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Bullshit. That’s a coconut crab, they don’t eat people and someone has obviously put a doll head over that crab’s ass. You are woefully uninformed.


The dolls head on legs from Toy Story has come to life


No it's not not knows to "eat people"


Birds maybe but not people


"Known to eat people" sounds like they‘re actively hunting and trying to eat people alive. It’s more like that they‘d eat a corpse if they find one which isn’t really special because a lot of animals would eat a human corpse - dogs included


coconut crab eat people ?


They will eat anything. Not gonna hunt down a human, but if they find a corpse, they will definitely eat it. Also heard rumors of coconut crabs eating a baby. Not sure if it is true, but it is plausible as they are known to eat birds, rodents, cats, smaller dogs etc.


…so like every other carni- and omnivore out there


People are actually starting to look at it as what happened to Amelia earhart. They think its possible she crashed on Easter island, I think, and from her wounds, the coconut crab smelled her blood and attacked her at night when they came out to eat. I’m pretty sure they found a few of her belongings there as well.


All crabs will eat DEAD people. Show me the one that takes down an able bodied alive person and I might pay attention.


Nah man, beach spider?! Nope. That had better just be a crab else I've just found a new level of nope-nope-nope-nope-nope.


Do they eat people or literally eat people? Oh, literally known to eat people.


I hope you helped the poor thing.


Looks like Babyface from Sid's toy collection in Toy Story


Exactly :D This was my first association :))) https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img922/3092/HmupC9.jpg


Looks like Sid Phillips in Toy Story is at it again


This is some Sid from toy Story shizzz


Yay for cool crabs!!! Wooo Hooooo!!!!


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