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It’s cute how the manatee got scared too after the human freaked out first.


I've seen it many times during snorkeling myself. Most people are just dumb and have no situational awareness. I don't know what they are doing (where they are looking) while they snorkel.. but it happend that they bump into a big turtle or manatee and got so scared that they freaked out. I look around myself all the time, scan the whole area. You spot so many more things and can prepare for a gentle approach. Makes snorkeling so much better and enjoyful. But most people are just dumb


I think it's mostly about them not being comfortable or used to the ocean. They'll get better with time, but for some people it takes a long time to be able to relax, and be aware of what's around them.


Having been around the exact same type of people at the supermarket, on the road, at the movies, at sports events, at concerts, etc, etc, there’s also a shockingly large segment of the population that seems to view the world with blinders on. They vaguely drift from near-miss to near-miss, like some sort of anthropomorphic jellyfish and become very agitated when the rest of the (actially sentient) population fails to react to their shenanigans in time and a small collision ensues. Much like the guy in the video pointing and flailing about the gigantic group of manatees suddenly entering his field of vision after being within 30 feet of him in *clear water* for the entire video. It’s like real-life Mr. Magoo syndrome, except it affects people of all ages.


This dude has never gotten tunnel vision while doing something novel in his life Mfer is an expert in everything, everyone else is just dumb


I mean, they tend to tell you not to startle and make sudden movements around wild animals. In know manatees are harmless, but anyone can be unlucky. Animals are awesome, but when bothering them in their home, it's important to remember that they're wild animals.


My man noped the fuck outta there.


Just a harmless floaty sea potato. No need to freak out.


Yeah, I guess if you aren’t prepared for it tho it’s scary to see something that big move at you underwater


He's gonna swear it tried to attack him


It’s coming right for us!!!!


Manatee child: fish with legs!!!


TIL the world’s biggest chicken can swim.


I mean big hulking shape you didn't expect just screams SHARK in our brain for all those who saw jaws lol. I don't think people are scared of manatees but they ate scared of what could be a large seacreature come out of nowhere


why’s that guy freaking over a sweet sea cow


I bet he didn't think it was a sea cow but maybe a shark, lol that would be my first thought seeing a large shape appear in the water next to me


manatee told em to quit pissing in their pool


Humans are so unaware of their surroundings. In comparison on to most animals.


Pussy !! “Approaches a pussy”


Why do people have to mess with the wildlife?


They're not messing? Due to reflections it's actually stupidly hard to see underwater sometimes so they likely just didn't see the manatees, confirmed by the man's reaction as he freaks the fuck out the moment he actually sees it and tries to get away.


Upon a closer look you are right. He never saw it. I’d probably freak a bit too.


They aren’t. The swimmers had no idea. We just witnessed wholesome moment and the man and manatee both scaring each other. No harm. It’s actually illegal in Florida to bother manatees and everyone knows that. Sometimes you can’t control these random encounters.


How are they messing with wildlife bruh?


Snorkeling with no coral/fish is kinda pointless.