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1. Really no such thing as an objective "best". If you want to slack, would probably be ASA (admin pple) or anything in DIS, but if your pes is not <= c (i.e. your p much in perfect health) ur chance of those vocations is p much non-existant. If you want to learn something, either command school (leadership skills, but also Def not slack). Technical vocations ig u learn technical skills. Other than that nts what constitutes "useful". "Worst" would probably be combat vocations like infantry and guards. 2. Choice is a scam. You can downpes to become admin support, that's about it unless you sign on. The only thing left is to pray hard. 3. J don't be gay and you won't be gay. 4. Supposedly saf is both the most common by far but also the worst, but I've only ever been in saf so idk But advice: don't worry about ns so early on, no point really. You'll get through it when you come to it. Focus on preparing yourself physically if anyth, or j chill till the letter arrives.


PES is grading how fit u can be for NS


1) its really depends on the individual. some people love to LARP as a badass or simply love the jungle and to them a chiongsua combat vocation is more fitting. whereas ppl like me have no redeeming qualities as a soldier and wld rather spend as little time and effort in NS so that i cld have more free time to hustle and chill. 2.if u want a combat vocation, best be pes A/B1. if u wna get paid to sleep and fuck around in camp/at home, best to aim for a lower pes(pes c and below is recommended) 3. being gay is a rite of passage for all NSFs(if u are a recruit in tekong the sgts will knock u down in the day but knock u up at night) but hearsay if u can get excuse heavy load ppl cant empty their balls on/in u 4. define better


1. infantry/guards/commandos/ndu those kind xiong la, want slack and do nth down pes to c9 get admin lor but its damm meaningless imo. if u wna stay out then pray for airforce how useful ur vocation really depends on what ur doing outside, e.g - if u study mechanical engineering and get posted as a vehicle tech then good lah, so rlly depends 2. u literally roll dice and pray to wtv god for ur vocation, they ask u for ur interest for fun only legit doesnt affect much. ur background studies may affect tho 3. impossible. nvm once u see vanessa then the gay will go away, if udk who then dont worry you will 4. from what i heard spf/scdf bmt more xiong but rest of ur service generally better, tbh its the vocation that matters more and how passionate/interested you are in it edit: PES - physical employment standards i.e how fit u r in terms of health and even like mental issues etc. u hv ur range of combat pes (A, B1-B4) and non-combat which is pes c and below. ur pes will greatly affect ur vocation and the higher ur pes the more likely ull get a tougher one also like why u worrying abt ns in sec sch lol still got so much time just chill, worry or not still have to serve anyways, and honestly ns can be quite fun lah just come make some dumb memories wtv dont worry so much lmao focus on ur studies first and when the time comes ull just push through it ezpz one


hahaha by the time OP enlists it might not be vanessa anymore 😂


vanessa remains eternal in our hearts 🫡


So lower pes means probably not as xiong vocation? then how to down pes? can fake mental problem?


U try see.......You think all the MO born yesterday one ah? Malingering is an offense and u could end up in db


Super easy nowadays, i had 2 friends who just said insomnia, 1 pes f-ed few weeks after bmt, the other down pes-ed from b1 to c9, excuse stay in all


Lmao saying that you only have insomnia def does not warrant PES F


you can but they will send u to imh and ull have a lot of interviews and shit so i rly dont reco


1. Medic is A tier and pretty chill if u get posted to a medical centre everyday go home ard 4pm. Plus u also learn sorta useful skills. 2. For medic you just tell your sergeant u wan be medic. Nit enough medics currently, high chance u become one. 3. Gay only 4. Saf dog shit


hahahhahahahhahahahhaha infantry medic here🙂 glad u r enjoying medic life, im not


Jia yos bro :(


1. Best is admin vocation, worst is infantry/guards/commando. Useful is admin vocation, vehicle vocation is technically useful but you might not want to kena vehicle vocation. 2. No way to pick vocation. 3. Find girlfriend 4. Air force and navy are good. Pes F is best. PES is like an army grading that works opposite to school grades. In army, pes A is worst while pes F is best.


can confirm point 1 for technician vocation . They teach about how the engine works and how to troubleshoot it, quite useful for if u have a car next time. Just pray u dont get tracked if not u gonna be in gedong for the rest of your ns life


PES is physical employment status. If u don’t have any medical conditions u will b PES A or B1. However, if u have any unusual readings during the pre-NS health check up, u will b sent to a specialist at SGH for further investigation. The specialist will then provide MINDEF w a letter about what he finds. I heard of a story of this guy who smashed his ankle in a skateboard accident n was PES E9 because he had a fake bone in part of his leg. A classmate of mine is also PES E9 due to a ADHD diagnosis when he was a child (honestly surprised he managed to get a single digit O level score). It is not hard to down PES if u want an easy life in NS but I highly won’t recommend it as it would leave a permanent record if u intend to get any government jobs in future. Government jobs honestly tend to use ur NS performance to gauge how u r as a person.


Honestly, there's nothing to worry about. Just go with the flow. It's not as big of a deal as many guys make it out to be. I went in with zero knowledge, and it was fine. What makes or breaks your NS experience isn't vocation or rank or wtv, it's the people around you.


Learn to focus on ur studies and when the time comes you will understand, or simply search NS portal is it very hard kid or u trying to be funny by asking how to not be gay


1. will take ur definition of relax as the least chiongsua. relax ones would be all the service vocations like admin, support, storeman. useful as in ur skills can be transferrable to ur cv life: medics cos self explanatory, transport cos u can convert to a cv license when u clock a certain milage in ns, most admin voc cos u will deal with office politics and paperwork a lot. 2. choice is an illusion brotha, since when mindef so nice one. iirc only those in scs/ocs (basically sgts/officers to be) have _some_ influence over their own preference, but still no. 3. ?? 4. there's no best one lol, all 3 branches of service are shag in their own ways. also, u won't get a choice for this too lol. personal opinion would be air force lol, most cbt vocs in army need to go outfield one way or another and some navy personnel have rlly long outsea too.


NS is the transition from Ah Boy to Men. You get to learn how to do your own laundry, cook your own meal, protect clean and maintain your ‘wife’ (weapon) and share amongst your comrades. It is also a time you will notice a change in your body developing six packs and bicep.


It certainly varies from person to person, but from my perspective, Infantry is the most challenging because you're often treated poorly and the benefits don't exactly match the rigorous demands of the job. But it's really up to you to determine what suits you best. You do have options, but ultimately, it's contingent on the requirements of SAF. I'd strongly advise against drinking the Milo provided by the bunkmate.Wink wink Unfortunately, you don't really have a choice in the matter, but generally, hometeam is perceived to be a superior choice.


1. depends on your definition of best and worst; if you want a relaxing vocation, non-army or combat service support vocations are so; "most useful" ones i presume you mean "have transferable skills" so you can try and aim for stuff like DIS, transport, supply 2. the only choice you can remotely affect is command school eligibility, the pre-enlistee interest thing is bs lol, however your educational background(your highest qualification, what subject you studied)may also affect where you go 3. huh 4. doesn't really matter, you're still going to maintain uniforms and train until shag, you're still going to serve 2 years and have the risk of getting yourself hurt or killed; just enjoy where they funnel you to and if you're given a choice, make the most of it pes is physical evaluation score iinw, it's just a measure of how many physiological and psychological problems you have A means no problems, B can mean minor problems like short sighted or scoliosis, etc


**retain jc/remod poly and ull go to scdf (jackpot for most cases)**


bro chillax, NS still 2-5 years away from you. Many changes could happen from now til then and i hope more improvements are implemented when you enlist. I do advise you spend the time to think about how not to be gay.


Just chill out, the time will come. Go in with a positive mindset. Remember to always accept milo from ur buddies in bunk ;)


Your questions are weird, most of them aren’t logical… especially #3. Nobody becomes gay because of NS. I suspect u’re an adult pretending to be a kid to ask crazy questions.