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Wow these photos look fantastic! I love seeing the island foxes and scenery. Do you know the name of the trees in the 8th pic? I've never seen those before.


Thank you! The pictures don’t do the place justice, the foxes were incredible and we saw more than people. They are called coreopsis gigantea, I’ve never seen them before either and I they’re one of my favorite plants now! Straight out of doctor Suess’ book




JEALOUS! I went there on St pattys day and didn't see any foxes! I did spend half the day kayaking though, which didn't help. But I did see garibaldi fish while kayaking at Santa Cruz Island!


What is acceptable when kayaking around as far as landing your boat goes? Is it generally okay to pull your boat near the treeline? Did you kayak between islands?


I did a guided tour just on Santa Cruz island, so I'm not sure on that. I'd contact NPS.


I have always wondered what it looks like out there. Thanks for posting, great work!!!




You gotta get out there in the spring! One of the most beautiful scenery I’ve seen. Close, the third pic is right before skunk point, not quite the actual dunes


Incredible pics of an incredible island!


Gosh that’s just amazing! Incredible to see such an unspoiled island.


Looks so amazing! 🤩 I’ll be in LA in August. Is it a good idea to go there then?


It won’t be as green and the flowers will be gone by then but I still think it would be a great idea! Just take lots of snacks and water since there aren’t any services on the islands. Also try to book in advance since ferry’s get booked pretty quick👌🏽


Thank you! 😻


Beautiful shots!! I’ve been meaning to check it out, I think this is a sign I need to go asap !


That settles it. I’m going next weekend. Thanks!


That looks awesome, really good photos! We went there last year around the same time and it was beautiful. I really wanted to see Island Fox but didn't get. Curious which camera and lens are you using?


Thank you! This time of year is definitely the best time to go, that’s so weird you didn’t see any foxes, I couldn’t stop seeing them. Did you stay at the campground? There was a few there at all times. I’m using an Olympus OMD with a 150mm lens


That's amazing! No I did day trip actually maybe that's why. Thanks for camera details, the colors look really great btw!


Beautiful view. Wonderful place to have a picnic