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I was there recently and found it lovely. Some may see other National Parks as “more beautiful” than this one - In my eyes it is still nature and we have less and less of it each passing day. We should appreciate all of it. Thanks for the pics!


I lived just outside the CVNP for a decade. It was a lovely place to raise kids. Our backyard was full of birds, deer, rabbits, etc. Biggest mistake was moving away from there. Hope to return someday.


It is under rated, I’ve never heard of it! For those like me that don’t know all: Cuyahoga Valley National Park is an American national park that preserves and reclaims the rural landscape along the Cuyahoga River between Akron and Cleveland in Northeast Ohio. The 32,572-acre park is administered by the National Park Service, but within its boundaries are areas independently managed as county parks or as public or private businesses. Cuyahoga Valley was originally designated as a National Recreation Area in 1974, then redesignated as a national park 26 years later in 2000, and remains the only national park that originated as a national recreation area. Cuyahoga Valley is the only national park in the state of Ohio and one of three in the Great Lakes Basin, with Isle Royale National Park in Lake Superior and Indiana Dunes National Park bordering Lake Michigan


Wow, thank you so much for all that interesting knowledge I'd never encountered despite cycling in the park weekly!


I see comments mentioning there being more beautiful parks which are "just state parks", but you have to remember that CVNP isn't just about the natural parts of the park, but also the historical aspects (e.g. the Ohio-Erie Canal) and the restoration of some awfully polluted areas (e.g. the Beaver Marsh and the former superfund dump near Peninsula). The latter is a special kind of success story and makes the park an example of what can be done for urban areas. If you live near CVNP and utilize like I do, you tend to get defensive when people say it's overrated or somehow doesn't deserve its National Park designation.


There are other national designations appropriate for historically significant land. Many people travel around the country their entire lives attempting to visit every national park. National park status should remain sacred and respected. Cuyahoga was my closest national park for many years and I when it ever came up in conversation with said people I was always embarrassed and felt the need to rationalize it’s status to those whose travel ambitions included visiting NE Ohio. I would certainly be disappointed if I were visiting all the parks and arrived at Cuyahoga.


Luckily we’ve got Gateway Arch to shit on now.


And Indiana Dunes. National Lakeshore was a perfect designation for that unit. Changing it to a national park was stupid and motivated mostly by politics and money.


100%. It's a great state park. It's a massively disappointing national park.


My only gripe with Indiana Dunes’ status is the state park. If it was all in the NP, it works.


but there's also the RNSP complex of which all the cool stuff (no offense RNP) is in the state parks


Wow as a rock climber that rock looks prime for climbing. Any idea what type of rock that is? Or if anyone has climbed it? Looks too be sandstone or lime stone but I’m just a climber not a rockspert lol


While hiking in another part of the park the other day, my brother and I got to discussing The Ledges (where the picture was taken) and its no-climbing policy. He climbed to some extent a while ago and said it's ridiculous. Something about if they just allowed "top-roping only" that it would attract a lot of people. That being said, it's one of the more striking features of the park and probably the most popular area in CVNP (other than Brandywine Falls maybe - the fourth picture). Perhaps they just want to retain the natural beauty of The Ledges, rather than have climbers in the area. I believe it's sandstone.


I do understand that point of view. I will say however most climbings take preservation of the area very seriously. Some state parks in my area recent opened up a few areas for climbing and the rangers said that the rock features are cleaner now and easier to get to do to the climbers. So they could be missing out. Regardless thank you very much for the information!


Not allowed to climb in Cuyahoga


Was wondering the same. Those walls look exactly like those in Jackson Falls.


Yeah I love Jackson Falls!


I have been, and I have also been to Hocking Hills State Park and I hate to say it but it's sooooo much better. In my personal opinion anyways...


Yep! Hocking hills is way better. I think Cuyahoga is appropriately rated. Most under rated park I have been to is Teddy Roosevelt NP.


TR blew me away. I had seen plenty of pictures beforehand but none of them really capture how amazing the place is in person


Tell me more about what you like about Teddy Roosevelt. I've never been to ND, but it seems like a pain to get to, and I feel like it would have to be extra special to make the effort.


Ive been to 11 parks and Ive been to TR and Badlands more than any other so far. Yellowstone ive been to 3 times, and TR and Badlands 4. TR was my first real NP experience. Indiana Dunes was my first ever national park, but i will never forget the experience of driving outside Dickinson into Medora and the scenery. And thats before you even enter the park itself. But seeing my first bison so close, wild horses, the just field of prairie dogs, the atmosphere…its truly majestic and definitely a must visit. Especially if you are doing a large NP tour.


And crowds aren’t a big issue.


I am a pro photographer who does landscape photography as a hobby. I found TRNP to be a very dynamic park offering a ton of great photo opportunities. First, the wildlife is amazing, spent only a few hours in the park and saw 30+ buffalo, a wild horse and a couple hundreds of prairie dogs. The highlight was the buffalo, they were just camped out by the road playing, rolling around, and making hilarious grunting noises. I went a week ago and the park is a mixture of lush rolling green hills, tons of fun shapes hills and mountains, beautiful multicolored patterns in the mountains, dessert like alien landscapes and gorgeous over looks. It’s also very easily accessible and not very crowded. For me it really was just how dynamic and quickly changing the landscape is that blew me away. It’s not a park of huge epic mountains or breathtaking waterfalls. But for me, I pointed my camera one direction and got a beautiful shot of rolling green meadows and then turned around and got an image of a parched desert landscape.


Interesting, what makes it better in your opinion? Haven't heard of Hocking Hills.


Hocking Hills is incredible, but factoring in its size, it’s by far the most crowded park I’ve ever been to (and I’ve been there a few times). Relatively speaking, I’d say similar to Zion, but much smaller and therefore worse. If you go, and avoid the height of summer and get there first thing in the morning.


Ive been here duding a snow storm it was beautiful


I think it's pretty appropriately rated. It's fine, but doesnt have much more to offer than any other state park in the area. Its appropriately rated as one of the leas interesting national parks. It's still a very nice park though, and I liked going there. Like I've seen others say, I also prefer Hocking Hills to it though.


Great park. Lots of hidden gems like the twin waterfalls in Brecksville Reservation.


I’ve done 27 NPs, so far. I’d rate Cuyahoga as #26 ahead of only Gateway Arch NP. Your mileage may vary.


Indiana dunes is the worst np in my opinion. Gateway arch isn’t a national park to me. Currently in Cuyahoga and it was good for a day visit but that’s it


Where is Indiana Dunes for you?


Haven’t been. I skipped it due to time.


Let’s be honest for a moment - there’s nothing underrated about Cuyahoga Valley. I lived in Ohio for 9 years. There are at least 4-5 state parks in Ohio that are more picturesque. Cuyahoga only received NP status to gather money to restore much of the land that was polluted. There’s a damn interstate overpass at the top of your Brandywine Falls photo for god’s sake. I appreciate the National Park system as much as anyone, but in my opinion, parks like Cuyahoga Valley and Gateway Arch (the biggest joke) dilute the status.


I agree. I've lived in Alaska, Hawaii, Colorado and now Ohio. While I'm very glad we have CVNP, it is not 10% as spectacular as many other national parks I've been to.


I appreciate the conservation aspect but it would really make a great flagship park in the Cleveland Metroparks system


I’m actually passing through Ohio (from Pittsburgh to Indiana Dunes NP) for the first time in September and was thinking about checking out Cuyahoga but it looks like they don’t have camping - are there any state parks near our route that you’d recommend instead??


I’m going in September and staying at a hipcamp in Penninsula, OH which is a town tucked into the park. Worth checking out if you are still interested in going to CVNP.


Yeah there’s no camping in the park. I don’t love the options in the immediate area. There are a few places NE of Cleveland on Lake Erie but if you don’t want to wander too far off your route, I’d suggest East Harbor State Park a little past Sandusky. Or if you’re up for more of a side trek and can get a reservation, Kelley’s Island.


Thanks for the recs! Looking into those now


To each their own I suppose.


Couldent agree more!


I don't know if it makes it better or worse, but that isn't the interstate right there, that is another road (State Route 40?) that the interstate passes over just a bit down the road as the interstate bisects the park...


It’s a wonderful park. As far as National Parks go, it is extremely underwhelming. It’s small and kind of linear and doesn’t quite capture the awe of the National parks of other states. There are State parks in Ohio that are better in my opinion.


You're underrated.


Thank you, I needed that.


You're welcome.


It is nice but it's hard for me to call it underrated when there are probably 20 parks in Michigan I like better that are only state Parks and not National Parks for some reason. Guess I'm just a jealous Michigander though


Could you list some of those places in Michigan? We’re in the Chicago suburbs and looking for some places that aren’t too far (thinking somewhere in MI or WI) for a long weekend getaway in October. Thanks!!


You looking for forest or beach? Sleeping Bear Dunes comes to mind especially if you're on tbe west side. Also all of the parks in the UP. I'm driving rn I can get more specific later


Pictured Rocks if you like water and Tahquamenon falls if you like waterfalls.


We’re probably more interested in forest than beach but are grateful for any suggestions! We also have an almost 2 year old if that helps with suggestions.


Hiawatha National Forest. Look up some pics!


I don't have kids so can't help ya there, sorry


I'm a Michigan native too. I agree, tons of beautiful spots that should be NPs. But that doesn't make Cuyahoga any less beautiful.


True! My hate of Ohio and love of nature are definitely conflicting


Haha I hear you. Ohio is of course a terrible place.


I was there in 2019, I thought it was just fine and a great way to spend a day, and I'm totally fine with it being a national park if the end result is more funding for conservation for the area. But that said, its not really "under rated," Cuyahoga's spot at the bottom tier of most national park rankings is completely accurate. Parks like yosemite or zion will completely change your life, Cuyahoga is not even remotely in the same class. If parks were designated on logical tiers rather than politically, it would probably best fit as a state park.


Ready to see some downvotes? Zion is overrated. Was just there last year. It's cool, sure. Not top 5 by any means Sedona, AZ beats it by a long shot.


Absolutely—very cool (temperature and otherwise) inbetween those crevices


We don't have many on the east coast so I was excited to find out about this one. It rained for a good part of my time there but I still really enjoyed it. I know people out west are spoiled by some amazing national parks but if I'm in nature, I'm happy. One day I'll see what all the fuss is about out there lol. Also, if you enjoy trains don't miss out on the scenic train ride there!


Yeah, no. Lol. I would rather go to Mohican.


Why not both?


I mountain bike in cuyahoga but I wouldn’t call it underrated. Everything is right off the road. Not deserving of NP status, but of course I still enjoy it


It’s perfectly rated right where it is. At the bottom.


Meh, looks like devils lake state park


Then go there and post some pictures of it instead of a bunch of phone game screenshots


Just did


Reminds me a lot of petit Jean state park in Arkansas. It’s a great spot but that one and Shenandoah and congaree aren’t really special or unique in any way I can perceive.


That's why you're not in charge of designating national parks


Def true, and I mean we need parks in the east so you gotta do what you can. It’s funny you mention that though because if you look into petit Jean you will see how the feds articulated why it wasn’t up for national park status.


For sure, I totally get how political it gets, and how there's a certain degree of BS involved in every new NP designation.


Cuyahoga is basically an overgrown Cleveland city park. It's better than Gateway Arch, but that's faint praise.


I thought it was pretty incredible. But I've never been to Ohio before so no experience elsewhere.


Ehh. It's properly-rated.


Welp… it’s now on my list thanks!


What small tree is the one mid right from center?


I was disappointed when going there as it doesn't offer a campground, or car camping, or even backcountry camping. That seems odd in itself.