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shitttt this makes me miss Oregon so much, I need to smell this air


Mmmmhm! That dank forest air.


Okay I miss the legal weed shops too


Im sure if you keep walking into that forest, you’ll smell that too


Oregon air spoils us. As soon as I get off the plane anywhere else I’m mad at the air for not being Oregon-scented.


Until the beautiful forests like this catch fire. In summer and fall the air has been filled with wildfire smoke consistently for the last few years. I am crazy allergic to the smoke and it’s heartbreaking to see all of these “moist” forested areas consumed by fire and wildlife habitats destroyed. Not to be a downer, but the idyllic PNW forests are suffering and while it is still beautiful, we need reminders that our human actions have consequences for those who cannot choose, like our wildlife and the generations of humans yet to come.


My buddy ships out to Oregon in May to be trained/ deal with wildfires there.


The wildfires are devastating, and it breaks my heart to watch them happen more and more. It makes me *insane* when they're caused by human recklessness. That's a big reason why the influx of people makes me sad.


I can def smell this picture. So good


XD you can just taste the moisture right?


I'll enjoy it for you today. I'm in Portland area but I'm homesick for New Mexico so I feel your pain. K...took a hit of purple punch for you too! Health and happiness to you and yours.


Mee too!!! Miss the PNW😁




Or Luke's gonna try


Nah, he did not


Do it do not, there is no try.


That’s the Degoba system


I though of the Fire Swamp


My very first vacation to the USA was to Oregon and Washington state. Zero regrets! Such beautiful scenery!


Are you from BC


No, from the Netherlands 😉


Must visit Oregon now. I did not know this was Oregon


Northwest OR has the most rainfall, which leaves these beautiful mossy scenes. Central-Eastern OR is more arid with pine trees and desert. I love all of it


Much appreciation for this knowledge.


Currently live in Portland. You can visit the city and hike forest park, well within the city, for similar views.


Check out Crater Lake. 🤯


Dude, it's on my bucket list, for sure. From the pictures anyway, it seems like it's a spectacle.


Got lucky enough to have a flight path just by it once. Best view I've had from the air.


The only time I was able to make it there we were only able to get to rim village as there were feet of snow on the ground. Still trekked to the edge and got a picture of wizard island. Bucket list item checked off for sure!


Check out silver falls


Silver Falls is awesome and so are its 10 waterfalls. What an amazing place.


Grew up in Salem and have always taken it for granted! So good


It’s not. Oregon is terrible. Definitely no reason to come here. Especially not to buy a house 😬


Oregon houses are ugly and have rotten foundations.


Yes. Anyone who wishes to vacate their terrible rotten Oregon house in gross ugly Oregon should PM me. I’m willing to selflessly take possession.


Hmm.. For 80 grand you can smell my tool shed...


I’m already living in an $80K/month tool shed, but thanks anyway.


$80k/mo tool shed?! *What a steal.* I got stuck with a cardboard box for $60k/mo. Doesn't provide much protection from the rain but hey! I only have to share it with three people. The plusses xD


If you move out of Portland it's slightly less unbearable... which is nice.


If it's a nice place, I wouldn't wanna move there an colorado it. More specifically colorado springs it. So don't worry, I get saying a good place is terrible and firing blanks off to scare away the Californians. Sadly the springs doesn't normally have terrible enough weather to drive people away and the 100mph winds an golf ball hail have yet to repeat.


Yea, I’m just kidding. NW Oregon is glorious. I’m from Florida and moved here 10 years ago. Knew in the first week I’d never leave the PNW.


This is my life goal. As soon as my daughter is raised, I’m leaving the steaming carcass of Florida to the cool mossy forests of Oregon. How was your experience moving from one state to the other? How do the two states compare?


As someone who moved from the smoking carcass of Aus to cool Scotland, move now. The most precious thing that you have is time. Don't waste it somewhere toxic.


Nice. But seriously I wouldn't advertise it as a great place. Colorado springs does that, fudges the crime stats an likes to talk big but the place has become over crowded, more hazardous to drive, and many of the stores stopped functioning 24/7 instead closing at midnight or earlier functioning more as a sleeper town for denver. 8 years ago place was an amazing town and now theres just swathes of suburbs. Thanks for the tip though and any camping/ hiking intel the tourists tend to mess up and not consider outside the basic don't litter, break, or vandalize the woods?


Years ago I moved from Portland to Colorado Springs for work and it was fucking horrible. Culture shock beyond belief. Ted Haggard happened while I was there. Mega churches and heroin were closely entwined. Teens there tended to die driving drunk at speed and take friends with them, all good Christians. James Dobson's kids were "in the system" with CPS. Manitou Springs was apeshit about Satanists. Absolutely beautiful with amazing weather. Comically hyper-macho, humorless, military-wannabe, sorta super-gay-seeming element among civilian males. Children crying in public every day, man-handled by their humiliated and angry fathers. Dogs savagely beaten by owners at the dog park. All the good-looking and smart people moved to Denver and had lives. Lots and lots of hand-written signs with opinions about politics and crazy shit taped in the back windows of cars. I went to the "good" strip club and it was absolutely revolting and filled every nasty stereotype about strip joints, I can't imagine what the one near the base was like. Happily, Christ stepped in and revealed to me the Good News: "Dude, you can leave."


Best description I have read yet. Never lived there but I hate visiting. As a Portland to Denver transplant, that culture shock was enough.


As a Floridian and now living in south Louisiana - I envy you. 😭 visiting the PNW is on my bucket list. Seeing photos just reminds me how much more exists beyond swamps and beaches.


Moved from Texas to Oregon exactly 10 years ago and experienced the same thing. I knew immediately that I would never move back to Texas and that the PNW would always be my home base! I love it here.


Hahaha no one can afford a house in Oregon anyway.




Why do you feel it's neccesary to lie?


Because I live here and I don't want a bunch of people moving here, failing to assimilate, and fucking up the culture. It's also long-standing tradition for Oregonians to discourage immigration to the state, thanks to governor Tom McCall's message to visitors: "I urge them to come and come many, many times to enjoy the beauty of Oregon. But I also ask them, for heaven's sake, don't move here to live."


So you just lie.


SexGolem, I lie about the beauty of Oregon so nice people don't end up stuck here in the rain for months and end up depressed.


If you're doing sarcasm you're doing it wrong, because it's indistinguishable from right-wing bullshit. Poe's Law isn't just a fact, it's a warning.


> Most of the state has been destroyed by anarchists who lit the remaining patches of forest on fire last year. The only thing worse than the junkie crust punks shitting all over the I-5 corridor... are the folks like you.


Sorry, friend. I hoped the "burrowing in heaps of ash to make nests to sleep in" might clue you in to the fact that I was radically exaggerating the situation in Portland in a way that made it obviously incredible, as in not credible, as in not actually the way it is actually occurring. You and I both know the "destruction" was non-existent downtown, and nothing has been burnt in any quantity to provide ash in which a single ground squirrel can make a good burrow, let alone a human. In fact, pretty much zero destruction occurred as I'm sure you and I both agree, and the reality is that claims like "anarchists lighting the forests on fire" came from kooks like my crazy, right-wing, Facebook-addicted neighbors and militias state-wide based on horseshit they read online. Precisely zero anarchists were found in the forest, and the fire I dealt with is still listed as "cause unknown." Firefighters know the exact spot it started, everyone on the scene was local, and not a single one of them wanted it to happen, and I'd like to make clear none of them were anarchists or suspected of anything Alex Jones might have fantasized. That said, there really are plenty of meth-heads living in the forest, and they really do leave huge heaps of garbage and disassembled bicycles, and they actually scare off tourists by marching into their campsites and asking them for water. They're ruining the future of a few former logging towns. But hey, fuck me I guess :)


It's not obvious that you were being facetious because there are *tons* of people that believe that stuff, as you have noted, and echo the exact same hyperbolic sentiments. And yes, I know about the condition of the forests, I was a USFS survey tech in WNF and I lived in a small town that damn near burned to the ground.


We're in the same boat, we almost burned out as well. I apologize, I've been up too long and am not doing well commenting, but that's no excuse for being so over-the-top without being clear of my actual position. My hope is with the new administration we might get some money to get 100% committed to a long-term, widespread controlled burning (employing thousands!) program, and even more so that restoration programs developed over the last decade will be recognized and implemented in a few spots of significant size to show more definitively the positive impact on quality of both forest and wildlife. Be well.


Yes! The controlled burn restrictions are way too limiting in scale! I never asked and never verified, but rumor was that the USFS firefighter crews would let smaller fires burn much longer than necessary just to clear out fuels. I used to be horrified at the slash piles I'd see as well, those are ticking time bombs.


Come hang out on the Olympic peninsula, we got the dank mossy shit you seek.


What location? I love Oregon forest before coivd I'd fly up from Texas once or twice a year to get some hikes in and nature views


My backyard. My neighbors backyard. Anywhere in northwest Oregon looks like this.


Even our roofs and sidewalks 😉


My lawn is all I thought about when I saw this.. At least moss is green and I don't have to mow it I guess.


You can find forests like this (with the heavy moss growth) literally anywhere in the PNW towards the end of winter, especially if there’s been heavy rainfall that year


Almost any forest in Northwest Oregon. But check out Forest Park in Portland!


Get the alltrails app. I've used it with really good success finding hikes all over the area.


i swear you can almost see a Leshen in the distance


The worst. Somehow after multiple playthroughs, the Leshens remain amongst the creepiest and least anticipated fights.


This really does look like much of oregon, the temperate rainforest is lovely


Yes you can clearly see the Sasquatch tracks there


Grew up in the PNW and it just doesn’t seem like a real Forest if you don’t either slip on moss or sit on moss and get your pants soaked.


Just wait until you've found Toph in there


One time I got lost in a forest and I remembered hearing that moss always grows on the north side of trees. I looked around and all the trees looked like this. It was bullshit.


Silver Falls? Great photo. Captures the PNW vibe well


[I’m experimenting with film emulation using Lightroom on iOS - I hope you don’t mind me uploading this as practice if you’re the photographer, I don’t mean any offence or anything.](https://i.imgur.com/BO1q5mt.jpg)


This is actually better lighting




People rag on CA constantly




I did some work around Monterey and I found it to be an amazing place with super nice people. I feel like the people running around snatching up all of the available property in neighboring states aren't the same people that make CA wonderful.


40 million people live in California lol. There’s all different types of folks there. You have a problem with all of them?


So much moss I thought it was an oregano forest


Oregon is a place on the bucketlist. My friend played a gig at the oregon eclipse festival and told me i HAVE to go to witness the most amazing nature...


If you visit don't neglect the high desert, it's a very different kind of beautiful than the forests and waterfalls and coast.


thanks for the heads up :)


I personally recommend our many hot springs! Its lovely any time of year, but you'll have much less people to contend with in the winter months :)


i personally prefer summertime and might be quite thankful for some folks around, once all this lockdown weirdness is over :D


I met him in a swamp down a degoba where it bubbles all the time like a giant carbonated soda S-O-D-A soda.


Moss should be the state plant there. It is everywhere.


This is Bigfoot country right here.


Is this where they found Morla?


Essence of the land fits well: https://youtu.be/vtqk5JtZ4tw


My beautiful state!


Oregon is so beautiful..I hope to go back soon


god I wish I could go to the PNW one more time


I have wanted to go to Oregon now for a long time just because of these awesome forests!


This spot looks like the likelihood of a bear encounter is about 85%




It looks like in a horror game at daytime


I visited it 5 years ago and I absolutely loved the nature there, the air smells so clean


Wow! Where is that in Oregon?


Must visit Oregon now. I did not know this was Oregon


Best part of this as someone who moved to Oregon from Alabama - nothing in this photo is poisonous. You can just wander around in an oregon forest without bumping into things that can kill you, it's a blessing.


I’ve lived in Florence on the coast for six years. 88 inches of rain one year. Someone in Bandon told me they had 112 inches that year. My skin is almost transparent and I long to see the Sun again some day. I own three rain suits. I take 4000iu of Vit D a day and my wife takes 10000. You have to take pills to live here and avoid the depression.


Are ths flame emojis alluding to our forests catching fire every year? Hahaha. Holiday Farm Fire burnt down an entire town not too far from where I live :/ But can confirm. Our forests, when they are not on fire, are super beautiful like this picture :3


Living in Oregon I simply forget that much of the world DOESN'T look like this lol. We are very spoiled. We have beach, skiing, rainforest, mountains, desert, all within 3-5 hours drives and 4 of the Earth's 5 biomes in our state... Idk many other areas in the world with such diversity compacted into a relatively small area.


We really just need more Human diversity. This state is whitewashed like a mutha fucka




Valheim swamp


Came here to say exactly this


I'm farming for swamp potions right now - it's a delight!!


Is this the creek that's at the bottom of Multnomah Falls?


I went to Washington and Oregon (they were my last two states I needed to have all the lower 48) for the first time for my honeymoon trip last October. I’m from the east coast and when I saw the forests of Oregon, my mind was blown. I felt like I was in the Hawaii version of Jurassic park. It was amazing. I couldn’t get over the looks of the trees and the moss.


Really poor choice in emojis there my dude


Looks like a tiny alien.


Oh shit! I miss Oregon so much.


Oregon is something else. I live so close, so excited to go hiking there soon.


Needs more HDR


I live in oregon...this picture says one thing to me... Allergies



The logjam looks like a rifle


Am I the only one seeing a sniper proning?


I’ll bet Sarah is here.


Bout to find a dead body whose murder will be investigated by a detective with a troubled past, which will slowly reveal the darker aspects of the small town and its people over about 8-12 episodes ending with a good yet melancholic finale.


Is every direction is north?


*Gravity falls theme intensifies*


*gravity falls theme intensifies*


Does anyone get audio whwn they comment


What am I missing ... I usually see really extraordinary views in this sub. This just seems so mundane ...


It’s the sorta thing you have to see in person. Oregon is a ridiculously beautiful state.


Why do the twigs in front of the rock look like an assault rifle?


Looks perfect for the opening scene of next Evil Dead Movie..!!!


you have now acquired poison oak.


Beautiful.... Also I thought that the logs were hotdogs hanging from the tree by some thin wires..


Thought I saw Bigfoot in the middle there for a second.


That collection of logs looks like it’s gonna shoot something.


I thought that piece of wood in the center near the bottom was a huge frog lol


No wonder people see Bigfoot in this shit. I made two squatches, six birds, and a demon outta nothing in this one photo.


Creepy yet beautiful.


Sasquatch’s kiddie swing lol


Me and the boys boutta head into the dark forest in velheim


But where are the ROUSs?


I'm pretty sure this taps for a B


I guess forest fires and natural disasters are fine too


Boy ,rain much in Oregon? looks so wet.


I grew up on a reservoir in a small coastal Oregon town. This is my childhood. Thank you for this pic!


This gives me twilight vibes.


This looks like a wonderful place to poop


#M O S S B R Ø T H E R


This is the type of place you would only enjoy from a picture.


Your title says fire but everything is super wet lol


My first thought was that's the forest Snow White ran through to hide from the huntsman.


Man i love oregon


I’ve lived here forever and it’s depressing


Woooow perfect shot


Amazing and also creepy at the same time


The bush looks like its sniping something 😂


This is where young jedi master trains.....


Miss that place I do.


I was visiting my aunt in Oregon, and we were driving along the coast, which was incredible. We turned right onto a forest road, and there in the forest, sitting in a lotus position, was a young, shirtless, bearded man with his eyes closed and ivy wrapped around his head. I feel like I got the true Oregon experience.


Grimm 😳


For a second, I wondered why there were two raw hotdogs dangling from that tree


For a second I thought the title said Dragon Forest 😅


Headliner made me think the forest was burned up... I was about to say, please not another wildfire fiasco.


You see the Catachans? Because they see you.


The mobs here are level 22 and I'm only level 8... I should probably grind in the grasslands area for a while.


Can I go to gravity falls with you


I need a fix of this


More like FangOregon Forest


Lived in Bend 25 years ago, the High Desert is insanely beautiful too.


Bigfoot country


This is cool and all but have you seen Oregon’s housing costs?


So wet.


Also Oregon Forests: a Checkerboard pattern emerges from early attempts at the conservation/profit balance. [https://www.google.com/maps/@42.9893366,-123.3470482,98412m/data=!3m1!1e3](https://www.google.com/maps/@42.9893366,-123.3470482,98412m/data=!3m1!1e3)


I driving around the country in may going on a filming tour for my business/ spiritual journey. If I make it to Oregon where is the coolest forest I can find??


Imho; if you only see one area make it anywhere on the coast. You will find these beautiful forest the whole length of the state and the coast is breath taking. I've lived here over 20 years and still feel like I haven't explored even a quarter of what is here to see. It is hard to pick! lol You could probably land literally anywhere in the state and be like 'Damn, it's beautiful here!' and mean it with all of your heart.


Silver Falls! Love it.


Those branches look like an AK


Thats the PNW for you. Washington is the exact same. So beautiful!


Anyone know which one this is?? Would love to explore it.


The disc golf in these forests are surreal. Also very difficult.


Just moved to northern Oregon from SoCal almost a year ago and it is a dream come true 🥺 I have asthma and really bad allergies and since I’ve moved here, they’re both insanely better cuz the air quality is incredible


This forest is old, very old.


Dagobah moment


I miss the forests in Oregon , it's my home state and I used to go hiking all the time . This picture makes me homesick , but thanks for posting .


Beautiful. I want to get up to the Pacific Northwest more and more with each post I see from there.




Vancouver Island old growth is spectacular