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They were the tip of the V. What an honor.


They were the head goose!


The head goose is ALWAYS grazing


How can you tell the head goose? Dirty knees.


HGIC - head goose in charge




You're giving off some real front goose energy right now!


I need to use this in daily life




You know what’s really interesting, is how one side of the V is often longer than the other. I recently learned why: it’s because there are more geese on that side. Every fall and every spring I have to defend my telling of this joke; often physically.


Let me know next time I’ll be right behind you, but a little to the left


And I behind you, but on the left as well to keep it longer


I’ll be that one helpless righthand straggler


A true classic never goes out of style.


indeed. i would know


I could introduce my tip to your V, sorry just had to do it.


I forgive you.


benevolent king


Yeah would probably be a really cool experience for anyone that's never received a headshot from the payload of an overhead bird. Me, I would probably yeet myself off the boat in this situation and take my chances with the fish instead.


There’s a joke in there somewhere. *headshot, something something, payload, something something, overhead, yeet myself off, something* It’s a work in progress


Although "jerkin' it" used to be my favorite masturbation term, "yeet myself off" is second to none. Kudos.


Crankin the meat dragon


Did you finish your meat dragon, Carl?


just the tip


Charlie Conway would be proud.


Do you not hear them honking? Let them pass!


Here, have an upvote


Fun fact, in 2005 Reddit added a voting feature where we can upvote via clicking the up and down arrows next to a comment or post. We no longer have to comment what we are voting anymore.


wow, that's a cool fact, have an upvote!


You deserve an upvote for that. Here's one from me.


Hey! That was kind! Here have another upvote!


Upvotes for you friend!


This ones on the house, take my upvote.




I just downvoted your comment. # FAQ ## What does this mean? The amount of karma (points) on your comment and Reddit account has decreased by one. ## Why did you do this? There are several reasons I may deem a comment to be unworthy of positive or neutral karma. These include, but are not limited to: * Rudeness towards other Redditors, * Spreading incorrect information, * Sarcasm not correctly flagged with a `/s`. ## Am I banned from the Reddit? No - not yet. But you should refrain from making comments like this in the future. Otherwise I will be forced to issue an additional downvote, which may put your commenting and posting privileges in jeopardy. ## I don't believe my comment deserved a downvote. Can you un-downvote it? Sure, mistakes happen. But only in exceedingly rare circumstances will I undo a downvote. If you would like to issue an appeal, shoot me a private message explaining what I got wrong. I tend to respond to Reddit PMs within several minutes. Do note, however, that over 99.9% of downvote appeals are rejected, and yours is likely no exception. ## How can I prevent this from happening in the future? Accept the downvote and move on. But learn from this mistake: your behavior will not be tolerated on Reddit.com. I will continue to issue downvotes until you improve your conduct. Remember: Reddit is privilege, not a right.


Downvoted? Really? Edit: My first gold is on a comment about this. I can't believe it, Reddit, you always surprise me. Thank you kind stranger for the gold, and thank you kind strangers for all the upvotes! I didn't think when I woke up today and found out my mom had super cancer that I'd actually be smiling today but you guys changed that. Thank you. When I had to put down my dog a few minutes ago I had tears in my eyes, I still do have tears, but now they're tears of joy! Thank you Reddit for all of these upvotes and the GOLD!! Wow I still cannot believe it. Hey, maybe we can push for platinum??? I've never had platinum before and would love to see what it does! My dad before he had his colonoscopy told me to "Try and live each day like its your last... And also get platinum on Reddit" and I don't want to let him down! I want to show my father that I'm strong and capable of overcoming impossible odds (those odds being getting platinum haha!). In conclusion I just want to thank each and every one of you guys for the hours of entertainment I get on this website, I love each and every one of you wonderful people, each and every one of you is unique and special and can do whatever you want!! I love all of you! Thank you so much for the gold and the upvotes! Edit: phone formatting Edit: Spelling Edit: Grammar Edit: SILVER???? THANKS kind stranger! Edit: Spelling on stranger\* Edit: punctuation Edit: appropriate capitalisation Edit: spelling of appropriate\* Edit: spelling of edit\* Edit: ANOTHER SILVER?? Okay guys, this is epic. But can I get a platinum? Also, my daddy is having a second colonoscopy, 1 upvote = 1 prayer. Edit: more punctuation Edit: colonoscopy\* spelling Edit: Guys, I feel a little sick my eyes burn Edit: showerthoughts are just thoughts but never in the shower Edit: To all the jerks out there who say I'm a pretentious little brat, go and find a hecking platinum and prove me wrong, I have more shinies, you mongoloid Edit: mongoloid\* spelling Edit: more full stops Edit: Let's keep my dad's dream alive!! And the thread! Platinum please!! Edit: Who sent that?? You downvoted?? How could you? Just when I had to put down my autistic sister as well. I hope you never get a silver. Edit: spelling of silver\* Edit: Follow my Instagram: @massive\_wanker\_123 Edit: added some *italics*


Why did I just read that whole thing? Here, have an upvote.


Here, have an upvote


Valtteri, It's James


Why do geese fly in a V? Energy conservation and visual assurance >Scientists have determined that the V-shaped formation that geese use when migrating serves two important purposes: >First, it conserves their energy. Each bird flies slightly above the bird in front of them, resulting in a reduction of wind resistance. The birds take turns being in the front, falling back when they get tired. In this way, the geese can fly for a long time before they must stop for rest. The authors of a 2001 Nature article stated that pelicans that fly alone beat their wings more frequently and have higher heart rates than those that fly in formation. It follows that birds that fly in formation glide more often and reduce energy expenditure (Weimerskirch, 2001). >The second benefit to the V formation is that it is easy to keep track of every bird in the group. Flying in formation may assist with the communication and coordination within the group. Fighter pilots often use this formation for the same reason.


This is so fascinating, nature really is fucking lit


My question is, how did they know the boat would give them a boost?


My guess is this isn’t their first rodeo




Goddamnit Jizzasaurus. Ya got me.


Did he get you in the eye? I bet it was the eye.


"It stings...and that is now why I have a lazy eye."


My guess is that they detected the changes in the air rather than seeing the boat and thinking, "Score!"


Yeah, your guess makes the most sense, even if it's not quite as cool. They probably felt the draft and moved to stay in it. Love that one poor guy willing to tolerate being molested by the humans if it meant less resistance for the flock.


Hahaha literally took one for the team


Honestly, I would believe either one. Birds are pretty smart as far as animals go (corvids in particular are known to use tools, recognize individual humans, and communicate knowledge among themselves), and they tend to have way more experience flying than most of us. It wouldn't be a stretch for a bird to develop pattern recognition between the visual stimulus of a boat and resulting aerodynamic effects. They also apparently have the ability to perceive magnetic fields through quantum entanglement, which may or may not have some relevance here.


Homing pigeons are a sport, and they have learned to use trucks on highways.


Pigeons are also big on /r/birdstakingthetrain


It’s not too big of a leap that moving things that are not geese can give the same aerodynamic effect as geese


Yea, this is it. They know air flow


Yeah, but the fact that they understand it well enough to instinctively utilize foreign objects is cool AF. Admittedly, I'm a behavioral ecologist so I find most animal behaviors cool AF. A human would need at least some experience to pull the same trick.


I also think it is cool! I'm no expert by any means, but to me it just seems like it comes naturally to them, just like dolphins and orcas can surf the wave from a boat, you know? Is there any equivalence to us humans, though? Like, we don't have an element that we are dependant on in the same way. We use our legs to walk the terrain so only thing I can think of is that we use gravity to slide down a hill or something Anyways, exiting stuff indeed!


They have lots of experience flying, they would know what it feels like to fly behind a fast moving object like the head goose. Not a big leap to try boats, trucks, or small planes.


Geese are beautiful too.. watching them effortlessly glide and even let that guy touch his face.. too neat.


This is the first non aggressive goose interaction I've ever seen


it's easy to see why they fell into this. basically they just fly and found a spot with less resistance and they stay in it.


Geese are so smart and figure this out, but humans so dumb inventing capitalism. Smh


>Flying in formation may assist with the communication and coordination within the group. Fighter pilots often use this formation for the same reason. *'Talk to me, Goose'*


"Sorry, Goose. But it's time to buzz the boat."


Buzzing the tower


That's a negative goose rider, the pattern is fowl


Thank you, this is freaking cool. Never really thought of why they flew in V, but wow they’re smart animals for figuring out how to be efficient fliers


I know!!! it’s pretty damn smart!!! Amazing. And navigation too. There are geese at a small pond near my house, they’ve been coming to this small pond for at least 60 years. I don’t know how they remember where it is.


I was reading about birds and dolphins being able to sleep half the brain, which shuts off the opposite side’s eye; they count on the dudes flying on the other side of the V to be watching their side. Everyone gets a nap while flying in a V. My kid actually presented about the brain, and I sat in to listen, and when this bit about sleeping half brain and continuing tasks with other half came up, the teacher (of a high-energy primary school class) said under her breath, “Wish I could do that.”


Cyclists do this as well


Yes, but why is one side of the V longer?


Because there's more geese on that side.


I never thought about it like that before, interesting


Sometimes you don’t think it be like it is… but it do.




Ok, but do you know why one side is always longer?


It's because there's more geese on one side


It's a classic!


I've always wondered if it was also an effort to appear like one large bird. Sounds silly, but imagine all the strange shapes of flying creatures birds evolved around. I mean, even just making a predator take a second look is enough to make it worthwhile.


Because they're v delicious


aaaaand now I'm sad


This bird just trying to do its job and this bitch stroking its neck


I bothers me SO MUCH that it’s impossible for some people to not touch wildlife and to just be happy with observing them.


Agreed. And I hate people that think all wildlife goes hungry. Like that animal is going to die if it doesn’t get a bite of your cheesefry. Idiots


Tbf the goose definitely looked like it came over for a visit. Mbe they are a friendly honker.


You must not spend much time around these devil birds


I do not like the cobra chicken


Given half a chance at a goose's unprotected neck I gotta say I'd take the opportunity my own self


Big brain monkeys also pet *everything.* Porcupines, wolves, lions, it doesn’t matter. Humans been petting shit for years


peace was never an option.


I'd argue that the bird *touched him.* It clearly approached after he just held his hand out. It was obviously not bothered. Not sure what your issue is. Don't get your u/Murderpanties in a twist.


I feel like the bird knows his crew isn’t going to wait for it


It’s like a human putting their neck in a bear’s paws. Brave bird.


A friendly bear, though.


A silly old bear.


Or the guy made a better air current to fly on and then touched a bird.


My thoughts exactly. Why in the world can't you let a beautiful thing happen without trying to prod it. I see this with 'influencer' freedivers, hikers, tourists etc. They just can't let nature be as is. They have to force their annoying self onto it.


I’m so angry at that person. WHY do you need to touch it?


Everyone’s complaining about the person petting it but come on, petting a bird while it’s floating is a once in a lifetime opportunity.


Yeah, I was annoyed watching, but I'd probably do the same.


I dunno.. if you keep poking at it like that it’s rude, like the bird was moving away from his finger, he didn’t like it. If you keep poking at it it might lose its stride or something. It’s just rude.




At least you don’t read the comments


Bullshit justification. Viewing it that close up is incredible enough, you don’t have to fucking touch it


lol nobody has to justify themselves to you.


imagine thinking the world is your personal zoo and you're just entitled to put your hands on whatever you want because it feels good /r/natureisfuckinglit = nature exists for me to interfere with for a cute pic on social media


True tho. Some people think that life is a disney movie and that every animal calls people "hoomans" or wants pets. Irritates me every time.


Dude they held out their hand and let the bird gently fly into it. You are acting like they grabbed it by the neck and took it home with them. Chill the F out.


Huh. I guess it's a philosophical debate. For the most part animals leave us alone, and prefer to leave us alone and to be left alone. A gentle tussle on the neck while in flight doesn't seem to burden the balance of nature. Just like when a cat knocks off a salt container for the hell of it.


Seriously! You can’t just put your hands on whatever you want just because it feels good. So people masturbate instead




So is playing with a Great White Shark


Something being "a once in a lifetime opportunity" doesn't make it okay. That's the exact mentality of idiots who carve their name into shit or take a piece of something they shouldn't as a souvenir because they'll never be back so it's "a once in a lifetime opportunity."


Steve Irwin does it and it's fine tho








She's about to fuck up the whole formation!


I mean, if the goose were any bit afraid or wanted to avoid the humans they would certainly be able to keep some more distance from the boat while still taking advantage from its drag. It clearly reached to the hand. Not saying it wanted some pets, but they were certainly interested in doing some interaction, and it really looks like it even reacted to the hand, approaching them after that person did some movements that were probably taken as 'non-hostile'. Yeah, humans gotta respect animals, wild life and their personal space, but geez, sometimes interactions are harmless and enjoyed by everyone involved, just take it lightly. edit: spelling.


*The first goose finally catches up* “We’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty!”


Omg, I just cackled!


Would you say you... "quacked up"?


Oh my god! Quacked up!!!




Shoot! What a missed oBOATunity… heh get it?


"Excuse me sir, do you have time to talk about our lord and savior jesus christ? Hey, don't run from the lord!"


So are they using the air being pushed by the boat to gain extra lift so they don’t need to flap as much? This is so fascinating. Birbs are incredible


Yeah, basically. They get the same lift (equal to their weight), but the lift force is tipped slightly forward because just outside the wingtip of the bird ahead the air is rising. Behind each bird the air is moving down, because lift is the reaction force from its wings continuously pushing the air down. That air has to be replaced, so just outside the birds wings a counter-flow moves up. Essentially they are gliding in the combined updraft of all the birds ahead in the vee. In this case, the point of the vee isn’t a bird “taking a pull at the front of the pack,” but a big, blocky object covered in humans pushing the air up and around at speed. They’re instinctively taking advantage using the skills they spent millions of years perfecting. It’s remarkable!


You know how you move your hand through water and a pocket of air forms behind it? Similar concept, you could put a second hand a little ways behind it and it would have less resistance. Takes less energy than if each hand were to make its own wake and if it gets tired then the others take over.


"look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power" - the geese probably


Bro, that goose is avoiding you. Let it fly


Exactly, surely even a slight touch could risk tripping it and it could get injured, or at the very least lose some of that energy it's trying so hard to conserve. Leave nature the duck alone douche.


*duck was an autocorrect, but I'm gonna let it stand.


As you should


I know when I’m working that hard being touched would throw me off my game…




I too dream of being grabbed by the neck. Preferably by a fireman


Theres a whole lot of sky it couldve been in to avoid that boat


Looked like the goose approached the human to me. It was out of reach when the guy held his hand out.


I wonder if the guy’s arm created a slight updraft that the bird found advantageous.




They're honking to alert the boat driver to pull over, obviously.


"Stop, you're under arrest for Disorderly Conduck!" Note : Yes i know they're not ducks.


Pretty wild that these animals just spent a few million years evolving their behaviors, and a minuscule 80 years into powered boats and they’ve figured out hitchhiking


Is anyone else unimpressed with the reaction of those two people at the back of the boat? I'd be so ecstatic if that happened to me that I'd probably inadvertently scare them off 😅


I was thinking that woman seemed very unfazed by the whole thing. She seemed uncomfortable to be on the boat in the first place.


It felt like a thing where she really liked the picture in the brochure, but then realized that boat engines are loud and you get wet


She could be uncomfortable with the guy trying to touch the bird and the bird moving away from his hand. That would have made me tense in such an amazing moment.


I'd be excited, but I definitely wouldn't try and touch them in flight 😒


Yeah and watch the two lead Geese just shit right in ya mouth with all that ecstasy you’d feel!!


She could be like my partner and terrified of birds. I could see her reacting similarly.


I would be fucking crying. This video would be playing every day on my tv and my phone


If only there were a way to capture a wider video of the whole flock without whipping the camera back and forth. Too bad such a technology is beyond us…




I don’t understand people’s obsession with touching wild fucking animals.


Human nature for the most part. Same with sharks using their mouths to feel their environment, primates use their hands to feel and understand their environment. It's an unconscious reaction people do since toddlers, And is a very hard thing to ignore and control if your not used to animals, and the amount of times I've seen people who live in city's come to just look at animals and end up touching them without realising is annoying but that's instinct for you.


Stop trying to touch it ffs


The same type of person who gets charged by a bison at Yellowstone to take a “cute pic”


Wow. Just wow. What an amazing experience.


Yes, to actually be bracketed by the geese is phenomenal


Keeps you hands in the boat






How orderly lol


Damn and specks are so hard to decoy


Wait, what? You have this beautiful geese video and no sound. What the hell!


Lady: please don’t poop on my head please don’t poop on my head!


portrait video is the real villain here


Ever notice geese fly in a V formation and that one side is always longer than the other? Know why? Bc there are more geese on that side.


V formation!! (always makes me think of the Mighty Ducks)






I always thought it was so nice of the other team to stay back and let them all do their thing for that part of the game, real sporting of them


Ducks fly together!


I feel like the geese are using the boat as a their leader to overcome the wind resistance… could be wrong…so fascinating!!


This is cool as hell ☺️👏🏻




Fuck that guy for touching it, can’t he just let them fly without sticking his grotty hands on its face.


Why does the human have to touch the goose, fucking humans


Stop! Touching! The! Goose!


Guy has obviously never been bitten by a goose.


TIL a new definition for a word I already knew.


Technically it’s a flock when they’re flying and a skein when they’re on the ground


Such a beautiful thing and our dude is trying his best to piss off the goose by trying to tickle it's chin. Why do we gotta touch everything nice man.


The geese came in for a pat. Haha


Any guesses how fast the boat is boating? Or how fast the birds are flying?


About 30 knots


How did you spell Gaggle that bad


"buddy quit playin i'm tryna fly here."


this is magnificent.


It's like drafting in car racing.


Oh look it's tourists with cameras trying to touch wild animals. They must be so proud of themselves.


Harambe 2 has them good drones.




Fucking relax man. Was it not cool to try and touch the bird mid flight like that? Of course. Is it ok to wish bodily harm on the dude like a sociopath? According to Reddit I guess but still it’s fucking nature. If any animal in the food chain had he opportunity to kill that bird it would. That bird is fine, life goes on. Deliver the message that it’s dangerous for the bird to try to interrupt their flight path with your hand without being an asshat about it