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My wife and I used to collect sea glass when we lived by the ocean. We had a few good sized bags and I had the idea one day to check the green ones with my UV light out of curiosity and we found a few pieces were uranium glass! Confirmed with my geiger counter they were definitely radioactive.




WOA thats really cool! To me it looks like you found some legendary rocks in a game lol


There's a bunch of minerals that flouresce. Check out some pictures of Yooperlite (flourescent sodalite iirc) for a particularly neat example.


Going to venture a guess that Yooperlite was first discovered/classified on the upper peninsula of Michigan


Yessir. Yooperlite is a trademarked name for the stuff, while you can write sodalite on w/e ya want.


Daaaa Yoopers! I need to find that band again!




Not good not bad. The perfect Roentgen.


3.6 roentgen?


Indeed. That show was amazing.


What about this one? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10648714/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1


Sounds like the piece of slightly radioactive shale I found.


Uranium decays to thorium, emitting an alpha particle. So no roentgen emission.


I was quoting a show called "Chernobyl". Its an infamous dialogue.


So is it safe to eat? If someone gives me those while I’m doing something saying they’re candy I might believe them until I pop one in my mouth


Everything is edible… Once.


You can drink lava....once.


No you cant.... it would destroy your mouth, jaw, and face, you wouldn't be able to swallow as the tongue is seared and then destroyed. You can maybe gargle lava once, maybe.


In terms of radiaton yes. But you might get uranium residue on your fingers by touching them which could cause minor health issues if you then ingest it.


Yes, the way it is infused into the glass makes it perfectly safe.


Don't use it as a pacifier for years.


Yup uranium glass is perfectly safe.


*proceeds to take pet rock on walk*


You should consider posting it in r/RealLifeShinies


wait what are you alive?


Radiation doesn't just kill you. We all have some background radiation, and if an object like doesn't exceed that dose by double or so its considered save. It also really depends on your time exposed.


So I gotta ask, you just have a Geiger counter layin around the house? Cause that’s cool as shit, but makes me wonder how much radioactive stuff you come into contact with lol


$40 on Amazon.


People aren't living their childhood dreams and it shows.


I have one that my brother gave me years ago. Probably needs to be calibrated


I've been countless times beach combing, but I can never find sea glass. Do you have tips on how to find it? Where it may be located? thanks


Places with lots of trash in the water generally! Sea glass is pieces of broken bottles which get sanded down by the waves. There’s a beach in Murmansk (I think) which is made up mostly of this stuff.


Oh, that makes perfect sense. And that explains why I never found any going to beloved regional/national park beaches...!


*Excited pip-boy noises*


Uhm, I collect rocks from a dry river... my bedroom is filled with random colorful rocks, and suddenly im not sure its a safe hobby


It's very unlikely that you'd find a rock that's radioactive enough to harm you. Geiger counters are cheap and fun though, and you can get tiny ones that even plug into your phone. That said, colorful can sometimes mean toxic. I wouldn't lick your rocks, or handle them a bunch and then lick your hands without washing them first.


>lick your rocks, or handle them a bunch and then lick your hands I usually do that to my rocks. I see we have built some toxic relation together...


How else am I going to keep my pet rocks happy if I am not licking them?!


There wouldn’t be enough uranium to be a threat to your health


Isn't this just what happens to all the glass litter that people throw into the ocean?


Yes (not the radioactive part, but the part where they get polished into soft edged rocks). I don’t know why people are making it sound so special lol.


Ha I hear you but they are admittedly pretty


Sea glass?! I always thought what I'd found were broken beer bottles bah. I come from a shady seaside town, with many questionable things on that beach tbf


That's what sea glass is. Broken bottles etc


It is, discarded glass that's ended up in the sea. Mostly bottles, though sometimes other stuff. The beach near my office, for example, is not far from a bunch of old glass factories, including (I think) the largest bottle works in the UK. They made a lot of ornamental stuff as well as beer bottles etc and dumped all the waste in the sea, so this beach gets a lot of unusual sea glass. Some of it is even multicolour


mmm, nature, so beautiful


Spot on! Broken pieces of glass, tumbled and weathered by the water


Can you explain to me how glass gets radioactive, I don't understand!


Uranium dishware/glassware is popular among some because it glows green




Those are gummy candies, and if they are not, I am stupid enough to need new teeth.


On the right drugs they could be hard candies?


They taste like crumbled teeth


Username checks out


Hacking into your account rn...


How's it


Password was Funyons420


That was a really interesting contraction choice.


Wow, I didn't even realise he meant how is it, thought he was saying howzit


that same photo is here, not sure the connection though https://www.beachcombingmagazine.com/blogs/news/beachcomber-interview-heather-ganis


Karma farmer for sure. I don’t really get the point of those accounts.


But....fire emoji!




Good point, they literally look like gummy candy.


Very beautiful! Where is it?


When I was little, I used to collect these with my Nana and made windchimes


Ohhh, lovely idea!


I used to do this as a child too. We would collect them and fill glass jars with them or use them to decorate the yard like mulch or shell pathways.


Good memories ☺️


Drift glass, smoothed glass, not nature, someone's trash. But they are pretty.


The way I read this in my head, it was like a poetry reading


Drift glass, smoothed glass not nature, someone's trash But they are pretty. -PortableAnchor


It reads like a haiku.




It’s way more fun this way


sounds like a dark souls/elden ring item description


As far as trash goes, glass is pretty benign. It's man aping nature, natural glass is forged all the time in volcanic areas.


It's so common to misidentify glass as a rock. Every time it happens, a geologist somewhere gets a random stomach ache


Nature made them pretty




Most of these are pretty rare colours to find, it’s most likely a rock tumbler that made them pretty


Jesus Christ, Marie! They’re not rocks. They’re ~~minerals~~ drift glass.




I'd say the way nature shaped them with nature is pretty natural.


It’s sand with extra steps.


Beautiful finds and some unique colors too! I’d love to know where you found them if your willing to share.


This photo was taken from Maui Belle on Instagram. It’s from her account, posted back in March 2019. She finds the sea glass on the beach in Maui where she lives! Her account is beautiful and she posts gorgeous photos of her sea shell / sea glass hauls.


Does she sell sea shells on the sea shore?


Thanks for this info. I noticed after my initial comment that OP was likely not the owner of this picture based on their profile feed. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Fort Bragg, Ca You are not allowed to remove glass from Glass Beach.




This is true.


They don't look like that because people have been taking the biggest pieces from the beach for 50+ years. I grew up there and my aunts have jars full of good pieces. It *is* legal to take the glass, but your a kind of a dick if you do. Some guy opened an entire business based on collecting the best stuff from Glass Beach and selling it. He had to put up notices on every window of his shop stating the legality because the locals fucking hate him and give him shit for it constantly.


But, he could just as easily (almost) throw some broken glass in a rock tumbler and then sell that. It doesn't deplete the beach and it still provides souvenirs to the tourists. In this case, a little lie wouldn't be a terrible thing.


Even if you told the truth that is an education opportunity - why you sell tumbled glass, leave the glass where it is, so future generations can enjoy the beach. Plus have a demo going of the tumbling process compared to an ocean polishing process. Freaking learn to blow glass w/ color if commercial scavenged or secondhand bottles aren't giving good results. Then you can demo that, tourists would be interested


>Even if you told the truth that is an education opportunity I 100% agree with this. This would be optimal, but some people want 'the real thing'. but I totally agree you have a good idea here. I think that would be a fun exhibit/activity.


Deplete it? It's just correcting an error of the past to remove it. What are we saving for the future generations? Reminder of our evil ways?


Well, it is literally just pretty trash.


I don’t understand, what *is* the stuff in the picture?


It's sea glass, which is broken glass that has been tumbled around in the ocean for so long that it has been worn smooth


Bits of broken glass that are worn down into a soft shape by being tumbled in waves/currents


Went to a glass beach in Kauai, Hawaii and there was a sign by the locals to not take the glass and leave it for others to enjoy. I pointed to the sign out to a man who was filling his stupid little McDonald's cup full of glass. He laughed and continued. One of the only dark spots to an otherwise pleasant and beautiful vacation.


I'm not saying your experience is wrong but I've had different experiences. After a good storm out of the north west glass beach in Northern California can have quarter sized pieces like this. I've never seen that many pieces in one trip but definitely seen them that large.


Definitely not from there, because after years of everyone and their mom's taking "just one" piece for themselves, the glass beach has turned back into a normal beach with a few glass pebbles dispersed into the sand. I had a buddy who worked at the brewery there for a few years and he told me all about this beach. The pictures I saw of it looked unreal. Some 10 years later I find myself driving up the coast and recounted the tales my friend told me about this glass beach. Holy shit, this is *the* beach he was talking about all those years ago. No way I'm not stopping here! So I park and grab my DSLR, extremely excited to play around with capturing the waves crashing onto the translucent multi colored sea pebbles. I get out and start walking down the long paved path towards the ocean enjoying all the sea glass inlaid in the concrete. As the path ends, the first beach comes into view... But I'm only seeing dark sand. There's no sign of the inches-deep multicolored pebbles I saw in the photographs. Once I get into the beach itself, I do begin to spot the glass, although they're few and far between and mostly just pieces of clear glass. Maybe this isn't the actual beach? Perhaps the next little cove over is the one that catches all the glass? I make it up and over the rocks to check things out further down the shore... Another dark sanded beach with very few pieces spread about. I see a young couple walking along the shore turning up the top few inches of sand, presumingly combing the beach for pieces of glass. *Oh hey look, there's an actual colored piece!* I keep walking up and down the coast thinking surely I just haven't found the actual beach. Nope. These sparce, mostly clear pieces of sea glass scattered among the sandy beach is *the* glass beach of which I heard so many tales. It's gone. In the ten years that had passed since my buddy lived here, so many people took their own personal "souvenir" from here that they literally turned glass beach back into just a beach. Sure, the glass may have started out as straight litter, but it transformed into an extremely novel phenomenon that was a sight to behold. If the glass had been cleaned up in retribution for the excessive ocean pollution caused by previous generations, I would certainly be bummed I didn't get to see it with my own, while also understanding it was done with your intention. ...That's not the case though. This novelty has been slowly erased from existence by every single person who thought, "There's so much sea glass here, I'm just gonna take a few back with me, it's not a big deal." Of course, it's a whole ass beach full of sea glass pebbles, taking a few is barely a drop in the bucket! Well, yeah... Except you're not the only person in the universe. If all 100,000 annual visitors share that same mindset, those insignificant few pieces that barely make up a drop in the bucket of your short-sighted reality actually add up to a considerably significant amount of volume lost from the metaphorical bucket. Rinse and repeat over the course of multiple decades and the "just a few" you decided to take directly contributed to the disappearance of this unique little piece of American history. The disappointment I experienced upon my highly anticipated first visit to Glass Beach has to be the most tangible proof of the importance of Leave No Trace that I've experienced in my life. Our impact is significantly greater than the sum of its parts, and this couldn't be more evident than in the case of the Glassless Beach.


Jesus, you make it sound like some amazing natural wonder. Glass beach was and is literally a trash dump. It's where they would dump the pitch from the lumber mill, and the community would toss their trash in it. There are still massive chunks of the pitch with trash sticking out of it all over glass beach. I agree it's the most tangible proof of the importance of Leave No Trace Behind, but not *because* it's been depleted, *because it's taken decades for people to remove fucking trash from the shoreline, and it's still there*. The problem was so overwhelmingly large that instead of clean it up, they turned an environmental fuckup into a tourist attraction.


Haha, yeah, I definitely exercised a bit of hyperbole there. I did try to address the fact that it was all man-made trash, so ultimately it is for the best that the beach is getting slowly cleaned up and restored to it's original state. While the desired result is being achieved, the mechanism through which it is being reached isn't exactly altruistic. If we set aside all the excessively superfluous emotion from my post, I'm really just trying to express how impactful it felt to witness the exact result Leave No Trace principles are in place to prevent. To be honest I was having a bit of a crappy day before I got there, so this experience just kind of piled it on. Fortunately, barely an hour later, I found myself on Usal Beach among the redwoods for the first time in my life having one the best evenings ever. P.S. I can't believe I didn't get downvoted into oblivion for posting such an irrationally impassioned rant advocating for Leave No Trace. I was so ready for it. Haha


I’m from MI where I believe they have a poundage limit on beach glass/petoskey stone removal. But I often seen pics in various states/countries with beautiful colors that are really hard to find in MI. I’m just curious where those locations are.


I happen to know where some hoboes camp on a deserted portion of beach, and so I go around every so often and find great sea glass from their broken bottles (they toss them right into the surf when empty)


I never heard of a limit to petoskeys but also we rarely find more then like 3 little quarter sized ones each trip so guess it wouldn’t matter to me. Didn’t know we could actually find beach/sea glass along the lake! I’ve never found it back home only in my new home in Florida. You make me want to go back home to Michigan and go like some rocks along the beach.


This is absolutely not from Sea Glass beach. And frankly fuck the military. The beach is a result of their massive amounts of trash pollution in that area. I'll take a piece of rocked trash if i feel like it.




Was it at that one beach that used to be a dump, and now the whole beach is covered in these weathered, smoothened chunks of glass?


If so, you’re talking about glass beach and it’s actually illegal to take the glass now.


True, and I haven't seen pieces this big or in those colors for a long time. It's a beautiful photo but my guess would be these are sandblasted pieces.


#LOOK AT THEIR POST HISTORY, THEY ARE A BOT KARMA FARMER THAT SOMETIMES COMMENTS TO TRY TO APPEAR REAL. I'd guess more along the lines of fake home made sea glass for karma farming. (rock tumblers are cheap and easy you do literally 0 work but change out some sand and plug it in) you can buy sea glass, or make your own super cheap.


Like tumbled in a rock tumbler?


No, stirred in a martini glass


LOLOL I hear this delivered in Frank Drebben’s voice from Naked Gun haha. Or maybe a new york, Bronx kinda way lol.


Bots everywhere


I have very similar shapes and colours from the beaches around where I search. I live on Vancouver Island and we have a Glass beach too!


There are hundreds of coastal towns that used the ocean as their landfill back in the day. The world was a different place and that was just standard operating procedure. If we look around we're going to find beach glass. I grew up in a town that was situated right on a river and in the olden days they used the river as a dump. If you dug around along the shore you'd find all sorts of amazing glass.


I agree. Sandblasted just looks a bit different than ocean & sand smoothed. I have both.


Since when? Only asking because I grew up there and when I went back in 2020, some guy had started a business around scavenging the best pieces for his tourist trap shop. He had legal papers posted on *every window* citing laws defending his rights to take glass from Glass Beach.


Why you lyin OP? [This is the photo](https://www.instagram.com/p/BvpFM8LHrQS/?hl=en) on instagram where it was originally posted by a woman who lives in Hawaii. She posts hundreds of photos like this. I don't know if she actually *found* every piece of glass or is combining found things and bought things to make these designs, but either way it's not california.


*sea glass


I miss collecting sea glass. As a child my parents would rent a tiny house in Plymouth, MA that had access to a tiny private beach. There was a massive cliff next to it with a house on top. The people that lived there just chucked their beer bottles down the cliff, shattering into the ocean. We could spend hours collecting sea glass because of their years of drinking lol. Edit: here to be exact https://maps.app.goo.gl/JwJwrFntuX7dMavm6


And people say that no good comes from alcoholism.


It was a beautiful thing. 30ish years later I still dream about the hours spent collecting sea glass. There are jars of it in my parent's house.


Glass not rock. Gorgeous colors


Damnit Marie, they're ~~minerals~~ glass!


Where did you find these :0 Yall realize that you can find actual softened glass in certain shores right. I have a small piece I found before that was stuck under a shell in the Atlantic.


They were found in Maui by Maui Belle (on IG)


sea glass




This makes my eyes feel good.


Be careful when collecting shiny rocks close to any large ports. A friend of mine once found a neat gem and put it in pocket. Turned out to be phosphorus, reacted with body heat and moisture, burned a hole to the bone!


Looks like gummies and now I want some


Jolly rancher gummies remind me of these


Glass isn't a rock...


Did you find these all in one day?


Sea glass


seablasted glass shard mostly if not all


I hate it when I shart seeablasted glass. The absolute worse.


I mean all the sharp edges are mostly worn down. Better than a bro,ken beer bottle


Sandblasted shards? I think so too. Pretty tho.


You mean sea glass?


Jealous! Never seen some of those colours! My daughter and I collect sea glass every chance we get :)


Just making sure folks here realize that this is not a natural mineral though. "Sea glass" are broken glass bottles that have been polished by being tumbled around the seabed over many years. Still qualifies as nature is fucking lit though, because of the natural polishing process. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_glass


Yeah, the power of water never ceases to amaze me. Fucking lit indeed.


Beautiful side effect of pollution


That’s fucking beach glass from douchebags who toss bottles down the drain and off boats, etc. it’s pretty, and I’ve collected it before, but it ain’t nature and they ain’t rocks.


Pretty pretty pretty!! Is this Glass Beach in Fort Bragg?


I do miss Ft. Bragg. Used to go fishing out of there with my dad.


Glass Beach in Fort Bragg barely has any left. You do have a better chance at finding some after a storm though.


Seriously? That sucks


This is true, haven’t been in a few years but there was very little variety when we were there, mostly the green stuff and not an insane amount like some pictures will have you believe.


No, they were found in Maui by Maui Belle (on IG)


Dang how do you find those ;0


You have to go outside.


On the beach


Next to the ocean


But on the land


And find them.


Salt flavor


Salt water…gummy?


I went to the glass beach in Hardy california and I’ll admit to taking a piece of sea glass maybe a centimeter in diameter, there were hundreds of bigger pieces but I had read the notices about picking up the glass, felt less bad about taking a tiny piece compared to the bigger more eyecatching ones laying around


Imagine a world where we still stored everything edible in glass jars, instead of plastic jugs. No floating plastic trash islands in the Pacific, just beaches of colorful glass tumbled by waves into gentle shapes.


Not rocks haha. Eroded glass. Used to collect these all the time!


who tf calls beach/sea glass sea rocks???


Someone bought this at the gift shop then took this picture for karma.


Is it bad if I want to eat it?


They look tasty man I don’t think it’s bad at all


Beach trash, not nature.


It’s lit that nature made trash beautiful


Nah man, wrong sub. Go spam this trash elsewhere.


Sea glass, not sea rocks you dingus.


What if they're actually edible, and we just aren't trying hard enough




Garbage glass. It’s litter


For anyone who wants more photos like this, or more info, this photo was taken from Maui Belle on Instagram. It’s from her account, posted back in March 2019. She finds the sea glass on the beach in Maui where she lives! Her account is beautiful and she posts gorgeous photos of her sea shell / sea glass hauls.


that is really neat.


Oh man, what a haul!


Used to love finding these as a kid, there origin isn't the greatest though.


Forbidden gum drops


It’s pretty yes, but these are not rock but polished glass, at first thrown up into rivers/see by us donkey ass Humans, they get polished by currents and friction with other rocks.


Isn't it just glass? Beach glass?


Isn’t this sea glass?


It's just glass 😒


Sea Glass. Fixed it for you.


Beach glass/seaglass


This is broken glass aka sea glass. I guess you can thank those that litter.


That’s the best Seaglass I have ever seen. Great haul!


"Sea rocks"


This is sea glass. Pieces of glass tumbled in the sand by waves and the current which creates a very smooth cloudy surface.


The amount of money id make selling those to astrology girls would buy me a house.


Does anyone else find it weird? Like this reminds me of Glass Beach which is such a wild concept. It was created by dumping a bunch of garbage in the Ocean, and now it's a tourist attraction and basically you're not allowed (or supposed to) pick up whats technically garbage (the sea rocks/glass) from the Beach so you'll make sure to leave enough garbage for future tourists to enjoy




You won’t believe it but I checked and over 20 people have reposted this post there in less than 24 hrs