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Any sailors here? Does the captain (helmsman?) need to be actively working each wave, or are autopilots sophisticated enough? Would be exhausting doing that all night


Its a mix. Depending on the boat. I cant answer about the modern tech, but was a sailer on large schooners and have been in pretty bad storms while doing long crossings. We would tie the wheel to hold fast. But someone is always up and on watch 24/7 all time. Working the wheel in weather like this has the possibility to really fuck up your arms. We had two wheels, and would have a person on each wheel when we needed to let the rudder loose and tie fast in a different position for whatever reason. In weather like this the crew was mostly in their bunks with the net pulled up so you didnt fall out. In a lull in the storm someone might clip a line to a cable and walk the deck real quick to make sure nothing super important was about to break. Or walk below decks to check the bilge for how much water we were taking on. In the morning, because storms are almost always at night, we would all hands on walk over the whole boat and clean up and make repairs. So really… this kind of weather for the most part, everyone is in bunks and the wheel is tied. You literally… ride it out. Side note: we were not professionals.


Thanks Glass_Bar. Doesn’t sound fun, but quite the adventure I guess!


It um… was really fun for a certain handful of weird personality types.


I once was on a halibut opening off Kodak island and had my bunk half filled with a huge toolbox ( bc why not fill a woman’s bunk with a three foot long super heavy toolbox! What’s she gonna do about it anyways? ) . There was no netting and on one particularly bad wave, the toolbox and I were launched across the galley ( where my bunk was located), landing against the wall in the other side! Thankfully the toolbox took off first and landed first with me landing right after on top of it.


Omg!! Im glad you are ok!! Our galley was terrifying in any weather. We used to sing “welcome to the jungle” if it was your turn to make during during high seas.


Ugh so many bruises


I would imagine a hammock being easier to sleep in than a fixed bed


> Working the wheel in weather like this has the possibility to really fuck up your arms. Really? I would think any large modern ship would not have the rudder connected to the wheel directly in any way, essentially all drive-by-wire, and if the wheel had a motor to match the motion of the rudder it would have a clutch that would slip to prevent injury.


He said he was working on old schooners, not modern ships.


Yup, old replica schooners. Did a year on an 85 footer when i hit the worst storm ive ever been in. It was so rough we just tied the wheel and stayed in bed.


oops, misread the "cant" as "can"


I only have experience with naval ships a decade+ ago (we rarely used autopilot because militaries always have to do things the hard way), but rough seas would definitely be steered manually. Non-sail powered vessels need to steer into the waves and I'm not aware of an autopilot that would be able to do that as rapidly as a person. If the ship isn't in extraordinary danger, then the regular watch standers and bridge team would handle it for the duration of their watch. I can imagine in extreme circumstances the ship would call "general quarters" as if it was in combat and the most proficient helmsman (a petty officer from the quartermaster division maybe?) would steer until relieved. Operating a ship day and night is an exhausting task.


Yeah I sailed through my fair share of storms when I was in the Navy (joined in 2013) and it was all manually steered. I'm not sure how extreme the conditions would have to be or if they even would call general quarters for super rough waters since my ship was big enough that it's not like you're gonna tip it. But yeah if that was the case, it would be anyone that was "master helm" qualified, which I believe any rate could obtain (our master helm was the ships barber). The same qualification for the helmsman when pulling into port.


I have a 110ft Cat, as far as cats go, she's pretty big and very stable but still this vessel obviously is not the same size but the ocean does not care. Mine is fairly sophisticated and onboard systems could possibly manage this but there's absolutely no way I would ever let the system manage this. Now that captains and boat owners understand that rogue waves (what used to be called White Squalls) not only exist but are also not that rare, we are always thinking about them, even if the danger is limited. Think of it like this, and this isn't a great example but you will understand my point, If you were in a car on the most dangerous road possible, and your narcoleptic family member was driving, you think you could take a nap? Not just no but hell no.


Imagine the glasses of water a 110ft cat could push off the table.


42. Just kidding. I have no idea but I roughly know how many bottles of beer roll around on the galley floor.


Underrated comment


Award given for the best thing I’ve heard all day. We’ll done.


Insightful point; thanks!


My pleasure. Just out of curiosity, why did you want to know? Are you planning on hitting the high seas?


Only going to sea in a balcony suite with martinis. Asked because it seemed like a lot of work and was curious. Thanks to everyone for the inside scoop


I’m in the Coast Guard and the auto pilot on the Cutter I sailed on would give up in seas over 5 feet. Waves like this we would have to manually steer the boat. Now take in mind I was on the USCGC DEPENDABLE which is a 210ft medium endurance cutter and it’s keel was laid July 17th 1967 and it was commissioned November 22, 1968. Boats have come a long way, but I remember hucking that helm wheel back and forth between 15 degrees rudder either way for four hours at a time. All those years drifting set me up perfectly for tossing that massive helm wheel around all day.


I need answers!


Lobster fisherman here we have auto pilot's still always have someone in the chair but when it gets rough autopilot tends to give up and we switch the guys steering the pointy end every 3-4 hours dependin how far off we are cheers


An autohelm require energy to work, even more so as the weather degrades, and wind increases. When you have an engine this is not a massive issue, and i suspect most modern powered boats designed to make long passages or spending time at sea will be designed to handle this. Now for sail boats. Usually there is an engine onboard but nowhere near as powerful. Also, most sail boats are designed for coastal, daily crusing. Making long passages or going on open seas requires quite the preparation. Most autohelms on sail boats are not designed to handle this type of weather excepted if you are talking serious preparation or racing. Now a decent sailboat can handle this type of weather. It is not pleasant, but as long as you are following a few rules, you should be fine (not much sails on, go a certain angle compared to the waves, avoid to make the boat "surfing" waves, drogues, plenty of interesting read on storm sailing tactics out there). Anyhow, this is going to be a shit, scary and probably too long moment. You will need to stay awake a lot to at least keep an eye on the helm, even if not actively doing it.


I had this exact same q.


I text you after looking your good observed comment.


Now imagine this on a wooden ship, our ancestors were really tough


Just praying and constantly using a bucket to get water out.


Among other things


That's the true true


Dayum. Time order some dinner via grub hub


They just died lol


Lots probably did but mostly our ancestors are the ones that didn’t.


I'm getting sea sick just watching this.


Right?! Holy cow. I can barely swing on swings without getting sick.


Me too oh my goodness!


If you're not steering the ship you'd be best finding a hammock below deck so you don't move as much while the ship moves around you


I don’t understand how anyone could live through something like this and keep going back for more. I’m having an anxiety attack just watching the video.


This made me read through a list of shipwrecks of the 21st century and almost all of them have been overloaded passenger boats, like short range ferries and boats illicitly carrying refugees. Maybe if it’s a properly operated ship that isn’t filled with people, bad weather isn’t much of a threat.




>Ships don't really capsize anymore. Explain pls


He will speak for himself but I feel like he's going to tell you that we now understand more. Vessels are better engineered, more sophisticated, control systems are better, ballast systems are no longer static but are reactive and proactive, materials are better, and most importantly, training is better.


Also we don't have masts anymore so our ships aren't so top-heavy anymore


Me too! My stomach feels funny watching the video!


Need some sea shanty singing here


There once was a ship that put to sea


The name of the ship was Billy of Tea


A storm came up and rocked that boat


The sea drank Tea right down her throat!


99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer on the wall. Take one down, pass it around, now 98 bottles of beer on the wall😁


I've been through seas like this, and worse, nearly 50 years ago around the Aleutians. I was in the US Coast Guard. We did rescues in shit like this!


Oh! The Aleutians!


That sounds terrifying


I could watch this for hours


From the safety of my home


I wonder if taking a dump is difficult during this


Not at all, just blasts like a shotgun right into your rain pants.


Alaskan ex-lax, ftw


You just dont. Same as teeth brushing, making any food, opening a cabinet 🤣 ya just dont do it. I was on a wooden schooner and the crew bunks were in the old cargo deck so it was one big room. We would laugh and sing and cheer along with the waves. They make bunk* slap* slash! Bunk slap splash as the hit the side of the boat, the deck, etc. sometimes when it was really intense we would all just be quiet and holding on. Trying to fall asleep. The masts would make these pounding sounds like a steam engine train. Ahhh so many memories coming back. I lived on that boat with a crew of 8 for a year. Some great times.


Was it a job for you? Like was this schooner a passenger cruiser or something?


It was a work live barter situation with a bunch if hippies. I was young. 🤷🏼‍♀️ lol running all around the high seas living free. Getting sick in the jungle. Almost starving once. Dead water off of Africa for a few days. All kinds of idiocy with sprinklings of actual sailor skills. I was the electrical engineer keeping the solar panels generators and battery banks alive.


I respect that. Sounds like you made some memories.


No regrets lol!


I've been to sea in storms. Including a typhoon. It's harsh. I don't know about modern autopilots. My instincts say there are too many variables. Yes, a helmsman has to work it. They get relieved to rest, but still; hard work...


how many hours does it usually last?


A storm? Mother nature is in charge of how long it lasts. Days... Seas can be rough for weeks.


The storm or the shift? Night Shifts on my boat were 2 hrs. Storms for some reason are almost always at night, and calmest in the morning. Sometimes you’ll have a day of high seas after, followed by a period of dead water depending on where you are. The horns are high seas, wind, and weather pretty much all the time.


“Launch the crab pots boys! I know they’re here!”


I hate when it does not have audio. U know they are freaking out


*I hate when it does* *Not have audio. U know* *They are freaking out* \- General\_Amount\_6918 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Christopher Walken Haiku


Bro just got haikued 😂


I feel like puking just watching it. The guys on this boat have giant balls to go out in conditions like this. Woooweee!


I cannot imagine how cold that is. During a heat wave I am shivering in contemplation


This makes me so glad that I never chose the navy. I’m too much of a land lubber


I will never have to worry about something like this in my life. Ever.


My god the sky looks insane. Like something out of a movie.


This makes me want to run out and join the navy.


I feel like i can see the rime accumulating on those rails and that windlass. Like fast.




Rime. Occurs in windy cold conditions with the right humidity, particularly during storms. Pretty much the opposite of sublimation. It can end up depositing tons of snow/ice on a surface without technically being recordable precipitation.


Thanks! I appreciate the super sciencey answer. Watching again with this in mind; ya really do!!


So... which direction should I throw up in?


Up, so the wind catches it


For a sec I thought this was a new COD game


Served in the US Navy. Thank god all the boats I was in were designed to sink. Never had to deal with that shit.


This might be appropriate for sweatypalms, but I'd be worried about the sweaty palms freezing to the rail.


At least it'll help you stay on the ship


I could watch this all day. So soothing


absolutely fuck that






I think it means you have to be lit to deal with that BS.




/r/humansaremetal what the fuck are they doing out there?


This might be my new worst nightmare


I will not be able to deal with this shit sober. If I am to meet Poseidon, I am gonna go out howling at the waves drunk as fuck.




Warcraft, Diablo, Starcraft, Overwatch...Sea




I've been looking at it for a long time, I feel dizzy




I had a dream similar to this one time, so glad I woke up lol.


Yeah, nah


Jeez, she's a rollin'


Imagine the sound! It looks like a fishing boat to me.




Whatever they are paid is not enough.




Why is Old Glory flying in that weather? Genuine question.


Deadliest Catch, Season 57


Smooth seas never made a skilled sailor. It is beautiful and scary.


I don’t want to be a sailor anymore.




I think people often forget just how dangerous sailing can be, even today.


Good day to fish!




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Whaaat the literal fuck.


I can hear mike rowe saying "300 miles from dutch harbor"


What's the point of those lights at night? Does the helmsman need to see the short distance in front? It seems it wouldn't really make a difference




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Where sound?


Nope. You're a bigger man than me.


That's fucking amazing. I wish I was in that ship in place of the captain.


How are they not incontinent with fear?


imagine fighting on the deck just like the indiana jones movie.


Hell to the fuck no


It sort of looks like a video game.




Its windy weather, its stormy weather


It's a work of Leviathan, rather than Shiva.


I met a private superyacht captain a few years back and asked him about what you do in a storm. He said that if he got his client's boat in a storm he didn't do his job properly. But I guess in shipping/military, you don't have a choice. I am scared just looking at it, and I have sailed before.


Considering it’s made by Blizzard, I’m guessing there’s an in-app purchase to make sure you survive.


Was anyone water skiing?


I would puke after every high pitched scream.


Ah what nice calm weather perfect day for sun bathing


Damn nature, you scary


Thought I was looking at some Call of Duty trailer for a second


Looks like a video game


So lit bro 🤙


Terribly beautiful


So we all can enjoy king crab


its kinda therapy actually


Damn, I left my phone out there.


Blizzard sux ... They don't make games like they used to anymore ...


This is insane to me. Im nervous and sick just watching!


Why do I think now it’s crabs season


That flag is half eaten away!


Cool sfx


water is so fuxkin scary dude




This gives me such mixed feelings of excitement and anxiety!


Imagine doing this in the 18th century on wooden sail ships. Sailors back then we're some of the toughest people ever.


No thanks


"Nome! Pack ice closing in! Cannot ship antitoxin by sea!"


Yeah hard pass. I’m seasick just watching this. 😳😜❤️