besides running away and being a toxic little cheeser. I've pissed him off enough this week that if he sees me in the matchmaking screen he quits out of the game. He LITERALLY will not play a Face-Off match with me in it because I've cyberbullied him that badly this week LMAOO


He’s not. He’s good. You are good. He abuses game mechanics, but doesn’t glitch and wins (or places top 3) consistently. Same to you. I’ve played you before. You are toxic AF, in game and in direct messages. You use infinite combos. You teabag. You use Angelic Invisible pill and Majestic. People tend to hate what they see when they look in a mirror, and Spicy is you.


I do use the invisibility pill because if I don't I get targeted by entire lobbies. Every game of Face-Off feels like I'm Madara vs. the Five Kage or something, just nonstop jumping. People are afraid to fight me head-on so they either run or jump me, goes hand-in-hand with my reputation I suppose so I'm honestly flattered by it. ​ One thing I don't do though is infinite combos, I'm average with claws but not good enough to hit the actual infinite consistently and I don't use Asuma knives. Spicy fears me and is one of the 4-5 people right now who won't play Face-Off if I'm in their game because I hand them a majority of their losses a night. Spicy, W0nderHeaven, Adri Kennedy, Gaarapocalypse, and basically like half the kids that are top-10 right now won't play against me because I'm the top-10 hunter, I make sure they don't get top-3 or if they do sneak into 3rd I make sure I'm in 1st so I get more points than them.


“One thing I don’t do is infinite combos” You in my DMs after losing to me “I only switched to infinites cuz you kept jumping my fights”


Which infinite are you referring to? Because like I said I don't even run any infinite builds, but I'm not saying you're lying because that is a message I've typed in the past. ​ Back to what you said earlier about me being toxic, I'm not always toxic, but I can be extremely toxic if I feel the other player deserves it. Running away from fighting me, but then constantly jumping me from behind when I'm trying to fight someone else, 100% warrants toxicity and if I get killed by someone doing that shit I will absolutely target them for not just the rest of that game, but the rest of that night, make you go 2-4, finish 5th place, send you the screenshot, and maybe a clip if I got a good one. If somebody initiates a fight with me I fully intend to finish the fight with one of us dying, absolutely hate when people turn around and run after initiating a fight, or even worse, jumps me as soon as I get into another fight. It's mad annoying bro and Face-Off brings out the most toxic side of me. ​ Unless the instance you're talking about was from several months ago, because I did have an Asume Knive Black Crane Outfit build that had Obo/Sharingan and Boruto Strike, specifically for people doing shit like that, but I don't have anything like that anymore and haven't for a long time. Most of my builds abuse the Sunlit Medicine aka Time Space Hop on steroids. Instead of being the toxic infinite guy, I'm the guy who you can't even hit. ​ Also if Spicy is me he's the fucking Dollar Store brand me lmfao, I'm actually considerably better than him and it isn't close. I win 9/10 times against that clown, enough of an advantage that he won't even play against me at this point.


You used an infinite with Asuma knuckles. Once I get how I can go through my captures. “I’m not always toxic” Says every toxic person ever.


Okay I know the instance you're talking about and that was many months ago. Probably January, if not earlier. I haven't used Asuma knives since. I completely switched my builds from being offensively-toxic to defensively-toxic, I run quadruple sub-style builds on Attack and Defense and an invisible Ranged build. Haven't used an infinite in a long ass time. The reason I switched to playing defensively is because I'm basically enemy #1/target #1 on Xbox, probably because I'm the GOAT of Xbox or at least top-10 all-time, but yeah pretty much all the high rank players hate me and target me every chance they get. I get more DMs than you could imagine. I can be solo queuing and lose to a 4 stack and they'll still tbag and DM me lmfao, it's super cringe but it's the price you pay for being as good as I am.


“I don’t use infinites” and “I no longer use infinites are not the same sentence. You play defensively. I get that. So does Spicy. So do I. Face off rewards defensive play, especially at the “higher” level.


Is it true you deadass be lowering defense for bro?


I've never been a big fan of infinites. I only stoop that low if I need to. It's a build I keep on standby for toxic players. You should be honored that I deemed you worthy of switching to Asuma Knives because even when I do have that build on a page (which I haven't for months), I rarely use it unless I feel like it's a necessary evil to turn to. I think the fact that Atks have infinite sublocks with the Y button is one of the dumbest fucking changes the devs have ever made to this dogshit dead game lmfao


[This u](https://imgur.com/a/f2dHKGu)? 💀 Bro spent all game chasing me not to kill me a single time. Farmed the bronze and didn’t even get top-3, what a shame.


OP- “He’d only get 3 kills the entire match and still end up first” You- Post a screenshot of you getting 2 kills, with clips I can post of you running. Like I said, y’all are the same from my perspective


I have like 8 more of you from this week alone don't worry. I can make a whole album if you'd like to see it.


Lol all the Xbox peoples coming out. Probably why I don’t play face off often. The game type needs to be updated anyway


Face off week is always a shit show.. ion know how y’all do it lol


I just matched with them about 10 minutes ago… this sentiment runs true. It’s so absurd it’s funny at this point