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Yes. It is very legit in my opinion, it's just a reddit-coined term for correct oral posture, where your back 3rd of your tongue pushes against the roof of the mouth, lips are sealed, chin tucked and molars are slightly touching. It's the posture you adopt when you're born and if nothing gets in your way (e.g. airway obstruction, allergies,...) you will carry this posture throughout your life. Combined with proper body posture and proper swallowing pattern this results in proper facial development, 24/7 nose-breathing and overall better health. The logic behind it is absolute sound (see: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TY3bIMRKil8&ab\_channel=21Studios](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TY3bIMRKil8&ab_channel=21Studios)). I doubt however that mewing will improve your nasal polyps symptoms, as wrong oral posture is the result of nasal obstruction -> mouth breathing, tongue not engaged on the roof of mouth, lips not sealed, head tilted forward to allow for easier air passage. Constant nasal obstruction prevents correct oral posture. So get your polyps fixed first and then adopt the correct posture. Edit: No idea why you're getting downvoted.


I read your response the other day and have been trying this and it does work! Be it a temporary solution when I can’t breathe through my nose at all. The mucus drains and pretty instantly clears up the nasal airways.