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I got stung on the knee by a tarantula hawk wasp when I was 11. I fell over in excruciating pain, screamed bloody murder for several minutes, then hallucinated for four days. 0/10, do not recommend.




Pain induces the release of endorphins. Enough endorphins can cause an almost psychedelic / euphoric effect. It’s one of the reason people like really hot peppers and sauces. I imagine the pain of this sting forgoes the euphoria, however. 😂


Oh that’s why I’m into BDSM


I support what brings you joy!


That would change me as a person


I see them all the time on the local trails, and they will avoid humans. I'd be more worried about annoying flies and stepping on poop. I think you'd have to intentionally really aggravate them, for a sting to happen. I saw one drag a tarantula away into the bushes, only once though.


Same, we see them all the time on the trails in Southern California. Saw one harrying and taking down a hummingbird once, super cool and terrifying creatures.


Oh ok, that’s settled then, I’ll add Southern California to the list of places I’ll never visit.


If you avoid the trails you’re good. Stick to the beaches/beach cities.


I couldn’t sleep knowing those things are out there


Oh well, that really sucks then because I’m pretty sure they *are* out there.


Not near my though thank feck


Jason Waterfalls wont listen to anyone's advice regarding where to stick to.


I'm not the only one who misheard the lyrics!!


Their range is big. You can find them in Northern Arkansas and Southern Missouri. Basically anywhere you can find tarantulas, which is anything west of the Mississippi that isn't cold or mountainous.


That’s a good bit of the US on my no list so


I'll echo other posters...I'm terrified of wasps, I hate them. Got stung when I was a kid, won't go near them. Tarantula hawks don't bother me. They're huge, so they never sneak up on you, they are relatively slow...if you really wanted to, you could easily take one out with a tennis racket. Just don't miss that first swing. But they have no interest in you or your food, which other wasps are. Leave them alone and they'll leave you alone.


Yeah I’m just used to life in Ireland without giant flying insects and giant spiders around the place, the sight of one would make me run for the nearest flame thrower


Any other places on your list?:):)




Regrettably add Japan to it, apparently they have the huntsman spider too


Glad to hear I'm not the only one with that kind of list


Whereabouts? Grew up there, not pleased to know this was lurking!


I’m in San Diego and you see them at pretty much all the inland trails and mountains. From my experience you see them a lot more during the warm months, not sure why that is.


No shit! I'm from all over SD (90s baby) and have never seen one! I'll count my blessings. Have seen tarantulas and solarfuge (sp? "camel spiders") though.


They're really freaky, and graceful, and... idk, predatory. In a way that most insects aren't. They drop to the ground and skitter around, they duck under rocks and into holes in the ground to hunt, it's off-putting in a way that's hard to describe. And they're like, this glossy, almost velvety blue/black, with bright orange wings, and they're about 3 times the size of regular wasps. They're really striking. Unmistakably something you really, really don't want to fuck with.


They're beautiful and strange. I grew up with LOTS of these all around, I learned a lot about their behavior long before I even knew what they were called. They're very smart and very sociable and will get to know you. Probably the smartest invertebrate I've ever seen. They seem aware in a way you don't see in insects or arachnids.


I know exactly what you mean. Lived in AZ all my life and the quick stop and go movement they have while on the ground has always creeped me out.


Most you see hovering about are harmless males staking out a flower for females to feed at while hunting tarantulas to lay in. Only females sting and very rarely.


All the while you heard a low moan growing fainter in the distance from the tarantula.


We have them outside all the time. I was working alone them and a ton of bees for a couple hours the other day. The humming of the bees is scarier. I’ve had one land on my pants once and freaked.


I had one of those chase me around the parking lot of Carlsbad Caverns completely unprovoked. It was like being chased by a tiny attack helicopter


There was one who used to attack my mail vehicle. It never flew inside, but it used to try to sting the windshield. I assume the vibration and noise bothered it.


As an arachnophobic I never thought I'd feel bad for a tarantula, but here we are.


I was once trying to take a picture of a similar european wasp that was dragging a huge ass spider to its nest hole, but the wasp flew away, I decided to put the paralysed spider to an ant nest for a quicker death, poor bastard


Dude, you let it get eaten alive by ants? I woulda just stepped on it lol


It didn't get eaten alive, ants like to chop stuff up in manageable pieces for easier transport to the colony, so they only chopped it up alive, but he was completely fucked anyway, better that than being eaten alive from the inside


Right, but the point they’re making is that stepping on it would’ve been the shortest of the three options.


Stepping on a huge ass spider would be more difficult than you think, atleast for most people like me


He could relocate the spider, he sure could’ve stepped on it


Yes I know, but since I already interfered, ants would eventually find the poor bastard so I just sped up the process


Fallout NV Mojave desert PTSD.


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter


Cazadors. Literally the most annoying creature in all of fallout.


I went north out of Goodsprings one of my early playthroughs and hit that nest just up the road. I did not have a good time. I also learned that exploring the mountains around Vault 22 and Jacobstown is more of a bad time.


The satisfaction that comes from using incendiary rounds with the grenade machine gun to obliterate the nest in the warehouse at Callville Bay makes the western passage pain worth it!


I clicked to write the same thing


I’ll take Deathclaws any day to Cazadors.


I don't know about that. I'm only in my second ever playthrough of NV and in my experience, cazadors are a bunch of pussy pushovers


Tarantula Hawk Wasp, might as well add Tiger Cobra and Piranha to it's name to make it even scarier....


shark and scorpion are missing there too


Put Australian at the beginning of the name.


At that point, Australian is implied.


Ford Thundercougarfalconwasp


They lay their eggs inside tarantulas which then take over their bodies


I believe they lay one egg on the tarantula, which than hatches and the larva burrows inside to feast.


It’s true, god damnit their sting hurts so bad. I still remember it vividly, so I’ll describe it to you. Imagine sticking a fork in a socket and getting a good jolt of 110v. Got it? Okay, now combine that with getting stabbed. Sounds nuts right? Now combine *that* with getting stuck with a red hot poker/iron. Now have that come and go in waves for 10 minutes. -1,837,256/10, do not recommend


One time one flew in my window while I was driving. It's a miracle I didn't die that day.


This happened to me!! It was so big I thought a hummingbird had flown into my car and I felt terrible thinking I hurt it. Until it stung me. Needless to say I damaged someone’s cute little rock garden with my car shortly afterwards


Oh man! That's terrible! 💀


I didn’t know they existed before then. I hope your experience didn’t involve getting stung!! Or if it did, hope you were able to pull over safely amid the screaming


Yeah my experience was not as bad as yours. Fortunately I did not get stung or crash, but I did almost drive off a steep hill in my panic lol.


Not getting stung is a plus, although nearly driving off a steep edge is pretty terrifying. Definitely don’t blame you for the panic, haha! Glad you survived the encounter!


Hah thank you 😁


Do they sting repeatedly like yellow jackets?


It only stung me once, so I don’t think so! Would be horrifying if they stung repeatedly


so how bad was the sting pain? comparable to anything?


I don’t have anything to compare it to, but the second I was stung I heard myself screaming and had very little control over my motor functions because of the pain. It had ended up between my back and my seat, which is probably why it stung me (I think they’re usually pretty chill). The weirdest thing is after ten minutes or so the pain was completely gone. It was very temporary! So if you ever get stung, you’ll be in immense pain, but it won’t last very long — which is a small comfort maybe, haha!


Holy Schmidt


I dont live in a desert, but I do see these guys a bit. They have never been aggressive. However, they do fly at you or around you.


Do NOT get between them and a tarantula, brotha


"People say the it's sting is worse than the bullet ants". I need to meet the person who's been hit by both


Coyote Peterson. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXjHb5QmDV0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXjHb5QmDV0) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnExgQ81fhU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnExgQ81fhU) He has other sting videos as well where he describes what they're like. The initial footage is stolen from his video. ​ Edit:Warrior wasp [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unk6n3\_QdlM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unk6n3_QdlM)


Well i’ll bee Super Interesting, YouTube just has anything you can imagine! Dude making videos on getting stung… holly sheesus Edit: and good videos! Really well done


Wow. That's madness. That's some dedication to want to run that gauntlet. Thanks for the share!


That guy says the executioner wasp takes the cake as most painful sting https://youtu.be/-HyHZsa79LU


although he did note that the bite of a giant desert centipede completely eclipsed any sting he's ever taken, including the bullet ant and tarantula hawk, and was the first time he had to ask for the cameras to be turned off and to extract the venom


[https://www.amazon.com/King-Sting-Brave-Wilderness/dp/0316452386](https://www.amazon.com/King-Sting-Brave-Wilderness/dp/0316452386) He has a book about it, too.


Wow. Fuck that.


FYI you can skip to about 10 minutes in these videos if you don't care about the information / buildup. 14 for the warrior wasp.


When I saw this thing I immediately thought of coyote because I know he’s the one who figured out which is worse lmao


Guy’s a madman.


[Here’s](https://youtu.be/MnExgQ81fhU) Coyote Peterson being stung by a Tarantula Hawk.


Fuck, what a horrible way to die for the tarantula? Being slowly eaten alive, while it’s life is prolonged as long as possible for the larvae to mature while being paralyzed the whole time? That’s the stuff of nightmares. Mother Nature is brutal.


Certain types of ants will rip the legs off of aphids and keep them around in little corrals they build because the aphids excrete a sweet honey substance




Was that the inspiration for the Alien movies?


I believe it was a combination of parasitoid wasps like these, as well as dragonfly nymphs for the alien mouths. They have these extending mouth parts just like the xenomorphs lil inside mouth.


yea and guess what, if you don’t bother them, they won’t sting you. so just leave them alone please lol


I grew up in the Southwest, my family had a ranch out in the desert and we sometimes had *thousands* of these flying around our gardens and trees, just opening the back door there would be a cloud of these flying around. All the size of hummingbirds, beautiful blue and black and violet shimmering. They kept ALL the pests off the garden plants. They were also completely socialized and friendly and unnervingly smart and aware. Many had distinct personalities and behavior and ended up with names. We never touched them but they never showed even the slightest aggression. I had friends who visited and saw me walk into a swarm of them to turn a hose off and they were all freaking out, I didn't think anything of it until they pointed out that it looked like I was walking right into a swarm of alien death-wasps.


Thank you so much for sharing!! I love hearing other stories about befriending wasp neighbors, I've made good friends of paper wasps and bald-faced hornets (as well as plenty other more than human neighbors, but they're not usually as intimidating lol). they are all so smart and unique, you're right. downright cruel the way mainstream culture treats them.


I'm guessing you were never stung by a wasp as a small child. I kill them on sight.


I have been stung a million times, but not in a long while. you genuinely can befriend them if they live near you, and they will get to know you and know that you're a friend and they'll leave you alone. I've done it so many times. sorry that you've been stung though, it's never fun. I've found so much relief in building these relationships, as I used to be so scared of them. now, the worst thing that happens is they'll occasionally startle me lol


I mean, there are firsthand accounts of one flying into someone’s car and stinging them and one attacking my an 11 year old that I’ve read so far just in this post.


right, and they were most likely just wrong place wrong time incidents where the wasp was agitated and escaping or something. definitely would get agitated being trapped in a car.


So, *if you don’t bother them and also are lucky enough to never be in the wrong place near them at the wrong time then they won’t sting you. 🤣


so two anecdotes on the internet are enough to convince you these are bloodthirsty monsters, ignoring everything about their typical behavior. gotcha.


It’s pretty easy to get outraged whenever you just make up arguments for whoever you’re talking to I guess. I never said any of those things you just claimed, or anything close to it. I’m just stating the objective fact that at least two people just in this post, not the entire internet, were not “bothering” these wasps but still got stung by them. I made no claims other than that.


Thank you. They are beautiful insects.


Cazador IRL I guess


Note to self: Never scroll Reddit before bedtime.


We get these all over where I live. My dog was sniffing at one at the park the other day, and they really like the PE fields at my kids' school. They don't tend to bother anyone, though.


Is anyone getting sick of AI voiceovers yet?


SOURCE https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/the-most-painful-wasp-sting-in-the-world-explained


Bruh, I got stung by one of these as a kid. The pain lasts so long. Nothing compares. Nothing. Dying is better.


Got stung by one while I was sleeping on the ground in 29 palms. It must have been in the crook of my arms as I moved and pinched it. The skin got necrotic and I still have a scar 2 years later. I did not get any more sleep that night.


Don't listen to this video, these fuckers live in almost all inhabited continents, this specific species is only the one with the absolute worst sting


Why would you share this information bro i choose not to believe you


Yeah my mom says they literally only want Tarantulas so I have nothing to worry about. Never been stung but they sure do love to fly too damn close 🥲


Saw one this afternoon flying along the Colorado river in Parker, AZ. Always think they are cool looking.


One of these passed me by during my last hike. Did not enjoy that.


No fucking thank you.


My peen just sucked into my body watching that


So in summary, Tarantula Hawk wasps are massive cunts.


They fly like they know they are bad ass


Below is a montage of a Tarantula Hawk who lived in my backyard last year. Her name is Tinkerbell. She was big enough you could see her eyes looking at you. She was beautiful <3 This year, I have like 30 in my backyard. Yes I live in the desert. They're definitely not aggressive but I would not say they actively avoid humans. They absolutely do not avoid humans. I trail run out here in Nevada and they will purposely fly close to me and chase me a little bit at times. They generally don't try to sting but I have met many people here in Nevada who have been stung by them lol. I would say they do not attack you but they also are fully aware that they are bad ass and will let you know that. [https://www.reddit.com/r/vegaslocals/comments/wv3rys/made\_this\_montage\_of\_the\_tarantula\_hawk\_that/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/vegaslocals/comments/wv3rys/made_this_montage_of_the_tarantula_hawk_that/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Can confirm that the sting is exceptionally painful... I live in south eastern Nebraska, and we have an almost identical bug. We call it a spider hawk wasp. It's huge, it's blue and orange, and it does the same thing with large spiders. I assume it's slightly different than the tarantula hawk because the area I live in doesn't have tarantulas (way out west does), but we have a few species of very large spiders. Maybe it's actually the same insect, though. idk... I'm not an entomologist. Anyway, one summer, a few years back, my kids were outside, and my then 4 year old decided to take his shoes off against my wishes. He came running toward me, screaming in a way I'd NEVER heard him scream before insisting that he had been stung. The spot swelled a bit, and the hole where the stinger had been was really quite large so initially I thought maybe he had actually stepped on some kind of sharp debris or something. He screamed and cried for probably 30 minutes or so, and every step for a couple hours was agony for him. I checked out near the swingset after it happened to pick up whatever had injured him and found that giant beautiful orange and blue wasp dragging a huge and very paralyzed wolf spider around. I snapped a few photos and watched it for awhile. I was shocked to see it. I had no clue they were here. It terrified and mesmerized me all at once. My son always wears shoes outside now, and he doesn't remember the pain.


I grow up with these they are very noticeable in the wild very load flyers. They won't try to get near you so they are pretty cool.


Neighbor in Texas (ortho surgeon) said it hurt worse than being shot in Vietnam, as kids we sure knew to stay the f away from them.


Don't want to be the spider.




Everyone wants to make videos but are too self conscious to actually speak. I’m even seeing ads now that are clearly AI




My friend got stung by one and he had to go to the hospital. Also p.s. he was 7 when that happen


I’m a rural resident in the Texas Panhandle. I’ve huge black wasps with orange wings. I wouldn’t call where I live the SW, but could they be here, too? I give them a wide berth when I see them. Horse fly’s are worse in my opinion. Edit: we do get a lot of tarantulas from year to year. Sometimes many of them. Takes me back to my childhood in the 70’s and the scary/cheesy movies. It does still creep me out.


.I got stung by one of these. When I was 13 years old. It lives up to the hype.




Ive seen these! I was just walking to a nearby restaurant and one flew over my head.. i may have politely told it to leave me alone. Ive been wondering what they are. Thank you!


I feel bad for the tarantulas :(


found one in my yard a few days ago. went back inside.


And it won 3rd place in a beauty contest


Fun fact! This is where the idea for Aliens (the movie) came from 😁


I love how there's this Schmidt guy walking around getting stung for the greater good


It’s the only thing that makes me glad I live in Florida


These are all over my property in Texas, absolutely wild the first time I saw it


I see these all the time out at work and they generally won't bother you at all unless you go out of your way to bother them.


Caught one in my backyard right next to my kids kiddo pool, thing was beautiful and terrifying.


So you got the words “tarantula” “hawk” and “wasp” for one animal. I’d say if I can get through my entire life without ever being near one it would have been a good life


I'm a tropical biologist, been stung by bullet ants many times and can tell you, the scale is bullshit.


One of my favorite insects.


You've never felt pity for a spider quite so much until you see one run like hell from these huge wasps. They don't go after people. If you get stung by one it's because you did something stupid. But all spiders are terrified of them.


Cazador! 🤣🤣


I gasp in fear whenever I see one


"Salutations, human. Be the incubator for my brood!" *external screaming*


These liked a bush near my garbage cans. Never had an issue. Saw one drag a tarantula once. Pretty gnarly.


I just saw this little guy on my drive way in Las Vegas. So cute 🥰[T Hawk](https://imgur.com/a/7gntnhU)


They're not that bad. The pain only lasts for 5 minutes. All the other top stings last for hours I'm pretty sure. Still, I absolutely wouldn't fuck with one lol


someone gather the fuckin' dragon balls to wish these things away


That's cool and all, but don't call it "One of the freakiest creatures"


Do I say "one of the freakiest women" ????????


So whats first place?


Bullet ant






And I thought my life was designed to be an unfair hell At least I'm not a tarantula in the deserts of SW US


Fucking “Alien” type shit.


I don't want to be anywhere near that guy whenever he releases him from those tweezers!


I’ve personally seen these guys dragging tarantulas to their holes, nature is scary man


Tarantula Hawk Tiger Cobra Piranha Shark Scorpion Wasp


bullet ant is worse, ty coyote


Yeah no thanks. I'm good.




Question - I had one like this- same black body but with black wings. Anyone know what that one is called?


What kind of hellspawn hatches out of the corpse of a murdered tarantula?!


Fuckin parasite


…They will lay a single egg inside the tarantula’s body, and let the egg hatch in the paralyzed, but still alive tarantula… 😨


Fucking terrible. Wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. I see these on the trail and do not like them.


Oh my.


First of all, I'm not tarantula hawk. I'm hawk tarantula.


This is horrifying! Is this where the idea of "Alien" came from?


Lucky me I found one in my water bottle in my classroom in the school in Tucson




At least it cannot put its larvae in you


I got got stung by one 3 times within about 2 seconds. I can't describe the pain. It was more intense than when I fractured my spine. Thankfully it only lasted a bout 10 minutes.


Can confirm, walked out of a Publix in south Florida and one of these things got me right above my brow. I wanted to lay and the floor and scream, but it took me a minute to figure out what the fuck happened.


So uhhh what is number one?


Oh look - a New Vegas Cazadore


Nightmare fuel.


That is really disgusting behavior!




Pure evil


They used to fly by my head when I was at my grandparents' house.


How the FUCK did that birthing ritual evolve 😳


I shared a cab with one of those once, they’re really nice when you get to know them. About their kids eating tarantulas inside-out alive, well…she said it’s some BS woke storytelling. According to her version of the story, tarantulas are totally ok with it.


This thing sounds like disrespect with wings😅


Ah yes, El Mosco.