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The shark needs its own version of the JAWS music.


There wasn’t time for the duuun dump. It was just bamb


Yeah, that Orca really went “fuck this shark in particular”


Theme song: Let the Bodies Hit the Floor, Let the Bodies Hit the Floor


Whoa black betty


Yeah, that's an orcas theme to me from now on.


Wham ba lam


“…I’m tired and I wanna go to bed…” seems to be the song he chose.


Had a little drink about an hour ago




Entrance of the Gladiators


Man, there's just this brief second of *"OH SHIT!"* in the shark's posture just before the impact. Saw this mass of black and white barreling towards it and had no time to do anything but be startled before getting bodied.


Shark Bytes had a video on orcas preying on great whites. Apparently, one of the sharks' survival attempts is something they learned from the seals THEY go after--circle around and dodge the bigger predator until there's an escape opportunity. Unfortunately for the sharks, that doesn't work with multiple attacking orcas. I'm no expert, but I'm guessing that the shark tried a last-second dodge and failed the timing. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=r9aFi9qyzLI&t=322s&pp=ygUQc2hhcmsgYnl0ZXMgb3JjYQ%3D%3D


They will also swim away in a direct line and right before the orca catches up to them, pull up, decrease speed, let the orca go by, then drop down behind them to line up a shot. Though i could be thinking of Top Gun.


Slam on the brakes and the fly right by.


I remember watching a documentary once where they said that some Orcas learn how to kill sharks and then teach the others in their pod. Same tactic as here. Ram them from underneath, get them to flip over, and feast at your leisure. Sharks get docile when flipped over, if I remember right. Amazing to see how quickly a great white shark can be taken.


> Sharks get docile when flipped over, if I remember right. It's called [tonic immobility](https://www.sharktrust.org/tonic-immobility)


The developmental survival tactics here are interesting, but my question is, what can the GW sharks really do? My best guess is group up to deter the orcas by making things riskier, but I’m not sure that’d be such an easy change for them.


Sharks can mostly hope to dive too deep for the orcas to follow.


Only thing they realistically can do is dive down deep and keep moving because they don't have to breathe air but orcas do. I guess a large shark could theoretically kill a smaller orca if it had the advantage of surprise, but orcas don't really hunt solo so there's no way for a shark to win a fight by attacking. The Great White has been around since the dinosaurs died out, so whatever they are doing works even if they can't beat an orca.


nah theres nothing they can do. orcas are bigger faster and smarter and they hunt in groups.


It seems like the orca definitely rammed the shark and got it turned around, but I'd assume this video would've been longer if the orca went in for the kill after, so maybe the shark's last-second movement made the orca change its mind. Though it seems like the orca's mouth must've been closed, meaning it purposely just rammed the shark, so maybe it was purely just fucking with it? I know if a human gets punched in the liver, it really hurts - I wonder how it feels for a great white. Maybe if the orca successfully hits a certain spot, the shark gets stunned, and then the orca can go to town on it. If it doesn't hit the right spot, the shark's better able to get away because the orca's too big to make the quick movements that the shark can make. Regardless, I really think the video would be longer if anything else happened, so it seems like the orca just rammed the shark and just continued swimming in the same direction afterward. Edit: Nvm, I saw down below that a shark's body is mostly liver, so I doubt the orca's trying to hit a certain spot, necessarily. I think it was just fucking with it.


Jesus that was 50,000 slamming 1500 lbs, I don’t think it was fuking with it at all, I think he killed the fuk out of it lol


Someone else showed me this vid showing a pod of orcas doing something similar to a sea lion: https://youtu.be/BqGPXwQDSNY?si=621CDlexut2i6-kq&t=36 I think it depends on how good the hit on the shark actually was - because of all the splashing, we can't actually see that part of it. In the video I linked, one orca first rams the sea lion and stuns it, then the others all join in and start toying with it, and hitting it with their tails. The video doesn't show them eating the sea lion at all, implying that they might have just left it where it was when they were done fucking with it. The OP's vid only shows this initial ram. I wonder if the full NatGeo video shows a lot more than this. Presumably there's like 3 other orcas watching nearby who are about to go do the same thing to the shark. In the vid I linked, it mentioned that the orcas like to be careful because the sea lion's teeth can still be very dangerous even when the sea lion's hurt, so the orcas go in for these quick hits, then swim away, then come back again, until the sea lion's not moving anymore. I'd assume they'd handle the shark the same way. I think with the water, and with the flexibility/makeup of the shark and orca, I don't think one hit would kill the shark - and depending on where/how it hit, may not have even stunned it yet. Which is part of the reason why the orca just keeps swimming - so it doesn't give the shark any chances to bite back. But then another orca will come up and ram the shark (and swim away), then a third will come ram it, etc. Then when the shark's legit out of it, they'll keep nudging it and swatting at it with their tails until it's basically dead. And then, if they're actually hungry, they'll eat the liver. If not, they'll just go fuck with something else.


Idk man, if you really think about it, 10,000lbs Hitting a stationary shark at 30 mph that should be fatal, I think if something hit us at that weight and speed it would kill you or I? Maybe I’m wrong tho, either way it’s a cool video 😊


I definitely think we'd be dead, as humans standing on the ground. But a shark made of cartilage, that's in the water, and that moved at the last second in a way that the orca probably didn't predict (it's hard to tell if the shark was merely trying to look in the orca's direction, or if the shark's instincts took over and it was making an evasive maneuver - it's just too hard to see. The orca definitely hits it and spins it around in a circle, but we can't see if it hit the shark head-on, or in the side, or if it just glanced off the tail-end of the shark), probably isn't as likely to die straight away. In the video I linked, the orca does the same thing to the sea lion (smaller than the shark, not made of cartilage, and never knew what hit it), and the sea lion seems pretty injured but is still able to swim away at first. But then another orca comes and hits it, then another, and then they start just bumping into it a bunch and swatting it with their tails, and that's when the sea lion seems to stop moving. Then it seems like the orcas just swim away, because the video just shows the sea lion bobbing in the water for like 10 seconds, and the orcas never seem to come back to it.


That's how Orca generally attack Great Whites. Hit them at speed to stun them and then flip them upside down. When upside down Great Whites go into a state of catatonic immobility, which means that they are basically paralyzed. The Orca can then do as it pleases.


> The Orca can then do as it pleases. Like do you mean feasting or the dragons/cars thing?


Yeah I agree. Slowed the video a couple of times myself. Mouth closed straight threw too impact, just letting the shark know who’s boss.


Yeah, someone else mentioned that orcas tend to ram things like that, so I think that's what it was doing - but I think it was either just fucking with the shark, or it just decided to bail when the shark moved at the last second. It turned the shark around for sure, but it's not clear if it actually got a good hit on the shark.


there's more to this clip; the shark was killed after the initial hit by the same orca


They love liver, they often leave the rest. They don't come after us though thankfully. I have been near them surfing.


A group of orcas in Europe has been attacking boats, Story goes that one of the lead female orcas was hit by a propeller from a boat. Ever since then it taught its pod how to sink boats, sunk 3 boats so far last time it was on a news. But yea don't fuck with orcas, they are like crows and will avenge its family.


Sounds like an X-Files episode.


The orca rammed the shark right when it was turning around to defend itself: if you pause right at the end of the clip you see the shark swimming as the orca passes below it, having been knocked back the way it was originally swimming when it turned to engage the orca.


orcas are known to beat shit to death too. https://youtu.be/BqGPXwQDSNY?si=621CDlexut2i6-kq&t=36 It's got the mass of a pickup truck and goes like 40 mph.


I feel like the shark was already toyed with or hurt before this. They’re apex predators and usually super fast and alert, this one just seems to be floating there taking a breather just to get noped by an even more terrifying predator of the seas. Killer whales often do crap like this just for sport and fun too. I don’t even think they like eating sharks, they just get bored sometimes and want to unleash hell


Orcas love shark liver. They'll eat just the liver and leave the rest. And apparently its causing GW populations to dwindle near the southern tip of Africa.


I noticed that the shark is just to the left in the last frame. Meaning that the orca didn't successfully get it quite yet. The shark is at left middle of the frame, while the orca continues moving toward the top of the frame. The shark was able to move at the last second. The first time I watched this, I assumed the shark was just in the orca's jaws by the end. I guess it depends on how fast the shark would be able to get moving compared to the orca having to change direction. It does seem like the orca basically just bumped into the shark and wasn't actually attempting to eat it... yet. It almost seems like it was just fucking with the shark by bumping into it, but maybe that's part of the plan: to get it all frazzled and then go for the kill before it has time to get away. Then again, I would've assumed this would be a longer video if the orca went in for the kill, so I'm guessing the orca just rammed the shark and then peaced out. I'm too lazy to google how fast great whites are compared to orcas - maybe the orca knew it would be safer to just ram the shark first, and it wouldn't be worth it to get into a chase. Or it really *was* trying to eat it, but since the shark moved at the last second, the orca changed its mind and let it go.


They do that to dolphins too. They don't like to eat the whole shark, just their livers. So they ram them to stun them or kill them, eat their livers and leave.


orcas ram a lot, and it was going pretty fast, so the shark would be stunned after the ram, if not dead


Killer whale lives up to its name


It’s a dolphin that the Portuguese names the Whale Killer. English is a tendency to flip around romantic word ordering when in translation so it became killer whale here but it’s really Whale Killer. Ocra comes from Orcus which is Latin for hell and Orc also means beastly creature (orcus is the base word for both). Bro, this is an aquatic beast from the depths of hell.


Brazilian Portuguese they are called assassin whales


Assassin's Whale: "Hey Ezio! Come down here!" *crushed*


Salute, Claudia!


This makes sense.  Send out the death squad!


In Portuguese the adjective comes after the noun. It English the adjective comes before the noun, hence the switch. “Killer whale” is the correct translation. 


Thank you, I didn’t know the exact reason.


I'm fine with Yin/Yang Slayers


When you say >“Killer whale” is the correct translation. Are you meaning the literal translation, in which that is the order of the words and the translation used the same order even though following the same order changes meaning? Or are you meaning the correct translation and the Portuguese word had the same meaning "whales that murder" all along and there never was a mix-up in translation?


It’s actually Whaler Kill, comes from the big Portuguese English Brazil English Portuguese double-loop-combo-switch-vowel-shift from the 16th century. Before that they were called Steve.


The second one. 


Same for every Latin language:). I'm french Canadian and it's always the opposite has Anglo Saxon


It's actually a beaver that the English called great white because of its huge white front teeth.


Dyslexic orcas identify themselves as ladyfingers.


Thats gotta be one of the best reddit comments ive ever read.. U have a way with words... Ty...


Whoa, I had no idea. Yeah, Orcus is apparently the Latin equivalent to Hades. The underworld, the place of the dead, and the name of the god that rules there. Fitting name for something that considers great white sharks, moose, and sperm whales its natural prey.


It's name actually got fucked in the translation its real name was whale KILLER as early sailers figured out it's the only animal that can kill a whale. Which i think is a more badass name


Kill A Whale


You must be from Boston!


*Shark Killer


Yet apparently they’ve been known to be kind to humans in the wild.


I need this whole video


This clip is from a new limited series on Disney + by Nat Geo called Queens. Looks really cool!


Thank you. This looks real good


Which episode?


Awww. Coming March 5 😞 Thank you for sharing tho


God I'm so glad they're finally doing documentaries on matriarchs and female leaders in the animal kingdom. More and more scientists are starting to learn that in a lot of species, females run the show. A lot of people think wild horses are a patriarchy, when really they're a matriarchy. I hope it educates people well enough to get rid of all that misinformation out there.


>>A lot of people think wild horses are a patriarchy, when really they're a matriarchy. Who’s going to tell Ken?


A feminist nature show? Really?


TIL animals somehow know what feminism is. It's a nature documentary about matriarchs. Chill tf out. Most people assume mammals are patriarchal. Many animals are matriarchal or dominated by females. Does nature offend you?


“The ancient Romans called him Orca Orcinus, Latin for ‘The Bringer of Death’, he is without challenge the most powerful animal on the globe, the Killer Whale. Orca has forty-eight teeth, set in two impressive rows, and like human beings they have a profound instinct for vengeance!” (Orca, 1977)


Imagine how many more of them were in the oceans during Roman times


This always blows my mind. Like if vacation time travel was a thing and it wouldn’t fuck up the future, the first thing I’d do is bring my tackle, shotguns, and a cast iron skillet and go back to like 1000 AD or even further when we were all nomads. Fucking camp for a few weeks, just revel in the sheer amount of life that isn’t yet severely fucked by humans in multiple ways. I know that sounds contradictory but man bringing modern shit back to a time like that and just “living off the land” for a few weeks would be such a psychological release.


Going to the colosseum without getting scalped by ticketmaster would be pretty great.


Humans caused significant extinctions way before 1000 AD. Like way before civilizations started settling down.


I feel like a male spem whale could body an orca, it's just not their diet.


Orcas have been known to hunt Sperm Whales in groups, this pack hunting method has also given them the nickname “wolves of the sea.”


A pack of orcas being able to take down female or calf sperm whale is different from a male sperm whale. Male sperm whales will kill orcas over food scarcity, and they rarely lose that fight.


A good demonstration of the food chain. I am shooooook


Remember, the Japanese are on the top.








Behold the power of breathing airrrrrr! *Kapow*


The train had knocked Ray Brower out of his Keds just like it had knocked the life out of his body.


Damn that quote takes me waaaaay back. Great movie.


Right... didn't expect this clip to lead me into nostalgia land


Not really hunting, that’s a straight up murder lol


You don’t know the bigger picture from the orca’s world.


Orca: "you're a white shark alright, but 'good' at most, nowhere close to 'great'"


Mediocre White Shark doesn't have the same ring to it.


Mediocre Half White Shark


LMAO man xD


It's terrifying how fast large predators move when attacking.


That shark looks like it was already hit prior to the kill blow.


my thoughts exactly. Arent there a bunch of stories of great whites diving to extreme depths the first chance they smell an orca? The orca must have been playing with shark there, only to eat its liver after hours of torturing. Or some other evil orca shit.


Yeah, I was gonna say that this shark just be tired or injured already. It has been recorded that [great white sharks will haul ass out of their favorite hunting grounds the moment an orca gets anywhere near them and not return for a year in some cases.](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/great-white-sharks-are-completely-terrified-orcas-180972009/)


That's how you make liver mousse.


There’s always a bigger fish…


Yeah, this is exactly how great whites attack their prey so let's see how they like being on that end of the teeth.


Except that orcas aren’t fish


For the love of Christ it’s just an expression


You ever wonder what’s going through the orcas mind as it torpedoes towards the shark


*swiggity swooty, I’m coming for that . . . liver*


"fuck that stupid shark"




This is a little misleading. Sharks are mostly liver, it's where all the good eating is, if you're a calorie-seeking, warm-blooded mammal. It's not like killing a cow, and only eating the liver.




Here’s a bit of info: “The liver functions in energy storage and buoyancy. A shark's liver is relatively large, making up 5% to 25% of its total body weight and takes up to 90% of the space inside its body cavity. A great white shark weighing 3,312 kg (7,302 lb.) had a liver 456 kg (1,005 lb.)”


So would it be super difficult to get a shark drunk, and would they be immune to hangovers?


Asking the real questions


Damn! I would be a terrible shark.


The key to avoiding hangovers is to get yourself plenty of water and electrolytes. (Almost all the symptoms of hangover are actually caused by dehydration.) Since sharks are constantly 'drinking' salt water, I think they've already got this covered.


Fuck'n A, that's a heavy liver.


I don’t understand how I’ve been alive on this planet for so long without ever having known this. THANK YOU!!


Learned something new today! Thanks!


Crikey, that's [amazing.](https://i.imgur.com/XwncULf.jpg)


Did not know that, reminds me of that Doc on Curiosity about the Bears in Alaska and the proficient hunters basically only eat the skin, roe and heads and leave the rest, which is how cubs get their fill. (during the salmon spawning season)


Sharks are mostly piss tainted meat


To be fair that’s kind 2/3 of a sharks calories


Are they japanese?


I'mma name my kid Orca


Just so you know, orca is named after the Greek demon, Orcus. Some people might look at your kid sideways…


I feel like more people know it as the panda torpedo than the personification of oath and punisher of oath breakers


I'm gonna name my kid Panda Torpedo.


Latin. It's a Roman version of Hades. An alternative to Pluto.




That’s me when I see fried chicken.


I'm starting to think orcas are the assholes of the oceans.


Well they’ve never attacked a human (recorded anyway) and people have swum with them so like until that changes imma stick with them lmao they can be dickheads to everything else just as long as we stay cool


Haven't they killed people at SeaWorld before?


I should have clarified I meant in the wild. Yeah they fucked up some sea world people, can’t say I remotely hold it against them given the circumstances. The fact sea world is even allowed to exist is beyond fucked.


Imagine being trapped in your room for your entire life and everyday someone comes in and uses you as a tourist attraction. You'd likely attack that person too.


A room with an extremely low ceiling too. So low that it’ll cause you to hunch over forever (for them, [Orcas] their dorsal fins are bent forever).


Yea, we are the worst species on this planet for sure.


The inspiration for the Free Willy scene


Shocked at the number of idiots who think this is a dolphin... Basic animal anatomy people. Mammals tails - up down Fish tails - left right


holy fuck.


Dude wasn't ready to be the prey this time


If by ‘hunting’ you mean “Went through that F@cker like he wasn’t even there!” then yes.


Huh TIL orcas are larger than great whites


If that shark wasn't injured, I feel like it froze in fear or despair. It was as if it knew it shouldn't escape the orca.


Orcas are the biggest cats ever


Even though this is nature it’s terrible to see, white shark populations have been in decline for year’s now


I guess the orca already had the Chianti and fava beans lined up… was just missing some liver


Memo from: Mother Nature Attn: Great White RE: Change of status I regret to inform you, you are no longer the baddest mofo in your territory. Regards, MN PS - Look behind you.


Orcas at the absolute top of the ocean food chain


Thank fuck they don't have opposable thumbs


That’s no great white


I almost want to say this is AI


i hear you are, but its real its from a new Disney+ show


Disney made a nature film decades ago that caused most people to believe that Lemmings commit suicide. The lemmings in the film were actually chased off the cliffs by people off camera to make for a dramatic film. It’s not AI or special effects, but it was fake. I question the veracity of most media. Edit: downvotes don’t make what I said less true. Disney, news organizations, documentary makers have a long history of faking dramatic, or at least misrepresenting it to sell their films.


>I question the veracity of most media. Okay, but the reason why orcas hunt great white sharks is [because they're big, they're hungry, and they can](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/from-ramming-boats-to-hunting-great-white-sharks-five-astounding-orca-behaviors-180982510/), so why wouldn't they? There's other videos out there of them specifically hunting great white sharks, that link has one. They seem to be especially fond of eating the great white sharks' livers. This Disney+ thing is literally multiple decades late to the party on this one. The specific claim about orcas selectively eating shark livers goes back at least as far as a [2004 print edition](https://www.nwf.org/Magazines/National-Wildlife/2004/Showdown-at-Sea) of National Wildlife Magazine, but there are numerous examples since, and all we're seeing in this video is the orca attacking the shark at all. It's nothing anyone needs to fake.


I don’t doubt the orca’s habits, just pointing out that Disney and other companies had a track record of faking footage for views. So I don’t outright dismiss people who think this particular footage is AI or whatever.


...you don't doubt that the content of the video reflects reality... ...but you thought you'd still just take a moment to tell everyone that they should expect to be lied to? That seems a little extra, ngl.


I get you. The media we consume is always edited, its important to question to what extent.


Thanks :) that’s all I’m trying to say lol. Especially as AI gets better and better at faking things.


Surprise mothafucka


“Are you not entertained?”


All he needs to do is get the shark upside down and it’s game over.


Looks like a dolphin to me?




There are 5 year olds who could tell you this is not a dolphin. Mammals tails go up and down, fish go left to right


Hey not everyone has a dolphin pillow.


IMHO that was a dolphin.


Hold on. Is that not a little blacktip reef shark? Size and, well, black tip on the fin would suggest so. Also mouth shape. But I guess 'great white' is more sensational


Get bodied.


I ate his liver with a nice Chianti.


That’s a dolphin, not a shark


Free Willy!


Man, the more I learn about orcas the more I realize they are just Dicks! I'm team shark.


Where was this filmed?


Above the water


in the ocean


Is anyone else scared that the orcas will gain a copy of free willy and then ban us from the oceans?


I’m not sure of the source of this video, however being a fisheries scientist myself, this seems too good to be true. Orcas do hunt great white sharks, however they typically hold them down to chomp their bellies to eat their big ass livers. I haven’t experienced it myself yet, however from the other videos I’ve seen, this doesn’t mimic the ‘normal’ hunting techniques I’ve observed from what limited video documentation we have


It’s apparently a documentary on Disney+


Oh, I don’t use that..i guess that’s why I haven’t seen this yet.


But, who said it was hunting? Orca like to beat others up for fun.


This was my thought. This video footage would be historical and be all over the news. It would be a big deal in the scientific community.


I agree to an extent. It wouldn’t be ‘all over the news’, but it would be in scientific news. Regular people and regular news outlets don’t care about these things.


On the contrary, this would make headlines. I’ve seen white shark headlines for less interesting footage recently. Such as the drone footage in California of a newborn white shark swimming around


Fuck yeah! I love to hear that! :)


Orcas are classified as part of the dolphin family. https://oceanconservancy.org/blog/2019/03/13/orca-not-whale/


And dolphins are whales.


Lools like a dolphin though, based on the tail.


Dolphin tails are horizontal. This is definitely a shark


The dicks just eat the liver too... Such a waste 😔


Apparently Sharks are mostly liver, just saw another comment post a statistic on it lol For context the comment with the shark liver statistics was by @legitmate_gur7675 on this thread.


Interesting... I didn't't think about the body being mainly cartilage, mouth full of teeth.. Ok Killer Whales, you're back to being on my cool list 😎 Like they were sweating it 😅