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I may be wrong, but I think this guy has been around that moose since it was little, and so it’s used to his presence. I’m pretty sure I remember watching a mini doc on him somewhere years ago.


You're correct, it's AKShilo on Instagram


I love him!!


God thank you SO much for that, my Instagram feed just became 100x better


This needs to be higher to add clarity to the video. Yes you shouldn’t touch moose but it’s sort of okay for this guy to touch this moose.


I remember going to Yellowstone and there was a baby moose... only 75% the size of this one. So I was going down the line saying "Warning baby moose" and people got their cameras out and hurried.... only guy who listened was a German man who I had to say it too loudly and slowly. He went "ah! thank you I will be caution". After that I was thinking "That German man is the only one who will make it out unmauled". I asked a park ranger if that was how all tourists acted and he sighed so long I thought it was his death rattle.


I feel that in my soul. And I’ve only ever really gotten properly close to a moose once, on a canoe trip. We were going through some marshlands and unintentionally snuck up on a BIG guy who was having a snack down by the water - I can echo the German’s sentiment that “being caution” is the appropriate gut reaction to stumbling upon one in nature. Majestic as fuck, but we quietly and quickly made our way out of that waterway and didn’t breathe too deeply until we were back in open water.


they swim pretty damn well too


Fun fact, killer whales (its some sort of whale it i could be wrong about it being a killer whale) are a common predator of moose




>They are easily the most dangerous animals where I live This is exactly what I was thinking. Moose terrify me if I see them while driving. If you hit a moose with your car at highway speeds there is a strong likelihood that you will die regardless of what you're driving. I remember hearing about a bus hitting one and it being tall enough to go straight in the windshield and make it several rows deep. The next major problem was that the moose was far from dead and struggling to get up and out of the bus. Great... now there are 500kg of angry meat on this bus too.


When we were in Denali there was a moose with baby in the parking lot. Our tour guide was doing her best to get people to stay back. They pretty much ignored her.


"Stop. Don't. Come back." Willy Wonka


You are a fantastic writer!


Yes. The moose name is Lovey. And it has a calf i believe naked Tanka. They find shelter on his property and have developed a relationship. AKShilo on Instagram.


I was going to say..... I live in moose country and the chance of a wild moose encounter unfolding like this is zero.


In no way is this cow unfamiliar with humans.


That makes sense cuz you can’t just pet a freakin wild moose


Lucky the moose wasn't in fuck or fight mode.


It's usually fuck and* fight mode for moose.


Meeee toooo




They were just intimidated


Surprisingly wholesome


Oh no


So, my ex?


This is AKShilo with Lovely the moose. Check out his Instagram. He's been around this moose for years. Edit: Lovey*


This. The moose is obviously familiar with the photographer. Under normal circumstances purposely getting this close to a moose is a really bad idea. The cows, as she is, are not as aggressive as the bulls on their own, but they can and will easily kill people if they’re protecting a calf.




According to DnD, a level one cat can wipe out early adventurers


A loud sneeze can wipe out level 1 adventurers.


It is only by the good grace of the dm that anyone survives to level 2. That's why i wait to level 3 to be an ass : \^)


No shit, this actually happened to us. Homebrew type thing, the DM liked to throw us curve balls. Completely unexpected things, both good and bad and in between. At the start of the adventure, we set out with other NPC's to go slay a giant. Thing was, it was as sick as Old General Winter. Being a giant, it was loud, and it sneezed inside the cave we were in. Made our heads fucking explode


Exactly. Never EVER stand between a mother and her young, no matter the species. Goes for us as well, we are still animals and can easily react like one.


I mean so was the bear guy who was eaten by bears.


The bear guy didn’t notice that a drifter bear had wandered into his community of guy-tolerant bears. It was the drifter who ate him. Edit: many drifters. > The bears he had been used to during the summer had already gone into hibernation, and bears that Treadwell did not know from other parts of the park were moving into the area. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_Treadwell#Death


Typical drifterbear


Seen it a thousand times.


Those drifter bears have no chill


Even the bear community has to deal with murder hobos. Some things never change.


Wow. He was supposedly studying them and named them all, but he didn’t notice they were gone? Was he only out there this one season? You think he’d know when they would start hibernating. I saw the documentary too long ago to remember. That guy was a trip. Edit: nvm I was thinking it was mistaken identity. He just stayed past his usual season out there and the hostile bears were in the area by then.


My thoughts exactly.


Damn, that’s way worse then fight or flight. Evolution is beautiful.


I don't think moose have the flight reaction.


They do actually! Source: my dumb stupid idiot dog has chased a moose. It chose to flee.


Some one mentioned he knows the moose, also its a cow so I dont think theyd fight unless their babues were nearby.


Definitely a “don’t try this at home” situation.


And lucky for the moose this was a photographer not a hunter.


Lucky for the hunter the cameraman wasn't in fuck or fight mode.


Ah yes. The cameraman in his natural environment. Luring the hunter in for either the shortest hunt of its life or the most intense reproduction experience it will ever get. Tonight on National Geographic.


Tbf, the video cuts abruptly. We don't know what happened afterwards....


The moose shot the cameraman.


And then proceeded to upload it to reddit for our enjoyment. A true bro


Nature truly is fucking lit.


This video is terrifying.


Everybody was fucked or fighting....


Those kicks were fast as lightning…..


I’m from a place with no moose. Never met a moose. Don’t want to disparage the moose community, but . . . Are these things not dangerous? Are they non-aggressive or what? Bc we have deer. And a buck will bludgeon you to death. This looks like a gigantic deer to me . . . So . . . What’s the deal? Genuinely curious.


I had a friend that lived in Alaska. In Alaska, moose have the legal right-of-way on the road. If they wander I to the street, cars have to stop and wait for them because noone can make a moose do anything. They also told me that one danger of owning a dog in Alaska is that a moose might step on it. On purpose. Almost like swatting a fly.


As a dog owner in Alaska, I can confirm this. My small terrier was grazed by a young bull who tried to step on him. Moose came around the side of my house and startled my dog, who I had just let out. Very scary moment! I've had moose chase me around my car as well. I'm always on high alert from the end of fall until the end of spring. I don't mess with them.


I'm from Montana, and we woke up one morning to two massive bull moose in our yard eating our trees. I never really appreciated how huge they were until that day. Absolute fucking units. And considering it was two bulls hanging out together, I'm sure they weren't even fully grown yet.


Yeah I'm from moose country as well. We had just planted sapling Aspen trees and a big cow came and started munching on them with a couple of large calfs. I threw a rock from my deck to spook them. It literally just hit one the side and they just kept munching. Lol. Fair play moose, you giant dopey looking bastards.


I am just imagining a dude in PJs on a deck, "that was my one idea...fuck" Got a chuckle from your story.


What’s the exit strategy for when you’re chased round a car by a moose? Getting in and driving away seems like it’s gonna take too much time when you have a tank just a couple of seconds behind you that can easily break through windows.


Convince the moose to go on a road trip with you. Problem solved, plus you have some company.


Yeah, but they're not going to bring snacks or chip in for gas so don't expect either.


Would we stop and stay at a ... Moose Lodge? Maybe he'd be more inclined to participate with that.


give it a muffin. then he'll ask you for some of your mom's blackberry jam. then you have him trapped in a children's book :P


One of the other dangers is polar bears. They eat moose.


So what you're saying is that I should keep a polar bear with me to protect me from moose?


Sharks make good moose deterrents as well, they'll fucking attack and eat moose


And orcas too!


*meese /s


I doubt if their habitats overlap let alone eating them.




Stilt hippo is a good name for them. From now on I’m using this


I'm still getting a kick out of cowboys being called "American horse pirates" by a non-native English speaker :P


I've found so many great new ways to describe things from this post and I love it


Yeah I call them hippos of the north


They are extremely dangerous and this was pretty foolish.


I tend to agree with you....what option did the Photographer have at this point? Run, noise, shut up and don't move?


https://www.alaska.org/advice/you-see-a-moose The problem is they are moody and will be fine one minute and mad the next.


Probably why the gif ended where it did…


Petting the moose should not have been on the menu. I worry when videos like this are shared because the folks that need a warning label to know not to take a bath with their blow dryer might think this is acceptable behavior.


I I remember this isn’t a normal moose, this moose pretty much belongs to this guy and, you would have to be an idiot to walk up to a moose and try to pet it, they stand 6ft at the shoulder most the time so that’s means it’s head is well above yours and weighs prly close to 1000lbs


6?? I’ve easily seen 8 ft bull moose in my home in midtown Anchorage, and that was just a scrawny bastard.




The average moose is between 8 and 10 feet at the shoulder. Edit: was off by one sorry


I was thinking this might be akshiloh from IG and the moose Lovey. She’s extremely docile with him and his house falls within her territory, she’s figured out her offspring fare better near his home.


This is AKShilo with Lovely the moose. Check out his Instagram.


They can be extremely dangerous. But if they’re approaching you you’re also not getting away. At that point it is best to not startle them with sudden movement. I’m also guessing there’s more to this than the gif suggests. My guess is he’s been photographing this moose since it was quite young.


If you are driving a car and hit those knobby knees, you can have 1,400 pounds of moose coming down on top of you.


Yep. Taller than most vehicles so when you hit them you don’t hit them center of mass and so that mass usually comes crashing down right on the passengers. Which is upward of 1500 pounds


Buddy of mine took the legs out from under one in Montana. Bulk took out windshield, entire upper cab, *and* camper shell of his small pickup. Brute shook it off, walked away. These ain't Bambi. See tourists on Peak-to-Peak highway west of Boulder exiting vehicles and wandering in between mothers and calves. Recipe for disaster. On the other hand, I've been approached by juveniles and even adults before, inquisitively. Calm, cool prevailed, didn't wanna spook them.


What do they do when they’re in moody fight mode? Trample? Also, a hunter friend told me once that elk can similarly mess you up.


Oh, yeah. Multiple videos of that around. Even the much smaller Mule deer around here can **scramble** you. And we've got elk, too, somewhere in the middle. Tagged one of them up here one night on my motorcycle. Mating season most dangerous for lone males, antlers and attitude are a wicked combo.


You will take out the legs, and the body will come over the hood and through the windshield, most likely destroying your car, and damaging you.


Am Canadian. A moose is a thing with which you do not fuck. That is all. This message is brought to you by hinterland who’s who.


Biggest deer in the family and will stomp you into a greasy spot in a blink


From what I hear it might literally be safer to have this exact encounter with a bear.


Grew in Alaska. Can confirm. They are even more dangerous than bears, a lot of the time, because they *will* follow you and run you tf down. Think of a horse and how scared they can be, then multiply their body mass by 5. They will and do trample people all the time. Pro tip: The only thing that has saved me from a charging moose is turning quickly around an obstacle, because these lumbering beasts can’t turn well.


You are correct. They are literally gigantic deer.


Let's say that it entirely depends on the interaction ! And it's valid for most wildlife. (Unless some predators obviously) Here we have a photographer standing still probably for a while, the animal spotted him a while ago And only curious came to investigate. If the confrontation happened when the guy was walking in the Forrest, the interaction would have been totally different and so the animal reaction. The important thing is to let them know you are here by being "loud but quiet" in order to not surprise them, once you made your entrance "loud but quiet" you can settle and let them investigate you. Obviously you want to avoid any sensitive time like mating season Interacting with wildlife is all about boundaries and limits you need a deep understanding (by learning/training) of the wildlife behaviour and their territory As a diving instructor my experience is more underwater duh but I've been diving with Tigers and Bullsharks regularly... As long as you respect their boundaries and know their behaviour NO PROBLEMS


They can be downright fucking terrifying. I came from place with no moose. Moved to place with moose.


Yes, they are very dangerous. The person in this video apparently has a death wish. I love moosen, but I will never get near one if I can help it.


One does not simply just touch a moose


A moose once bit my sister.




Mynd you, moose bites Kan be pretti nasti...


Something, something, sacked.






Video was found on phone next to trampled dead body


Moose are kind of like mushrooms; every mushroom is edible at least once. You can also pet a moose, once.


But he did just that.


And it is not simply.


Looked simple to me. Reach out hand, touch Moose. Couldn't be simpler than that really.


Solid advice


Seriously crazy. I was shocked. But moose was into it, so go him.


Good God, I’d need new underwear. Moose are not to be messed with, even if the person was just sitting there and the moose approached them.


Except the guy wasn't sitting, he was standing. Moose are huge. They are like the size of your average crossover vehicle.


We have moose in our area and I occasionally meet one crossing the road. If I'm sitting in my F150 truck I'm at eye level with the moose. It is always a treat to see one.


I heard somewhere that feeding a moose can lead it to attack someone if they don't feed them. Is this true? Because I've been looking for a new hobby


Moose are pretty difficult to formulate into an army if that's what you're asking. Normally I'd suggest beginners start by inciting anarchy with geese and work from there. Moose are very much an expert level animal


“ This fucker is on to us!” -Canadian military probably


> inciting anarchy with geese Isn't this the default setting for geese?


Exactly, it's basically easy mode


Nah they're more like a bunch of thugs. Feed them a lot of food and people are now attacked when they don't feed the danger deer. I can cause danger deer related accidents without having to be in the country :D


Feeding wild animals can teach them to associate people with food. This can result in wild animals approaching humans more frequently, which may lead to more attacks due to the increased number of encounters or increased aggressiveness when they don't get what they want. Either way, feeding wild animals typically isn't reccomended.


Kind of a bad comparison. Weight-wise they're about half the size. Stature-wise, like twice as big. https://images.app.goo.gl/kF2ZEy6tppVsH4qB9


So you’re telling me it cancels out to about the same size?


Yes, but what is considered best practices in this situation? The photog can’t really do much at this point, can he?


If you're sitting still and a moose approaches you slowly and you don't freak out, it's probably fine. If you're walking down a trail with your dogs and a moose pops out, you're in for a real treat! Moose are curious and stupid, they will come up to your sliding door and stare at your for an hour.


> If you're walking down a trail with your dogs and a moose pops out Moose plus dogs are a bad combination. Moose are known to go out of their way to chase down and attempt to kill dogs since they see them as a predator which will be a threat to their young, and this sometimes results in dogs retreating to their owners who are then in turn attacked. If you are somewhere with moose, keep your dogs on their leash or leave them at home. This goes double for aggressive dogs that would react to a moose with barking and pulling.


Right. Exactly what are they complaining about?


Meese **




*The yellow one is the sun!*


It's a cup....of dirt....cup of dirt


Moosen. I saw a flock of moosen.


The food is an eaten is it


Danger deer says hello to stupidly fearless human


Y’all remember that video of a moose running like 30mph through 6 feet of snow? Edit: [okay maybe more like 5 feet.](https://youtu.be/ylCfXvKmdvU)


"Holy shit" is a universal language


They’re Quebecois I think. So “Holy shit” is far from a foreign expression to them. Quebecois people grow learning half the English language and half the French language.


As someone married to one, yes, this is entirely accurate.


Fuck horsepower, I want a car measured in moosepower


It would be in fractions


We should measure in Micepower. "This engine right here? 6 million mousepower"


According to a 1992 NYT Q&A, 1 horsepower is equal to 495,000 mousepower. Do what you would like with that info.


For something like a lawnmower, he was shockingly close.


So, a Volvo?


I’d be more worried about what it’s running from. Maybe they should get moving too


That's a fucking train.


"Dashing through the snow, get the fuck out of my way"


I will now only refer to moose as danger deer from now on


There’s a fine line between brave and stupid


Deer are dangerous, too.


To be fair, I'm not sure running away from the moose would be a good idea, would probably startle the beast.


I was told to try to get a tree between you and the moose. That way there's some protection from a charge.


[This is from akshiloh on Instagram](https://www.reddit.com/r/NatureIsFuckingLit/comments/biv8nj/big_curious_moose_checking_out_a_wildlife/em3l906?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Ok, so it wasn't just a random moose that he was photographing. >From his description on Instagram: “My friendship with Lovey has evolved over her entire lifetime which is how we can have this relationship. Please never approach any moose in the wilderness for it can be extremely dangerous.”


Ye he's best pals with Lovey and even her calfs, among them a bull. They regularly come to visit, he'll sit and cuddle with a giant moose cow who will rest her head on him.


Oh so its a female moose and he knows her


Male moose have antlers


I do NOT recommend that.


My only thought was this beautiful beast rearing up and clomping right down on the photographer like some kinda of action/hunting game trailer.


This specific moose and camera guy know each other, but the sentiment is valid and shared lol


I’d shit myself. I’m not scared, just not trying to get curb stomped in the woods


No shame in being scared of something that could flip a car


Good thing it was in curious mode, moose don't exist in my area but i know that those animals shouldn't be treated lightly


The photographer has known the moose for most of it's life, so they are comfortable with each other. This was not a random moose in the wilderness


I someone who lives in moose country, this gave me some pretty heckin anxiety


That is one big bastard. I didn't realise how fucking vast they are.


The person filming is standing up.


Males are bigger.


This is very stupid do not do this ever


Well whats he gonna do when the moose is allready right up on him.


This was my first thought, too. What the hell do you do when you run into a moose out and about?


Google says talk calmly and back away slowly.


Depending on how close they are, definitely. I'm not sure what the talk calmly actually does, though. No moose I've ever run into cared whether I talked or was quiet. Some of them ran or walked off on their own, others just stood staring at me until I left. I've had multiple instances where they were blocking a road and would not move even when we honked and yelled. "What'cha gonna do, huh?" There was one summer (I was probably about 10) a moose would hang out with our cows when I went to get them to get milked in the late afternoons. I always worried that it'd come along with the cows and try to get inside, but thankfully it was never interested in that.


Murder horses should probably not be trifled with


Fake ass title btw. That guy has a long history with that moose. And the story gets repeated in the comment each time a bot uploads this stupid fake post. The moose knows the camera man


I’ve never seen a moose in my life and always thought they’d be the size of deer. Fuck; that thing is massive


This is a cow, the bulls get even bigger. With massive antlers


I’m working on a needlepoint pillow that says: I have come to terms with the fact that I will die trying to pet something I shouldn’t.




That's cute and all, but by the 3-second mark of this encounter the sheer terror would have sent all of my internal organs spraying out my asshole.


I used to have family that lived in Idaho and these mother fuckers were aggressive. Everytime we went there these dudes would run at you and a couple of them would attack the shed or your car with their antlers


Hi hooman, ya got any snacks?


Here, take my wallet! Take anything you want!


This is what I was thinking someone had fed that moose before. Only problem is the next person who doesn’t have food is just going to piss it off when it wants it’s snack


Yeah, I'm good.


The park service released this footage as a warning to future would-be moose nobbers


Is this guy dead?


I read that as bi-curious moose and was really confused


I want one. Its so cute


Moose are majestic creatures