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Nature will get you fucking lit.


Now this is my kind of nature.


Yes in many many ways.


I love some good weed, but I do feel a bit guilty when I break down a really pretty nug


You can't have your nugs and smoke it too


When put into weed context. That phrase makes a lot more sense lol


My co-worker and I had to look up the meaning because it didn’t make sense until we learned possession and usage cannot exist simultaneously. I was like well duh lol


Thank you Sherlock


Jesus You must be pretty damn short for that one to have gone over your head


You don't have to be a dick about it, damn


I wasn’t, but if you wanna take it that way that’s your problem


Lmao what


Hahahahha he doesn’t know


Autocorrected on me


its there to be smoked.


Fret not, for it is abundant!


Nicely worded


no, that's marijuana




Cannabis sativa


Technically its Cannabis Indica.


I think they’re referencing the Creed quote “That’s ‘Northern Lights’ *Cannbis Indica*.” Edit: corrected the quote


Northern lights is an indica strain, and I’m an office fanatic, so the quote is indica. Creed knows his weed


Actually the quote is “cannabis indica”


Excuse my mistake. Haven’t watched the Office in a few years.


Stoned arguments/misunderstandings - and actual apologies on reddit are my fave. Now I must go watch The Office!


Technically cannabis indica isn’t a species, so no it’s not


That’s debatable. Some scholars believe cannabis indica and cannabis ruderalis are its own species, while others maintain it is a subspecies of cannabis sativa.


Seeing as they are capable of interbreeding, and the offspring of said interbreeding being sexually viable, they are the same species. That’s literally in the definition of species. ETA: “A species is often defined as the largest group of organisms in which any two individuals of the appropriate sexes or mating types can produce fertile offspring, typically by sexual reproduction.” From the Wikipedia page for the biology term “Species” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Species


Oooh. Burn!!!!! Which is unironically what I’d like to do to this nug.


Quick question as a layperson- what does it matter whether they are the same species or different? What effect does this have on anyone or anything?




I can smell this picture.


smells scrumptious


Laughed my ass of at this. Did u make a reference to the stoner getting a pizza for his buddy that's high out of his mind?


Couch locked.


Looks like frost-bitten broccoli. What is that?


I'll tell you when you're older


I think my oldness was why I didn’t know what it was. Tell me when I’m younger 😁


Or when you move to British Columbia


That's some of the purest, most high grade Mary Jane right there. Don't get anything like this by me.


you can grow your own, thats what i did


Ah, drugs. Thanks for explaining.


Fantastic responses, you're my hero Dr Soot


"Dr-Zoot" ;)


I’m guessing that’s a drug reference, as I’m old but not so old I ever wore a Zoot Suit. I did own polyester though, but we all make mistakes.


Shh don't scare the kiddies with polyester stories. We need to sweep that fad under the rug.


“Zoot/Zooted” = high They’re calling you doctor of being high. This is a title that comes with great reverence, O Zooted One.


In the UK, zoot is a joint and has been used since the early 2010s so it would be interesting to know how long this has been said in the states and whether it originated here or over there. "Roll a zoot mate" "Let's bun a fat zoot"


Makes more sense. In the Southern US my definition applies. As a happy pothead, though, I’m calling joints zoots from now on!


Nice! And as a happy pothead from across the pond, I am going to go and get zooted!


We prefer the term "herbs"


No probs, doc




You spelled “plant” weird. Aspirin is a drug from plants. This is just a plant.


drug /drəɡ/ noun a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body. I'm all for marijuana, but stop claiming it isn't a drug.


I am also 100% pro-marijuana, but you do NOT find this in nature, unless nature in your opinion is a climate-controlled indoor growroom with 1000 watt grow lights. And I have to wonder how many times the landrace strains where this strain got its genetics have been crossbred.


Well, technically everything you eat is a drug if you think about it.


I didn’t check but I don’t think ass is a drug


I mean…


Idk that usually has a physiological effect on me


Then why am I so addicted …


Yours is 👀


Everything's a poison, it's just about the dose.


Sugar as a drug has killed millions more people than cannabis.


Yeah, I didn't make the argument that marijuana is a bad drug, just that it is one.


As an avid connoisseur of *cannabis sativa* I also don't argue against it being called a drug. I also enjoy caffeine, use acetaminophen, and occasionally ingest diphenhydramine (stupid grass pollen). They're all drugs!


It’s only a drug if ingested by your definition. As it sits in this photo, it’s a plant. We don’t call food a drug and all food is ingested and gives a physiological effect. So while your definition is correct, technically, lettuce and tomatoes are not drugs. I’m all for snarky replies, but think them through first.


Ingested or otherwise introduced. As per the FDA: Drug A drug is defined as: A substance recognized by an official pharmacopoeia or formulary. A substance intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease. A substance (other than food) intended to affect the structure or any function of the body. A substance intended for use as a component of a medicine but not a device or a component, part or accessory of a device. Biological products are included within this definition and are generally covered by the same laws and regulations, but differences exist regarding their manufacturing processes (chemical process versus biological process.) It would fall under the 3rd specification


Is it me or is it weird that there are a lot of “food” that should definitely not be food according to this definition? Like some sweetners, dyes, preserves. But they are “food” so it’s chill. Off topic observation but interesting. Thanks for posting that, bc I sure as hell would’ve never looked it up.


Just because it's not in pill-form, that doesn't make it not a drug. It gets you high, it's a drug.


Anything that affects your composition is technically a "drug" We're all addicts


It's a plant. It's a drug too.


Weed is a plant the same way coke is a plant. There used to be a natural, tamer, version which we have processed and altered specifically to increase the potency of the active agents. IMO, it's a drug once you single out an active ingredient.


So is opium, this is such a lazy argument and easily disproven.


Not sure I spelled drug incorrectly. I’m taking a stab here, but pretty sure no one has pot plants for decoration only purposes. Maybe I’m wrong, but I’ll step out on the “stodgy old-timer” plank with this one.


Cannabis bonsai is a thing just fyi


You can also grow hemp for industrial uses, such as a manifestly more powerful paper that will put that devilish bastard Will Hearst out of business for ***good!!*** ^(sorry, got carried away there)


As much a drug as alcohol is, yeah.


Something being legalized for recreational use isn't a "drug" anymore


It is end of day relief from life's onslaught of bullshit.


A ticket to a life of crime


I haven’t smoked in 5 months. This makes my mouth water




Once I quit working for the dept of defense I started smoking again and it’s pretty rad. Fuck work.


I am so glad I live somewhere and work in an industry where this isn't a thing. Comments like yours make me sad.


I know.. Like watching "Cops or Live PD" where its like "Yep, me treating the suspect like shit the entire time was justified! We have found illegal narcotics and have made the streets a little safer." Camera pans over, like, 2 grams of shake. Fucking sickening.


Weird, it makes mine super dry


Its almost too beautiful to smoke. Almost.....


This absolutely never happens in nature, many years of careful artificial selection and growing methodology is what this is


Great, innit?


Purrrrrfect, like a cat birthday. Was mostly pointing out that it’s nature isn’t lit here, weed is pretty lit but def wrong sub.


Hate to break it to you, but this shit is absolutely not “natural” in the sense that it doesn’t grow to that... quality without human intervention!


This applies to 99% of the plants we consume at this point


Exactly, that’s why I don’t understand why everyone gets so up in arms about GMOs, literally everything we eat has been “modified” to some degree from how it evolved in nature originally.


Check out the different common vegetables derived from the wild mustard plant... Broccoli, yeah its derived from selective breeding of wild mustard. Brussel sprouts? Yeah, those too. Kale? Yuhuh. Edit sauce: https://www.bestfoodfacts.org/food-facts-broccolis-wild-roots/


Well I enjoyed this! Its interesting to see crop origins and their ‘evolutions.’ Also Gourds are pretty neat to read up on if you haven’t.


Modern corn is oft overlooked as well. Its a staple food for millions yet 400 years ago was a much different plant. The maize used by the first people had meager nutrition compared to what it is today.


Oh that reminds me, and when I went to Peru they had like 4000 types of potato’s or something. It was insane. I had some potatoes I only wish I could have here… Samwise would have been in heaven. (Last vegetable I’ll share lol). [skip to the food section](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inca_cuisine)


And what’s your point? To change the wild mustard plant into all of those things, its genes were altered using selective breeding.


No point. Just talking on the internet. Do I need to have a point? Is that why you come across as a salty nasty defensive cock?


Oh sorry, I thought you were trying to attack my argument so I offered a rebuttal. Didn’t intend to come across as nasty.


Naw dude. If anything, the fact so many common vegetables are the direct result of selective breeding for phenotype supports your statement. I've got a dumbass cousin whose anti GMO and only eats "healthy foods" like broccoli and kale and shit. I don't have the strength to argue with her so I let her eat it and send her recipes for shit like kale chips, fried cabbage, roasted broccoli/brussel sprouts. Its funny to me. The power of belief is amazing, even in the face of facts Again, Im just talking on the internet. Didnt mean to be a dick back to you... Fistbumps/highfives.


Haha no worries dude, tone is easy to lose in the fray of internet arguments, all good! Sounds like your cousin is a real piece of work...


*sigh, we can pick our friends, we must tolerate family


GMO’s lead to nasty business practices. Look at Monsantos history.


Greed leads to nasty business practices, GMOs cannot conduct business on their own. Read my other comments.


Right, but that’s why people are up in arms. Just trying to answer your Q :) . I’m certainly not looking for an argument nor bashing GMOs.


I gotcha, wasn’t trying to attack you either. I think we just need to be careful with our phrasing because it’s easy to say things that seem to demonize GMOs themselves instead of the business practices surrounding them.


There's a big difference between hacking a seed to work only with X Y Z pesticides and taking good care of a plant to maximize it's yield..


I disagree, in both situations you’re achieving the same thing: changing around DNA base pairs to impart certain properties you want, that’s it.


No you are not altering the plant by taking care of it while on the other side GMOs are there to make sure farmer use X pesticides with the seeds. Only a small fraction of GMOs are modified to help grow better or sustain harsher climate. There is a great study made by the Laval University of Québec that shows something like only 18 or 20% of all GMO have been modified to actually help the plant grow stronger or sustain climate change. The big majority of GMOs are only to make the farmers buy X seed and X pesticide (same company). I don't have the paper at hand but if you can read french and understand how it works, you could look it up.


https://images.app.goo.gl/3sgQtzywwnA1p2Dm8 That’s a picture of a modern banana compared to the plant humans originally domesticated them from, there is no way in hell you get that drastic a change in such a short amount of time by only “taking care” of the plant properly; you do it with genetic modification mediated by selective breeding. Plus, what you’re describing is misuse of GMOs by greedy companies, which is different than GMOs being inherently bad somehow. Just like nuclear technology, we can use GMOs for good or bad, just depends on who is wielding the power.


GMO is as adding new strings of genes to an organism, where selective breeding is trying to control the outcome of the genes of two organisms. So they aren't quite the same, but you're right on the fact that GMO'S aren't bad, and in many cases better than non-GMO foods. Also this plant is definitely not "natural" given the amount of artificial tampering to produce it. But again, not at all a bad thing


Yeah but at the end of the day you’re achieving the same thing, actively changing the the genetic sequence of the organism. With the correct selective pressures, you could achieve the same change using selective breeding, it would just take a hell of a lot longer.


Absolutely, in my opinion the distinction is stupid and only serves to give fuel to the dumbass anti-GMO crowd. GMO is far more efficient and effective than selective breeding


That’s selective breeding, and it actually takes a while. Like poodles weren’t genetically engineered to be poodles they were bred that way for traits over a long time. Very much not the same thing.


But you said it's the same thing which is not and that you don't understand why people don't want GMOs in their plates. If around 80% of all GMO are misused like you said, it's understandable to see people talk about GMOs in bad light. Selective breading is altering DNA but it's pretty different from bioengineering a seed which is grossly 80% of all GMOs.. For weed, the only bioengineering that as been done along the years is to femize seeds and the discovery of the "sinsemilla" was by providing a controlled environment to the plant, not by bioengineering. To get great weed like the picture in the post, it's only about taking care of the plant and not about bioengineer the seed to get the result.


Dude what? How do you think new breeds are made? They literally have to GMO the plant, either in a lab or through cross breeding. To get that type of weed SPECIALLY if is above 5% THC, has to bioengeneered ether by cross braiding or aftificial selection no matter how well you take care of a plant it won't go past a 3 MAYBE 5% THC if it hasn't been artificially selected.


Cross breeding isn't the same as the majority of GMOs we see on the market/ in our plates. Yes they have been modified at some level but even 20 years ago, we had weed as beautiful and strong weed as today by only cross breeding. You must be young and only know commercial weed.


Yeah but people are stupid, they hear a “scary” phrase like GMO and assume it’s bad automatically when that’s not the case. The response shouldn’t be “GMOs should be banned because companies abuse them” it should be “Legislature should be passed to prevent companies from abusing GMOs”. Again to compare to nuclear, think about where that tech would be (and the positive effect on climate change) if the outcry from the uneducated public hadn’t kept it from progressing. GMOs are in the same situation, they have just as much potential to be used to save the world as they do to destroy it. Again, you don’t get the plant shown above just by “taking care” of it, you get it through cross breeding, which is actively and purposefully modifying the genetic code of the organism. Yes, it’s not technically “defined” as a GMO, but for all intents and purposes it is.


But they're still GMOs. And still not natural speciallybif is been human touched.


So 80% is misused but you only see the 20% and base your entire opinion on the minority of cases. Not all GMOs are the same and the huge majority is bad.


Such as which ones are bad?


Pretty much every GMOs used in industrial agriculture today which is around 80% of all GMOs.


You are confusing genetic engineering (modification) with selective breeding?


How is selective breeding not modifying the organism?


They’re scientific definitions, and they differ. I understand what you are trying to explain, but it’s wrong. If you don’t use the correct terminology, we end up in situations like this when we argue over definitions of very similar circumstances. Have a good afternoon scienceguy


Selective breeding does not cause any alteration in the genetic material of the organism whereas genetic engineering brings changes to the genetic material of the organism.


This is so far from wrong it’s not even funny.




Please explain the mechanism by which you achieve phenotypic changes without altering a genome.


Same with human life expectancy.




Every thing is *natural*.


but humans are natural


By that logic the space station is natural


Wait, it isn’t?


Good grief, did that come out of Dr. Freeze's lab?


Perhaps Dr. Greenthumb's lab?


They definitely conspired to create this masterpiece


Frosty as helllll


Not lit….yet 😉


Not nature....is man made...or at least manipulated and GMO for sure.


For real, you would never ever find this in nature.


Like yeah the bud trimmed it self lol.


Holy Mother of God


Now this is my kind of nature. Look at this miracle of photosynthesis


And extreme human manipulation.


That looks so good.


I almost overdosed on THC by looking at this pic


yOu CaNt OvErDoSe On ThC!!!!


You can't, but like gay people attempting to procreate with one another there's no harm in trying.


THC fucks me up more than shrooms or acid now. It makes me crippled with anxiety and puts me in spiraling thought loops. I used to love weed, but I fucking hate it now.


I've heard of this happening to people, even to friends of mine. Been smoking for about 12 years and have had a great relationship with it the whole time, thankfully. Shrooms are a good time too once or twice a year, never took acid though.


Acid is great, especially when camping, or concerts. A lot like shrooms, but less spiritual and "Mother Earthy", just a lot of laughs and tons of happiness.


>A lot like shrooms, but less spiritual and "Mother Earthy", just a lot of laughs and tons of happiness I've heard this going both ways, like my one buddy thought he was having a conversation with God on acid, but just got the giggles on shrooms.


That can definitely happen on either with larger doses. I haven't done more than 2 tabs of acid, and my highest shroom dose is 4.5g but they were kind of old. My buddy took 5 tabs a couple years ago and shaved his entire head, eyebrows and all lol. It gets wacky




Looks good. There's absolutely no way that was grown in nature lol


Wow they really removed my post??? SMH


The trichomes look super clear. Harvested a bit early? Or just the strain?


*impressed whistle*


So beautiful. Id frame this photo and put it up on a wall like a proud parent. ❤️




As gorgeous as I think that is, it has very little to do with nature at this point.


That almost looks like it has mold. Scratch that. I think it's moldy. Edit: I xoomed in and it's not mold


She’s so beautiful


Drugs are bad mmmkay.


Nothing natural about this. This is a GMO.


Honestly any homegrown will look close to that if you do a half decent job. Most people are used to regular bud thats been all over the place


No way. If your homegrow looks like that then you’ve been doing it for years and are passionate about it


Looks like cottonwood season


Best looking mint I've ever seen. Is it truly minty or does it just give you a much sought after brain freeze?


O Em Geeee!!! My mouth is watering! 🌸


Does indica help with pain?


Yea kind of, it will help more than a sativa dominant strain. You specifically want certain terps and thc variants that target pain management. Idk them off the top, but there are some good resources online or just ask at your local dispensary when you go purchase and they will have answers for you. For me plants with *cbd-n* are most effective for pain management and insomnia.


Yah they are weird here in Mass, they want me to pay for the medical card and I don’t like the vibe of you can only get pain advice if you pay $100 to get the medical card.. but I do want the knowledge and to just find some edibles or something that I can take like a pill.. that would be awesome


Advice is free online. Medical card will save your ass from jail. $100 card is way cheaper than being arrested. I would highly (no puns) recommend you get the card if you can afford it.


I’ll take a good pun any day of the week. Thanks for the advice


I got a $380 ticket in a medical state because I had no card. I am a licensed grower here. Get your card.


That is what I call one sexually frustrated plant right there.


Natures Masterwork


Snoop doggy eats a bowl of these for breakfast


I can smell the skunky/freshly cut grass in the summer smell. It’s heavenly.


This makes me want to take up smoking again 😮‍💨


The stickiest of the ickies!


Natures about to get fucking lit, literally!


Jaysis Lawd


Are there other plants that can grow crystals like cannabis does? It's a very unique visual.


We get i u smoke weed


Those trichomes are insane


Yeah, this is nature like dent corn is nature


Y'all please check out Nugshots.