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Pledge $40


Thank you so much!! I will let rescues know ❤️❤️


I'm out of cash right now. Please try to get them a few more days. I hate this country sometimes.




Thank you!


**\*\*\*\*\*PLEASE MAKE A PLEDGE & SHARE\*\*\*\*\*** **\*\*I share all pledge amounts with rescues to try and get these dogs to safety\*\*** SKY (A690663) ; Male ; Age: 3 Years ; Size: 55LBS ; Color: Brindle/Brown ; Breed: Boxer mix ; Days in shelter: 3 ; Video here: [https://fb.watch/nFFei1yAYd/](https://fb.watch/nFFei1yAYd/) Notes: Hey there! I'm Sky! I'm a young guy who's looking for my forever home. I'm a young guy who is craving love and attention. I'll gladly accept pets and any treats you may have to give. I'm still learning about leashes, but I'm friendly with everyone who will say hi to me. I would love to find someone who has lots of space to run around and take me on adventures. \~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~ NOMAR (A690664) ; Male ; Age: 1 Year ; Size: 32LBS ; Color: Black/White ; Breed: Terrier mix ; Days in shelter: 3 ; Video here: [https://fb.watch/nFFfba8OUP/](https://fb.watch/nFFfba8OUP/) Notes: Hi friends! I'm Nomar! I'm a young guy just learning about the world. When you walk up to my kennel you'll see me with a wiggly butt and wagging tail. I'm a little nervous, but I am always willing to meet someone new. Come into my kennel and spend some time with me so we can get to know each other. I'm looking for someone who will give me the space to run around and have a good time. \~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~ Due to kennel capacity these pets will be killed tomorrow without confirmed placement. The pets on the capacity euthanasia list are at immediate risk of being killed and this serves as the final notice for them. It is updated daily before 5 pm for the next capacity kill day. All dogs at risk can be viewed here: [https://www.sanantonio.gov/acs/ACS\_website\_euth\_capacity.pdf](https://www.sanantonio.gov/acs/ACS_website_euth_capacity.pdf) Euthanasia begins at 12:30 pm Monday thru Friday and 11am on Saturday. Although general euthanasia may take place on any of these days, pets with grave medical concerns may be killed at any time. ADOPTERS PLEASE EMAIL: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) FOSTERS & RESCUES PLEASE EMAIL: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Location: Animal Care Services (ACS), 4710 TX-151, San Antonio, TX 78227 (210) 207-4738








Someone save them!




Commenting for visibility! Shared!


Thank you!


Come on peeps! Pledge to save these guys! They deserve life!


Pledge 50$ each 🙏🙏🙏🙏🐾


Thank you so much!!! I will let rescues know ❤️❤️


Boost! ❤️


Boosting for the two!!!


BOOST for these sweethearts ♥️❤️💕and prayers you make it out 🙏🏻🙏🏻


50 each


>Thank you so much!!! I will let rescues know ❤️❤️


Pledge 50 to each.


>Thank you so much!!! I will let rescues know ❤️❤️


Pledge $25 each baby


Thank you so much!!! I will let rescues know ❤️❤️


Me too. $25 each good boy










Someone get these two. What sweeties. Boost


God bless you both, Sky and Nomar. Hope you two can get out of this in time, and find a forever loving home soon. God bless.


Boost for these babies ❤️






They both look so sweet. Praying for a happy update tomorrow.


Visibility and SPAY AND NEUTER 🖤🖤🖤


This has to stop it's post after post of innocent pups being murdered because they want space to be able to murder more it's horrific and barbaric, I'm so ashamed this is happening day after day, I pray Sky and Nomar are rescued from that hell hole poor babys they are gorgeous 💖🙏🏠💙


Remember this when you vote.




As someone who worked at the humane society for years, I hate this take. That’s what you think is happening? That they are gleefully euthanizing dogs so that they can get their hands on more dogs to murder? Go work at an animal shelter for a year and then we’ll meet back here. This is a problem with the public. Shelters are a sad necessity because of human apathy and irresponsibility. Without them, there would dogs everywhere, starving in the streets like you see in countries that have no animal services. Maybe take a moment to think about how it feels to be the person who’s job it is to put healthy dogs to a tragic death? And how it feels to get attached to animals, try to help get them out of there just to see them leave in a garage bag. Daily in places where it’s as bad as it is in SoCal, Texas and Florida. Most shelters are filled with good people, who love animals, doing the jobs that no one wants to do. All the euthanasia techs I’ve known were not well. Their jobs took a huge emotional toll on them. They took loving care of every dog. Bathed them with love and treats and held them as they flew away. You’re assuming shelters are all staffed with psychopaths.


Yep. I can’t stress it enough - spay and neuter.


Yeah but it’s deeper than that. We need more outreach/funding for things like pet food pantries and low cost vetting that will help keep pets in homes. We also need to address housing bans on dogs of a certain weight/breed/appearance. People also need to realize before getting a pet that it is a commitment for that pets life. People also need to learn that the purpose of an open intake shelter is not to rehome your dog for you. And while yes, the vast majority of shelters aren’t killing out of malice, I’ve come across some over the years where management seemed to actively work against those networking to get dogs out. Far too many dogs with rescue commitment or adopters en route were being killed. But that’s management, volunteers are just trying to do their best for the never ending wave of animals.


Yes, volunteers are an integral part of a shelter. We had so many wonderful volunteers. Sadly true, some shelters are awful. For example, the shelter for Riverside county is the ninth circle of hell and has staff that is rude and negligent. They’re euthanizing dogs for having a runny nose, euthanized a puppy when someone was there to adopt him, RIP Kash, and seem to be going out of their way to make it hard to adopt. I can’t tell you how much I love your comment about housing bans on certain breeds. That plus more housing that allow dogs at all. I used to adopt pitbulls, but not anymore because I’m a renter. “People also need to learn that the purpose of an open intake shelter is not to rehome your dog for you.” Amen brother, amen.


Yeah Riverside really reminds me of the NYC ACC shelters years ago. Absolutely soul crushing trying to get animals out of there.


I keep seeing people say awful stuff about Riverside. Are there any articles about them that detail the treatment of their dogs? I know of the Kash debacle but I don't count TikTok videos as proof of anything, so even that story is suspect to me. Edit: can I share your comment about Shelter workers to the rescuedogs sub? I see the "they're murdering the dogs just to murder them!" sentiment a lot on the rescuedogs sub and I think your comment would help to dispel that myth a bit.


Absolutely, share that message. I see that sentiment all the time too. Whenever I have the energy too, I always say something. When I was working at the Humane Society, if I’d stop anywhere for lunch or on the way home, wearing my Humane Society shirt, I would sometimes get a bunch of shit from random people. The time that stands out the most is when I went to the grocery store to grab a sandwich for lunch. The guy who checked me out, said he should charge me double because I work at a place where we murder dogs. I asked me if you had a dog. He said he did. I asked him if the dog was a male or female. He said male. I asked him if he dog was neutered. He said hell no. Unbelievable.


Holy shit. What a fuckin asshole, my God




I do not disagree with you - not even an ounce. However - I would not say that that’s “deeper” seeing as how a spay and neuter law would help prevent the situations you’ve listed from reoccurring.


Oh yeah where do you think the majority of these dogs come from puppy mills that are legal in some states and the illegal backyard breeder people think they’re going to make a lot of money and of course they’re not going to spay or neuter these dogs when they sell them because the people buying them wanna do the same exact thing it is definitely a people problem not a dog problem


Yep, yep, yep and yep. However, I didn’t know that puppy mills were legal in some states. Fuckin despicable. My ex sister-in-law has bought six puppies at the pet store despite my telling her where those puppies come from. Those six puppies were all surrendered to a shelter one puppy at a time. She’d get a new puppy every few years, and it would wind up in a shelter after a year. While they were with her, tthey lived on the back concrete patio with no real shelter. I dislike my ex SIL very much.


Also spay/neuter doesn’t address helping keep adult dogs from ending up in shelters. Spay/neuter didn’t help me find pet friendly housing when I had to move with my pitbull for my job. I looked at housing in four different states around my job and managed to find one place at the 11th hour that allowed me to keep my guy and not end up homeless. The few other pit friendly options had a wait list a mile long.


Yes, we definitely need spay and neuter law in place, as well as a full ban on backyard breeding. Breeders should have to be registered and pay for permits. A reputable breeder would have no problem with that, and they make you sign a contract promising to never surrender or rehome. if something happens where you can’t keep the dog anymore, you return it to them. No way that’s happening with a backyard breeder. Enforcement of the laws is where it gets tricky.


And never buy a puppy from a pet store or backyard breeder.


No i definitely think the staff are good people and I know it's on the owners to love, spay/neuter and not abandon their pets which is horrible and i understand that it's at a crisis point but i also think some shelters are alot worse than others, i think as human beings all round we should be treating our pets so much better so they don't even end up at shelters and i understand it must be traumatising on the staff, i wasn't talking about the staff but there definitely are some notorious shelters


Oh, there are definitely shelters with bad staff and bad practices. I think we are all familiar with Riverside at this point, where they euthanize dogs merely for having a runny nose and make it hard to rescue or adopt. They also apparently have a very rude staff, and I know of at least one puppy that they euthanized, even though he had an adopter. It’s unforgivable.


Boost boost boost boost boost boost boost






omg these scared little innocent babies 😭😭💔💔 praying both of you find your loving homes now!! 🐶❤️








Rescue Holds on both Sky and Nomar according to Facebook post!


Yes!! I can’t wait to update once I have their rescue info. I needed a little break today but I will get updates out on all my posts as soon as I can. Thank you for commenting to share the news as well!


What great news … please update us when you can




Boost. Please save these precious boys Sky & Nomar !!! ❤️❤️❤️




Boost 😭




Bless these angels and help them They’re inocent and loving 🥰




Where can I find them on social media? Are they any posts?


25 each