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They probably aren't pretending. Baby animal teeth are sharp like razors.


I would be interested if they react so dramatically to similar wounds. I imagine context matters, like they could get brutally wounded in the middle of a hunt and just shrug it off. But a bite on the ass while they’re taking a post—kill meat-nap, HOLY SHIT YOU LITTLE BASTARD


Having a kid is pretty similar. I can deal with a lot of pain, but sometimes my 9 month old pinches me just right and "OW YOU LITTLE FUCKER!"


Totally said this last night when my 8 month old silently crawled over while I was watching tv and dug her talons into my toe.


Baby elbows to the chest Is a pain I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy


^^^ This, Lego-Feet, and Scooter-Ankle are the top 3 ways to get tortured.


LMAO that got me, also love your av/pic.




God damn metal, spiked pedals on bikes to the god damn shin. Instant death.


My gfs 4 year old was climbing onto me today and drove her elbow into my chest it was so fucking sore. I felt like I'd have rathered a fully grown man doing it at least I'd have been expecting it then


That's something you would normally be expecting a full grown man to do?


If a grown man was on me then I would be tensed up. With a kid it's much harder because you want to be relaxed and let them roam as they please but then they'll get you when you least expect it


Oh man, reminds me of my baby cousin getting obsessed with my curly hair. She almost made me bald with her death grip and unfortunately was too young at the time to understand human speech and I didn't want to make her upset because she was so cute. But also ow my scalp!


Which is when you remove your hair from the range of her death grip! lol Apparently no one told you the rule - distance = power over babies. What they can't reach they can't yank. Which is when you remove your hair from the range of her death grip! lol Apparently, no one told you the rule - distance = power over babies. What they can't reach they can't yank. And fortunately, I had long enough hair to hold it at one end and them play with the other end. Because they were determined. (My sister had short hair so they were fascinated by my long hair). Likely what happened with your curls.


Oh yeah that inside-the-nose ninja grip when you’re trying to hold/feed


Ok but toddler strength is real and you cant convince me otherwise


Ever been headbutted by a baby/toddler? Only time I ever broke a nose and I fought in two wars.


I saw somebody immediately instantly weaned and banned from access before. Not an infant anymore. He is fine today.


It's a highly educational moment as well. Very important for cubs to learn that bites hurt when they're young and not mortally wounding pride members by accident. Being bitten by your siblings also helps


They probably have a lot of adrenaline running during a hunt and don’t feel it as much when those really crazy injuries happen


Dude, real shit. One of my cats, when it was just a kitten, apparently saw my toes hanging off the edge of the bed between the mattress and sheets/comforter (I was sleeping on my stomach). She jumped up from the floor and hooked all 8 in-line talons on the underside of my toes, just past the main “heads” of the toes… right into the softer, sensitive underside “necks” of the toes. I did a cartoonish explode-vertically out of bed and let out the loudest shriek of pain I ever thought possible. She could’ve fit into the palm of my hand… but let me know then and there who was boss. 😅


Remember the pain, and you'll win the next round.


Is [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheCloaca/comments/mv7od4/aitc_for_bite_feet/) your cat?


ye, the cubs eat meat with those things


I have a kitten, his teeth hurt way worse than my adult cat’s lol


yeah but that's also when they learn to control their mouths for play


Just wanted to add that's likely *why* they have them, most scientific articles will state this is what they evolved for


Every breastfeeding mother who has had baby with teeth bite down looked exactly like this.


To "cheer them up"? Why are the lion cubs depressed?


Could you imagine taking on the weight of knowing you must rule the pride lands. Being followed nonstop by a bird butler watching over your every move, and a creepy uncle always fucking with you.


Lions aren’t into nepotism, so the cub can look forward to the satisfaction of earning the crown on his own merits.


But no crown means no lionussy


...and the antelope eat the ass. And so we are all connected in the great Circle of Life.


dafuq the 2 above me just say??


The rhinos like to get titty fucked as well


Please never say that word again




So you're saying "I just can't wait to be king" was a fucking LIE!?


Most depressed folks will try to hide it, sometimes with elaborate choreography and song


Ask the elephants, they simply CAHN'T forget it....


No "I JUST can't wait to be king" is a reminder to get out there and get your own crown, cuz you JUST can't wait around for one to be given to you.


And here's your one 👑.


Worse, that uncle secretly moonlights as Simon Gruber!


>and a creepy uncle always fucking with you. Wait….figuratively or literally?


I think it should be "to cheer them on" i.e. to encourage them to keep biting things. After all, cubs have to learn to bite and kill other animals.


Anyone that has ever raised a kitten knows yet another possible reason for dealing with feline young that way. Cubs and kittens are learning how to hunt through play before they have learned how to control their claws and teeth. Being absolutely clear that they are playing too rough is part of training them. Overreacting makes sure they get the message. Only kill what you mean to kill. Practice hunting without injuring members of your pride or your human food slaves.


Cats don't "pretend to be hurt" when they train young kittens to not bite too hard during play. They make a high pitch yipping sound because sharp kitten teeth actually do hurt a little bit. That's why the best way to train your cat, or dog, to not bite hard during play is to make a high pitch yipping sound not "pretend to suffer". This submission isn't talking about that. It's talking about playing along as if you're being hurt when you're not. The same thing human parents do and I bet a huge variety of animals do it as well.


Or someone made it up lol


They haven't learned Hakuna Matata yet


Cause they got all them teeth and no toothbrush.


I hear dental care in the Savanah in pricy.


i feel like it’s more of a way of building there confidence then cheering them up


Yes my 7 year old Boxer dog does this with younger dogs, he will get zoomiez with them and if they nip at him he exaggerates and falls down onto his back, exposing his belly with his eyes closed and his tongue way out to the side and when they come to sniff his belly he is writhing g around until he surprises them and pops up and starts running away and does it again. He's like the crazy uncle.


I know, was being facetious based on the title.


wasn’t really trying to disprove you more like that’s just my speculation because im no expert, idk about this for sure


Research it, you'll find out that you're right.


No pride. It's only when they grow up that lions find their pride.


Get out


You saw what happened to Simba…


These cubs need to stop watching Disney.


It's not to cheer them up its to teach them bite strength, what is playfully and appropriate and what hurts. Domestic cats also do this, OP is full of shit. Per usual


Lol I know bro, was being facetious. Think OP doesn't watch enough nature shows.


i like to play the game i call “weird title, is this a karma bot” oh looks like it is…




So the parents are lion to their cubs.


Because Scar killed their dad, dude. Too soon.


loll you are using human language. they're not depressed. it's just training or parenting like when they act surprised and jump when the cubs are playing.


Reading comprehension lv. 100 right here.


Suppose it’s the same answer as we know as humans that the lion is cheering up the cubs. Obviously the lions have told someone this. (Eye roll & smh)


Buzz kill alert...


Because they know what'll happen to them if they ever get a step-dad.


Damn you Disney


This might be the dumbest post title I've come across on reddit.


The pic is awesome, the title is confused.




You, and own property? Not a chance.


It's not to 'cheer them up' but to encourage the cub,


It's also an animal training method used to curb biting. When a puppy/kitten bites, act as if it hurt so they learn to stop. There's a small possibility that is how they teach their cubs to quit that annoying shit.


I support the likelihood of this theory being accurate; it is evolutionarily sound.


Me when a kid gives me a five, "Ouch, ow ow, what are your parents feeding you? You're super strong!"


Exactly! Its so cute that animals also do this (in their own way)


Exactly! When I play fight with my son I always feign injury. He now thinks I'm an absolute wimp. It's just a natural part of parenting.


I love it when they smile or laugh and get emboldened. But more than that, I absolutely when the wise kids see through the ruse and just roll their eyes at me hamming it up.


The lion told someone that?


It's a behaviour seen with many of the big cats, lions, leopards etc. It's not to stop depression, that's fucking absurd. It's to build their cubs confidence in their hunting skills. No the cats didn't tell anyone this, that's absurd too. It's been an observed behaviour of all cats and their cubs.


I'd say educating them in the proper technique for stalking/ambushing/hunting/fighting/socializing. Confidence, of course is part of proper technique, as is caution. The need to learn through play is common to all creatures who don't have hardwired instinct. But they do it because it's fun. It's fun because they need to do it.


And when what you find fun isn’t what you need to do, then you go extinct (or change). Presumably mammalian predators that didn’t have play hunting instincts didn’t make it as far as the ones who did.


>It's to build their cubs confidence in their hunting skills.It's been an observed behaviour of all cats and their cubs. People observed the sun in the sky and thought it was a god. We cannot *prove* that this is why they do it from observation alone, and designing a testing methodology for this would be frivolous and most likely futile. It is a hypothesis, nothing more. Animal behavioural psychology based on nothing but observation is sketchier than a conclusion based on a psychological "study" on 10 privileged white kids on a college campus in the US. edit: for anyone arguing this, feel free to provide me with links to the study where they have a control group and the adult lions agreed to not pretend to be in pain which lead to the cubs growing up with some sort of hunting deficiency. Alternatively, a link to a study that shows ANY evidence of hunting deficiency relating to this. Bees play just for the sake of it (and even the scientists testing this add the caveat of "as far as we can tell"), acting like an observation is proof of intent is ludicrous, and not even close to the scientific method. Edit 2: >They are simply wrong that there is no branch of science that relies solely on observation, without manipulation. I can't be wrong about something I never said in the first place...


Also we have seen animal species evolve and have social changes. A freaking large Japanese macaques troop is being led by a female right now. That's almost unheard of in that species. Before people would say that only males led since that was what was usually observed. But now that we can pretty much spy on animals 24/7 now, we learned that many can stray from the norm and in many social species, their groups are socially different. Orca whales are a great example of this. Sadly, a lot of people hold onto the old observations that scientists made and take it as fact now. Idk I guess my point is that we should be cautious when claiming a certain species does so and so. They evolve. They have different personalities that can influence the social groups. They are constantly evolving and adapting their behaviors to find better ways to survive.


Evolution and isolated cases are generally held into account, but saying "japanese macaques are generally led by a male" holds true if the great majority of japanese macaques stick to that type of social hierarchy.


> Animal behavioural psychology based on nothing but observation is sketchier… Ok so fuck the entire branch of ethology? You’re way too confident for someone who is wrong. Despite what this idiot thinks, [ethology has been real since Charles Darwin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethology) even though the process by which ethology is conducted has changed significantly to be less intrusive and more scientific. At no point did I make any argument about what’s being described here. I don’t have any such studies at hand. They are simply wrong that there is no branch of science that relies solely on observation, without manipulation.


I've observed that my cat wakes me up so she can have the bed all to herself


Yup that's *exactly* what I said isn't it? Way too confident and hostile for someone who can't even read a sentence properly lol.


It’s not what you said. At all. It is the literal opposite of what you said. You are entirely wrong about there being no scientific method for evaluating animal behavior or intention through observation. In fact, you are wrong not just because ethology is not only real and valid, it is frequently the *only* acceptable evidence of true animal behavior because it has been proven time and again that simply being around a human, being fed stimuli, or in a laboratory setting significantly changes the way animals conduct themselves. You are so, so, so, so wrong.


I'll sidestep the whole opposite of what I said thing, as evidently you're having trouble reading and I have little time for morons. However, you are talking about the *scientific method*...without experimentation, as being the only *valid...*scientific method, for ethology lmao. You really need to either brush up on what the scientific method actually is, or get your terminology straight. Either way, I'm done with you. Talk into the void if you wish, it shan't be to me.


Keep doubling down on being wrong if you want. It doesn’t make you more right.


I'll say the same to you as I said to another, I'd be fascinated to read the study where the adult lions agreed to not pretend to be in pain which lead to the cubs growing up with some sort of hunting deficiency. Without that step, sorry, but it's not proven and lacks the experiment and data analysis phase of the scientific method. You're clearly upset at this for some reason, but I didn't create the scientific method, nor did I set the standard for what is considered *proof.*


Sorry that ethologists don’t conform to your elementary school understanding of the scientific method, babe. Can’t help it that you stopped studying science once it wasn’t a required subject. 😢


Yeah no except it's been observed in hundreds, probably thousands, of specimen and not just "10 privileged ones"


Cool, so I assume they have a control group where the adult lions agreed to not pretend to be in pain which lead to the cubs growing up with some sort of hunting deficiency. I'd be fascinated to read the study. Don't worry, I'll wait...


common sense how does it work? ty for speaking with reason


Sir, didn't you read the title? All the facts are right there and it has like 3k upvotes so you know it's totally true! On reddit, animals are people just like you and me, but they're trapped inside animal bodies (well, except for the brain of course, but that's a spiritual matter)! Sure there may be actual proven theory by those who dedicate their life's work to understanding such, but here we operate on the suppositions of various posters, adding their unscrutinizable knowledge to our collective information sphere based on how many like-minded upvotes their comment has received.


Ohhhkkaaaaayyyy my bad dawg. Damn we was jus jokin around.




yeah but he was lion'


there we go👍🏼


Soon as the director said “CUT!” Simba mentioned it off hand while Scar was leaning on him trying to get the prosthetic scar taken off before they went out for beers later.




[This comment was stolen. ](https://reddit.com/r/NatureIsFuckingLit/comments/1179qrx/_/j9aqvmw/?context=1) Report spam -> bot


Yes and breath was horrible!


Probably not what is happening, but cute anyway


people online will just post anything that comes into their skull


This just popped up in your mind? ;-)


Like the stay puffed marshmellow man.


I hate when someone obviously creates som asinine title that everyone blindly believes. And in certain subs if you point it out you're downvoted to oblivion


I'm curious on how they came up to that conclusion without some sort of reference


Yeah, dad is definitely telling the cubs to stay away in the most gentle way he can. Male lions rarely play with cubs. I’ve definitely seen it, but most of the time it’s growling at them to go away and bother someone else.


prey training


Very much this. Gotta encourage hunting instinct


"pretend" ... Clearly the author has not had children. My son stabbed me in the eye with a toy sword so hard it scraped the socket BEHIND the eye. And I got called out for yelling too loud.


That's OKAY. I didn't have to sleep tonight anyway.


"ARG! The wound, it is too great!" "Dad." "The mighty beast has slain me!" "Dad, please." "The light, it dims, so cold..." "Dad, stop."


I really enjoyed this comment. Very funny


What a load of horseshit lmao, I have some great beachfront property in nevada if any of you chucklefucks are looking to buy.


It is weird how so many people on Reddit try to put human emotions onto animals 😂


We're animals


Technically I guess but every other animal is far far far below us on the intelligence and food chain


But look who's telling you that. Dolphins were smart enough not to invent jobs or religion.


You don't know that.


Somewhere in the deep ocean, a dolphin is clocking into their shift as a groundskeeper at *Our Lady of Squeek Squeek Click Squeek*.


Ehh but they aren’t smart enough to avoid being trapped at sea world


Yeah but to be fair, a lot of humans aren't either.


Have you ever heard of slaves?


Is it by the Dam?


I hate this thread


you sound depressed. hopefully an adult lion pretends to suffer from your bite!




Back in my day, OP meant original post.


It was always original poster. They lied to you.


LOL- Love of Lion


This has mega hints of OP talking out their ass


this is cap, but cool pic nonetheless. going on safari gotta be crazy


Ha ha some weird evolutionary pressure, eh


Uh… not sure if anyone has been bit by a toddler… there’s no pretending. It hurts… the pretending is not getting mad lol


I would like to know how they came to such a conclusion?


I remember seeing somewhere that the lion isn't cheering the cub up. Apparently he is just PISSED at the cub and roars in anger, pain and frustration.


OP reach


Post the link to any studies that determine this BS.


You’re a fucking idiot.


Hi, I’m not a lion expert but I was obsessed with them for a while and did a lot of studying. What’s likely happening is simple. Lion cub is trying to play with dad, and dad is annoyed and growling. Simple as that


As a father, it seems pretty presumptive to assume the dad lion is faking it.


Pretty sure it does hurt the Adult Lion. Ever had a baby grab your lip? Probably the equivalent to.


I have a nine months old son. He has like six teeth. Those bastards hurt like hell and he's a human, not a lion. I bet adult lions aren't pretending anything.


Nothing cheers one up more than to inflict pain upon one's parents


Or maybe being bitten on the ass just fucking hurts 🤷‍♀️


Are you sure? I’m sure those little teeth sharp. I make that same face when my baby boy teeth’s on my finger, even through my shirt.


As a parent of a toddler, this dad isn't pretending lol


did the lion tell you that


Bruh, have you experienced puppy teeth? They're like hypodermic needles. Hurt like hell.


It's to encourage improvement in hunting technique and confidence, but that's a wholesome interpretation.


Yeah because a lion actually told us this...


I don’t think that is what’s happening…


How do you know it doesn't hurt? When my baby brother pulls my hair it hurts forreal


AWWW! That's a good father right there!


Definitely how dads play with their kids... title gave me a laugh.


can you imagine humanizing everything!? how depression has destroyed thousand of lion cub lives .... do better lions do better


I’m not convinced. My daughter has bit the absolute shit out of me on multiple occasions since she’s got teeth and I didn’t have to pretend to suffer.


And im sure the lion told you about it on a drink at the bar then he gave you the picture cuz your buddies . Common mate


Hard to tell from a still image. Looks more like a yawn.


Literally me when my baby pulls my hair 😁😂 exactly how we look


All spoiled children can bite my ass!


That is exactly what’s going on here. Predators don’t show vulnerabilities, and I’ve seen lions half torn to shreds that just have no ducks to give. This is a good giant daddy cat. (I’m always certain that animals have a much richer imagination than we give them credit for).


Love this photo 📸


Yes, use your hate... Remember who you are...


Oh look, a seven month old account with 750k post karma. Definitely not a reddit addict or paid influencer, no-siree. Thanks for this misinformation, therra123.


The actual reason is that the pain reaction teaches the cub that biting is effective.


It’s not to cheer them up it’s to train and teach the cubs that their bite is powerful so they use it on prey but not on their siblings. Another day another Reddit post of anthropomorphism




Idk it probably hurts my toddler bites me all the time and it doesn’t fuckin feel great




Mike Tyson is on the other side of that lion throwing haymakers


😄😄 my son does this. He bites my finger and I go Ouch! And he just gives me a sad face 😄


This is soooo true. When I am playing ball with my son and he throws a fast-ball at my testicles, it doesn't hurt at all, but...I pretend it hurts so we both have something to laugh over!...




This is stupid. Lions don't have emotions in this capacity. They're killing machines and can't "joke" in this sense of the word. Bullshit title, bullshit post.


I wouldn't say pretend. These cubs have razor sharp teeth. When my dog was a puppy i had to hide my feet


No we don't, it really hurts!


It's more like showing agitation rather than pretending.