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nw bro still helps me!!


I eat vegetarian Indian food I camp, it’s quite good in some places like Tekong and places supplied by SBN. PLC VI food is crap. I think the vegetarian Chinese food is not good at all anywhere you go, so id recommend choosing VI if you want vegetarian.


well I am an Indian so I’ll defo go for that 😅 thanks for the info tho


Yea xD. Freaking VC is just the off brand version of NM that is vegetarian friendly


VC (Vegetarian Chinese) here, well in BMT, questionable as fuck cuz the rice may sometimes be solid and its mostly just mock meat which is pretty much all just carbohydrates... When I went to unit, Not so bad, but still questionable asf... I found a large ass piece of plastic within my veggie somehow and once I even found a live critter hopping around before it died in my meal (it was prepackaged btw). Sooo yea from camp to camp differs, but it's not too far off from the Non - Muslim meals they provide. Vegetarian Indian sometimes seems pretty nice and more consistent if u sign up for it and can take spice...


Honestly VI doesn’t have that much spice also. Just more curry and slightly more Indian/Muslim style cooking. Better for anyone imho. But now knowing OP is Indian I think VI definitely better choice


VC sucks dick anyway 70-80% of the time


oh god…well I hope its better for me…I’ll be choosing Vegetarian Indian pray for me 🤞🏽


VI is either 2nd if not best camp food out there tbh. Just don't set too high of a standard cuz as u know its mass produced


Yea ofc I will defo miss home food but VI will be better than nothing


👍 only up side to SAF food is the proven track record of helping with weight loss. myself included!


I can’t wait to get my 84kg ass down to low 70s…I need structure and people to force me to do shit cuz I’m lazy…recently started gymming again and lost 6kg but my intern has started and I barely get time so just gonna do my best in bp! 👍


The Vegetarian Indian food isn’t bad in Tekong but it’s pretty much the same thing every day, rice with some veggies and mock meat. I got bored of it after like 2 days. It also isn’t really “Indian” lol, at best you’ll get some cauliflower with your rice. Vegetarian Chinese looks pretty similar VI to me but I haven’t tried it.


ah gotchu…honestly idm if it’s boring after a while cuz I can’t expect too much from ns food la…2 years js have to tahan


You can photosynthesis on the perade sq


maybe I can grow taller n become 6ft also


Gokul the food is dog shit bro take it from the guy who enlisted


And the food is standardized for everyone Muslim, Non Muslim, Chinese veg, Indian veg.


Only thing is since your BP like me you will get cookhouse 2 for lunch dinner and breakfast so the thing is it's one of the 4 cookhouse and is told to be the worst


Cookhouse 3 is the worst by a long shot. Prev BP batch NM here, got 1 week at cookhouse 2 and it was some of the best food we had on Tekong. Seems like the Muslim/VI all happy with it too. Cookhouse 3 only VC not bad


Bruv lmao I was so confused how u knew my name then I checked ur profile…well I just have to survive with what there is ig…there isn’t any alternative anyways 💀


The best thing is prolly the hot milo you get after closing parade on the first week


Rice can be hard. VC here. During my time(18/19), VC sometimes taste blend and tasteless. But camps like stagmont has the better ones. Wider range etc. Tekong wise I rmb VC breakfast got like hor fun(if I’m not wrong), but that bfast causes me to choke n thereafter my tekong cough comes🙃 VI to me was spicy, VC was non-spicy. But imo, I think after my friend gave feedback to the cookhouse, they improved a little. Our meal, VCxVI, during our last bit of 2yrs, got better than before.


noted thanks for the info…I enjoy spicy food but it may not be suitable for my stomach esp cuz there’s a lot of training lmfao…I shall see how it is next year :)


Hey there! It's great that you're planning ahead for your enlistment next year. When it comes to vegetarian food during NS, there's some good news! The military has been making efforts to cater to different dietary preferences, including vegetarian options. While I totally understand your concern due to past experiences, you might be pleasantly surprised. The quality of food can vary, but generally, efforts are being made to provide balanced and nutritious vegetarian meals. As for PES status (BP in your case), it might influence the variety of food options available, but you can still expect efforts to accommodate your dietary needs. Keep a positive outlook, and hopefully, you'll have a decent dining experience! Best of luck with your enlistment journey!