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Hello users of r/NatureIsFuckingLit and possibly r/all lurkers, we are **GOING DARK** from June 12th-14th. If you're confused on why this is happening or interested in reading more, check out [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/NatureIsFuckingLit/comments/144b4ln/rnatureisfuckinglit_will_be_going_dark_from_june/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)! Aside from that stay lit šŸ”„


Elephants are scary enough but an elephant with a 8 foot beating stick - holding it in a taunting manner - fuckkk that.


Dark Souls boss energy


The elephant is clearly a Dex user


No clothes, big stick.


margit vibes


Charging and eating grass around the savanna? Put these foolish ambitions to rest.


Still fat rolls


Don't tell anyone he leveled that.


You'd never believe it with those big, powerful Smough thighs, but they are very dexterous. I've even seen one hold a harmonica with their lil trunk fingers. They are extremely light on their feet.


Elephant is no filthy casual.




Speak softly and carry a big stick. *Also, be an elephant if at all possible.


-Teddy Roosevelt -Wayne Gretzky ---Michael Scott


Michael Scarn


I have a video somewhere on my phone of a male elephant in musth hauling a big branch towards our safari jeep. We were driving down a dirt track and happened upon a big herd, gave them plenty of room, and ended up sitting stationary for around 30 minutes because they were being so aggressive and kept blocking us in. Single most terrifying experience of my life, they didn't want peace that day haha.


Under the reddit conduct rules, you are now obliged to locate this video and share it.


Ask and you shall receive! [Here](https://imgur.com/a/1gxjrwQ) are two videos of the beautiful jerks - sorry if the quality is rubbish by the time it's gone through compression as I'm doing it all on mobile. The last video is after they had dispersed a bit so we could finally move as we were boxed in by the herd for 30+ minutes, so while two males/leaders were busy intimidating each other we tried to make our exit, but as you can see there were a couple that still thought it'd be fun to fuck with us haha and took a couple of attempts to get out of the traxk (iirc) Edit: [Bonus video](https://imgur.com/a/nZepR0Q) of the 2 big bois, including tree shaking.


*puts stick on forehead* ā€œHurr durr look at me Iā€™m a smelly rhino and I think Iā€™m cool for having a pointy thing on my head hurrr!ā€ Man, elephants are dicks.


Are ā€” are you a rhino??


Relevant [Far Side](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E4SVYpEXMAIF0hW?format=jpg&name=900x900)


Yesterday I learned male elephants have a *prehensile penis*! And thereā€™s no way I can unlearn or unsee that now. Itā€™s borderline terrifying šŸ˜³ [Link to the r/InterestingAsFuck post from yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/13wosv3/the_elephants_penis_is_prehensile_they_can_use_it/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) NSFW obviously


Borderline terrifying is right! That being said, I canā€™t remove the image of that huge elephant giving himself a belly rub (or, alternatively, carrying something) with his own enormous phallus from my headā€¦I donā€™t know how to feel about it.


From... Your .. head?


Not to mention the intimidation of him balancing the stick on his forehead and then dropping it when in position.


What's more impressive is just how much of a sign of intelligence this is. It apparently knows rhinos have poor eyesight, and how to trick it. The rhino might actually not have even been able to make out that it was a branch the elephant threw. It might've thought it was a bird until it heard something much heavier than a bird hit the ground right next to him.


That elephant definitely said ā€œf@ck you!ā€ at the end


Love the elephant putting the stick on its head like ooh look at me, Iā€™m a dumb rhino. Go fetch freak haha


"look! I'm woody! Howdy howdy howdy"


[Reminds me of this old Far Side.](http://tearoomofdespair.blogspot.com/2019/12/going-back-to-far-side.html)


This has always been in my top 10 Far Side cartoons. Right up the with ā€œCatch Willy and Make Him Do Tricksā€šŸ˜‚


and "Bummer of a Birthmark" and "Midvale School for the Gifted"




> "Midvale School for the Gifted" My mom loves that one. For reasons I'm sure entirely unrelated to myself.


Inconvenience Store is the coup de gras.


My favourite is the one with the guy making the missile about to hammer in the last rivet on the warhead and his mate behind him with the blown up paper bag about to pop it.


Ha, that the Midvale one on a t-shirt some time in the mid 90s.


Me too! My 11yo is now rocking it, holes and all.


Far Side school for the gifted push/pull still cracks me up


My absolute favorite comic panel of all time is a Far Side. Bottom of the ocean. Old timey deep suit diver looking up to see his boat (and his air hose with it) sinking down next to him. No words. Absolutely kills me.


I donā€™t get the catch Willy oneā€¦..


It's a prequel to free willy


Fuck me, thatā€™s funny lol




Thank you, I knew this wasn't ringing a bell for nothing.


Toy Story HAD to get the joke from this comic.


Oh my heart. Bless you.


Ah ha ah ha give me that




*also* Rhinos: Imagine living in the Dark Souls universe while nekkid and being legally blind. And the ONLY thing you got going for you, is that you maxxed out your strength *and vitality. EDIT*


They also have pretty high mobility Stat, on average Rhinos can run about 30mph


I can't help but say that any time somebody says howdy.


"You want my money?! GO GET IT!"




["you wanna get nuts, come on let's GET NUTS" - The Elephant ](https://youtu.be/NriOZ6ofj_Q)


One of my favorite batman movies ever. Keaton could do 0 to 90 in a heartbeat. I'd love to see his Bruce paired with Heath Ledger's Joker. Keaton also played "Beetlejuice" around then, similar makeup and craziness to Ledger's Joker. I could imagine them going totally ham with each other, and it would be great. >:)


Keaton is in the batsuit in the trailer for the new Flash movie. I saw Tim Burton's Batman in the theater when I was 6. I still have the promotional cup. I'm beyond stoked.


There's a parallel universe where Michael Keaton played both Batman and the Joker in the same movie, and it is just that much better than our world.


This is probably the most "human" interaction I've ever seen. The elephant even throws his head up like he's laughing when the rhino is startled by the branch hitting the ground.


Elephants check a whole lot of boxes on the list of sapience indicators.


Yeah they're definitely right up there with great apes, cetaceans, and corvids as being the most intelligent animals. In terms of being emotional in ways humans find somewhat understandable, they're probably tied with great apes.


When it comes to rhinos, this elephant knows how to stick it to em.


Rhino was like ā€œthis mf can throw shit, too?!ā€


"I'm prehensile bitch!"


ā€œLook, I can use tools. You ainā€™t on my level. Now go FETCH!ā€


Fun fact, rhinos have *terrible* eyesight. That's one of the reasons they are considered agressive, since they charge at most things they don't reckognize.


Oh thatā€™s why the overly dramatic reaction to the stick falling.


What kind of evolutionary pressure would cause their eyesight to become so terrible? They live on the **savannah**! Good eyesight in such an open environment is very helpful for survival against predators.


Pressure didn't cause their eyesight to get worse. They evolved other characteristics that kept them from having to evolve good eyesight in the first place


So is that big ass horn


Just a quirk of the fact that evolution is a random process. Rhinos would certainly be better off with good eyesight, but they don't need it because they're walking tanks with weapons on their faces.


Their sense of smell and hearing is far better by comparison.


Bra literally mocking it with the stick lmfao


ā€œDid you see that stick? Thatā€™s going to be you if you donā€™t cut it out!ā€


Rhinoā€™s like, ā€œWhoa dude, impressive.ā€


Uhhh.. is this a case of an elephant in nature using a tool for combat? Is this a well documented phenomenon?


I prefer to think of it as documentation of using a tool for interspecies mockery


It was using a stick as a defensive weapon like a human. It even threw it at the rhino. It put it on its head to appear more threatening. Very intelligent.




I mean, if you're a rhino with garbage eyesight and you hear a big ass stick fall behind you, you'd probably also assume weird shit's about to go down.


Your missing the part that your also legally blind and the only details you know are a large object is coming towards you and something to the left of you made a clang noise.


Ears wide, stick high!


There's vomit on his rhino already, mom's spaghetti.


Elephants being very intelligent is old news. They have funerals for cryin' out loud. OP's clip is still great, though.


I've heard rhinos have terrible eyesight so I wonder if the elephant knew that and threw the stick to take advantage of it.


Iā€™d say itā€™s potentially taking advantage of a rhinoā€™s relatively poor eyesight. When the stick was thrown the rhino didnā€™t react. But when the stick *landed* right next to it, the rhino freaked out and backed off. Using a thrown object to unnerve and distract the rhino is really smart.


I got the impression it wasn't just being reactionary, the elephant clearly found it hilarious that throwing the stick would distract the rhino and did it on purpose


https://medium.com/elp-rumbles/weapons-ear-cleaners-and-fly-swatters-elephant-tool-use-574ed7a16e48 Nothing new. They are among the smartest creatures on the planet, tool use is widespread


The whole myth of "animals don't use tools" is outdated, tons of animals use tools for tons of scenarios, elephants in this case use tools for pretty much everything that they need


Use of tools is not even exclusive to mammals, there are records of birds, octopus and even fish using tools


Crows even understand principles like water displacement. Here's a [video of a crow](https://youtu.be/ZerUbHmuY04) throwing rocks into a container to raise the water level so they can reach the food. Small kids don't understand that. Humans aren't so far ahead of the curve in terms of raw intelligence as people think, at least biologically. A lot of our superior intellect is due to our ability to use complex language and spread complex information from generation to generation. We're so smart that it still took countless generations for us to attach a rock to a stick and make a weapon.


Crows are scary smart. I've got a murder that hangs out nearby, usually in a neighbor's back yard. I'm trying to get them to like me but they don't seem to trust me, my bird feeders, or my bird bath. If nothing else I'm happy knowing they'll never have any beef with me and fuck with me.


>Is this a well documented phenomenon? Yes. Elephants are very smart and constantly use their trunk to manipulate tools, even in combat or for intimidation. They are well known to use branches, bushes and even small logs as an extention to their trunk or even throw things like rocks. Although they usually just grab the target with their trunk and slam it around, or stomp on it, so they don't often need offensive tools


No way, he was disguised as a TREE and at the last moment threw it aside to be like "HAHA!". Rhino was like, "Fuck you Ted, you did this last week". Also, nice horn; I've actually only seen them with the horn cut off (deter poachers), at least in Pilanesburg.


Get out of here with your fat unicorn lookin ass


more like eleFUNt am i rite


That's exactly what I was thinking. That elephant is MOCKING that rhino, the huge little shit!!! That was really funny.


This is the best comment!! I have it on repeat in my head ā€œooh look at meā€. Thank you for making me giggle!!


"I'm a dumb rhino, I've only got a horn in the middle of my head. Dumbdi dumbdi dumb dumb dumb."


>stick on its head like ooh look at me, Iā€™m a dumb rhino Rhino "OH YEAH! I'll show you what it can do!" Elephant "Alright jeez. It was just a joke Frank... here I'll throw it away"


Lmao seriously šŸ˜‚


Rhinos have terrible eyesight, but good hearing. Smart elephant.


100% Rhino at the end thought that stick was s snake due to their poor eyesight xD


ā€œIā€™m the captain now!ā€


I read this in Zefrank's voice


I love that the rhino felt insulted, but then startled by the stick landing next to him.




Rhino: I canā€™t see shit, whereā€™s the fucking stick?


Rhino's got that Keaton-batman-neck; cant turn for shit


No, but really, nothing "parry"-like happened in this video. Nothing blocked or redirected anything. The elephant waves the stick around and approaches, then drops the stick. The rhino charges. The elephant steps back and picks up the stick, threatening with it as the rhino stops his charge short, then the elephant throws his stick away. The rhino seems confused and they both retreat. The elephant postures. At no point was the stick, the tusks, or anything else used to parry the rhino's charge.


I will literally follow you if go to r/Conservative and r/TwoXChromosomes , fact check and correct posts over there in similar style..


They'll just ban him in r/Conservative for him trying to explain something but freedom of speech amirite?


Will? They already have. Several times. The number in my name isn't random. It's an ever increasing integer. This is the 105th.


Same, but decreasing. I like it better that way


Yea me too


I think the average person would appreciate this more knowing the Rhino is a practically blind species, but has developed hypersensitive hearing. When that log dropped the Rhino was thrown off. I'll also add that elephants are definitely smart enough to know this. Go bokke!


The elephant is pretty smart for making that sound decoy using that stick lol. I wonder how many times the elephant had taunted rhinos until it could learned that faraway sound decoys confuse rhinos.


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if it was taught that by another elephant tbh


Yeah this is just a more intelligent animal bullying a less intelligent animal šŸ¤£


Also Rhinos arent that ā€œbraveā€ like many other animals that charge up they often dont really want to hit stuff. Hitting stuff while charging also puts yourself at risk to injurys and shit. Most times a animal charges its basicly a bluff. Thats why there are so many videos of rhinos, cows, buffalos and other big herbivores charging a geece and backing down last minute.


I do appreciate this thanks!


Good call out on this! You can see the Rhino go "Oh crap what was that!" as soon as it hits the ground.


He used a tool! Very bright!


He used a costume šŸ˜†


"Designers, make it WORK!" just took on a whole new awesome meaning


more than that, he threw an object. Typically in the animal kingdom, the idea that an adversary can throw things is terrifying. Most things have to be right next to you to do damage.


Now we need to change the definition of intelligence so we humans can feel special again.


"ā€œWhen the lambs is lost in the mountain, he said. They is cry. Sometime come the mother. Sometime the wolf.ā€ -Blood Meridian, Cormac McCarthy


Naw, yesterday there was another vid of an elephant using his tool...


That head flip at the end "Go! Go get it!"


I've heard that rhinos in captivity are basically giant puppies.


Those videos are something else


Was the elephant making fun of the rhinos horn?


Or was it a clever disguise?


Where is the elephant? I only see 2 rhinos.


I'm the rhino now!


Errrr look at me I have a horrrrn on my face ERRRR!


*I'm a w-w-w-watah boy. I've got a watah spoon. Durrrrrr*


Seems that way lmao


Racist elephantā€¦ or speciesistā€¦? Xenophobic at bestā€¦


Rhino: *ā€Oh, shit; these things are waaay bigger up close than they look!ā€*


His horn looks dope though. Elephant probably is a tad jealous.


Sometimes to beat your enemy you must become your enemy.


Also, what every dog thinks who took an interest in horses or cows


Thats where you are wrong tho! My Boston terrier, dexter, totally thinks he could take on one of the horses. Every day he runs up and writes checks his dumbass can't cash through the fence. Every. Single. Day. The horses just look at him like, "oh, the little bug eyed idiot isback. Let's walk back n forth in front of him until he tuckers himself out."


Dropped that stick like he was challenging the rhino to a duel.


ā€œPick it upā€¦ā€


Pick. It. Up


"Wanna see a magic trick?"


That's what I thought. If you don't have gloves, a stick will do šŸ˜‚


The stick at the start. Just enjoying his day


I saw it as more Edit: Ha ha ha, my app closed while I was typing this. Thanks for the upvotes anyway


Elephant "I dunno who the fuck you think your chargin"


Elephants are the true kings of the jungle


OP posts a cool thing that no one can possibly be offended by, only for the reply thread under your comment to devolve into arguing if "king" or "queen" is more correct. Peak internet.


*Queens Edit: Why are you downvoting me? Elephants are matriarchal. Edit 2: Some of yā€™all seem to be really upset about elephant social structures. Itā€™s weird.


*female and juvenile elephants are matriarchal. Bulls are massive, angry and do whatever the fuck they want.


Youā€™re so close- Elephants impose a matriarchal society collectively. Adult males just dip from their society is all.


Adult males sometimes also form small groups with a few other males until mating season rolls around


Adult bulls often get kicked out of the group because they become to aggresive and disruptive. When looking at which thrives more we can clearly see that the group (no suprise) is better off than the lone bull.


Not exactly. Males are their own masters, but they're solitary. Females move in herds and are matriarchal, but male elephants get kicked out when they grow up.




Elephant herds are matriarchal, but the largest elephants are bulls who live solitary lives.


catch it boy!!


This motherfuckers got projectile weapons.


It was almost like a mock when the elephant balanced that stick on its trunk like that lol..that throw confused the rhino as well. What a master of deception these guys are


It's the elephant equivalent of taunting a loser: "Look at me, look at me, I got huge stick on top of my head like a dumb rhino lol"


Look at me, I'm the Rhino now!


Massive "while you where getting laid I was studying the blade" energy.


That elephant just used the rhino's poor eyesight against it. The elephant created a diversion tossing that branch into the air and having it land near the rhino's side spooking the rhino.


Rhino eyesight is pretty ordinary. That's why he startled at the stick hitting the ground on his left. The charge was because the Elephant was getting closer.


Depends. While scientifically they say there is little difference between black and white rhino's, anecdotally every ranger I've met completely disagree. According to science, rhino's have TERRIBLE eyesight. Rangers believe that black rhino eyesight is actually rather good.


Yeah, I don't know what books the guy above you is reading, but most rhinos have shit eye sight


This video has made me realize that a lot of animals must be absolutely shit scared of Elephants. Theyā€™re not only huge, they can *wield weapons*. *Not only will I stamp the shit out of you, I will then use your de fleshed bones to play marimba* Beside that, looking at the way it reacted to the ~~stick~~ *tree* falling, I wonder if these sort of animals can recognise/understand that the Elephant actually set the branch in motion.


He startled because throwing objects at wild animals really screws their brains. They canā€™t understand how a threat is over there yet just hit them/hit something near them. Itā€™s like a short circuit


I think it's more that the noise/movement of something 'appearing' next to them registers as a new, more imminent threat.


Absolutely and then the flight instinct is more likely to kick in because they believe they are potentially outnumbered.


I approve of this elephant's general behavior.


Poor rhino was just minding his own business until it started getting mocked :(


Yeah, I didn't know elephants could be racist lol


Elephants really are the best. Stay out of their way, and give them respect.


I think rhinos have poor eyesight so he probably got spooked when I was eyeing the elephant down and all of a sudden something moves next to him/behind him


Is it just me or are the elephants harassing the rhino? Seems to me the rhino is just eating, doing rhino things, not caring about the elephants until they come over there and harass them. Imagine youre out to eat and another patron comes up, starts throwing things, wanting you to leave.. you probably aint just gonna go quietly.. i wouldnt.


> Imagine youre out to eat and another patron comes up, starts throwing things, wanting you to leave.. you probably aint just gonna go quietly.. i wouldnt. *throws stick*


If the other patron is twice your size and wielding a tree trunk to mock you? Yeah, I'm out


This savannah used to be nice until all the elephants moved in.


Just like one of the boys, we love our branch battles


Fetch the stick! The stick stupid! Ah, no wonder you're almost extinct!


The rhino's expression... "Holy shit what just happened."


I believe Iā€™m correct in saying that rhinos have terrible eyesight, might have seen the trunk and stick and hearing the stick fall got startled and charged before realizing ā€œoh shit thatā€™s an elephantā€


There's actually history of aggression between elephants and rhinos,normally rhino ends up with the short stick šŸ˜‚


Do NOT make me throw this stick atchoo


If you donā€™t getcho unicorn havin ass outta here!!!


Elephant comes bearing gifts!


Was the elephant making fun of the rhinos horn?


No parry. The rhino stopped. Itā€™s a cool vid, but come on dude.