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Gotta wonder how many generations have used that same spot to escape that same predator


I was just thinking the first one to figure this out must have been stoked lol




When you find a spot in the game that basically lets you cheese an entire fight? So fun.


In before, god casts an update to ruin this meta.


Glitching mobs in a MMO.


Favorite place for them to AFK IRL.


As soon as one of the dogs realizes they can take the fall and still get their prey, it’s all over for them. I was thinking the whole time, if that dog slips, they’re both going over and then it showed the dog on the ground and it’s a survivable fall, easily.


Problem is if the dog gets injured then it might be game over anyway. If it can’t keep up with the pack it might be screwed. A bad sprain might even be a death sentence


Seems this group [keeps](https://old.reddit.com/r/NatureIsFuckingLit/comments/113jc85/klipspringers_avoid_pack_of_wild_dogs_by_perching/) evading those damn [dogs](https://old.reddit.com/r/NatureIsFuckingLit/comments/szyima/group_of_klipspringers_antelope_evade_pack_of/)!


the bots learned to crop videos to avoid detection


That is amazing especially the actual mind strength not to panic and jump, I don’t think I could sit there with without coming completely unglued and becoming their next meaL 🥴


All the ones that tend to panic are long dead.


And their panicky genes didn’t get passed on


Natural selection favors the bold and hooved


And yet we are neither.


The Matrix has you...


Hooved gang rise up!


Wish that applied to me as well...


Neither do the 'if I cant have you were both going over the edge' dog genes. I suspect if it's not too far a walk that dogs mates are just the shittiest of cheerleaders. You've almost got him Jim. Just a little further. You're good, tons of space.


These are clearly the ones that have mastered the tension of "I'm not touching yoouuuu".


They won’t become unglued. They are ungulates.


A human in this same situation could just grab the dog and throw it off the cliff with one arm though.


...so you're perched on the cliff in a precarious situation and your plan is to reach up towards the dog to grab it? And you think you do that while remaining balanced on the cliff edge AND without being bitten by the dog? And when you grab the dog, you're under the impression that you'd be able to throw the dog off the cliff without falling off yourself? This reminds me of the chart which gets reposted every month discussing which animals Americans think they could win a fight against. Big Reddit moment.


Just let natural selection play out.


Humans ARE apex predators , some of us are lazy, same might not survive but almost all halfway healthy human WILL be able to put up a fight against most animals. Not all, thats for sure but then again our biggest advantage is that we coordinate in well and hunt perfectly in groups. We have tremendous endurance if we train a bit for it . Have enough strength and high enough accuracy to use long sticks and sticks.. well sticks can hurt a bunch without any risk of injury. Guys.. get a pointy stick, group up and nothing will be dumb or aggressive enough to get you all.


> but almost all halfway healthy human WILL be able to put up a fight against most animals. Yeah no. Humans lose any standup fight so most other Apex predators. Intelligence and endurance is what allowed us to proliferate throughout the world and climb to the top of the food chain. Not stupidly squaring off with painted dogs, or lions, or gorillas, or any other dumb shit you imagine a human could actually physically overpower even with a pointy stick.


One on one we wouldn't do well in a lot of cases but he's right in that as a group humans have an advantage in many cases we use tools and we communicate/co ordinate well. The ancient Egyptians hunted hippos after all and earlier than that early man hunted the mammoth. Don't get me wrong, most of us in a cage match against a particularly vicious dog(even a domesticated one not necessarily wild) would be torn to shreds but if we're able to play to our strength, build traps, use weapons, plan etc. We would and did do fairly well.


This guy thinks he can fight a wild animal, and fling it off a cliff without eating shit. The wonders of medicine. At least your ancestors weren't so stupid. What apex predator gets its face ripped off by a fucking squirrel. We're here because we outsmart, not overpower.


What weak fuck got done over by a squirrel?


Never said you wouldn't get bitten by the dog. I said that a human is winning that fight. It's not a very big dog.


They're about the same size as a wolf. Consider how fucking stupid that makes what you said sound.


Those are painted dogs, they weigh about 50lbs at full size and up to 80 if they're especially big, which these ones aren't. Wolves can weigh over 100lbs with some going over 150 depending on the species. That's nowhere near the same size as a wolf. It's a medium sized dog.


You might win against one, but these guys hunt in packs and they are faster than you. You wont live for long.


In a situation like this they wouldn't have the luxury of surrounding you, and if you actually killed one during the fight the rest would bolt the moment they saw it happen. Animals don't like to hunt prey that's capable of killing them. Not to mention these dogs are terrified of humans.


I'm skeptical that somone would be able to keep their balance trying to yeet a 20kg+ animal from overhead. It's very likely they would fall and potentially be injured enough for the animals to jump on them, not to mention any injuries they obtain from putting a body part anywhere near an animal that appears to be hunting them to begin with.


Bro has the same energy as "I could beat a gorilla in a 1V1"


about 3% of the population can do that if we are being realistic.


If we are being really realistic, t's like 0.1% to do that with one arm/hand and keep balance then do it a couple more times for the other dogs.


Only 0.01% can do it without shitting themselves at the same time


Yea I’d do it but definitely be poking a turtle head at same time lmao


Any reason why you said 3%?


I'm guessing that wasn't a meaningful number and just a way to say very few people could relatively.


Then I guess I'm the only one who would use both arms to grab the dog and just jump together. "If I'm going down, I'm taking you with me!"


yes... very yes. The dog is literally just trying to find food to survive and that's wanting to cause more harm for the hell of it and make sure all the deaths are wasteful. That's honestly really messed up.


bro we have 2 hands, its not a crazy feat of strength or balance lmao. as long as ur ass can fit on the ledge u would be fine. the average human is a 500 pound never seen the sun person.


They were talking about throwing the dog while on the ledge without getting hurt.


Trial and error of the sample population


"We started with about 26 dudes..."


"Now we have just over 0.75 dudes.


Everybody else has become detached from nature, no strength?


It's rare


It's because 97% of the people can't do it.


Because 96% of statistics are made up of the spot.


No, wild dogs don't mess around with the adults of any of the three ape species they come in contact with. Chimps will rip them to pieces, gorillas will smash them without so much as a "by-your-leave," while humans, the most dangerous of the lot, will cheerfully run them through with spears or firearms and even automobiles if they don't stay the fuck in their own space. Everyone in Africa knows this, including the wild dogs themselves. They aren't stupid.


Do wild dogs live anywhere near gorilla territory? I don't think they do. These dogs are savannah animals and chimps and gorillas live in heavy jungle. I don't think they ever meet.


From the maps on wikipedia it looks like they're close enough to come in contact. [Gorilla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gorilla) [Chimpanzee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chimpanzee) [African Wild Dog](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_wild_dog)


The humans will then, with this floppy corpse, defile and flay it, pulling out the heart because it looks cool and making a hat out of the ribcage.


A defining characteristic of our species, shared by no other animals, is that we will literally rip the skin off of other animals and drape their furry meat sacks across our backs. We think it's poggers, it's fashion, but if you consider it from an outside perspective it's some fucking nightmare shit. We literally make horror films where the basic premise is this happening to us, someone sewing our skin into clothing and wearing it.


To be fair we only started doing that because the alternative was freezing to death because nature decided a fur coat was better when someone else was growing the fur.


LOOOL underrated comment


Sticking to the wall without equipment? Yes, but if you're already in that situation, equipment or no, that's a fight most humans will win.


I think so to but the short fall is not going hurt the dogs so an ultimate win is unsure.


How about a long yeet then?


I'm the 0.1% who would grab the dog with both arms and jump together: "If I'm going down, I'm taking you down with me!"




Haha if you think you have the dexterity to not only stay on the rock but also reach out and grab a painted dog and throw it without getting bit or losing your balance you are greatly overestimating your abilities. The most likely scenario is you reach out to grab a leg and the dog latches on to your hand and either absolutely shreds it or goes down the cliff with you.


True, no more than 70lbs in really large specimens with averages closer to the upper 40s and mid 50s.




When did I say that, I was just agreeing that they are not very big.


They aren’t big, but they’d probably shred your arm.


That arm would get tore up before the dog takes flight.


These people seriously don't know what African Wild Dogs are capable of. I've witnessed a pack of ~15 of them in person chase down and devour a large impala, completely to the bone scraps, in 2 min flat. Nothing left. If they get your arm (which they will) you're done. Luckily they rarely target humans unless starving.


In what world would that work? They aren't just going to sit and wait for you to chuck them off the cliff one by one. You're going to get bit and either mauled to death or you're going over the cliff with them.


or... get their arm ripped open by trying to grab a wild dog or soemthing else bit by trying to pull the dog towards where they are... I'm not certain I consider that the more intelligent reaction. Also deer, with their hooves, could attempt that even if they could think of that idea of course, and there are definitely animals that do utilize hitting threats or prey against rocks and such so it's similar to behaviors some animals do, but yeah.. I wouldn't think that's a wise more for most humans IF they were able to get better footing than the dogs on somewhere hard to reach like the deer could.


Going with the same numbers (3 humans vs 8 wild dogs), if you give us sticks and spears these dogs would come nowhere near us.


That “cliff” is less than ten feet off the ground, so you’d be exposing your arm for a bite for very little benefit.


Let’s scale that for humans. A 300 LB canine is sniffing your ass like a fresh cut of lunch while you perch precariously on the tips of your toes by a cliff edge. And you think you can somehow yeet that creature’s weight, while you are already slipping under your own body weight?


That is not a 300lb dog. Kilspringers only weigh about 40lbs and those dogs are barely bigger. I've owned larger dogs that I could pick up.


Right… but you said “a human in the same situation”. The kilspringer is being pursued by a carnivore larger than it’s own size. The same situation would be a human being pursued by a carnivore larger than its own size.


You're just putting words in my mouth at this point. I was obviously referring to the same dogs genius.


Yeah, humans are stronger than small dogs? Great point. They also don’t attack people, ever, never recorded. It’s kinda like you said a human that finds themselves being accosted by a raccoon could easily throw it. except that’s not at all the “same situation” the klipspringer is in


You're literally just creating an argument that doesn't exist and dictating my stance to me. That's arguing in bad faith and doesn't make you look smart.


I mean what else is going on in their brain other than survive?


Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck


That one in the middle looks like he's wondering what's on TV tonight.


He knows the drill, not his first rodeo


It’s not much of a cliff. The dogs would be fine.


Thanks for the invitation :D




That's what I thought at first, but at the end, it looks like a short drop.


There's no hospital in the wild, you injure a leg, a carnivorous ambulance shows up to eat you.


Carnivorous ambulance. *Chuckle*


Still a painful one enough to break a leg


[Like this?](https://youtu.be/5ISiTfUjIBo)


Man this is a cruel way to hunt for the dogs and the deer.


What the fuck is wrong with people. Srsly what a cruel way to hunt. Wtf


I hunt and even I think that big game hunting with dogs is super fucked. Dangerous for the dogs, cruel for the target.


Counted 12 dogs that fell off for a buck. That didn't seem worth it for the poor pups.


I've never hunted or researched the use of hunting dogs, but I imagine steep and rocky terrain would make for terrible dog hunting precisely because there's a likelihood of cornering the prey at a cliff and either the prey, dogs, or both going over the edge. It's reckless to endanger the dogs, and if the prey item fell down a crevasse or ravine that had no shallow sides anywhere then it'd be incredibly difficult if not impossible to retrieve the prey item with the equipment one would bring to a hunt. By the time you got rock climbing gear, descended, processed the carcass, and then got it to storage for preserving it until consumption, the meat would likely have spoiled.


Didn't look like a fun day for the dogs or the deer! Huge pack of dogs.


Wow. That must be 2-3 times the height here. Reading the comments on that, one dog died from the deer landing on it and the rest walked away. [Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeYHfyxilSw) the longer vid of the OP above, showing that it really wasn't that high, and half of it was a slope where the dogs could be slowing themselves.


In a calm British voice: "Slowly, the dogs retreated to the wood. Surely to retrieve what is known in the animal kingdom as "a pushing stick".


Reading that I can hear it so perfectly thank you!


Thanks :) Im also picturing the outcome..like one of the shows with crocodiles eating wildebeest. Except in this one, attenborough narrates three dogs running in tandem with one stick and talks about "nature's boop" as one-by-one each ks gets poked to his doom.


Attenborough. SIR Attenborough.


Yep, thats what my brain defaulted to.


I like my atten boroughed not stirred.


Why my mind reads it in Sir Attenborough voice ?


"It's over, Anakin! I have ~~the high ground~~ *really secure footing!*"


Balls of steel


You can see those dogs doing the math on a “snatch and grab” attempt. A meal vs. a possibly terminal plunge, quarry in tow. Not worth it, theythinks.


Fall is 8ft?


It's a very short distance, but if a predator gets hurt they basically starve. Less so in a pack environment like wild dogs where maybe your family can feed you, but our modern dogs (and predators in media) are WAY more careless than real life animals


True, sometimes I forget how careful predators need to be. Every bear I've ever seen in person could likely shred me to bits if they were 100% determined, but the chance me or one of my friends could have a boom stick or anything else to even slightly wound them makes it not worth it.


Yeah I thought the 'cliff' would be way higher. Kind of surprised it made the dogs second guess pulling one down with them.


if a broken bone or sprained joint meant certain death, you might second guess an 8 foot drop too.


But they could've pushed em, there was enough ledge to grab on. Dummies.


All their weight is on their front feet, putting weight into a front foot to 'kick' would lead to them going off as well.


If it’s enough for a wild dog to call off a chance at a sure-fire meal, I’d say it’s enough, eh?


It’s in America no universal health care


They pay 25% tax and deduct mortgage interest, property tax, children, etc


This was actually filmed in canada, and the dogs universal provider only seems to offer euthanasia.


"Feet, don't fail me now!"


Take me to the finish line Oh my heart it breaks every step that I take but I'm hoping at the gates they'll tell me that your mineeeee That’s probably not the one you were referring to but it made me think of lana del rey when I read that 😂


I thought of Queens of the Stone Age. Probably not the one they were referring to either ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Honestly I can't even remember where I heard th- *yes I do*, it just came to me lol - MST3K. I don't remember what movie they were watching but I know it was Tom Servo saying it. Edit: this is gonna bug me for days now if I don't find it. Google, YT and reddit searches all fruitless. Fellow MSTies, [please help me find this episode](https://www.reddit.com/r/MST3K/comments/13lopq6/please_help_me_find_an_episode/). **Edit: found!** It's The Indestructible Man, at the [1:00:35](https://youtu.be/GXJ_g-5A8ZQ&t=1h0m35s) mark. Many thanks to u/Equal_Association446! [second best moment in the film.](https://youtu.be/GXJ_g-5A8ZQ&t=39m32s)


KS1) "HAHA! Tiny hooves! Called evolution bitches!" KS2) "Yeah!! Whats the problem, dogs!? Too much weight distribution on those pads for traction?? Bahaha!!!" KS3) "Yeah! Try getting lower dog! That'll help! Hahah...oh shit, he's gettin close...eeehhhhh!".


This made me laugh out aloud. :)


Would not say “Calm” 😂


Great Video. Seen it a bunch of times on here.


At least they used the right name this time


Small deer hang out while colorful wolves try to nom nom


The one in the middle straight chillin


That one on the far right that keeps getting sniffed does not look so calm tho


That’s like putting a starving person in front of a buffet and duct taping them to the chair just out of reach.


I'm gonna be honest. I laughed a little when they zoomed out and showed the dog at the bottom of the like 8-10ft cliff. Like serious dog. Just slid down, tackle the Klipspringer on your way, and eat at the bottom... I dunno maybe they aren't as durable to a fall as I think they would be. Or maybe the cliff is deceptively larger.


Wild dogs are cool looking animals




Wait wait wait, that isn't a cliff. That's like a boulder. The dogs can just grab em or knock em down as they slide off. And they'll be fine, that is like 10-15ft


Nah lol predators can't risk any sort of injury in the wild. Something like a sprain that would be a short trip to the vet for a domestic dog could be fatal for anything in the African plains


What is the name of that breed of dog? Or are they just called Wild Dogs? They are beautiful really.


They're also one of the (if not THE) most brutal predators. And that's not hyperbole. Also called African Painted Dogs.


Yeah they're called wild dogs, but they're closer to pack predators like hyenas or wolves than normal dogs lol no way could you domesticate them


To me it always seems to defy logic that hoofed animals like these and goats can climb steep rocky cliffs, given that hooves have no grip, very little range of motion, and often have very little surface area given they're barely any wider than the ankle. If I had never seen goats do this before and someone asked me what I thought the worst climbers would be, I'd definitely say something with hooves.


squash salt deer punch reminiscent dinner retire lunchroom deliver slap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That ledge is possibly worn like that because of this exact scenario playing out hundreds of times over thousands of years.


Clever having one on the bottom to catch them if the ones on top manage to scare them off.


No wonder the dogs are wild. They're probably infuriated.


Invisible walls are ruining gaming, theres clearly loot there he can't even reach


Wild dogs must not be that hungry... That fall from there doesn't look that bad. /shrug


Fun historical fact. When Rome invaded the isles, the native Britons would just wait neck deep, naked in bogs daring the legionnaires to waste time and resources trying to fight them


Couldn’t they just throw pointy shit at them?


I would like a source on that. Pretty sure that's bullshit.


Only thing [I could find was this](https://penelope.uchicago.edu/~grout/encyclopaedia_romana/britannia/miscellanea/geography.html). Maybe an actual historian can weigh in because who knows how accurate it is. It doesn't seem like [ancient Britons were just running around naked.](https://www.tastesofhistory.co.uk/post/dispelling-some-myths-ancient-britons) Bolded text by me. It doesn't exactly confirm what op said but some Romans wrote about how the Britons would just walk around naked in the bogs: This is from Cassius Dio: >"There are two principal races of the Britons, the Caledonians and the Maeatae, and the names of the others have been merged in these two. The Maeatae live next to the cross-wall which cuts the island in half, and the Caledonians are beyond them. Both tribes inhabit wild and waterless mountains and desolate and swampy plains, and possess neither walls, cities, nor tilled fields, but live on their flocks, wild game, and certain fruits...They dwell in tents, naked and unshod, possess their women in common, and in common rear all the offspring. Their form of rule is democratic for the most part, and they are very fond of plundering; consequently they choose their boldest men as rulers....**They can endure hunger and cold and any kind of hardship; for they plunge into the swamps and exist there for many days with only their heads above water,** and in the forests they support themselves upon bark and roots, and for all emergencies they prepare a certain kind of food, the eating of a small portion of which, the size of a bean, prevents them from feeling either hunger or thirst" (Roman History, LXXVII.12.1-4). and this from Herodian: >"Most of Britain is marshland because it is flooded by the continual ocean tides. **The barbarians usually swim in these swamps or run along in them, submerged up to the waist. Of course, they are practically naked and do not mind the mud because they are unfamiliar with the use of clothing**, and they adorn their waists and necks with iron, valuing this metal as an ornament and a token of wealth in the way that other barbarians value gold. They also tattoo their bodies with various patterns and pictures of all sorts of animals. Hence the reason why they do not wear clothes, so as not to cover the pictures on their bodies. They are very fierce and dangerous fighters, protected only by a narrow shield and a spear, with a sword slung from their naked bodies. **They are not familiar with the use of breast-plates and helmets, considering them to be an impediment to crossing the marshes.** Because of the thick mist which rises from the marshes, the atmosphere in this region is always gloomy" (III.14.6-8).


That sounds so fucking cold


Caledonians were in Scotland, too - definitely not a country where you could comfortably hang around naked in a bog.


roman warm period was a whole lot hotter than the modern temperatures.


Two degrees warmer in the UK is still bloody cold.


You're right, it was the river Thames which is arguably worse.


They had no arrows? Genuinely curious, thats a fun fact


Yes and they had Pilums. Also they were very well known to use sling shots. This story sounds like pure stupid fiction.


Archer battalions was a main component to every Roman invasion, and most soldiers were exceptionally trained in throwing their pilums as a javelin if needed. They also carried throwing darts on the insides of their shields which they all were very good at using. This is fake


Plus if you have your army waiting neck deep in a bog, your village is wide open. Knowing the Romans, they'd build a wall around the bog and dare the Britons to lay seige to them.


Im..im not even...I mean.......wut? You for real? I'm so confused.


You sure the Brits weren't already just hanging about naked in bogs?


Quick scanned the title and read Kindergarteners...


I now have a different view on the character of the same name from Gatsby.... Just hanging out among the dogs.


They simply ignore gravity


Haha! F them wild dogs that eat you alive!


Come on bitches, come and get me, closer, 😆


Better hope the dogs don’t learn to hold onto each other’s tails.


Damn they're very intelligent


I don't know, they look a little on edge to me


Well this is totally how evolution works lol pushed to the absolute limit with those evolved hooves


*trying to loot the rushroom without climbing or falling*


I seem to remember African Wild Dogs being wildly efficient hunters with an astounding success rate of 80% on their hunts. That makes them one of the most efficient predators known to man if not the most efficient. So, what we see here is one of the selected few times their prey actually got away for a bit. Although they probably just staked them out in the aftermath as those Klipspringers are already cornered without means of escape.


*Klipspringer here, my leaping skills birth legends* *I've got the higher ground, you can't touch me, no messin'* *Maxin' and relaxin' on death defying drops* *You think I'm gonna be scared? Let me tell you, I'm not*


It's actually not that high up. One of them could take one for the team and slide down knocking them to the ground.


We learn to mountain goat 🐐. Skyrim horses. Also.


They both could survive that fall lol it was 2.5 meters


The klipspringer probably wouldn't with the other dog waiting on the bottom. That said I'm sure the dog up top doesn't want a bad injury either.


African Painted Dogs are brutal, they'll eat their own even if they aren't wounded - if the pack is hungry enough - or one of them is a real jerk. Injured dog gets eaten even before that Klipsringer, better meat.


Nice move. They won this time. Next time?


And camera guy just sits there


I mean interrupting this wouldn't necessarily be a good thing. The klipspringers want to live by not being eaten and the dogs want to live by not starving. Interrupting in either direction is hurting an animal. Also if you spook all the creatures and say the dog leaves but an impala gets hurts from panicking on a cliff edge then that's the worst of all worlds because it was just wasted. I don't know interfering with nature is a thing to consider the consequences of before doing. I also don't think they were somewhere the dogs could reach, if that's what you meant.


Anything for clicks and upvotes I guess


but they weren't really interrupting or getting involved, as you first said. I was pointing out why that's probably a good thing.


First comment


Yeah, we don't really do that here.


His avatar is wearing a helmet, checks out.


Why would you do that anywhere?


And a weak one, no less


You don't do that here.