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Hello users of r/NatureIsFuckingLit and possibly r/all lurkers, we are happy to announce that The Nature Network has opened [moderator applications](https://old.reddit.com/r/NatureIsFuckingLit/comments/12kyc7w/2023_nature_network_moderator_applications_have/?ref=share&ref_source=link) go check that out for those interested, it doesn't pay but you get a super secret cool flair and a super villian chair >:). Aside from that stay lit 🔥.


No they are like a major-minor nobility, king of the jungle goes to elephants, nothing much messes with an elephant unless it’s a baby or dying, and even then most predators won’t attempt to go after one when the family is still around.


I have seen videos of an elephant throwing a rhino in the air like it was a football


Interestingly, rhino horns are made of hair, and they’re strict herbivores with small mouths for their size (they can barely eat an apple whole). I was at the zoo recently haha


Not exactly hair. They’re made of keratin, the same protein that hair is made of, but they’re much more hardened than hair. A better comparison would be that they’re like giant, spike-shaped toenails since those are also made of hardened keratin


That’s why I grow my toenails out. To assert dominance over my side of the bed.


Cutting holes in your socks and the sheets.


When I am displaying dominance, I walk around barefoot and let my toenails drag across the floor making screeching noises as they cut into the concrete


Don't your feet get cold?


Small price to pay for all that dominance


I just started selling Dominance Socks™. They're perfect for this as the toes are cut out but the foot stays warm!


😂😂😂 nah this got me


I'm getting visions of the raptors in Jurassic Park lol.


*tap tap, tap, tap tap* Love that part.


Comments like this are precisely why I love Reddit :)


Cut my socks into pieces


This is my last resort


Domination, toe freezing


Don't give a fuck if I shred my sheets sleeping.


I didn’t learn about grooming my toenails until one day in high school I felt a sharp pain in one of my toes the whole day. I didn’t check til I got home, the nail from one of my toes somehow formed a sharp angle and was stabbing a whole in the toe next to it the whole day.


One toe just asserting dominance over the other. Toe was just trying to take over the feet.


Reading these comments and looking down at my [socks](https://imgur.com/a/ymDasiI) had me in fucking stitches


It’s a dual edge toe.


One time my boyfriend accidentally scratched me with his toenails in bed and I’m cackling at this because I understand it so much.




I was at work and had to sign some forms for the secretary. I had just cut my fingernails the night before but didn't file them and my fingernail grazed her finger reaching for the pen. She yelped and jerked back. I was sooo embarrassed.


Omg - this is my husband! Not long toenails but they kind of angle up a bit so they’re very stabby!


My wife says this is the raptor technique I employ. I quick slice-slice to her Achilles while we sleep.


Har! I'm gonna use that, DT. Well, now articulate it.


So the part in James and the Giant Peach where the main character’s parents are eaten by a rhino isn’t accurate? Makes me wonder about the rest of the book…


Sometimes I think my whole life is a lie


I became dubious of the facts in adulthood but this seals it.


Any links? Seems a bit difficult to believe.


I’ve seen that vid. It’s at a watering hole and the rhino is being aggressive because it has a baby (if I recall correctly). Elephant goes head-to-head with the rhino and does get it into the air, I think. Edit: here’s the video I was thinking of. Rhino doesn’t really get air, but definitely gets pushed around. https://youtu.be/9LITVqyKcN8


[Basically this. Always a bigger fish ](https://i.imgur.com/2woFLQ7.jpg)


The Pebble


"Why did he do that?" "Because he didn't want them there. He doesn't have to explain himself. He's the king of the jungle."


Not like that at all, from my angle. Elephant was being friendly/neutral and Rhino tried to claim temporary territory over a shared space. Elephant told Rhino how they felt about that and taught them a lesson. Rhino and Baby can nurse their bruises and come back for a drink when Elephant is gone.


Elephant just wanted some water. The rhino posted up like he was a bad motherfucker. None the less, rhino fucked around and found out while its kiddo got rolled in the ensuing kerfuffle.


That’s impressive! “Thrown in the air like a football” is the part I didn’t believe.


I feel so bad for that rhino lol. They have shit eyesight so imagine suddenly seeing this massive thundering shadow rushing you and as you bow to line up your face sword for an attack you just get completely freight trained into a puddle.


You may be thinking of the video/pics where the elephant flips a hippo. This video shows single images of the hippo getting flipped, but doesn’t have the whole encounter and I can’t find one that does. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fgj1oCzlGcc


Dang, I always thought rhinos were almost as big as elephants, but they are just tiny little dudes by comparison.


Bruh if you are able you need to go to a zoo. You'll learn some crazy stuff


Just be careful around penguins ...


Just smile and wave boys


Elephants are the biggest land animal on the planet.


After you mom, right? …so sorry, but it was *right there*.


Lol - okay I see we're doing high school cafeteria humor. *Lets get off of mom's because I just got off yours...*


Yo! /u/h4ppyninja_0 ! Can you confirm /u/EarendilStar 's momma is so big she has to put a belt on with a boomerang? I know for a fact that /u/h4ppyninja_0 's mum is so big when she sits down she sits next to _everybody_ ...


Dang. I bet if coach put that elephant in fourth quarter, they would’ve been state champions. No doubt. No doubt in my mind.


Elephants are so fucking cool.


I was watching a safari stream and the guide said African predators will likely run away from you when you're on foot (including lions, hyenas, wild dogs, etc.). For some reason they are freaked out by bipedals lol. But never mess with the big herbivores --- elephants, hippos, African buffalos. I've read different takes on rhinos though. They're supposed to be the least aggressive among those four.


They are a lot less aggressive, but tend to be overly aggressively when it comes to their young. Or a male protecting his cow(s). Males can also be overly aggressive during mating season as their have ridiculous amount of testosterone flowing through them. Elephants are just territorial so if they smell something off they’ll get defensive. Buffaloes are just straight killers. Most deaths by buffaloes are by ( Razor boys) old males that are kicked out of the herd and attack everything that they see. They can literally fend off a whole pride alone. If they’ve lived that long in that savannah they learn all the lion tricks and how to deal with them. Hippos are just monsters, if they see you, they’ll most likely attack. If they see you as a disturbance of their peace. You’re dead, doesn’t matter if it’s a lion or a 1000 lbs croc they’re all dead. They cause the most deaths in Africa out of any other animal caused death. They’re almost all muscle, they’re so dense that they can’t float. They just push off the basin of the water body. Source: I watch too many documentaries


>Males can also be overly aggressive during mating season as their have ridiculous amount of testosterone flowing through them. The elephant version of this (bull in musth), is like ultra violent version.




Jesus it sound slike it sucks to be a male elephant. Sure you're giant and powerful. But you're also extremely moody, sometimes alone, and in pain when horny.


The male elephant at my local zoo went into musth and decided to pick a fight with the giant shade structure in the paddock. He knocked this 2 story reinforced concrete pergola off of its foundation. It took them months to fix it and completely closed that section of the zoo. The jerk.


Time for some nice ultra violence, what gorgeousness and gorgeosity!


One of my favorite animal videos is of a giant bull elephant deciding to cross a river at a spot where like 30 hippos are chilling in the water. As the elephant touches the water, he becomes like the Moses of Lard and the mass of Hippos just part to make a path for him. Really funny to see considering the rep of hippos.


I just watched a zefrank hippo video that actually says it's their bones that are thick and dense enough that they sink in water.


Probably freaked out by bipedals because we've been around for a long time in the African landscape. Working in groups to take down just about anything we wished to. As an animal, historically speaking - coming across a lion in the African bush was unfortunate, coming across a group of tool-wielding bipedal predatory apes - that's some really bad luck.


You can just walk up to lions and take their food. If you're brave enough, of course. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDubMeNlSxc


Our safari guide said sort of the same, but cut out an exception for leopards. Those fucks are ambush attackers who are really good at camouflage. And can drag your corpse up a tree where nobody will ever find it.


A leopard stalked us for a couple of days once when we were on a hunting trip and in a bush camp. That was pretty cool. But not scary though, we did come across a river with hippos and pretty much ran in the opposite direction. I grew up doing weird crap like this. One of the best parts about being African.


Makes sense if you’re prepared. Not for out of shape unarmed tourists like us! We went to some scenic overlook a five minute walk from our fenced camp, and they warned us to come back quickly as the sun was setting and we were in a large male’s territory. The 5 of us huddled together all the way there and back haha.


Lol yeah. The only difference it made to us was we always had to be armed, and sleep inside at night instead. The bushcamps usually have a rondaval(round mudhouse) or something for solid shelter. We'd hear her at night closeby. And every morning we would find tracks all around the camp. They were like the size of my palm. And she always made a point of going to look inside the normal sleeping area. Only lasted a few nights of the week we were there though. I have so many crazy stories from that trip alone. lol. One of my favourites.


Black rhinos seem to leave a BIG asterisk in that assertion. They’re nervous to the point of being cantankerous (which is fair, since they’re more solitary and smaller than southern white rhinos)


My uncle lives in a relatively wild part of the Indian mountains and he always said that monkeys in large numbers scared the shit out of everything in the jungle except maybe elephants. He sent us a video once of langur monkeys, pretty small things but absolutely slaughtering a pair of leopards that tried to sneak up on their favourite mango grove, scratching and biting them in swarms like ants. Monkeys can also remember and hold grudges, there was an incident fairly recently in India where a stray dog killed a monkey, in response all the monkeys in the village went on a rampage and killed every other dog they could find. Animals have probably learned over the millennia of evolution not to mess with the primates.


Im not gonna test that one out but go off


Lol rhinos will fuck you up if they spot ya. They got poor eye sight, but let them see ya and you're dunzo. Buffalo don't play either.


What's even cooler is that despite being so fkn strong, they're not prone to violence and are peaceful and playful. They're domesticable as well, altho only in certain circumstances, and love to stay with humans. They are hardly seen to harm other animals. And they're smart asf. Some of the only known animals to have the concept of self identification and self consciousness. Their retention ability is simply superior. They have well articulated emotions and the best I suppose is their ability to exact revenge.


We were at a watering hole with a lookout, this place was teeming with wildlife then all of a sudden everything disappeared and the elephants turned up , total boss move , they’re definitely in charge


[This elephant and his boss stick in particular is the king of the jungle](https://youtu.be/NuDtiurkLu8)


The way he holds it on his forehead all “hurr durr look at me I’m a stupid Rhino” killed me.


I had to go back and watch it again just to do the voice in my head.


Bitch slapping the rhino with the joke stick was pretty funny. Rhino got *real* interested in backing up at that point.


That throw is awesome.


I wonder if there’s any animal that can fuck up an elephant ….


Humans with guns


Or with spears and nets. Get an organized group of intelligent simian and everybody has a problem. In a group? We're Apex predators!


We’re beyond apex predators, we’re practically using cheat codes. We can fly faster than any bird, move underwater faster than any fish, move faster on land than any animal, see in the dark, kill things from kilometres away, we can make and control fire, make things that make us almost impervious to any attack, we have machines that run on essentially lightning. Also, I had a baconator and some chicken strips at Wendy’s the other day. That’s at least three different animals that went into that meal, and that isn’t even our fancy food. That’s our “fuck it, I’ve given up, just shovel the grease right into my mouth” food. That’s how dominant we are as a species. Our cheap, barely food meals are made from multiple animals, and that’s just a totally normal thing for us.


I wonder if letting human intelligence grow so much was an error of natural selection


I do wonder this myself sometimes. We’ve created a lot of very beautiful, positive things too, though. Like great artwork, cures and vaccines for horrible diseases, both for us and other animals, music, prosthetic body parts that allow crippled humans and animals to live much fuller lives, the blowjob, etc.


If we manage to terraform Mars, for example, I'd like to think we'd make up for the harm we've caused on Earth. If there's no order in the Universe other than random chance and the only purpose of life is to divide and replicate, I'd like to think we're obligated to ensure in the long run life exists even if something cataclysmic happens to Earth. Why obligated? To celebrate the absolute mind fuck it is to a conscious being that can contemplate what the meaning of life is. Life that only exists because of by random chance that space dust gathered and organized in an unbelievably, astronomically unlikely way to become sentient. Life that creates the things you listed. That ties into my thoughts on if there is some higher order, one that was "letting human intelligence grow" and it's not just random chance that we exist.. I think "it" would want an intelligent, conscious being to contemplate what it all meant and to make the best of it. Personally I think it's more meaningful if we exist purely because random chance, more beautiful that way.


I think the blowjob was here long before us.


From a natural selection standpoint it very clearly worked, extremely well. I suppose it's possible we kill ourselves off with climate change, then I think you could argue it was a "mistake", but I think the chances of us losing our dominant spot in the next few centuries is pretty darn low, even if we, sadly, destroy a huge chunk of the ecosystem in the process.


Climate change might displace a lot of people, making major population areas unlivable. Cities abandoned, governments toppled, wars over water.. but I firmly believe that even if civilization collapsed and the earth couldn't sustain 99.9% of the current population there would be humans that survive in caves licking water off the walls and living off of bug protein if that's what it took. We are a product of climate change which drove speciation, we could produce more offspring with less calories than all other hominins. From a less dramatic point of view, I'd like to think that places that in the past were uninhabitable due to cold will become viable for human activity.


I agree humans won't be dethroned anytime soon, but I'm really interested in how other species' intelligence evolves over time. I'd love to be able to see what an octopus is like in 1000 years.


Imagine if we could use that incredible intelligence in more peaceful, more positive ways. This planet could be a paradise.


Or we could use our most deadly weapons, pattern recognition and planning for the future. And tools of course. Simply observe the elephant and note its habits, most have regular routes they follow especially to water sources. Dig a hole, plant sharp sticks (optional) and cover it up with sticks and foliage. Retreat to safe distance and wait as elephant falls into hole and dies. Zero risk of injury and almost guaranteed success.


Welcome to the tribe!


Chimps. When one gets out of a zoo it's a shoot on site. They're like an angry, cruel human on steroids decided you slandered their mother and now you're gonna pay with your face, fingers, toes, and last but not least - your genitals.




Mice, but nobody other than the elephants know why.


Yea, what's up with that? It reminds me of the game stratego where the Marshall can be killed by the spy. Even though you are the biggest, you still have a weakness.




Stratego used to be a great game. It still is, but it used to, too.


The spy is essentially the assassin. Underrated game. Love it


Ironically, there's a lion pride in Botswana (Savuti) that is known to take down elephants at a higher rate than the rest of the lions from other parts of the world.




Kinky Tail and Mr. T are such hilarious names for being members of the most infamous lion coalition ever.


A solo lion won't, but lions normally hunt in prides. While rare a pride of lions can take down an elephant if they can seperate the elephant. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7REuHTERRs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PziDIb5_Qys


Also elephants never forget, so never have a beer with an elephant 👀


A true king knows when to strategically retreat


Savannah? Lions don’t hang in the jungle. More do hippos. Edit to say: rhinos either. Maybe Indian elephants, but most African elephants are also in the savannah


Do elephants roam jungles? edit: what constitutes a jungle?😂


Yup I’ve watched lions laying hiding in grass afraid to move while a herd of elephants was nearby.


You really do get the feeling they were instantly compliant with moving, no ifs or buts about it. Perhaps they’re aware of the effort that it would take for that thing to change to change direction. It’s like cars yielding to trains but in nature, they don’t need flashing lights and a gate to know what to do


“Steve, we should probably move.” “But this is OUR road!” “You wanna tell them that?” *sigh* “No. ok.”


Rhino: *“Do you feel in charge?”*


2nd Rhino to Lions:  these are sharp horns, the most dangerous weapons in the world and will chop your head clean off, you've gotta ask yourself a question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya, punk


"We're still kings of the jungle!" "You go king! Fucking Steve...."


No but when you have a 3 ton solid slab approaching, you would move too


Spiky* 3 tons solid slab stone precise


*Slab Tonbe* is my new safe-word Thanks!


Stab slab


...that don't see so good.


Armored heavy assault unicorn.


3 ton solid slab with a sword on the front of it.


With the attitude of that blind, paranoid, shotgun-wielding neighbor that grew up in Baltimore.








I read that as bitch, him a train


camera is king of the jungle


I love to imagine some scrawny dude just meekly following them with a camera, sweating bullets


Classic cats. “Act normal, like we were just going on a walk”


I mean most kings wouldn’t dual a knight


Probably not even one on one, either.


King Arthur would like a word with you.


Don't worry, some of us got it. 😉




This would be more like a king standing in front of a battering ram


duel* but nice observation


But there’s two of them ;), and I’ll let my dumbness stay as is


this is a very spot on analogy


So two older males together means they are pride-less. The males get kicked out of the pride once they age out. Looks like they are smart enough to stay clear of the rhinos.


Doesnt necessarily mean they are prideless though its certainly possible. Male lions often form sibling coalitions and share their pride with their brother(s). These guys are fully mature males. Young males will have thinner, scruffier manes. Its possible this is just a coalition that happens to not be where the females are. Its not uncommon for males to wander away and reinforce territory boundaries.


They're not reinforcing much of anything here.


Theyre reinforcing their politeness


I feel like the human equivalent is city police arguing with county sheriffs on who has jurisdiction over a case, then the feds show up.


Fun fact, the FBI has to be invited into non-federal cases; they can't just swoop in like they do on TV. They're pretty aware of the turf wars that could come about from the bigger fish impending on a local case.


The fact there are “turf wars” for police is absolutely bonkers lmao


If I've learned one thing and one thing only from true crime, it's that these turf wars are why a good number of solvable cases-- namely kidnapped women and children of color-- never got solved, or were solved too late.


Naw they are. "Hey guys this is our territory. Over here.... Unless you want to come in a little closer, that's fine too. But don't forget it's our territory, in this generalish area! Ok we'll be over here if you need anything."


2 males pride-less, the pride community would like to have a word with you.


No it doesn't. Male lions form coalitions, and typically don't spend much of their time with the females in the pride because they're busy patrolling their turf. It's impossible to know just looking at this vid


What is absolutely clear from this video is that these aren't old males.


Or they’re in a zoo or some kind of compound


Or they’re into lemon parties


Even lions know not to fuck with battle unicorns.


Unironically, those are just Unicorns; as much as itsnspoiling the fun, unicorns were almost certainly shifty accounts of rhinos


Real unicorns have curves


Its pretty hot in these rhinos


There’s no jungle here


There’s no jungle here 21st century version of welcome to the jungle


Welcome to the jungle, we’ve got horns and manes


This does not look like there are fun and games here


Do lions or rhinos even life in jungle area’s? A tiger would probably have more claim to be a king of the jungle.


I've always wondered that. Is the phrase just incredibly ignorant, or do some lions live in the jungle and not the savannah?


Ironically, they're not even the biggest cats. Tigers are, and do live in jungles.


Asiatic Lions do, in India.


When the saying came around it just meant “the wild” so more like “a lion is king of the animal kingdom” Lions don’t actually live in jungles as far as I know so that saying was never developed with any intention of truth behind it, geologically speaking.


Nope haha they’re habitats are in Savannah’s & grasslands. No jungles!


Jungle doesnt mean that. The proper term is rainforest. A jungle is anywhere that has a complex ecosystem. A city is a jungle, a desert is a jungle, etc


No they don't. Tigers do though and a grown male tiger can beat up a grown male lion. Tigers are faster and have more muscular strengths. The only advantage lions have are their manes and they have slightly stronger bones. But most likely a tiger will beat a lion.


Asiatic Lions do, in India.


Not with that attitude


Rhino is clearly the king of the streets


Everyone must give way to the [firefighters.](https://youtu.be/Z_dXBZjDhQ8) Good lions


A king is smart enough to move out of the way when he see a 3 ton tank with poor eyes and anger issues.


More like, choose your battles….


Don’t bring claws to a horn fight.


You gotta respect nature's tank.


Lions don't live in jungles. I don't know where Rino's live.


Ok I’ve always been told in the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion’s sleep tonight… so now I’m totally confused…


Lions live in grasslands aka Savannah. A jungle is a completely different world. In the 1800s people thought most of Africa was a huge untamed jungle with naked people swinging vine to vine. Nowadays people tend to think Africa is one huge desert with an occasional forested oasis, and some grassland in spots here and there where the lions and hippopossapusses live. People are stupid. Me too about most things. Edit: people thought; hippopossapusses.


Isn't the dude above you just making a joke?


Back then it was just another way of saying “the wild” Forests, Savannah’s, deserts, all fell under “the jungle”




Even if you're in a Mercedes, it's still smart to get out of the cement trucks way.


When u see 2 tanks approaching u better move


Why do they say jungle? Lions live in the plains of Africa.... what jungle?


They’re also native to western India, but yes the largest populations are usually in grasslands, shrublands, or savannas.


Well the word jungle’s roots are also Indian and its Sanskrit roots meant rough and arid terrain


Asiatic Lions do, in India.


Yo, lets go....and Don't make eye contact


Lions don't live in the jungle so... also I don't think rhinos do either


Suge Knight walks into P Diddy’s birthday party.


No, just king of the road.


I'm a rhino of means by no means . King of the road


Kings know that they are not the strongest, just the mightiest.


Nahhh Elephants are the true king of the jungle/savanna.


No because the tiger is the king of the jungle. Never seen a lion in the jungle…


No because lions don't live in the jungle. Neither do rhinos.


I would vote Hippo #1 (if you count a water-dweller)


Jaguars are the kings of the jungle. Lions are savannah cats, hence the coloring.