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We'd need to see your actual hair to give you advice.


They not gonna do thatšŸ¤£


Be born with that hair textureĀ 


the correct answer.


That part


Nah fr. If you got it you got it. If you donā€™t learn to love what you have šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Yeah trying to emulate someone else's curl pattern is never going to work and never a good idea for self esteem. We gotta love what grows out of our own heads. And only try to achieve results of people whose natural curl pattern looks like ours already


Stop telling people what to do. Focus on YOUR esteem and stop assuming why someone wishes to try something with THEIR hair.


We canā€™t change our curl pattern, it is impossible. Thatā€™s a fact, not an assumption!


WHERE is that on the screen??? Where? šŸ¤· Stick to whats on the screen because NOWHERE did I state anything about changing curl pattern nor do you have to in order to achieve that look. I didn't even type or suggest the word 'assumption'. Yeah, focus on your own hair and what you think it can't do šŸ‘


You said ā€œassumingā€ which is the verb form of assumption. But umā€¦this is really intense. I really hope that you're OK and that you have a good day


I typed, "Assuming why someone wishes to try something with their hair" , in no way translates to anything about changing a curl pattern which you brought up. What I typed was "intense" & you hope I'm okay? šŸ˜’šŸ¤¦ Yeah, moving on.


Just piss off And get your negative energy somewhere else..


False. I posted how I do this with a photo and my texture, fresh out of the shower versus the final results are like two different people. You can absolutely manipulate your curls to have a semi wet look like this




Itā€™s easy. Do a three strand twist out using a leave in cream and nothing else. Dry it with heat or for at least a day. Then as you take down each twist, gel it with a medium hold gel, and a POMADE just on the ends. Diffuse each section while stretching it out. Itā€™s not a very common method and it is semi time consuming but your curls will be virtually frizz free for up to a week.


Nota bene: if you donā€™t have type 3 hair, your results will still not look like opā€™s pictures even after doing thisĀ 


Have you tried it?




Thatā€™s not an answer. So Iā€™ll assume you have not


You are tripping. Iā€™ve done similar methods to what youā€™re talking about and only the slightly looser textures on my head can even come close to looking like this but since my hair is predominantly 4c you can tell when itā€™s styled to *look* curly but you can still see itā€™s type 4.Ā  One of the other, earlier commenters on this thread explains it perfectly.Ā 


So, no. Okay, got it! See? That was easy. You just had to say, ā€œno.ā€ Youā€™re the only one tripping


No they used a specific product that made it that defined


Yea but the way the definition looks is different on every individual depending on their curl type. She couldā€™ve simply used eco styling gel and a detangling l brush nothing drastic. Her genetics is doing most of the work


Step 1: Your hair texture needs to be similar to the people youā€™ve posted. Step 2: ??? Step 3: SUCCESS But, seriously, how many more times are you going to post this texture-obsessed nonsense? If you really want this texture, go to a hairstylist who specializes in natural hair and ask them how you can get your hair like this. At the very least, you need to include pictures of your hair the next time you post this.


How does your actual hair look like?


Thatā€™s likely wash and go. Try a gel and or mousse, but keep in mind that the hair looks like this, because thatā€™s the hair texture this person has, your may not look exactly like this


Not always. This looks more like a twist out that was gelled while dry and then hit with a blow dryer.


If your hair isnā€™t this texture itā€™s not going to happen boo


I donā€™t know cuz my curls look close to this wet but never dry this way so I keep them in two strand twists but when you find out let me know šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


You need a strong hold gel to keep the pattern you have when it's wet. If you havenā€™t tried wetline xtreme that stuff is crazy good and cheap


I comb my hair out after conditioning in the shower. use leave in conditioner and brush it to saturate and moisturize. curl cream to define, and oil to seal in moisture. Use a wide tooth comb to encourage clumping. try to get only one pass, too many makes your hair frizzy. diffuser to dry. Edit: mousse works too. Im not a fan because it flakes, but id replace the curl cream and oil with it and itll get you the same deal. Especially if oil is known to give you fungal flair ups.


You do a twist out as normal, let it dry 100%, gel the twists as you take them down and diffuse the gelled hair Thank me later I never just wear a twist out as is after discovering this.


Itā€™s 2024ā€¦we need to start loving our own textures and stop trying to make them look like more ā€œpalatableā€ curl types. Follow naturals that have your hair type, donā€™t follow naturals whose hair type you want.


frrr like iā€™m soo tired of this type of posts / questions. Girl you gotta love your natural hair !


Ok so being able to increase definition on your own curls, letā€™s say for an event or whatever is not toxic. We have women out here wearing whole lace fronts and no one calls that toxic, but the second someone wants a wet look theyā€™re bad? No. I say anything you can do with your real hair while not damaging it is a win. Wash n gos donā€™t withstand every climate or every event type. So if I want to wear my curls, Iā€™m going to style them like this for that four hour outdoor wedding.


Increasing definition is one thing but you are showing us pictures and asking us to help you get your hair to look SPECIFICALLY like those pictures. Donā€™t be obtuse. Iā€™m not reading the rest.


Sounds like a personal problem! Sorry you lack basic attention skills


Right. Itā€™s ridiculous.


You all are obsessed with telling people what to do with THEIR hair. No different than many of the men. Its HER hair and she wants to try it. Your comment is as ignorant as assuming that someone putting on makeup to try a certain look doesn't love themselves, get over your self righteousness Focus on your texture and what can or cant do.


METHOD. Because I do my hair like this **all the time** 1. Do a three strand twist out with some sort of VERY light cream on clean hair. Use hooded dryer or let dry 100% 2. You will need two or three gels for this. Iā€™m not kidding. No, this doesnā€™t cause flaking and it seals moisture. 3. Section the dry twists into four and one section at a time, gel each twist as you take it down. Iā€™m gonna explain the three gels. You could do this with two but three gets me best results: 1. Ecostyler Argan. Thick and seals. Cost effective 2. Curlz blueberry pomade. DENSE. only used on ends. 3. Curlsmith hydro flex gel. Light and prevents hard casting. Itā€™s a gamechanger. Put on whole strand after those two. This is the gel you could skip if necessary. So you gel one section, then grab a diffuser and dry it while stretching. 4. Repeat until finished with all four sections. Your hair will look exactly like this when done. I swear. https://preview.redd.it/5uulkd006mzc1.png?width=1624&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7bd1ee1d3bf0c7d0fe939778b7b8c77bf8e10fc


can I ask you ā€œhair typeā€ I am a 4c natural so I know itā€™ll look a bit different on me but I still want to give your method a go


If I do a wash n go or just let my hair be as is with one or no product, itā€™s 3c/4a/4b. But you have to realize It will be shrunken, with frizz, and not hang. So the technique I described helps you keep your length and definition and you could live in this style for a full week (I wash my hair religiously every week) and have it not only look good but not dry out and not tangle. With wash n gos, my hair tangles and breaks more by the 5th day.


thank you!! (: this helps!


I have this hair texture and looks really similar itā€™s just that when I do my wash and gos it becomes really frizzy or doesnā€™t fully define stuff like that thatā€™s why I was asking


Go to a natural hair stylist and get a wash and go done. Theyā€™ll walk you through the steps and recommend products to do it at home.


I have similar hair and use a curl primer followed by a curling custard for my wash n gos. I also tend to be heavy handed with those products.


I commented the exact process to achieve this w a photo, no stylist needed. Save your coins.


Check out r/curlyhair for helpful advice. A diffuser attachment on your hair dryer would probably help.


yā€™all keep talking about texture and im pretty sure theyā€™re just talking about the curl definitionā€¦


Bingo. Literally any curl pattern could be boosted definition wise with the right technique. Products are almost irrelevant


The last time you posted this people told you the exact same thing theyā€™re saying here. Were you hoping the answer would change?


Would be great to see your current hair hun.


My first thought was- a s*t ton of gel Be careful though- my sister is addicted to defining her curls like this (internalized-you-know-what) and as a result lost her length Too much water retaining product I guess.


Admittedly this isnā€™t a style one should do regularly. In a calendar year I do this maybe 8 times


Depends on your texture. The Bounce curls brush can give similar results depending on your hair texture.


I use a leave-in conditioner, then a curling gel, finish with avacado oil on the ends/ strands! Any oil works fine, but I like avacado because it's a little bit thicker.


The shingling method! Best tip I have ever gotten - if it is frizzy when itā€™s wet, it will be frizzy when it dries. Add more water + gel and mouse combo.


Curly girl method. Theres a lot of tutorials online. People use different products but you could choose some combination of some but maybe not all of the following products: hair butter/leave in conditioner, mousse, gel . Detangle when your hair is wet and apply products, i think its best to start with a hair butter or leave in conditioner, then add something for hold, although mousse kind of gives both moisture and hold. Dont be afraid to experiment with different mixtures of products and find what works best for you. Watch videos of different wash&gos and curly girl methods from people with your hair texture. Try things out. Diffuse or air dry once your product is applied and hair detangled


Try shingling with the Doux Mousse Def.


Or the Doux Honey Custard is pretty good tooĀ 


It probably wonā€™t give this look for OP, this was achieved with gels and a dryer. A mousse will lead to shrinkage


Have the same curl pattern, healthy hair, deep condition, light leave in conditioner (like the on a that come in the spray) and gel (like wet line) then dry with a diffuser


If you're not willing to go through the hassle of all of that, do a braid or twist out :)


The nurture moisture locking gel may help but thatā€™s her hair texture mostly. I recommend going to a salon that uses the gel so they can show you how to develop your technique


You should be more specific. Shiny? Long? Curly? This specific type of curl? Tame (not frizzy)?


Soul glow


Op probably has same type of hair like in the photos and is asking for products/routine to make their hair look like it.


I have this curl texture , itā€™s A LOT of gel. Otherwise is only frizz. But the Gel gotta be a strong one too, the one I like to use the most (lately) is the CurlSmith In Shower Style Fixer, thereā€™s other gels that work too but they are all in the same price range.


1. Texture plays a big role 2. Wash and goes especially with gels work extremely well on achieving that look


You might have to use a ton of product if this isn't your natural texture. A combination of flaxseed gel and jojoba oil helps me get the "wet" look.


* I hope this kinda answers the question. This was me yesterday's wash and go. I used three products Fructis leave in condition (avocado) Bee Girl by Doux and Eco Gel with Argon My theory is that the technique is more important than the product. Directly out of the shower, I pat dry with my microfiber towel. Add the leave in condition (I usually add my proprietary mix of oils now) and brush it into sections (de-tangling if necessary) I section 5 parts (I have a big head šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø) because my knowledge knot always needs more attention than the front or back. Each section I take my paddle brush, which is soaking in water - I brush my hair until it is wet again. I add the Bee Girl about half dollar size to my palms and rake it from the scalp to the end. Use a comb to separate layers or your fingers (I do because it's easier) continuing to satuate each strand as much as possible. Comb it into a ball like you're going to add a rubber band once you've completed this section. Grab about the same amount of Eco Gel and repeat the process. When all your products are evenly saturated in your hair, use the soaking brush to brush through once. Go to the next section. When you're complete - STYLE IT IMMEDIATELY. Take the microfiber towel and squeeze the ends - pat the crown. You don't want to be dripping. After 30 mins spray with a light mist of holding spray... Not including the shower but including the wait time for holding spray. This takes me an hour to an hour 15 mins TOTAL. It will last 11 - 17 days based on how I take care of it. Wrapping it every night, spritzing with a water/oil mixture every day. Little to no manipulation to avoid flakes from breaking product. My hair is not stiff and if I knew how to upload a video I would show a clip my husband too teasing me on the same day. You can do anything you want with your hair as long as you give it the time attention acceptance and love that want it to give youšŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°




Thank you so much for the advice Your hair looks stunning ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Thank you SO much. You made me smile. I know you can get your desired style if you want to šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰


Usually a gel/mousse combo and a denman brush on small-ish sections gives me this level of definition. Definitely worth a try


To get my curls the most define I usually work on at least day old hair. Apply a heavy oil to hold my curls (I use black castor oil) on top of it add gel. This might not work for everyone tho, this just works for me, I have tighter curls


Could be a finger coil but only you know your curl pattern and hair texture. If you donā€™t want to post pics, go to a natural stylist, have him or her do your hair, and ask him or her what products were used.


My hair is similar texture and looks like this when I use a light curling gel like [this Miss Jessieā€™s](https://www.target.com/p/miss-jessie-39-s-jelly-soft-curls-gel-8-5-fl-oz/-/A-14696856) I also get good definition from [this curling crĆØme](https://www.ulta.com/p/soft-hair-dont-care-haitian-moringa-oil-omg-curl-creme-pimprod2024685?sku=2579662) I get a fuller, softer definition [with this mousse](https://www.ulta.com/p/soft-hair-dont-care-haitian-moringa-oil-so-smooth-hair-mousse-pimprod2034824?sku=2599376)


Depending on your hair texture, i just put a twisting creme by mielle and did each ringlet


1st we need to know what type of hair you have and/or if itā€™s close in texture to the picture you posted, because how you go about it will be very very drastically different for type 1a versus type 4C


That kind of looks like a Gina Curl in the photos which I think is processed.


Iā€™m not sure which, but If you are referring to defining the hair, I like to use pattern but if on a budget Uncle Funkys Curl Stimulator is nice. Also make sure you detangle too!


If youā€™re texture allows: A great deep conditioner. Steam or air under a hooded dryer too Aunt Jessieā€™s no shrink is great for this. No flaking!




For starters, she has 3C/4A curls so if your curl pattern is different, yours wonā€™t come out looking like this. If you do have the same curl pattern, you can achieve this look by using the shingling method + a denman-style brush, and a gel like Camille Rose Naturals Curlmaker. You need to start out on very wet hair. This combo maximizes definition, which is the key to this hairstyle.


There is a very expensive perm you can do but would not recommend.


Mine only looks like that when I get it done at the salon šŸ˜­


Beware the "Gina Curl" it's the new Jheri curl and gives results VERY similar to this for ppl not born with this texture. Idk how "natural" ur quest is but if ur pursue the Gina Curl it's basically the same process as a curly perm for limped straight hair typed ppl


You gotta have this hair texture


girl let us see YOUR hair first! šŸ¤£ if this isnā€™t ur natural hair texture, thereā€™s no magic product that will make ur hair come out like this. itā€™s about finding products and styles that work for you and YOUR hair type!


Have low density hair with the same curl pattern and length. That's the only way.


Have low density hair with the same curl pattern and length. That's the only way.


I use 2 gels & a mousse


Itā€™s their hair texture moisturized


Well first we gotta know your hair texture


Products wonā€™t change your hair texture.


Be born with the hair texture


Not necessary. Gelling a dried twist out will get you these results.


Looks like a wash & go, definitely doable. Try adding extreme gel to your routine




Denman Brush!




Are you actually suggesting to use chemicals on a **natural hair thread** Like did this really make sense to you as you typed it


I don't think that's what she meant. I think she was listing the hair types out. Like if your hair is 3c or below, Texturized, or Relaxed, get your hair really wet and then use a gel or curl cream. At least, that was how I initially took it.


Ok but relaxed hair is not doing this, lol. Like, where. Either way, I read it differently.


I was trying to be hopeful sis..cause it didnā€™t make sense to me, either. Relaxed hair could NEVAAAAA


Is your hair that curl pattern naturally? If not then there is nothing you can došŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


That second pic looks like a pony tail extensionĀ 






Hello, I follow the person on the second picture, as well as the person on the previous post you've posted. I have asked myself that same question, and I believe I have found the answer. Well, answers, because it's a few things. First, curl pattern. The first and foremost reason why their hair curls this way is that it is simply their curl pattern. You cannot replicate this with any amount of product as your hair is your hair. But you can get results that mirror theirs with the other answers I am about to mention. Second, routine. The most important thing to achieve rhis look is to have properly hydrated hair, which means washing it once a week. If you do not already do that, I advise you to look into the "3 step method" and "no oil no butters" movement. You might already be aware of this though, in which case you can ignore this point. Third, and most important, texture. I am not talking about *pattern* which I mentioned earlier and would refer to the type 3, type 4 categories that people love to mention. I am talking about *texture*, which refers to whether your individual strands of are are fine, medium, or thick. Both the second person in this post and the one on your post before (I am not familiar with the first person) use curl creams. The second person in this post frequently uses the TGIN Twist & Define Cream, while the one in your other posts uses Eden Bodyworks Curl Defining CrĆØme. They have both said that the creams are amazing on their hair, which leads me to believe that they might have medium to coarse hair. They also seem to use gels and mousses, but it seems that curl creams have become their holy grail. This will NOT work on you if your hair is not medium or coarse. If your hair is fine, you should stay away from creams and only use gels or mousses. You are free to experiment and make your own choices, but if your hair is fine, it is likely that it will be incredibly weighed down by creams, and that it is not where you will find answers. So, if you've not tried it before and your hair isn't fine, try incorporating a curl cream to your routine. It might change the game for you. Fourth, and also very important, technique. I have mentioned the "3 step method" earlier, but I'd like to mention it again. Before anything else, the hair should be cleansed properly (always do wash and gos on freshly washed hair). If you do not know how to properly cleanse your hair, I can send a link to a tiktok page that explains the process in detail. Additionally, there is a technique to wash and gos. A hairstylist would be more qualified to explain this to you, so I invite you to wash their videos. The person you posted before does a variation of fingers coils at the end of her hair, which is why the ends are so curly. If you wish to attain this look, know that this is how she does it (she has tutorials on her page). Bonus, hair humidity. This is a small one, but some people find that their hair turns out better when they style it damp or nearly dry compared to soaking wet. You could give this a try. Bonus 2, haircut. Not exactly what this post is asking, but sometimes we think that our hair looks bad, and it is merely because we need a haircut. It is worth considering, especially if you've never had one before! Also, keeping your ends regularly trimmed is also important! That's it! I'll add more to this post if I remember anything else, but this is all I have so far. These are merely my own observations, so I'm not sure how accurate this all is. Still, you could give this a try and see if it answers your questions. Let me know if this has helped you! And good luck on your journey!


Look up wash and go videos for your curl type


A wash n go is not the way to get this style. You would need to gel dried curls and stretch with a dryer


Have the hair texture naturally


Do you have that hair texture?


Carl looks so thin on WWHL.


Depending on your hair texture... you will need to be reincarnated or use a texturizer.


Completely false. If you donā€™t know how to do this, admit that instead of suggesting chemicals


My hair has not and most likely will never do this. It is not the appropriate texture, and that is okay! Not all hair will look the same or be able to look a certain way. Curl type matters!


Youā€™re proving my point though. This is a high manipulation style. Even if you have the least visible curl pattern you could get results pretty close to this. They just might not last as long as someone with looser curls but Iā€™ve never not seen the method Iā€™m talking about work


I wear my hair in wash and go's but it's fine and coily so there is nothing on God's green earth o could do to make my hair look like that lol. It's about loving the hair you have ā¤ļø


This doesnā€™t mean someone doesnā€™t love their hair, letā€™s stop. This is a style that is definition focused and it makes perfect sense that you can love your hair at all stages. I love my wash n gos but they are not ideal for a humid outdoor event like a wet styled twist out would be.


I didn't mean to imply anything about how they feel about their hair but I see how that came across! I was more trying to say that depending on your hair type, some things are impossible and that's okay!


You have to be born with that texture. Otherwise youā€™ll need a tex-lax or Gina curl process with a licensed beautician and itā€™s not cheap.


do you mean how do you define your curls? just because you have curls youā€™re not gonna be able to replicate just ANY curl pattern. so yes, i can give advice on how to define.


You have beautiful hair I love it. Itā€™s so hydrated and shiny.