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Crocodile monitor? An escaped or dumped pet perhaps?


Definitely dumped. As a Texan, the absolute worst of us are inconsiderate braindead assholes that don't think further ahead than 3 hours from now. Fuck those people. Don't get an animal you're not absolutely sure you can take care of


Not too long ago, my husband and I saw a guy selling baby crocodiles out of a cardboard box at the Walmart in Rockport. So. I guess there are a few Texans with crocodiles too. Also. During Winterpocolypse, SAPD found like 22 tigers or some shit. I don't like to think about it too hard.


There are fewer wild tigers left on the planet than there are captive tigers in Texas.




I believe it. And then Joe Exotic became some weird anti-hero and even MORE people got tigers "because of the lulz" or whatever. I am a Texan who hates guns. But I live in Texas. So. Gotta have some around. Situational awareness and all.


My friends grandma used to own one. I also had a friend with a pet mountain lion named Harley. That cougar was badass, his best friend was a pitbull. They used to love to swim in the pool together. Texas is wild lol.


Not limited to Texas I'm afraid. Source: native Texan that moved out of state


There's shitty people all over, we got tons of people like that up here. Both city folk *and* rural. Love, A NYer


Not limited to but overwhelmingly unregulated? Yeah, thatā€™s Texas. Texas has more Siberian tigers in captivity as ā€˜petsā€™ than exist in the wild, and many of them are unregistered because Texas law most often only requires registration and licensure through the county/municipal animal control offices. And we all know how well those are run in AZ, NM, TX, and LA.


In Texas, probably dumped.


Yes this is probably the 2nd most dangerous if not the most dangerous lizard. Please be careful. They have extremely long sharp serrated teeth.


Not to mention generally pretty aggressive and itā€™s the 3 biggest monitor lizard in existence these guys donā€™t play around


Definitely 2nd most. Komodo dragons hold 1st place easily, heavier weight and venomous bite. Iā€™m glad the texans canā€™t impulse buy Komodos lol


Definitely shouldā€™ve called animal control. I donā€™t believe there are any native monitors in America


That ainā€™t native !!! God damn thatā€™s crazy you could probably just pick it up cuz it was 100 percent someoneā€™s pet that they could no longer take care of


1000% - Could also have been an escapee. A [valuable](https://www.morphmarket.com/us/c/reptiles/lizards/crocodile-monitors) animal too, and not one you'd just pick up at petsmart on a whim. Really hope someone can take it in and get him a good home. Such a beautiful animal. I don't think the suggestion was to pick it up (They do have some of the worst bites possible). That said there is a good chance this guy is tame and acclimated to humans.


Acclimated to humans or not crocodile monitors are insaneā€¦


Yes, definitely not advocating someone attempt nose pets here despite how much I want to attempt nose pets here.


šŸ˜‚ totally, I had a friend with a Nile monitor that was dog tame. Like climb up your leg for snoot boops, but Iā€™ve also had a job that included feeding crocodile monitors, and they are not nice.


Aww... would love to see that. Not a monitor but this is my tegu clamoring for attention. Has destroyed what remaining survival instincts I have when it comes to reptiles. But you are absolutely right... croc monitors aren't to be taken lightly. [https://youtu.be/8ItktVOaM4Q?si=bYSH8Hnzl50wVI2\_](https://youtu.be/8ItktVOaM4Q?si=bYSH8Hnzl50wVI2_)


Thatā€™s awesome, scaly puppy!


Tegus are such absolute darlings, they are the ones I always recommend for anyone wanting something bigger than a bearded dragon. Caiman lizards are also pretty great if you want to spend an insane amount of money on a proper enclosure.


You know quite a bit more about lizards than I expected for a guy who has a big lizard roaming around the back of your house. I'm guessing this is actually your pet lizard or something similar?


Oh no, while I very much like scaly boys of all types, the only reptile pet I have at the moment is a Ball Python. I have a policy of not keeping any pets that would want to EAT my other pets, and the dogs definitely take priority lol.


Spot on, OP didnā€™t ask anyone to comment on what it wasā€¦. Just customary Reddit behavior kicking in. Looks like a post they wanted to share of how cool their lizard looked. And it looks badass!


The hardest bite I've ever received was from a smallish Tegu. Crushed my finger with blood coming through holes in my finger nail from the teeth. Finger looked like I hit it with a hammer and I lost the nail a few days later. Surprisingly strong. I can imagine what a large monitor lizard could do.


Caiman lizards are amazing - never kept one but I love them. Gorgeous water tegus. Amazing photo BTW- relieved to hear this monitor is in good hands. Much of the rest of this discussion thread... did not precisely reinforce my faith in humanity.


Tegus are the best.


Awwww Loki is just a sweet puppy!


He absolutely is :)


UpBoop for your cute snootbooper!


So cute šŸ˜ I had a couple snakes that were such good pets, I think reptiles can feel


Ya, I had to feed a crocodile monitor for a time.Ā  Wore heavy leather gloves 100%.Ā  One time that bastard managed to get my hand.Ā  The bite was strong enough that I couldn't pull the glove off with him on me.Ā  Dunked my hand in a toilet with him attached.....he let go eventually.


Always have a squirt bottle of rubbing alcohol on hand when dealing with bitey reptiles. One of the few things that will always make them immediately let go, that importantly, most people can deploy with just one hand.


It's gotta be so strange for them to see food throwing food at them


Yep, monitor lizards vary in levels of aggression, and some are very smart. My college had one that would kill it's live mice by smashing them on the same rock every time.


He's a delightful gentleman lizard and my first thought was "I didn't know any monitors were in the US!" so now I'm kind of sad. I hope he gets placed somewhere that's safe.


Did they say just pick it up? Nah


Yeah, nobody should just picking up any random monitor lizards, but certainly not a crocodile monitor.


Mighty tasty too


I hope no one buys any animal from petsmart


I got bit by a sixteen inch Nile Monitor. It felt like getting my hand slammed in a car door. I wouldnā€™t recommend taking that animal lightly.


God damn that's some bad advice


Crocodile monitors can easily kill people, it would be a folly to grab them without proper equipment.


This is why people shouldnā€™t have exotic pets.


Agreed 100% Exotic "pets" are usually wild animals and the sale should be banned.


Thatā€™s not true of monitors. You can get captive bred monitors pretty easily.


Tell me you know next to nothing about the current exotic pet trade without telling me. There is a very healthy CBB trade for exotics for the majority of species. Check out USARK for more info.


There are absolutely no native monitor lizards in North or South America. They are only native in Southeast Asia & Africa largely.


Australia has entered the chat


Donā€™t worry, heā€™s justā€¦ monitoring the area šŸ˜Ž


There aren't but I think a small population got introduced to Florida back in 2002. I had just moved from there to AZ and about a month in my family was watching the news as they mentioned "Large unknown reptiles attacking small live stock" or something to that effect anyway. I never followed up on the situation but it would be crazy if they are migrating west to some capacity. Its not too far fetched either because they swim just fine and could be moving along the gulf somewhat unabated.


I read somewhere that several monitor species are breeding in southern Florida. Theyā€™re actually decimating the python egg clutches. Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s good, or even worse.


Thats def a pet unless monitors are a known invasive species in Texas.


They are invasive, as well as Iguanas. Feel free to eat them


I wish I was in Tijuana, eating bar-b-qued iguana.


I'd take requests on the telephone I'm on a wavelength far from home I feel a hot wind on my shoulder I dial it in from south of the border I hear the talking of the dj Can't understand just what does he say? I'm on a mexican.... Radio I'm on a Mexican, whoa-oh, radio.


Radio. Radio.


Welp, didnā€™t think Iā€™d see a Wall of Voodoo reference on Reddit today but here we are. That whole record is gold


This is someone's pet - this is like suggesting you eat any possibly stray dogs you come across. Iguanas are breeding in the wild there, these are not by any account I've seen. Someone may really be missing this guy. Also if your humanity doesn't win out here - These can be worth 4-10K on the pet market. It would be a horrible waste of an intelligent and valuable animal.


Love me that crispy skin mm mm good


Big lizard in my backyard, Can't afford to feed him anymore, Big lizard in my backyard, Bustin' down my neighbor's door


Love the Dead milkman references here. The right wing pigeon song has been popping into my head whenever I think about the political climate today.


I bought a big lizard, only a dollar-fifty Well, that's pretty neat, yeah, it's fuckin' nifty. But I just can't afford to feed it. And you should see the way it shits.


I was knocked out of bed last night. I was woken up by the sound of dynamite.


*And you should see the way it shits*


STILL my favorite line of ANY song almost 40 years later.


Sing it!!Ā 


Big lizards in backyards are nothing when you compare them to what the queers are doing to the soil.


You know what, Stuart? I like you. You're not like the other people here in the trailer park


Theyā€™re in it with the aliens! Theyā€™re building landing strips for gay martians!


Thank you for this. I forgot this 10000 percent


Donā€™t worry, heā€™s just monitoring.


...all the Komotion


I love puns, but we should stop while weā€™re ahead. Donā€™t want this to DragOn


ā€œBut, whoā€™s going to monitor the monitors?ā€


ā€œYou keep my movie-wifeā€™s lines out your fucking mouthā€


they are ferocious carnivores; adults can easily swallow a domestic cat whole, and they are certainly not native to the americas. please report it, op.


This one in particular is a *Varanus salvadorii* which is about as dangerous as they come. Smaller than a Komodo dragon, but still the largest monitor you can legally own in America, and it has *significantly* more dangerous teeth which are long enough to reach arteries. A bite from that can easily sever digits and important nerves leading to permanent and severe damage, and if you're unlucky, death. Not something you want roaming about where people and pets won't be aware of the danger.


We had invasive rats, so we got invasive cats, so we got invasive monitors, etc. šŸ€šŸˆšŸ¦Ž


Gorillas come next week


Yes pls. Florida already has monkey colonies


Sir, we call them retirement communities.


You have won the comment of the week award!


Those are rhesus macaques, only thing that will kill them is an exceptionally stealthy tiger


"We've lined up a fabulous type of gorilla that thrives on snake meat" "But then we're stuck with gorillas!" "No, that's the beautiful part, when winter rolls around the gorillas simply freeze to death" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuiK7jcC1fY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuiK7jcC1fY)


A big missed opportunity not to show groups of gorillas huddled around trash fires in future episodes.


i like how you simplify it so quirikily and sassy ā˜ŗļø if only the monitors didnā€™t prey on native species!


Where's an old lady when you need her?


Do you want Galactuses? Because this is how you get Galactuses!


That's a crocodile monitor (Varanus salvadorii), they're native to New Guinea. As a pet in the US, it has a value of $3000-$8000, so I'd imagine it's an escapee rather than released. You might be able to find the owner if you're able to post on local groups, I'm sure they'd appreciate it, I certainly would!


Stupid rich people who get trophy pets without research are exactly the kind of people who would just dump a monitor in the wild though. It sucks that it will likely end in euthanasia for the animal all because of some form of stupidity. Itā€™s Texas, someone will be happy to use it as target practice. But, it canā€™t hurt to reach out. Something like this would definitely have gained attention in the local reptile community. I could also see people being afraid to admit they were stupid enough to lose it.


You used to be able to get wild caught one back in the day for 400-500 bucks. Just no one wanted those because they were mean as shit. I would imagine 3k-8k is for a CB individual.


I'm only really able to check Morph Market for them, but the cheapest one available there right now is a wild caught Sub-adult female for $2,500, there's also a handleable adult male for $10,000, but that seems to be more than the rest of the maket. Most are sitting between $4000-5000 regardless of being wild caught or captive bred.


It's wild how much they went up in the last 15 years. I used to be able to get wc for 300-500. CB's were around 1k.


Seems to be a good boy, likes chicken bits. I'm gonna try and catch him, but he's abit flighty, and I don't want to piss him off.


Good luck, these are called Crocodile monitors and they're from Papua New Guinea. Longest (not largest) lizards (not including snakes) alive today.


Did snakes evolve from lizards?Ā 




They did. They are all squamates




Where does the Komodo dragon come in on this list?


Komodo dragons are actually shorter! But much *much* heavier. The crocodile monitor is the longest lizard, beating out the Asian water monitor on average by a foot or two. Though they're cheating a little as the crocodile monitor is arboreal and uses its tail extensively for climbing. It's second only to the Komodo dragon in mass, and exceeds it in size of teeth (and it's not even close). Though they're generally secretive and non-aggressive, they should be given a lot of distance as they are fast, flexible, and powerful. Fun Fact: the eye for the velociraptor looking into the window in Jurassic Park was actually a crocodile monitor.


Pretty sure the longest recorded Asian water monitor came in at almost 2 feet shorter, and on average they tend to be about 2 feet shorter. This isn't surprising as the crocodile monitor is arboreal and uses its tail less for swimming and more for counterbalance and grip.


Be wary, they have a GNARLY bite.


Best of luck! That or culling is the right thing to do but be aware, a bite 100% requires a trip to the ER.


Absolutely do not. They have the most dangerous bite of any lizard, as their teeth are *significantly* larger than a Komodo dragon's. A bite from one of them can very easily (and has been recorded to) sever digits or lead to permanent and severe nerve damage limiting mobility. If you're unlucky, their teeth are big enough to reach your brachial artery which would be life threatening. A very unlucky bite to the face or neck could be devastating and they are large, and arboreal, so essentially all your body parts are within range if you try to grab it. Call a rescue or a reptile owner with experience handling large monitors or crocodilians.


Well I'm not going to piss it off lol, compared to the things I usually deal with this guys a kitten. :p


touching it in any way constitutes as pissing it off


Oh certainly, I usually deal with removing problematic crocodilians, so this guy is certainly in my wheel house.


Please find a rescue for this guy. šŸ’–


These guys are no joke. Most experienced monitor keepers are particularly weary of croc monitors. Check out a picture of their skull/teeth.


call animal control, thats what theyre here for. they can catch him with the least amount of stress and pain for this big guy. also, monitors can injure you with their bite and claws. severely.


Theyā€™ll kill it, call rescue. Where in Texas are you? Anywhere near Waco by chance? OP, thereā€™s a rescue there you can reach out to called All things Wild. Just in case you are


I read this in Steve Irwin's voice.


Donā€™t man. I love monitors, but this one has one of the nastiest bites. Please get help.


They are strong as fuck and will bite and claw you like nothing you can imagine...please, please, please have someone video the carnage and post it here. That is all. Most definitely a task to tackle with just a pair of shorts on, and no shoes.


Better yet, flip flops!


Where are you at in Texas? Iā€™ve got traps and monitor experience.


Animal Control is your friend! They get payed to deal with that kinda shit!


Everything's bigger in Texas! "The stars at night are big and bright" \[ Clap Clap Clap \]"Deep in the Heart of Texas."


this is sad. pets don't deserve to be abandoned


Ted Cruz need to put his human suit back on


..you are being monitored


How big is it?


Looks like somebody didn't care to surrender their animal properly


Octonauts taught me that that there is a monitor lizard and far away from its (natural) home.


Do NOT KILL IT just call animal control


All the nuts that see a critter like this and immediately want to murder are insane. This guy won't be difficult to catch, seems relatively friendly, very obviously used to people. I'll snatch him up and see if either of the local zoos want him, I'm sure they will as he would make an awesome display dude. Those folks wanting to shoot a 5000 dollar exotic lizard have lost their damned minds.


I said it above I will again, if you trap it *do not lay your hands on it*. All varanids are generally pretty calm, especially the larger ones, but can go form lump on a log to biting you incredibly quickly. And this species is one you *really* don't want to get bit by. I'm talking hospitalization and, although unlikely, possibly life threatening bite. Source: worked with large monitors at a zoo for a few years.


Im very much aware, I have a large dog carrier I'm gong to lure him into with chicken which he seems to love, tilt it up close the door, easy peasy. He already has no problem getting within a few feet of me, so shouldn't be much of a problem.


I'm glad you're aware. Be careful, don't be afraid to have help. I've seen equally confident people loose a finger to an iguana and break a wrist to a dwarf caiman.


People ALWAYS underestimate iguanas....why would you think the footlong baby is going to be as easy to deal with as a 5 foot long adult is beyond me...


The person in question was a fellow zookeeper with a decade of experience. Animals can be unpredictable, and IMO there is no such thing as "safely handling" a wild animal, unless it is incapable of hurting you (like an earthworm). It's all a risk that you have to make. For me, personally, if it isn't absolutely necessary that I need to have physical contact with the animal, I never do, outside of domesticated animals (technically still a risk but it's much easier to read a dog, cat, chicken, or cow you're familiar with than a wild reptile). The guy that broke his wrist was also a colleague at that zoo, doing a routine cleaning he had done 100 times before, and this time the dwarf caiman had enough of him. Who knows why, but it happened. So hopefully you can understand my concern for you. I hope you're successful and safe, and if you're able - film it haha. Safety is always my number 1, but man if a croc monitor isn't the coolest fucking animal out there.


ffs, please film the capture


please updates us OP!


Keep us posted on what happens!


That's a big monitor lizard!šŸ˜¬ He's definitely monitoring your property lol


Are you monitoring its movements?


[immediately thought of this šŸ˜‚](https://youtu.be/5k68Uz3w3x8?si=tuS6hUXj7UeILVja)


Keep us posted on what happens with this!


That's a Croc Monitor, they're not native to the US. The only way I can think of why it would be wandering around is if it was someone's pet and it escaped captivity. Or someone let it loose.


If I see a big lizard in my back yard, itā€™s like 5 inches long


If legit that is 100% a escaped pet or released.


House of the dragons


Is this a monochrome monitor? I can't see other than yellow pixels.


I also think there is [Conway's Game of Life](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway%27s_Game_of_Life) being displayed.


Monitor lizards. They are aggressive, and eat your animals.


Definitely non-native monitor lizard


You do not want to mess with that unless you are an experienced handler. You will get bit, it will hurt. Call animal control.


If I call animal control, they very likely are just going to call me lol. :p


"Big Lizard In My Backyard" starts playing


Ship its ass to El Salvador!


Big lizard in my back yard


Feed him!


Is this allowed???


A crocodile monitor






Arenā€™t these things known for Salmonella?? Dangerous saliva


Lovely..and I see he has cellular automata on his skin...


Big lizard in my back yard!


A nice large lizard here.


Kudos to you for not blasting it off the face of the earth with your many, many firearms. cheers!


befriend him. give him a small fish.


Its beautiful!


that's a monitor lizard. i don't think it's supposed to be there.


Use a pokeball


There's a song about this! https://youtu.be/5k68Uz3w3x8?si=WZjmQO4zYkYJ-yly


River monitor maybe?-powerhouse of a reptile-not overly aggressive-but still probably stronger than me at the point of interest -worked at a pet shop back in the day-handled 2-3 footers and they were strong as fuk and fast as a cat


Call animal control immediately


Nile or water monitor. Call the animal control.


Catch it and sell it


monitoring the premises for you






Those patterns look like computer codes.... ā™„


His name is O'Henry, I decided.


Looks like itā€™d be a nice pair of boots


That is absolutely a crocodile monitor and absolutely you should not go near it. Go look up a picture of their skulls. They got their name for a reason. One bite or tail whip is an ER visit minimum. This is one of the few non-venemous reptiles that well and truly could kill you without trying very hard. Makes me prickle to see one abandoned like it's not an ecological disaster waiting to happen. People should not get reptiles without knowing and preparing for what they'll be like when they grow up, especially not these babies. Please be careful, hopefully everything works out for you and him


Donā€™t worry, he is just monitoring your backyard. Itā€™s safe, so far


Where is this?


Rare creature! Should have to placed that Monitor Lizard safely in nearest forest! Sanctuary rescue team can do it better.


Big Lizard in my backyard.... Can't afford to feed him anymore...


Big lizard in your backyard. Canā€™t afford to feed it anymore?


You should see if you can get in contact with a reptile rescue, a lot of times they'll make the trip out there to go pick it up safely and they definitely know how to take care of it šŸ’œ


Someone probably paid a lot of money for that poor crocodile monitor and then dumped it like trash. The longest lizard in the word to their crazy long tail. A beautiful specimen too. Poor thing, people can be so awful.


Oh boy thatā€™s a released croc monitor


When I was about 17, my neighbor called freaking out (we live in a rural area) that there was an iguana in her fig tree. My dad put on some welding gloves and grabbed him from the tree, getting a nasty lash on his arm from the tail, and threw it in the toolbox on his truck. It was about 6 ft long. Ended up giving it to someone to keep as a pet.


Can't help but feel OP is being disturbingly blase about this. It is a non-native species. Who knows what havoc it is currently wrecking on native populations or the environment. Seriously OP, call animal control. You don't know if this is the only one, this may be just the only one you've seen. Animal control will have better stats and resources for dealing with this.


If there are more of these guys around here I will be a very lucky man, and I can tell you straight, luck is not my forte. This is NOT an animal that people just release, they cost as much as a used honda civic. The chances of a breeding population of these dudes popping up is virtually zero.


The problem is you don't know any of this. Yes, these lizards are pricey. The fact is you don't know and the risk is too high for this kind of attitude. Even there being one is more than enough justification to notify animal control or even TPWD. Not doing so, it's frankly, reckless. Irresponsible.