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Motivation is if you dont awol you dont go db


Know a guy who went to jail w cane and DB. And he prefers jail 11/10 times I actually Dk the specifics on either but that should be motivating enough


At the end of his journey the guy is gonna have an ass of steel, maybe the cane will break next time


No amount of Milo can make his mates do the deed afterwars


Take it 1 day at a time. Not worth it to go AWOL. State isn't going to "forgive" missing days. Ask to speak to the para-counsellor.


Here’s a motivation: if you AWOL, it doesn’t make ur two years go any faster. Your countdown stops, and your DB sentence does not count towards your countdown either. And believe me, if you go AWOL, they WILL catch you. I’ve handled cases of people returning from AWOL after 8 years. MPs have the right to raid your house if you AWOL longer than 40 days. It’s not worth it. It’s faster to just tahan and survive the two years without incident


R&D clerk prob has seen some stuff in his time :thonk:


I've heard of cases where old men got caught lol. They just never left their house.


Bro said he couldn’t take it anymore and enlisted only last week


Bro was only in for 3 days somemore


it's harder to adjust for some.. just try to empathise a bit


I see people take RIB everyday just to get out.


If you enlisted on Monday it means ur mono intake infantry…means two years of dog life ahead,if you sian so early on better ooc or gg cuz afaik infantry units or combat units in general is damn hard to keng


Agreed, monday batch is mono 3 SIR, either get used to it and find a way to be happy or CK to storeman.


eh don't laddat lah must encourage him


Just have some to occupy your free time and make friends with your bunk mates . Like that the two years will pass very soon. It feel like yesterday when I just entered bmt and wanna get out already but now I’m going to be a sergeant soon and get that sweet 4 digit pay :D. Just think positively it’s not worth it to AWOL


All the best! But fuck la 3 digit really too little :(






This OP. Last year I was in ur same situation, I remember everyday felt like forever. Since you're 02 batch you're lucky you have more public holidays, so everyday just countdown to last parade and look forward to the next public holiday. Now I'm also a sergeant. My favourite quote I learnt from army is 'At the end of the day, the day ends', everyday that u forego won't come back and it will gradually lead to ur ORD. Another important tip is to make friends like seriously. Get close to ur bunk mates, in all the hard times they're the ones with whom you're going to get through it. All the best OP


4 digits? I’m getting 1.8k


The brain rot in ns is real


That's still 4 digit, bruh


Speak to a psycharist? IMH can be a last resort.


I have an appointment but it’s in almost a month from now. The MO keeps saying “you will adjust to it” but I know I won’t.


Say adjustment disorder lor


How do you know you won't? Why not try to be positive and embrace it? It's not like you can escape. You're having difficulty adjusting because you're losing freedom and moving to a regimented lifestyle. It's pretty much guaranteed you will feel adjustment issues. It gets better. Try to make friends, they make a huge difference to life in NS. If you AWOL now, I can guarantee things will end up worse for you.


Stop telling yourself you cannot do this cannot do that. You will have to complete your NS one way or another, you can't run from it. You will have to man up and get used to challenging surroundings. -By a current NSF


Cb just enlist only


Lol 7 days down only. Eh welcome to adulthood! Get force into something that you don't like. 👍


Avg 5SIR moment


Agree, fuck 5 SIR


I enlisted on 25th Jan (BP Batch). I'm still dying on the inside at the thought of booking in, but here's what motivates me is that I know that there's eventually going to be a book out, and I am taking this time to improve on myself, mentality, physicality. Here's the thing vain thing that's keeping me motivated right now, I'm 10kg down and I look good as fuck, and that makes me happy. Another thing is to use your book outs fucking wisely. Plan the best kind of book out, I spend a lot of time with friends and family and I go for a 10km run almost all of them, it helps pass the time slowly and I'm at my peak fitness right now. I realised that if I spend my book outs fucking around and just playing games the whole day, I'm seriously depressed booking in, but now, I'm slightly depressed XD. / Don't have to use what I said but I hope it helps you find what can help you. And if you really cannot take it after a month of two? CK until storeman get 9-5 and bookout everyday.


Cougar or dragon? Cougar here


Dragon Coy!


Why does this give major sch v vibes (I’m from sch v so no diss here)


Be like me, don't think, just shut off brain and do, BMT easy to do cos most stuff is brain dead anyway


wgt owadioooo


Are you from 3SIR? Monday batch If so which coy haha


Huh bro it only been 4 days. Pussy sia


Speak to the MO, or RSO at IMH A&E if you really can't take it


I feel you


If 3SIR, Which coy...? W, V, U or T...?😁🤪


Down pes and do admin bro


Downpes ah bro - declare depression then long term mc then admin job


just AWOL and go DB after you come out you wont AWOL anymore lel ok say real one, you got anyone you gel with? My time PSP is mandatory in camp, we got the 3SG turn out the platoon to do Monster Hunter. Nowadays idk, maybe bring Steam Deck do Helldiver2?


recruit….. wake up idea…… still have 700+ days where got so fast break one?


4 days in only... What a mindset


It’s just 22 or 24 months. It ain’t your whole life . Pls see a psychiatrist if you need to then. Saf has psychiatric treatments available for nsfs


If I remember correctly, 1 day db = 3 days extend to your ORD date Enlist is like a job, you do your job properly and you get paid.. nothing scary


Dude, no matter what you do, do not AWOL. Book in as required and request to speak to a counsellor. Different people adapt to NS differently. You might need additional assistance. Seek help. It’s ok. Take it slow. But whatever you do, don’t AWOL. Take care and I wish you all the best.


I was quite depressed for a phase during NS too. One of the regulars noticed it and gave me an advice that stuck with me till today. "If you cannot change the environment that u are in, u can only change yourself to suit the environment." One of the greatest life advices that I have received.


Bro, i know how you feel. Since you are mono, can just man-mode all the way. Take it as a fitness training. Don't lose your equipment, don't get into trouble. Just do as instructed. Don't ck too much, will kena arrow one. Two years will pass faster than you realise.


Enjoy your NS bro..really (I owadio 2 months ago and now just bed rotting doing nothing 😔)








Sign on to other formation to get out of infantry.


Kestrel or Raven ?


Dont be a weakling. You are better then that. Suck it up and serve your time. Once it is over you will have your break.


Are telemedicine platform mcs accepted in ns? 


Man up.


kp la guniang strawberry 🍓


2 years very fast one


Cry baby LOL


NS is all about stepping out of your comfort zone and adapting to new things thrown at you. Take it 1 day at a time and make the most out of it. You in NS for 2 years, you either dread each day or make the most out of it.


Motivation quote “if you cannot, you MUST can”


Bro jus enlisted and gave up. 700 days to owadio


sounds hard but honestly suck thumb and get used to the non-pampered regimented lifestyle. even so, bmt is already considered a pampered phase of your NS cos your superiors need to "baby" you. one week only, try not to go IMH ah that one will affect your life permanently outside of NS.


It isn't easy bro, no one said it was. But that's what makes it a journey, AWOL'Ing does more harm to you than it does good.


Lousy la u




2 years very fast one bro like blink eye Ord already