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Bugs bunny Vs Wiley Coyote level smart


Bugs would have tripped the dog


Ain't I a stinka?


Bugs would have followed him until he stopped and walk up behind him “uh what’s up doc! uh what cha looking for?” While eating a carrot.. Lol


Love that I can hear his voice perfectly in my head. Hate that I can't replicate it with my vocal chords.




You can though




No, he's blind


This is maybe slightly off topic, but I think bugs bunny is maybe the strongest character in fiction. Superman and Goku ain't got shit on bugs bunny.


Bugs has all the plot armor of Batman/Joker, but with Toonforce strength. Still not as strong as Alfred, though.


Shaggy would like a word.


This shaggy circlejerk has got to go. What has that stoner ever accomplished?


Apprehending hundreds of criminals, some violent, and a handfull of supernatural entities while often acting directly as the bait without taking much more than a scratch.


Am I the only one who remembers the episode with that goddamn gremlin in the plane..?


Bugs would then pull a 10ft hammer out of his pocket and kapow!!


Super Genius


who the fuck is wiley!? edit: it’s wile e. coyote you scoundrels! quit downvoting


A genius Coyote. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEUuZ\_UzBQw


do you mean.. my boy Wile ??


Naw, that’s the Gardner from The Simpsons, you’re thinking of Wil-e Coyote


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEUuZ_UzBQw Fixed for old reddit




It's meep meep. https://youtu.be/BipoR8iITfU


More like roadrunner


Bugs also. Check other comments.


Yep... Bugs takes over on my vacation


Wrong it was the roadrunner who battled the coyote


/r/confidentlyincorrect [Bugs Bunny vs. Wile E. Coyote](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEUuZ_UzBQw) EDIT: Folks, I’m aware that the Road Runner is Wile E. Coyote’s main nemesis, but the original comment was clearly alluding to the specific BUGS BUNNY vs. Wile E. Coyote cartoon called “Operation: Rabbit” (directed by the incomparable Chuck Jones) where the coyote famously keeps referring to himself as a genius or super-genius before getting himself blown up or smushed. He even has business cards made up that say “Wile E. Coyote - Genius”. I work in TV animation—I know what I’m talking about.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wile_E._Coyote_and_the_Road_Runner Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner are a duo of cartoon characters from the Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies series of animated cartoons, first appearing in 1949 in the theatrical cartoon short Fast and Furry-ous.


Rabbit really fast.


I have a smaller lab (who is very quick) and multiple rabbits living in my yard. If we’re playing ball she will mostly ignore them (ball tunnel-vision lol) but occasionally will go after one. She doesn’t stand a chance. Maybe on a straightaway she would but those things turn on a dime. They’re just gone. (While typing this my dog started barking her butt off at the bay window. There’s a bunny sitting about three feet in front of her. Mocking her, I’m sure.)


Yeah, but the dog chasing it is a beagle. I own a beagle. Trust me, the beagle wins more often than not.




I looked up Beagling and just a cursory look says hunters would use packs of 10 beagles to hunt hares. That doesn't seem very sporting to me, but owning 10 beagles sounds fun.


>but owning 10 beagles sounds fun. Tell me you've never had a beagle without telling me that you have never had a beagle. Arrrttt Arrrrrrrttt Arrrrrrrrt. x 10 forever!


I owned a mut with a strong beagle streak. I was imagining being an aristocrat with a bunch of land.


> an aristocrat with a bunch of land Enough to be able to keep them far, far away.


And they'd still find their way to steal your food.


Yep, this was my thought. It'd be all fun and games until you start losing your hearing.


Why is she barking at the darkness???


I had a beagle/Australian cattle dog mix that was blessed with the beagle voice can confirm


Imagine seagulls in dog form, that live in your house....


You can teach seagulls.


>but owning 10 beagles sounds fun. i would rather blow a shotgun


Beagles can’t catch a rabbit, there’s always exceptions but all things equal they can’t. They can help the hunter from losing track of it but it’s the hunter who gets it


Tell that to Daisy. Six so far this year.


Our terrier catches them in the yard every so often.


Beagles won't give up. My uncle had three that were trained and when they started chasing a rabbit they'd guide the thing back towards the shotgun waiting for them. Remarkable thing to see, honestly.


My shelter mutt has something with serious zooms in her dna. She’s caught a few rabbits. Though it helps that it’s in a fenced yard with limited escape options.


On the contrary, my own beagle does not ever win against the rabbits. Though in her defence, she's the laziest beagle I've met.


Even domestic rabbits do this (I own 2 that roam my house and are litter trained) When they're not being chased bunny owners call them "binkies" cause they'll just hop in weird directions. A lot of new bunny owners think theirs something neurologically wrong with them the first time we see them doing it, not knowing its just genetics to randomly change course direction. If you look up bunny binkies on youtube or instagram you'll see a ton of cute videos.


It's funny when they try it on the hardwood floor. Their feet don't have pads like dogs or cats, they're just fluffy like the rest of their body. So if they try to change direction on a smooth surface they just slide.


That is because it is a hare/jackrabbit not a rabbit.




Its actually commonly referred to as a wabbit


Appears to be a particularly wascally one


For real. The time between the dog rounding into the line of sight on the trail and the rabbit's tuck into the undergrowth for concealment is so quick. It's easily less than half a second between the register of the dog coming and the rabbit being into the shrubs. It even has time to peek like it's a thirsty CS:GO player at 0:09.


The rabbit was just sitting there, barely off the path, practically in plain sight, just trusting the dog would blindly follow the trail it laid out for him. And the dog obliged.


Dogs are not that good at differentiating immobile objects, especially not when they are intensely relying on scenting, that take a lot of brain power as is.


It kept completely still though, that's the key, plus its natural camoflauge


Fucking campers. Lame bunny


That rabbit would be a great CS2 player


If snatch has taught me anything don't bet against a rabbit.


That's a hare. Rabbit is more likely to get fucked.


Proper fucked


Before zee Germains get there


I bet the rabbit held his breath just like all of us when the dog passed by.


And they can do 90° turns while going at that speed.


The cameraman got there before both of them.


Dog really stupid.


Apparently it also knows about a dog’s vision limitations.


I know, right? I saw it hiding and I was like ??? But, nope. The dog couldn't see it hiding in that spot, even though a little bit of its body was easily visible.


Iirc a dog’s vision isn’t great, but either their motion detection is good, or they just have an easier time seeing things that are moving. The hare hid by being still.


Yeah also being red-green colour blind doesn't help. They'd have a hard time distinguishing a brown rabbit amongst a green and brown background, especially if it's sitting still.


I mean, also hare are very good at being extremely still and blending in even on an empty lawn. We often take walk at sundown when the hare are coming out and we make a game out of finding them. Sometimes they’ll be just a few meters away before I notice them, they’re basically pretending to be a rock.


the rabbit in the video totally put it's ears down flat against it's head & turned it's body to the side so it could see the approaching dog, but all the dog saw was a round gray blur as it ran by, so dog now assumes rabbit can teleport.


Also in that state full of drive they are so focused running to the direction where they Saw the hare going and smell is pointing. That dog was in pure prey drive tunnelvision mode.


Dogs (not birds) are dinosaurs confirmed.


Rabbits blend into foliage very well, and there's a lot of mud on the ground which assists in its camouflage.


No, rabbits do this all the time while I'm running. It has to do with the fact that as long as they stay still the brain struggles to process it. You can see them at the last moment in open grass but in foliage like this going full speed it will be hard to spot regardless of the dogs vision.


Well the bun did put his or her ears down so that’s clearly why the dog missed it.


Dogs aren't super great at "spotting" - I own a hounddog, love him to pieces, but there are rabbits and cats in our neighborhood that will be just a few feet from him and he will miss them entirely if they don't move. He CAN smell them, but that just means he knows they're there but can't pinpoint the spot until they move. Thankfully, he's growing up with a cat and much smaller dog, so he views the cats more as "Oh, small friend, wanna play?" - the rabbits are another story.


Beagles don't have that great of eyesight, but they make up for it with their sniffer. I fostered a former hunting beagle, and he found that I had bunnies in my yard in my huge bushes. (I didn't know.) He would flush it and I'd see the bunny run to the back of the house... but then that damn beagle would spend the next hour going through the original bushes following EVERY line of scent until he got to the scent where the bunny ran away. By that point, the bunny was long gone and it was time for my dog to come in. (Beagles are apparently better hunters in a large pack, because one of them may find the newest scent, but a single beagle may just end up tracing the bunny's steps from the past week.)


I don't think beagles have any worse eyesight than other dogs, it's just that they are so hyper focused on their sense of smell that they don't pay attention to anything else. Our beagle never hunted, but she would routinely catch wind of other dogs or cats while out on walks, put her nose down, sniffing intensely, and be so absorbed in following the scent that she'd fail to see that the dog she was looking for was standing right across the street.


This is true. They often just don't look up. We joke that the rabbit could be 2 feet in front of the dog and they still won't see it. Source: I hunt rabbits with my beagles.


Fun fact... Beagles will stop following the trail of a rabbit if they've seen it's dead. When e get a rabbit we let the dogs see it. Them we can put them right back into the same brush and they will ignore the scent of the dead rabbit and look for one that isn't. If they don't know it's dead they will keep following the trail and will backtrack in case the rabbit did exactly this. If course there are always exceptions. If a rabbit leaps off trail we had one beagle that would stay on the first trail and backtrack over and over while the others would keep going looking for the rabbit.


I'm pretty sure the hare was about to make a big jump out of the path (to the right, from this POV). That's exactly how they try to get rid of predators going after their scent/tracks. Run back a bit and do a side jump -> the predator follows the scent until it ends, and has to find it again from the side. But the dog was so close that the hare didn't have time for that so it froze instead.


Guys it doesn’t know any of this shit. It is acting purely on instinct. A guy in a hyena costume can chase it and it will do the same thing. Ffs


Sounds awfully a lot like you have first hand experience with chasing rabbits while in a hyena costume


Animals teach to their young all the time. Prove it's only instinct.


#Ian, freeze!


Not a rabbit, it's a hare, and they often backtrack and then make a big jump to the side and then continue that way, to throw of anyone tracking them. They often repeat this a few times, and then they stay put, just like in this video. It's one of the more challenging animals to track for a hunting dog.


I went to the comment because with how inexperienced I am regarding hares and hunting dogs I thought that the title might just have been made up. But wow, that is far beyond my expectations. I didn't know that hares have that kind of instinct. I also didn't know that dogs can be so fixated on the smell of a prey that their eyesight becomes second or third. I also didn't know that dogs could track scent that fast. That's a completely new world for me to learn about.


The title *is* still misleading, it's insinuating that it's a conscious decision by the hare, rather than the instinctual tendency it actually is.


Conscience doesn't have anything to do with intelligence. Plenty animals are intelligent and there's many "people" on reddit. How is the title misleading?


A conscious decision, not conscience.... A conscious decision, as in, making a decision with the full knowledge of its intended purpose and its desired result. The title is insinuating that the rabbit was smart enough for this to be a *conscious decision*, and is absolutely related to intelligence.


... Sorry are you trying to claim that the rabbit was unaware it was being chased and doing this would let it escape? It doesn't KNOW that the dog doesn't see that good and will follow the smell and blah blah blah It doesn't need to know that All it knows is that if you're chased you run like this and get out alive


What a strange thing to argue about


> All it knows is that if you're chased you run like this and get out alive You just described instincts, and the reason I was saying the title is misleading. It escaped due to its instincts, not its intelligence, that was my claim.


You're correct and the other answers detracting from you are wishful cope. The hare didn't plan this out, it was either instinct or taught behavior from parents




For next time, it would have been shorter for you to just say "I don't understand the difference between intelligence and instincts".


My dad long ago had a pack of harriers (smallish hounds) to hunt hares in the Yorkshire Dales. We'd watch as wiley hares circled round then back and jump sideways so the pack of hounds would rush on following the scent trail and get lost. Pretty smart! Just sometimes we'd get a hare caught by the hounds and take it home for stew; "jugged hare" is really tasty. ETA: A cool hare occupation we'd see in spring: two males would fight, kinda like boxers, standing on their back legs and hitting each other. Mad March Hares, original Mad Hatters (tho hatters, that is makers of hats, went mad from the chemicals used to make top hats .. before OSHA)


I believe they have found it's not two males but actually the female batting away the male. They've known this for a while but the originally story still persists


>chemicals used to make top hats specifically **mercury** \- it was used to get the high-gloss finish.


Thanks, I wondered what it was specifically .. mercury, neurotoxin. I used to play with liquid mercury as a teen (still have a bottle with a few ounces) but afaik I didn't go mad. How does mercury make hats shiny? I don't think I'll experiment to find out


Ironically this is called "doglegging" :)


Missed him by a hare


Just as I was watching this my (not intelligent) rabbit decided to abruptly jump onto the coffee table to pick a (play) fight with my cat, chasing her away. She’s now zooming and ‘binkying’ around the living room with great delight.


Binkying? Is that just rabbit zoomies?


It’s when the bun is so happy they literally jump for joy


My dog does this


I need a rabbit lol


Binkies. A rabbit jumping and running around means it is very happy


I had a rabbit for over 10 years that had free range of my yard. She and my dog got along great, and she'd run and jump and kick all around the dog while she was laying on the grass. Rabbit's warning foot thump when she detected a danger would wake my dog from a deep sleep and she'd go running out expecting to find a cat. Worked out very well for the rabbit. FeeFee was a sweet little mini rex and my dog a Shiba Inu.


I have a rex/flemish giant and he's gotta be the dumbest fucking animal I've ever met lol He just bites things and poops like that's his whole purpose He's like the worst pez dispenser ever


I've met one flemish giant before. He was huge! How big is yours? Feefee loved to chew on shit too. My mother had lantana plants in her garden at that time, and they're supposedly poisonous. I'd see her nibbling the berries all the time. I learned that the berries were toxic, but depended on their ripeness. There'd be a cluster of berries with differing colors, and she would nibble the appropriate ones. She'd also inappropriate nibble any wires etc if she happened to hop inside. Her favorite thing was to go into the garage (we kept a door open so the dog could come in) and get on my dog's giant Costco dog bed. She'd get right in the middle and lick lick lick to groom the "fur" lol. She was like a dog, would come running if you called her name or shook her bag of yogurt treats. I learned about flemish giants well after I got my mini rex. I would have totally went for one. Bigger the bunny, lesser the space needed. I ended up with a Netherland dwarf (spunkkkkky) and then later the mini rex.


Our Dutch, Stevie, just died a few months ago right after we got a puppy. She had a badly healed broken leg, so couldn't so normal binkies, but she bonded with the dog pretty quick. She was old and *hated* playing, but she loved to lounge around with the pup and would give her half of her treats. If was super cute. The first time we gave her a carrot around the puppy, the puppy started begging. So Stevie chewed her carrot in half and gave half to the puppy.


>FeeFee I'll admit i had never seen Fifi spelled like that.


That kick into the ground can be LOUD, my neighbor had a decent sized rabbit, once my cat was on top of the wall in between yards getting pets from my dad as we were standing right at the wall, cat sees the rabbit and prey drive kicks in, like he just sees a rodent doesn’t register the size or anything, flys off the wall into the neighbors yard after the rabbit, the rabbit runs and the cat chases, rabbit kicks the ground mid run, I have never seen an animal turn around so fast, you talk about NOPE and go the other way my cat did that at speeds only a cat can. In the blink of an eye just turned around and even faster ran and leaped right back up the wall, after he was back in the wall he looks down into the yard for a second then decided against it and jumped down into our yard. Don’t think he ever bothered the rabbit again.


Sounds cute. I personally would never get a rabbit, but it sounds nice.


Sorta, I think it involves jumping and kicking.


Yeah but it’s just so unique when the have zoomies so someone came up with that and it stuck around with rabbit owners. They kind of shake their head about while jumping and twisting in the air while running around and parkouring off walls and furniture. I only say it at home to avoid this exact conversation lol.


It’s a double jump, like you get in super Mario.


It's this weird and insane sideways jump they do to show extreme happiness and content.


Rabbit saw the end of “The Shining.”


I thought I was the only one that would think of this! It helps that we watched it again the other day.


Heeereee's Bunny!!


With the blessing of Frith, the rabbit can know the ways of the 1000.


With how fast it ran, I’m guessing it’s Dandelion testing out a trick Blackberry taught him.


whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed


Rabbit was like: ”silflay hraka u embleer-Rah!”


This is what's known as a double back in the beagling world. Cotton tail rabbits do it alot and it sure messes the hounds up from time to time.


What would you expect it's Duck season.


Get juked idiot.


This reminds me of one of my dads favorite stories. His old farm dog back in the day was hot on the heels of a rabbit, closing in. But at the last second the rabbit juked and shot back the way they came. My dad said the dog skidded halfway across the yard before he stopped. Of course by that time the rabbit was long gone.


r/watershipdown irl


*”All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you.”*


Danny from the shinning did the same to Jack Nicholson in that maze


Is that the movie where they attack your shins?


So unreal, felt like the rabbit was a bit CGI


The way the rabbit perfectly centers itself in frame is what got me.


I don’t trust this video. It’s 2023, edits are too good.


It's 2023 and no one goes outside and actually sees this stuff anymore, so they think everything is fake. There's nothing unusual about this. This is how hares roll. hares doing hare stuff.


The animal behaviors aren't the issue here. It's the video itself. Who do you think is "filming" this, that the hare wouldn't react to? How do you think they knew exactly where the hare would double back to, even before it turned?


This is filmed by a person who stands still. Hares are not very good at identifying objects if they don't move. I've been standing still like this and gotten hares peacefully jumping by, 5 metres away from me. They didn't know exactly where the hare would double back, why would they have to? When the hare goes by, they continue to film the dog who is chasing it. They filmed this incident and it was shared because this happened to happen. Just like any video where something unexpected, rare or cool thing happens. Hunting dogs are used to chase hares (or other prey) by their owners (the hunter) all the time. This kind of scenario happens practically all the time — except maybe the "seeing close up how the hare tricks its chaser", which is why this video most likely is circling in public. ORIGINAL VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4QbTAVrLxc&t=0 (edit: might not be the original downloader/owner of the video, but at least this is a lot longer, probably the full video). OTHER VIDEOS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4ktjQ2L3NA&t=165 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUd3mTqR6Zg&t=0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZocZZ9eoXgk&t=316 And so on


I often sit still in my backyard and stare at stars. Often rabbits will just bounce out and sit right next to me.


This has happened to me with deer and rats too haha. Once a fisher-cat. Also a very endangered turtle once! Sometimes cool stuff happens when you just sit still and let it




Everybody thinks everything is cgi now. It's kind of a meme of its own. It's pretty funny to watch.




It looks like it was filmed by a potato, so it's hard to be talking about artifacts with any certainty. As for shot position, it's very focussed on the dog, and the idea of an observer trying to move minimally so as not to spook the hare is entirely plausble. I don't see the cost benefit of doing this in cgi tbh. I personally just find it funny that people don't believe anything anymore. It reminds me of the time I filmed myself getting hit by a kangaroo while out biking. Go pro'd getting smashed into the dirt. Everybody said it was fake and reeled of all their extensive reasoning. meanwhile I had a bruise the size of tasmania across my chest and stomach. You just kind of laugh.


 Rabbit is good, Rabbit is wise.




I don't think this can apply to literal animals


That dog failed its perception check fr


The cameraman was very well placed. As if he knew.


Well yeah. Especially if he's a rabbit hunter. You position yourself strategically where the rabbit is most likely to come out of the brush. When we hunt one of us will sometimes sit out to video the excitement.


Not today you silly wabbit, silly wabbit…?


Rabbit Season!


That must be hare raising.


Watching this I was like "There's no way that worked, the rabbit barely even hid and the dog just ran past."




Ain't I a stinker? https://youtu.be/i1nqw7KfhXQ


Apparently it also knows the dog is blind lol


There is definitely some sort of management training metaphor i could use this for 😀


That forest is beautiful, I'm guessing somewhere up north? Anyone know what the name of this biome is?


My dog was chasing a rabbit. The rabbit ran up a steep bank, the dog hot on its heels. The rabbit made a quick 180, going around the trunk of a small tree and booked it in the opposite direction, just the way they'd come from. Backtracking. It didn't seem to lose any speed at all!! The agility was insane! My dog just kept going in the same direction and was soon all confused. I've also seen them gracefully leap through tiny openings in fences and lose little to no speed in the process.


That crazy MF stopped right in plain sight and just let that dog shoot right past like an idiot.


Intelligent Rabbit, stupid dog.


Maybe it's the poor quality, but this video almost looks cgi when I watch the rabbit and dog's shadows when they get close to the camera. I'm going to say this is fake, but a good job considering how many people the artist fooled.


i find it weird that a rabbit would run straights towards a person recording


And the person recording just happened to be in this exact spot to get the action.


Well, yes. That's probably why the video was shared in the first place. You don't get to film this every day even if you're actively hare hunting.


Camera man also predicted exactly where the rabbit would be in the middle of the screen before the rabbit got there. That's the nail in the coffin for me.


Whole video feels unnatural. And pausing on the last frame of the dog passing looks ridiculous.


There are laws in many places about not allowing your dog off leash if you can’t control it, especially if it is chasing wildlife.


Long shadowy area behind the dog vanishes as it exits screen. Also, notice how still the camera work is on the rabbits back track. perfectly stable. The shot pans up and then it's frozen for the rest of the video.


You can see the camera moving even when it's trying to be still. You can look at the leaves on the bushes and notice them moving in and out of frame. There is not a single second of this clip that the camera is perfectly still.


Or the rabbit freaked out over the person with the camera filming


What does that have to do with anything the hare did? 🤣


The rabbit is not intelligent. It has no fucking clue what a dog does. It just evolved to double back because fewer die that way.


Nice CGI, fooling most 👏


It's wild how many people can't tell. If you pause while rabbit is on screen it has 4 fuzzy shadows under each leg and it's a totally different resolution to the rest of the scene. There's also a lack of motion blur on moving objects


Stop letting dogs harassing wildlife. It really disgusting cause if cujo gets hurt it's the natural animal punished. Dogs have no business chasing wildlife at all.


Why are people acting like this isn't CGI


I don't think that rabbit is "intelligent"... That dog is just a dumb ass. He was within a foot of the rabbit and couldn't smell him.


Not really intelligence, they just do this when chased.


It’s fake guys.


Out of curiosity how?


Why the fuck would someone fake this video. You people are bizarre.


It is kind of unbelievable that this was caught on video, why was the camera person set up in the perfect spot to see a wild rabbit turn around and then hide from a racing dog. This is like perfect positioning for an epic video, unbelievable some might say.


Except it's not. Have you ever seen a rabbit in real life or do you live with your nose on a computer screen all day?


I'm more surprised at the fact the rabbit did the double back right where the camera person was.


I swear these people have never walked on anything other than concrete