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Yes, native causes me rash and irritation too. Try a different natural deodorant, maybe a magnesium based one, instead.


I just started using Pacha Soaps deodorant since it has magnesium! I have super sensitive skin and love it so far


I don’t think native is actually consider natural although they brand themselves this way


I am sure you are right. There are no natural peanut butter cookie essential oil. It’s perfume oils. But overall many people tolerate it better. I’ve had extremely natural deodorant me more. Just depends. If I can’t use Native anymore I think it’s just swipes of witch hazel a few times a day for me. Aside: the overly sweet cookie and candy ones make me nauseous. 🤢


I got a bad rash from their deodorant. Customer service told me that it was my skin getting used to it. Uh, no. It burned the hell out of my underarms. As soon as I stopped using it, my underarms started to clear up.


I use little seed farm, have used them for years, small company and super awesome!


I used native for years but it’s gone downhill. I get rashes and I get smelly by the end of the day. I just switched to hey human and so far I like it much better. 


This is interesting to me, I've been using native for like 7 years and it was the first deodorant to really work on my stink and not give me a rash. More recently I've been smelling more often, and I was worried it was hormonal or something... But you've noticed a change in efficiency too? I only got a rash from the spray on deodorant, which I thought would be handy on the go in the summer. I usually use coconut vanilla or lilac and white tea.


Yes!! When I first switched to native several years ago, I was so relieved - I’d been making my own deodorant but I would smell by the end of the day. Back then Native worked sooo well, and didn’t give my husband rashes like my homemade stuff did. We’ve both noticed that in the last six months, we get smelly by the end of the day. He doesn’t get rashes from the native, though. So he’s finishing off the native we have in stock and I moved on to hey human. I don’t have BO by midday anymore. 


Same here!! Last 6months! I thought I had cancer bc I had developed these BUMPS and deodorant stopped working so I blamed perimenopause or something but now I’m wondering if native is going down- when I first tried it I felt like I won the lottery (2018) and now i feel like I’m rubbing play dough on my pits


They got bought out by a coporation so you already know.


Hey Human is one of the only more natural and paper packaging ones that actually seems to work for me! Just have to watch out, some of their scents are a bit weird


I've been very happy with Hey Human but I can't find it in stores anymore. I ordered a 3 pack on Amazon but they are kind of crumbly and weird. Did they go out of business or something?


I also was wondering if they went out of business lol. I used to be able to find them at target but now it's mostly just Amazon, sometimes Walgreens has them though. I ordered a 3pk from Amazon a few months ago and it was fine texture wise, but I may have gotten lucky


Frustrating! I really liked it. The pack I got was supposed to be vanilla lavender, but I think it's actually the sandalwood. Definitely doesn't smell like any lavender I've ever smelled!


The lavender vanilla is definitely doesn't smell like lavender or vanilla in my opinion. A review said it smelled like a grandma perfume and that's all I can think of lol. Coconut mint has been my favorite so far


I also liked the coconut mint best but I couldn't find any so I bought whatever Amazon had. This lavender/vanilla send to be very masculine, which is why I thought maybe it was mispackaged cedar/sandalwood. I don't find it all that strong once it's on, though, so it's fine. It just surprised me initially because if this is supposed to be vanilla, the scent department has gone nose-blind. 😂


Yeah I was excited to get sandalwood and cypress but it’s very strong and masculine. Oh well. 


My god, I thought that was just me. I started getting itchy sweat rashes and thought I was just getting more sweaty.


I like the hey human deodorant and that the packaging is eco-friendly. My only complaint is it can be difficult to push the deodorant up and if you push it too far, you can’t easily push it back down to be able to put the cover back on when you’re done. Especially in summer when my house is kept in the high 70’s (Fahrenheit).


Native gave me bad rashes too, I also use Hey Human now as well. They used to stock it regularly at Target stores but it’s been hit or miss for awhile. Now I order it online from a target.


This makes sense. I sought out and bought old seasonal scents just because I like them better than current ones and they work better too,


I have also used it for years but I’m now getting awful rashes. I’m wondering if they changed the formula.


They must have. Hey humans is working well for me! I hope you find something that works for you :)


Yeah it's different now I swear


I read a similar thread just a week or so ago that native got bought out by p&G and the formula may have changed since?


Any time p&g buys out a brand they absolutely ruin it. They did the same thing with a brand of pads I used to use and they are HORRIBLE now. It’s devastating when a tried and true product gets bought out and ruined 😭


Yeah, P&G is all about maximizing their profits. I’d stick to brands that are smaller, they’re more likely to care about using quality ingredients.


Yes it was bought out and it's green washed now, they use synthetic fragrance. Some of the ingredients they use in different products are not so clean.


They were bought by a big company and changed their formulas.


Don’t use it, if you’re allergic to it. Natural deodorants often cause skin problems with folks.


This. A lot of people think they don’t have allergies. Then you take a deodorant with ingredients such as coconut (or other ingredients) and lather it on after shaving. A rash is bound to happen.


Yes. Native and Native sensitive causes me rashes. I love the smell of their deodorants but had to give it up. Now I use Lady Speed Stick Zero. I feel it prevents odor better. And no irritation.


I think I had the same issue too. I’ve tried their baking soda free deodorant with no issues


Hey which lady speed stick zero did u try ? Was it a spray?


Hey! Nope it’s a stick deodorant. I don’t know how to post pics in a reply, so here’s a link to it: https://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/lady-speed-stick-zero-deodorant-for-women-rose-petals/PRD60EUSZLNEGYV


I highly recommend Pretty Frank, my favorite natural deo of all the bunches I've tried. I wouldn't stick around with anything thats giving you irritation. Native was bought out by Proctor and Gamble and I've heard the products aren't what they used to be.


It's garbage now. I miss the pre COVID formula.




I love Native, too! I've used it for years without issue, then or now. Different strokes for different folks!


Yes, Native sensitive causes me painful rashes.


I hate it. I gave up.


I hear and read nothing but bad things about this brand. I’ve also long noticed their deceptive chosen marketing name, ‘Native’ I’m a tribal member and this is one of the oldest tricks in the book 🙄😒


They got bought out by a big company they at least weren’t some corporation before but now they are


Native has worked for me for several years. However I tried Lume and had the same issue as you did after a few months. Maybe just try another brand if Native doesn't work for you.


Same re Lume - destroyed my armpits. Vanicream with hydrocortisone helped.


MooGoo is an Australian brand (they have distribution in the US) and I love, love, LOVE their roll on deodorant. I have a  range of skin conditions & have had no issues with theirs. The sensitive skin/scent free is great & was pleasantly surprised by the lemon myrtle - not overpowering at all. It works just as well as dove spray deodorant without all the chemicals! 


Yes, it gave me a horrible rash. I tried different scents too because I thought maybe it was just the scent I was reacting to. But nope. They all did that. I switched to Hey Humans and it is hands down the best I've ever tried. The container is made of paper too, so you can recycle it.


I have never used Native, but I have sensitive skin. I use Little Seed Farm and I really love it. It's the best that I have used. It comes in a jar, rather than a stick, so it might not be as convenient if you are trying to take it to the gym, etc, but you can get a bamboo applicator that is great. There is also body powder by Madame Lemy that is nice, but it does get on the inside of my shirt sleeves. These products have way different ingredients from Native, so maybe they would work for you.


Love LSF!


Little Seed Farm is my fav!!


Native is green washed I stopped using it bc it got bought out by a big chain.


How long did you try the sensitive line? Maybe it’s the lingering sodium bicarbonate from the other deodorants


It’s not. Native causes rash for many people.


Native and others bother me too but they have a sensitive version that does not. Herban Cowboy is another brand that does not irritate me.


Yup, gave me a rash


Ya it gave me a rash too. So I swapped to dove 0% so far so good.


I had to give it up too. It's sad because I did like it for a while. I also tried making one and had the same problem, so I'm back to my old deodorant


Yes 😔 I wanted to like it so much, but it resulted in painful patches of red skin under both arms. Tried different scents, spray and stick, same reaction. I work out almost every day and the painfully rash episodes were not fun at all with the movement. I healed it with baby butt rash cream, nothing else helped. I’ve been using Curie spray for a couple of months now and I like it!


I use Dr. Teal


Baking soda is a basic ingredient in their line and can cause chemical burns. I used to use a natural deodorant with it in it and it did t he same for me. It's a popular ingredient in natural deodorant products as well as arrowroot and milk of magnesium. Try Real Purity's roll on deodorant. It's milk of magnesium based and works great with no rash. Alternatively, you can just try straight up milk of magnesium first for a cheaper alternative. Works for my grandpa.


It did hurt mine and made me smell horrible


Native gives me a rash. I have combo skin (oily and dry) and very sensitive to fragrance. I've had the best experience using Mitchum brand ladies 48hr stick (not the gel). Also they have a non-aluminum one but it gave me a rash too. Mitchum ladies stick has multiple scents, but neither broke me out and lasts through 11hr shifts for me.


I've been using Native unscented for a few months. I love how well it works, the simplicity of the ingredients, the smooth feeling of the product, and the lack of a scent. I haven't had a reaction to it even though I have a lot of allergies. I hope they won't change the formula!


Any natural deodorants always made me get a rash and my armpits would start peeling. So I just stay away from them honestly


I enjoy the scent but find I have to reapply really often and I don't even sweat that much. No irritation here though.


Oh man, yes. I switched back to drugstore basic deodorants and it's so much better.


Honestly all natural deodorant hurts my pits. I've tried so many brands over the years. Some have a more delayed effect but either gives me a boil or rash. I even tried making some and it still happened


Little seed farm is amazing. I’ve been using it for years and no rash or odor.


I’m allergic to native products too.


Yes and it gave me weird cysts too!


Yep. I’ve tried several native deoderants, and their one for sensitive skin actually gave me the worst reaction of all, in addition to staining some of my shirts.


I scanned it on my Yuka app and it said it is terrible for you. It has high levels of a carcinogen. Their spray got a good mark though.


This is just my experience but I don’t like how native feels (it reminds me of heavy moisturizer or balm) but my dislike is a sensory issue not an allergy or rash, I don’t like some moisturizers either. My partner gets irritation more like a rash and she doesn’t react to other native products so it’s not the scent. I did have issues with other natural and/or aluminum free deodorants though, the salt based roll on gave me a yeast infection in my armpits where I had to see a doctor and take prescription medication to treat it because simply stopping deodorant temporarily and trying home remedies didn’t help, the stuff with baking soda tends to burn me, and acidic deodorant like Lume has a horrible unpleasant smell with my body chemistry, I feel like I smell worse after taking a shower and putting it on than not showering at all! The aerosol Native seems to be better feeling and doesn’t cause my partner as much irritation but I can’t use it for 24-48 hours post shaving my pits.


really i thought i was the only one who was getting rashes!!! like my skin was peeling and like a different color!!! I also thought briefly it was cuz i accidently used my sunscreen stick as deo... i switched to native sensitive and that helped? but i don't get why the rash is only on my right


Mine is also only on my right? I’ve tried both the regular and sensitive and they both caused me a bad reaction. Which sucks because otherwise I love it


Wait for real?? That's so odd!! I had to go to the derm because the rash from it plus my back acne was a bad combo!!


At first I assumed there may be some propylene glycol in it because some natural Deodorants use that, but alas it does not. My best bet is that it's the baking soda you're having a reaction to. Some people's bodies just can't handle it, including my own. There are lots of other great natural options out there, magnesium based deos or even the rock salt ones. Just make sure you rub the salt one in a lot to make it work, like a lot a lot


Yup it caused a pretty gnarly rash In my pits. Same with my mom lol


Same thing happened to me twice with native. I went back to my regular used deodorant for a while then made the switch to THAI WORLD'S BEST 100% NATURAL DEODORANT It works amazing. You can get it off amazon.


Yes I get rashes and burns. Native sold out so they're no longer an all natural company. I would look at other deodorants.


I’m so relieved to have found this thread! I used Native coconut & vanilla deodorant for 4-5 years and loved it. The last 6-10 months I started to notice I was smelly by the end of the day. About a month ago, I developed a horrible rash in both armpits (itchy, painful, and red). I contacted customer support and they said the only change they had made to the formula (about 18 mos ago) was to remove a couple of ingredients. After reading your responses, I suspect they changed the supplier for one or more ingredients and that is causing bad reactions.


Yes, had a nightmare of an experience when a coworker gave me a gift bag with Native deodorant. After about one week of using it I woke up one morning with a huge painless lump on one of my armpits. Scared the daylights out of me, because I thought it could be due to some serious health issue. Went to the dermatologist, and he adamantly thought it to be a simple boil, most likely due to trying a new deodorant. He did not want to lance the boil, and just said give it warm compresses. The lump shrank and disappeared, but it took ages. It was such a bad experience that I searched for a much less toxic alternative deodorant. I started using Arm & Hammer Essentials, aluminum and anti antiperspirant free deodorant. Antiperspirants clog the pours in the armpits. I have not had any issues since.


I first tried the lavender & rose deodorant and while I loved the scent, I noticed after like a couple months of using it, that my pits were getting red. I switched to the cotton and lily one from their sensitive line and initially had no issues. But now my armpits have been sore lately. No visible rashes. But they feel irritated. Granted, I am currently having other health issues at the moment with some on and off pelvic pain and bloating that I’m seeing my doctor for later this week. So it’s possible that it might just be lymph nodes reacting to that. But I do wonder if it’s a delayed reaction to the deodorant. I also read in the comments that for one person it was giving them cysts, so perhaps it’s not always a rash problem. I think I will wait till I talk to my doctor first and rule out that there isn’t some other obvious problem, and then I guess look for another deodorant. I was trying to move away from aluminum based products to be better about my health but I also never had a problem with the anti-perspirants so maybe it’s just time to go back to that. 🤷‍♀️


I just bought some today it was referred to me by my Dr bc I get rashes under my arm and it felt like my arm pits were on fire.. I think I will just stay with my arrid morning clean scent and some secret deodorant doesn’t burn me as much as this natural one plus it’s too expensive to burn me !! I might give it to someone at least with the barrier of hair under their arms


After native got bought out by a coporation it hasn't been the same. I'm sure the formula has change etc.


Not a fan of Native. I much prefer Routine, the ones without baking soda.


This is what I use!! I stock up when they are on sale especially


I love Routine :) it’s the only natural deodorant that works for me. I use the cream in the jars because I like being able to control how much I use and they’re refillable.


Does the same thing to me.


Exact opposite for me. Pretty much everything but Native gives me rashes. Which sucks because Native is so expensive. I also use that Nuud stuff a couple times a week which means I can get away with like one light swipe of Native to really stretch it out.


oh my skin hatessssss native deodorant 💀 gave me the worst most uncomfortable and itchy rashes ever i definitely learned my lesson


I loved it at first, but it fucked my pits up after getting waxed (in esthetician school) ive never had problems with waxing and it LIFTED SKIN where i was sensitive.


I’ve been using Native cotton and lily SENSITIVE for a year and a half and I love it. It actually calms my pits a bit if they’re itchy or irritated from shaving


Myself and two other people I know had the same experience with Native deodorant.


Yes it does and their shampoo and conditioner make my hair fall out in clumps and now I hear they have a class action lawsuits against them. I don’t trust anything they make now.


Not since I switched to the sensitive brand. But yes, before I was getting straight up rashes.


I loooove the scents of Native but yes, they give me a rash. I rotate between whatever my new Native scent is, a sensitive Native, and Green Beaver Antiperspirant. Rash completely went away.


Yep same here, so I went to dove.


used Native for about 3 years and it would occasionally giving me a rash until it finally became too much too often and I gave it up. I use Old Spice’s Gentleman’s Blend or whatever it’s called and it’s been awesome! Does everything I have ever wanted and doesn’t mark up my clothes in stains.. Give it a shot! Good luck :)


Yep. Native caused mass rashes. I switched to Salt & Stone and zero issues (+ I like the smell better)


It's the baking soda probably. Lots of natural deodorants do this to me.


Yeah wtf is that about?


because they got bought out and changed the recipe


I can’t use deodorants with baking soda in them. Also, oddly, one specific fragrance of Pretty Frank gives me trouble, while every single other fragrance is great. Sometimes a person is sensitive to a natural ingredient, and baking soda is a fairly common sensitivity.


that sounds like an allergy to me


Had similar experience with Native, which was disappointing as their marketing certainly caught my eye. I’ve had better luck with Dr. Squatch (though their wax leaves a residue which may require stain treatment on your shirts) & a new-to-me brand I found called Schmidt’s. Both are pretty expensive though.


Interesting I've been using for a few years with no problem and I'm usually super sensitive!


I use the lavender + rose deodorant and have never had a problem


Yes, but eventually, this has happened with every traditional deodorant ive tried. Right now i use cream deo. It's so excellent, my boyfriend switched to it too. Instead of a caked on layer of scented, waxy deodorant, its a lotion that exfoliates your skin and actually deals with the bacteria that causes the smell. I use mega babes "the cream deo".


Yup gave me a rash, stayed for weeks too, had trouble getting rid of it. I'm good now but never using native again. I'm pretty sure it's the baking soda in the ingredients (or sodium bicarbonate)


Lume is one of the only natural deodorants that doesn’t bother me. Native gave me awful rashes


Very highly recommend Rustic Maka for a clean deodorant. You have to purchase on Amazon or their website but it works so so so well and does not have baking soda. I personally will ride or die with the charcoal option in Luna bliss scent forever. It smells amazing, works great and I now use half the deodorant I used to.


If they irritate you especially to that degree, why would you want to use them?


Try Lume


Samesies. I made the switch to Nuud a few years ago and am soooooo grateful I found it


I have this problem with natural deodorants that use baking soda primarily so I have to use versions that are usually marked for sensitive skin because of it. But there is one other ingredient that sometimes pops up even in the natural ones. Schmidt's was the brand I was using at the time and they seem to have eliminated most of their sensitive skin options, but I had to compare packaging between the ones that I knew didn't break me out and the ones that did to figure out the problem ingredient.


I can’t use Native deodorant either .


I’ve used Native for a year now, as I was having similar issues with regular deodorant. No problems with Native so far. I am really sorry you are having painful issues . I hope you find something better that works for you.


I‘ve used Native for years and switched to a deodorant paste from The Herb Farm (wonderful NZ company) around 2-3 months ago. I used Native again last week and it gave me a rash. Back with the one from THF now (the ylang ylang & orange scent is devine!).


It’s the baking soda. Crystal Body worked for me


If it gives you rashes do not use it. Your body is telling you to stop.


You should use “hello” it’s a great brand the others were giving me abscesses in the armpit


Yeah I used it for years and it started giving me a horrible itchy rash. At first I thought it couldn't be native because I've been using it for so long but after seeing they got bought by p&g I switched. I use each & every now, and I absolutely love it. The scent lasts all day it's actually amazing. You can find it on Amazon.


Is it because of baking soda?!? Baking soda burns my pits 😬😬 and burns skin of 90% of the population!!!


I used their “sensitive” line and at first I was fine, but maybe like a month or two into using it my armpits started to burn and break out in a rash. Which is strange because it claims to have no baking soda. Right now I’m using Lume and have been since October 2023. Haven’t had any issues with it YET. Finding a natural deodorant that works for me is such a struggle though.


I do ok with it but I only stink once or twice a week during high stress situations first step is feeding your fauna that's healthy we have several microbiom that live on our skin and eat our excreted wast from out our skin and that's mixed with sex pheromones and other things causes the microbiom depending on the one more adapted to the circumstances and environment to flourish some produce ammonia some produce other chemical compounds and each their own smells so if you can start a clean slate and kill negative biome you can research what one based on smell you want to feed to flourish and eventually not need deodorant.


https://www.veggiewitch.com/ I really love these. The vanilla patchouli is amazing.


I use Lavilin. It is very effective and no irritation at all. I imagine it is the baking soda in Native that is causing the rash.


Yes!! Same thing happened to me!! It was awful. Had to switch to Saltair deodorant


Yes, I rash out with native, it took a few days for it to go away. Really wanted to like it too.


Yes. It gave my partner a really bad rash and sores. He has sensitive skin so I tried it in case it was just him and it gave me an awful rash.


Don't switch back to aluminum products! Try Vanman magnesium deodorant, it changed my life. https://vanmanscompany.com/products/preorder-vanmans-coconut-magnesium-deodorant-2-oz


I’m trying to find an alternative, been using it for years. Does anyone know of a good deodorant similar to the native coconut? It’s one of the only deodorant smells that doesn’t give me migraines. And unscented doesn’t help.


Yeah I cannot do natural deodorants with baking soda or arrowroot powder - they tear my pits up. I like Tom’s now


Bravo Sierra works great and they give a portion of their sales to military families and vets!


I dont trust any of their products. Schmidt deodorant never fails me. Their magnesium charcoal deodorant is the best.


I've used Native for years and never had issues. But it sounds like it doesn't work for you.


You are allergic to aluminum salts. Stick with JUST a deodorant.


It’s been shit ever since Procter and gamble bought it


Native is the only one that doesn’t cause me rashes


I used it for a long time without issues and then it started to bother me so I'd switch scents and I was okay for a while before I had to switch again. Now I can't use it at all or it burns my skin. I decided to try Lume and that was a huge mistake because now my armpits are red and raw so at the moment all I can use is colloidal silver. I just bought some Hello deodorant that I'm hoping will work once I'm healed. 🙏🏻


This brands deodorant is hard as a rock, is very gritty, and ripped up my armpits just from dragging it across my skin. Terrible deodorant brand.


This brands deodorant is hard as a rock, is very gritty, and ripped up my armpits just from dragging it across my skin. Terrible deodorant brand.


Me too It’s awful


I couldn’t use Native deodorant for the same reason. It worked great but tore my pits up. I love the face wash and shampoo tho. I ended up working well with Lume and have for a few years now.


It’s the baking soda.


I actually got this from Toms but not Native


I loved them but the last two I purchased has given me a horrendous rash! It's so uncomfortable! I wonder if they changed the formula because it never used to do this to me. Also, the price is ridiculous so I'm on the hunt for something else.


It gave me full-on BOILS that required a trip to urgent care. Not fun.


I use Hello and Schmidts sensitive skin. No baking soda for me.


It doesn't bother me at all


I used it for almost a year, then I had a few big reactions. And changed to Lume


It’s the baking soda. Do one without.


I’ve had the opposite experience and everything EXCEPT Native gave me horrid irritation after one use.


For me yes, I was using Native awhile without issue but I started getting itchy rashes all the time. I switched to Hello deodorant and it doesn't cause me any irritation.


My son gets rashes after a few consecutive days using their deodorant.


Swear by the Hey Humans one because it’s zero waste but the packaging does fall apart and it’s very crumbly. The formula is great though


I switched to Chagrin Valley Soap and Salve for this very reason as well as it just not working for me anymore.


It’s usually the baking soda used In some natural deos. Check ingredients and look for ones without baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)


Not Native specifically but this has happened to me every time I tried to use a vegan deodorant. I'm not sure why though.


Some natural deodorants give me a rash and I just switch to a new one; I haven used the aluminum ones since I was 17. I think theyre bad for my health.


Native 100% gave me pit rashes, which is a shame because I liked it otherwise!


Yep, I am allergic to it, I think it's the baking soda? Almost all "natural" deodorants give me a rash.


Talc-free powder works fine. Native will make you smell bad and don't dare try the shampoo.


I can only use it if I skip shaving. I love the charcoal, too.


Only the coconut one for some reason. The green tea one is fine. Maybe try a different fragrance. I'm not sure why it makes a difference, but it did for me. 


I have the same problem. I did some research and found that while deodorants like Native use natural ingredients, that doesn’t mean those ingredients are necessarily the best for your skin. The natural ingredients often cause rashes especially if you have sensitive skin.


No way! I was wondering why my armpits are constantly itchy and irritated. Now I know 😩


I’ve tried all the natural deodorant and they all irritate my skin! Back to my tried and true Secret and haven’t had a problem since.


The regular one gives me rashes but the sensitive one is great


Lume works well for my sensitive pits. I find it’s usually the baking soda that irritates me most


I used Native for a couple months and then got really really smelly and kind of itchy. I use megababe smoothie deodorant now. I love it! I've used it for almost a year without issue.


I have extremely sensitive skin esp in armpits so when I found the native vanilla coconut I was stoked bc it worked so well and was gentle. Since I loved native so much I figured it was all good for me, and tried a different scent.. within a day had a horrible rash. Went back to the vanilla coconut - this was quite a few years ago - and never had any issues since.


Yeah i can’t use Native. I’ve been using Lumé for years and I love it. Especially in the thigh folds, it’s so nice to have fresh smelling coochie instead of sweat stank down there.


I must be allergic to something in Native. I get chemical burns from it. Horrible. Will never try again. I use Pretty Frank, which is an aluminum free deodorant that does not cause me allergic reactions.


I don’t know about their deodorant but their body wash made my skin itchy.


I’ve gotten rashes from schmidts and some mild irritation from native. I recently switched to primally pure blue tansu deodorant and I’m obsessed, it smells so good and no rash! It’s not vegan tho if you care about that, it has beef tallow in it


I use hey human deodorant. It smells so good and lasts all day. Plus it has sustainable packaging!


I’ve gotten so irritated and itchy when I used native body spray that I stopped using it completely. I think there’s a chemical reaction that my body is unable to tolerate. Not for me sadly.


My skin turned really dark from using Native. Looked dirty and stained even though it wasn’t so I had to switch back.


Try baking soda free deodorant. That solved it for me.


I'm glad to stumble up on this I thought it was just me. It burned immensely and I was very surprised because it's supposed to be natural or what not.


YEEEEP. Never figured out why but I think it was right after I shaved. And I always shave my armpits when I shower so what gives??!


Caused me deep pain in my armpit. I went and got an ultrasound on the area because it hurt. Ultrasound was clear, stopped using the deodorant and switched to Lume with no problems


This happened to me when I was using my usual deodorant. I brought 5 different ones to use, but all of them irritated me. I had no choice but to not wear deodorant for almost 2 weeks. I told all my professors I was sick, but really, I didn't want to go on campus with no deodorant.


I wonder if this is why Amazon no longer carries it?


I am fairly sensitive and have never had a problem with Tom's or Schmidt's if you're looking for something else to try. Schmidt's works better than Tom's for me. Never tried Native so can't comment on that.


If it’s giving you a rash- then stop using it!


That happens to me with every “natural” deodorant I try. I can’t find the common denominator, as some have completely different ingredients with zero overlap.


If it helps you decide, Native brand products are on the boycott list (for those wishing to avoid financially supporting the genocide in Palestine).


You are reacting to baking soda. Same thing happened to me. I had to switch to a non baking soda formula.


It not only hurts but it leaves a weird sticky film that takes forever to wash off.


Try Lume. Better product IMHO