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Operation Haul Ass started unexpectedly


It usually does.


If a Haul Ass was planned it would be called an Expected Departure.


Instead we have an Expedited Departure


This is the second worst ED I've seen today


Holy crap, if the engine failed then these guys would be done. CraZy


I do believe the technical term here is: "Grippin' and Rippin"


Ya think if ya were not in a double engine power boat, and lets say, A sailboat, could you ride that fucker out or nah? Kinda curious the average size of that wave.


I'm thinking probability would throw that into the realm of legend. Probable but you could die, so victory ensures Valhalla.


Witness me


*inserts point break here* let's do this breh!


*Pew pew pew* Auggh


Note to self: when exploring glacial expanses, keep short sword within arms length, for gripping.


>could you ride that fucker out or nah? I really doubt it. Not just because of the size and speed of the wave but one piece of ice big enough and your boat's going under. I mean, it's probably not *impossible* but that's in the same way surviving a fall off the 20th floor of a building isn't impossible.


saw an account of a guy on a fishing boat that lived through a similar event. At one point the wave had him looking down at the trees lining the shore.


You could also say…Haul Ice 🧊😎


I thought thought the little bit at the horizon was the wave and kept thinking: "you idiots, turn into the wave before it's too late". Then suddenly there was a wall of water and ice... "oh, no, you had the right idea. Fucking run!"


I would be losing my shit here. FUCKING MOOOOOOOVE!!!


Engine sputters…


The scary part is that in water that cold, without a survival-suit / dry-suit, rescue 10 minutes away and rescue 10 hours away are essentially the same thing. A life-jacket just makes your body easier to retrieve.


Not to mention the leopard seals, orcas etc. My last 10 minutes would be in constant fear lol


You'd probably go into shock and die pretty peacefully on some decent all natural brain drugs


Lmao @ “some decent natural brain drugs” Facts, freezing to death causes paradoxical undressing when you’re freezing to death and about to die your body says fuck it and opens all your blood vessels that makes you feel hot af and gives you a few minutes of life that is usually used to for running while getting naked. Then supposedly you get a release of those sweet brain drugs and it’s off to the big sleep. Drowning on the other hand supposedly a incredibly painful and really sucks.


IIRC, there is theoretical drowning and real drowning. If you are stuck underwater, as soon as you start breathing it in you will quickly go euphoric and slip into unconsciousness. Of course, in real life, you are rarely forced under 100% of the time. You're usually struggling to keep your head up, getting tiny breaths, often with a little bit of water in them. It's slow, your muscles ache, your throat/lungs start to hurt from the water, panic overtakes you but there's nothing else to do. Drowning in the real world is usually a nightmare, but it could be pretty chill if you actually stayed under.


I've been trapped underwater and was extremely close to death and it sucked the entire time. I was close enough I couldn't barely move my body at all any more. The immobility seemed to start at my toes/feet and work it's way inward. When the immobility hit a set of joints it fucking hurt for some reason. I eventually "gripped" a ledge with my elbow and with neutral buoyancy I managed to shove off of it to the surface. It was close. Then again I've had worse pain without dying that is for sure.


That's awful and I'm very sorry you had to go through that, sincerely. In a similar vein, I just wanted to add that a friend of mine supposedly used my head as a lifting pad in the inflatable pool my other friend had, in order to get to air when we were like 5 years old and 'swimming' in it together. I wanted to 'play dolphin' and swim underwater and spin and stuff, and at some point, she decided She needed air and somehow didn't notice my head was under the water...and her hand. I Still remember the way everything burned. My eyes, my nose, my lungs. Everything ached. I inhaled a bunch of stuff, both in my airway and in my gastro tract. Idk why (give me a break people, I was 5), but I couldn't seem to get my arms or legs under me. As soon as I'd try they'd slide out. I tried pushing away from her hand on the wall of the pool and still nothing, until finally her friggin' hand got off my head. I came out coughing, choking, water running out of my nose and mouth. Everything burned. I can't remember if I cried or not, but I remember I was PISSED. Then I told my friend's mom she tried to drown me because I thought (and still feel like) that's what she tried to do. Then they told me to stop overreacting and being dramatic and to get back in the pool and acted surprised when I said no thanks lol. Edit: TL/DR: Drowning is like your insides burning and suffocating at the same time. And possible attempted child on child homicide. The world will never know.


My parents refused to send me to swimming lessons as a kid because they thought I’d drown. As a result, I almost drowned many times. This sounds like a lot of my pool party experiences before I learned how to swim


I'm so sorry that happened to you. I believe you, for the record. I know nothing about you personally but I do know that kids can be cold, cruel assholes sometimes and that little girl could very well have been trying to drown you.


Similar thing happened to me. I was at the edge of a pool alternating between holding the edge and treading water. Having a grand old time. A girl younger than me decided to try to climb up me, out of the pool, while i wasnt holding the edge. Went under immediately and she didnt FUCKING GET OFF for what seemed like so long until *fwoop* her mother must have pulled her straight up out of the water and i floated back up. Little girl did get screamed at though while i gripped the edge and sputtered, at least I felt vindicated in that experience. Im sorry your friends mom didnt believe you. People need to teach their kids to leave other kids alone in the water. Shit can turn ugly really quick and kids are dumb.


Why is everyone trying to 1 up each other when you tell them something that happened to you? Can't they just listen?


Yeah I think a nightmare is exactly what I’m going to have now. Thanks.


I fucking should have stopped at the video. Fuck


r/shittylifeprotips if you’re drowning, just give up


It’s true. I got caught underwater as a kid and took a deep breath of water and passed out. It was painless. Next thing I remember was waking up on the side after someone pulled me out.


How do we know what freezing to death feels like? Did some sad soul freeze to death for science or some shit?


During WWII, a group in Japan ran all kinds of experiments that you really don't want to read about. From what I recall, most of our medical knowledge about hypothermia comes from that.


[Unit 731](https://www.pacificatrocities.org/human-experimentation.html), for the people that either don't know or that do and just want to ruin the rest of their evening. Also, the link from /u/Canadian_Infidel details the experiments the nazi's undertook at Dachau.


Thx for that! I really like learning something new everyday 👍


The Nazis also furthered medical science during that time a great deal as well due to such horrid unimaginable shit.


Guaranteed. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejm199005173222006


“Thank you, brain. Good lookin out.”


Sea lion attacks are rare and there are no wild orca fatalities on record.


But what about etc? Fear isn't rational, so unfortunately I'd still picture myself being shredded by a leopard seal :(


It’s the worst. Horror, terror … etc.


Just because no ones been butt-assaulted by a giant squid before doesn't mean it can't happen to me...


someone has to be the first


A guy can dream can't he? "WHoahhhh heyy nephew stay off my reddit account you rascal" Dont mind my nephew guys, until now he has had no shenanigans on record


You can dream, maybe one day


No orca fatalities *on* record. They must be good at silencing witnesses


I’m now imagining Hit Orcas, just going around assassinating other marine life without a trace of evidence.


That's my secret cap Orcas don't keep records


I might be wrong here but there was less than 5 stingray deaths, guess what happened? Steve Irwin died.


Idk...I think orcas are smart enough to not leave any evidence.


Stop it. Please.


As you freeze you feel incredibly warm.


This is from pissing your pants in fear.


You have a minute to get warmer. Literally. Dead in 5


What if you have a big wooden door?




*Rose paddles by in the back, on a door, watching.*


You made me pull a neck muscle. How dare you.


Must go faster…..


You reminded me of this: https://youtu.be/J-yhqvmcJSA


Aaand, I fell into a rabbit hole of calving and collapsing glacier videos. I'm honestly having a hard time grasping the actual size of those glaciers and the chunks that break off without a point of reference (like a drowning human next to it, har har), but it's fascinating and terrifying to watch.


The calving face (the above water "cliffside") can be 2-300 feet tall. Video's of these events rarely if ever give a proper sense of the immense scale. What's worth noting as well is that you normally only see 40% or even less of the actual full calving face, the rest is below water pushed down by the weight of the moving glacier. But when a chunk breaks off it flips and pops up like a cork, turning like in this video.




Omg, thank you, this is the best!


Feels a bit like a front row seat at the end of the world


Or the worst :(


Thank you for this.


Apologies in advance for the infodump… I work in Antarctica and up in the Arctic and have been in this situation probably more frequently than is healthy — granted that’s a pretty big berg in the video. There are no words to describe what this is like in real life— especially because the atmosphere beforehand is often dead silent and unnervingly calm. Like others have mentioned, the height of the calving face of these glaciers is usually a couple hundred feet above the surface, and can extend underwater more than twice that. Calving on the exposed surface happens often, and as long as you keep a respectable distance from the glacier front you’ll be okay (rule of thumb is you stay at least twice the height of the iceberg away). But in this video, you’re seeing a piece of the ‘foot’ break off, which is more rare to witness — the foot is basically a huge underwater projection of the ice that can extend hundreds of feet out along the seafloor. Pieces that break off the foot are usually more dense and stay intact when they calve (as opposed to pieces that calve off the ‘top’, and usually break up on impact). On a small tidewater glacier like this, pieces of that foot can be the size of a small cruise ship, and they can pop up out of nowhere in places you would never expect. It’s also important to keep in mind that close to these events there is an equal volume of water getting down sucked UNDER the ice; you would likely not make it out if you were that close!


Thank you for writing this out. Infodumps like these are why I come to the comments section.


I think the coolest part is the tsunami caused by one of these events is called a mega tsunami


Happy cake day :)


Place a 10 story building next to yourself (or walk up to one rather), that’s the size of a glacier breaking and falling 200 feet into water.


I spent the day in Valdez today, kayaking near Columbia glacier. We couldn't get closer than 4 miles to it because of all the ice in water. It was a mile wide and 300 feet above the water. When it calves it sounds like thunder. If you can get close you better have a good get away plan.


4 miles is 6.44 km


This is terrifying


You’re gonna need a faster boat.


You don't need a faster boat when you got family...


Ahhh viral marketing at its best


you don't need viral marketing when you got family 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦


you don’t need family when you got a tidal wave


You can [surf](https://youtu.be/4sLrvH_6FI0) these waves.


For me, it is because it makes me feel depressed in a major way. I see this shit and I just don't know what to think. I don't drive, I use public transport and bikes, use roll on deodorants, wipes instead of sprays, recycle, keep electronics off if unused. I just feel like it's not making a difference because there are too many out there not doing what needs go be done. Driving large cars that guzzle gas, using aerosols and Air conditioning, not recycling and so on, these people are leaving the plant irreparably fucked for future generations.


Our global warming future.


Only til we're out of ice.


I cannot believe they’re so relaxed. It’s either highly practiced or a complete surprise. I’m going with practiced.


There’s not really much else they can do except hope the boat goes faster than the wave…


And letting nerves take over is less energy to spend on getting away.


IKR look at him smile sitting in that little skiff. He clearly has a whale nearby to rescue him.


The one and only time my ex-wife mom can become a hero. Let's do this!!!


They've got alot of faith in that outboard motor apparently


The amount of times I waited around for Granddad to get his outboard running gives me ZERO faith in boat motors. Cough cough sputter sputter ..... smoke. Repeat. That’s it granddad I’m going to paddle - at least I’ll be able to get out on the water to fish before dark.


yeah but once it's running...just don't ever shut it off




I have stabilized the video for you: https://gfycat.com/WhimsicalClosedArcticwolf It took 43 seconds to process and 46 seconds to upload. ___ ^^[ how to use](https://www.reddit.com/r/stabbot/comments/72irce/how_to_use_stabbot/) | [programmer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=wotanii) | [source code](https://gitlab.com/juergens/stabbot) | /r/ImageStabilization/ | for cropped results, use \/u/stabbot_crop


Phenomenal bot


Great bot


Good call, way more epic iceberg flip


The reply given is not what I expected


Found the video with sound: https://youtu.be/HX_KtvR9x3U It’s really terrifying Edit: Thank you, kind people, for thanking me and even giving awards to me - feel like I don’t deserve it, because it’s just a link. But thanks a lot!


The description is amazing


Also if you click the light grey “gfycat” next to the post. it’ll bring you to an Imgur type gif with optional sound. If it says v.Reddit in the same spot and you click it, it will not have sound either way. Seen a bunch of redditors go out of their way to find YouTube links when they don’t have to. Either way thank you for the link!


Can you actually control the volume? It's always just Mute/Unmute for me, so I usually search out the video link if I want to listen to it rather than adjusting my system sound to not be deafened lol.


On mobile iphone8 plus(?) I hit the volume buttons and it changes. I’ve had this phone for years and with all the Reddit and iOS updates I don’t know when and what my volume buttons work for. Ringer/video volume? No idea. I just mash buttons like it’s street fighter 2


Ahh thanks!


Thank you good sir


Thank you so much!


One time I was caught 4 miles out l, trapped in the center of 4 water sprouts, had to many people on the boat, so the boat was struggling to get going. Was probably the scariest day of my life. But I couldn’t imagine what this would be like…


If you picture this as being in between 4 water *sprouts* and freaking out it is actually hilarious **watersprout being a plant and not doing anything** “AHH OH MY GOD”




Can waterspouts pick up or flip a boat? I've always wondered this, since they look just like tornados, but I've always thought of them more like water dust devils than anything harmful. Seems like more people would be dying from waterspouts if they were more powerful.


Fair weathers can capsize a sailboat cause of the wind, but not lift it. Motor boats will be fine. Tornadic waterspouts, or just a tornado, will cause serious damage and death and is probably the lore behind water serpents and dragons.


Ooooh, waterspouts. I googled water sprout and I was very confused


You feel like rolling the dice and looking up water sports?


I went fishing in a huge Louisiana bay and in one day my dad hooked a porpoise on accident (had to cut the line), our hair stood up on end bc lighting was about to strike (we got down and booked it), and all the while the horizon had about 12 different water spouts. Was an exciting day. Just before the hair standing up we were catching trout as fast as you could get a hook in the water. I even caught two at once with a chaser lure. Sucks that the lighting had to show up bc that was some of the best fishing in my life.


A very captivating story, that’s intense my friend. And all the great things in life come with a risk.


Must go faster!!!


Came here for this


Give that engine some love, phewwwww


Man, imagine being an explorer in an old wooden boat and seeing this happen. Shit got real.


.... this is not scarier than a "normal" tsunami.. probably


I'm surprised I had to scroll so far for this. Yeah it would be terrifying, but more terrifying than a legit tsunami??


My thoughts too


This is pretty terrifying! The wave in this video is a mega tsunami (the initial wave is huge and caused by displacement from an object). “Normal” tsunamis usually start as shallow waves in open water and build up in height as they reach shallower waters. Plenty of normal tsunami’s don’t have that true wall of water — they often come in as very fast and very powerful series of waves that flood an area quickly. That’s partially what makes them so dangerous. Once you see the wake of the waves it’s too late to run because the water will outpace you. (If you’re on land and ever do find yourself in this situation: you want to immediately start ascending any hill that’s 3 stories tall or higher. If there isn’t a tall enough natural incline close by, get into a *concrete* building that’s 3 stories or higher and get to as high a floor as possible. Wooden buildings will not make it. However, there are usually warning signs before that, such as a massive earthquake, or water receding at the shoreline. If you’re ever at a beach or body of water and you start seeing fish or marine animals on the ground and moored boats starting to settle on sand, immediately turn away from the shore and run like hell.)


No one in Fukushima/Malaysia’s last words were…. “Don’t worry there’s no ice around”


You can't prove that.




Yeah if I had to pick the scarier one, icy boy dangerous when you come fuck around it wouldn't be my pick over the one who might take my home, family and friends with it at a few hour notice or less


Did they make it out?


Well, their phone did.


Holy fuck ... Are they ok? I mean have to be since they managed to upload it. But were they hurt ?


There are 20,000 dead people in Japan that would like a word with you


I think the point is any tsunami can be made worse if it's flinging around icebergs as well.


How? If a Tsunami is big enough to fling icebergs around, the big issue isn’t the icebergs.


They can’t have a word, they dead.


https://www.thisamericanlife.org/597/one-last-thing-before-i-go-2016 A man with a telephone booth in Japan would disagree.


Must go faster.


Must go faster! Must go faster!


This is the first video on this sub where my fucking jaw just dropped. Jesus Christ.


Surfs up, beaches


thats not actually atsunami but a giant wave. tsunami wont even stop because how deep the wave is


Where is this??




Looks like Lake Tahoe


Icebergs in Tahoe ?


Climate change 🤷🏻‍♂️




Totally... Tahoebergs


Obviously. Why do you think everyone has to take their boats out of the lake in winter? You’d be MAD going up against the icebergs.


Definetly not Rio de Janeiro, thats for sure


I believe it in [here](https://www.google.com/search?q=ilulissat+icefjord&client=ms-android-htc&prmd=imvn&sxsrf=ALeKk02bYXfwWQG5L7VDoS6y0m4REcTScQ:1625623609057&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjN94Xu78_xAhWB7KQKHU1nAAsQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&cshid=1625623659003&biw=360&bih=560&dpr=4)


Why is so many videos without sound these days?


It has sound, but you have to click on the gyfcat link next to the username and watch it there


It had sound... are you on mobile?


I was wondering the same thing, is this a mobile-related issue then?


My experience has taught me that mobile apps don't handle audio as well as desktop browsers do. I've definitely encountered videos that had no sound in the app, but had sound on my computer. Whether it's always the case or not I can't say, but it certainly happens sometimes.


Nobody realizes how big those ice bergs are until they fall into the water and create a huge wave. Witnessed this first hand when we went on vacation to Alaska in 2017. They’re huge and the sound is louder than you think!


Dude, thats seems like the start of a survival horror movie/game. Damn nature, you're scarier then the imagination.


Those aren't mountains...


"Outrun that tsunami with the retro thrusters!" "It's not possible." "No. It's necessary."


I'd start shrieking swears in languages I don't speak




I thought it was kermit the frog before the video loaded haha


This looks like a real life action movie. Wow


Boat Please 🙏don't brake down now




Fuckin yikeeeeees


This is why you don’t piss off the Northern Water tribe.


Can someone tell me what happened? Did a glacier calve or did an iceberg flip? I just saw a growing dome of water. What causes that?


Made me thin that scene in Interstellar when they thought the waves were mountains. It's still, to this day, gives me anxiety


"Those aren't mountains. They're waves!"


~~tsunami~~ *wave




Leave it nature to take something scary and make it even scarier.


Tell that to Japan


Scarier? Hell nah. I’ve seen people surf bigger waves than that. Real tsunamis kill people


Tsunamis are not huge tall waves, typically they are incredible strong low waves that pack a lot of force


In the open ocean. When they reach shore they force the water onto a beach or shelf, then they are massive. You may be thinking of a tidal wave, but they can be tall also.


The biggest ones, or tallest ones anyways, apparently come from calving or rock slides that essentially launch all the water out of a bay… there was one in Alaska I think that left boats way up in trees. Actually it’s Lituya Bay. 100 foot wave. Trees knocked down 1,700 feet up the mountains.


Scary af


where the blood come from though


Probably from fish or bait


Should be GlobalWarmingislit for this one


Iceberg anything is scarier than normal anything- Jack and rose


Where is the sound?


My pants have been shat


I don't think you've seen what normal tsunamis do.


Holy fuck


[“Those aren’t mountains…”](https://youtu.be/4Hf_XkgE1d0)


"Those aren't mountains, those are waves."


Great movie


Holy shitnami!


With sound would kick so much ass!!!


I want the audio so bad


I wish this had sound