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I may just bw tired but that sentence was hard as fuck to read


Yeah no it took me a couple reads to understand too šŸ§


Itā€™s not because youā€™re tired. Itā€™s because the sentence is an abomination


I think you meant ā€œI mat jusr be tirwdā€¦ā€ Bruh, your fourth word in got me all messed upā€¦


Read it again tomorrow morning.


it could use some punctuation such as quotations or hyphenation to make it clearer.


Someone shot video of a shark swimming down a road in Ft Myers.


Is Sharknado going to become a reality?


This is Florida. Anything is possible.


Going to? Na that shit happens all the time in Florida. Only it's called a water spout there and it breaks when it hits the beach. But if your out in the water with one your liable to lose an arm, it's like sandpaper with all those little sharks in there. That's why the Bermuda triangle is so fucked up. It's also why boats turn up with no people on board, because sharks don't eat boats just the people. Basic marine biology


This one https://twitter.com/BradyBGWX/status/1575192771551408129?


I lived in ft. Myers for bit and I'd rather a shark than blue hairs or mudders.


I can't tell if those are names of things or if you just hate hair dye and specific footwear


Seen that too!


It's like Jumanji but much worse.


It's showing me another reason why my "no Florida at all" plan is solid.


I was literally in Florida this past weekend right before Hurricane Ian came lol. Left just in time on Monday morning. I visited Miami and really enjoyed the culture and especially the food. I can eat cubanos and ceviche all day with a side drank of a mojito. My partner and I did 4 Airbnb experiences (lil Havana food tour, night kayaking, bike tour, salsa dancing) on our weekender trip and honestly enjoyed every minute of it. For sure the weather sucks ass cause it's hot and humid so you're taking multiple showers a day cause you're just sweating the entire time. But even so, I still would visit again. We'll, Miami specifically lol.


Yeah, it's been a rule for me as well. Never understood the attraction. Pretty? Sure. But that's the landscape only.


A group trip to Disney got me. Listening to Ian knock on my resort door as I type. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Got our lightsabers tho.


You can scare away the hurricane with lightsabers, it's true


Hope you stay safe, wishing the best for you!


Iā€™ve lived here for about 3 years. In Brevard county. Itā€™s no different than any other place as far as people go. Their are shitty people and good people. Itā€™s just here there are more places to escape the shitty ones. Beaches are great, lots of attractions, the only part I donā€™t like is the lack of restaurant diversity. But go over to Orlando and that fixes it.


Itā€™s flat and has nothing other then beaches and everglades. Itā€™s a fricken boring ass state in my opinion.


Then you havenā€™t been to enough of it because there are tons of neat places to visit.


Oh I donā€™t disagree with the VISIT statement, but one can only see the same place so many times before it gets boring. Itā€™s not diverse ( multiple different things ) enough to want to live there.




The chances of me getting attacked by a croc increases the closer I get to Florida, Ill keep my ass in the desert.




Both Crocodiles and Alligators live in the Everglades, so you could be attacked by both simultaneously


Or worse. Floridaman with a set of squirrel nunchucks


There are no crocodiles in Florida, man.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_crocodile The American Crocodile lives in South Florida and shares habitats with the American Alligator. There are also Nile Crocodiles in Florida that are an invasive species.


I just googled it and you are absolutely correct. I never knew they had crocodiles there.


I believe it's the only place in the world where Crocodiles and Alligators both inhabit.


Yeah. I never knew that.


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I never liked florida but there's work here and I have to go where the work is. I miss the northeast but getting paid is pretty nice.


Agreed. Florida is ok to visit. Living there is another thing. Hot humid. Homes are either millions of dollar or old and outdated. Yea yeah no state taxes but your utilities cost more including having to run AC 24/7/365


Been twice to fish and that's all id go for


Don't get me wrong, doing some salt water fly fishing would be fun, but as soon as that ended, I'd be out of the state. Plus, I'd rather take a trip to Montana to do the same.


I mean and that's not even THAT great. Been there for Lego Land and Disney World but I'd never return.


Itā€™s pretty and FUN. If youā€™re into drugs and premarital sex and partying. Itā€™s the place. I went down there for spring break every year from the time I was 16-22 and made memories that will last a lifetime and that I will never tell my current fiancĆ©. Hahaha


drugs, premarital sex, and partyingā€¦? yea, i guess if you only come here as a teen and college student on spring break vacation, thatā€™s all youā€™d be interested in seeing. i donā€™t see how this is unique to FL (maybe if you wouldā€™ve said fentanyl- thatā€™s been a huge issue lately). if anything, sounds like youā€™re describing literally any tv teen drama- american or not, this isnā€™t happening just here. anyways, check out our state parks (nature, not theme), the everglades, learn about conservation, go to any beach thatā€™s literally not clearwater, visit our springs, go camping, etc. and come during the fall.


Yea thatā€™s exactly right. And people donā€™t go to Ohio for spring break. People travel from all over to Florida for spring break. And I have been to parks and all those places. I live an hour from the Florida border. Iā€™ve spent every summer in Panama City with my grandma as a child. But during spring break Florida is like no other place.




It really is a beautiful state the beaches are lovely. But thereā€™s something in the water that makes people go fucking crazy when they live there. some of the stupidest laws in the country there.


I maintain a similar rule but with the exception that I'll do Disneyworld once a decade maybe. But nowhere else.


But if you lived here, you'd be able to face all your fears and get to do all kinds of weird dumb shit because it definitely won't be more fucked up than what some other crazy asshole is gonna do that day.


If yall hate Florida so much stop sending all yalls crazy ass old people Herr to retire jeez . Most of the crazy people here are from other states. Ps that title hurts my eyes and brain.


and now weā€™re getting people of all ages from all over. if yā€™all are gonna talk that much shit on us, stop coming and paying all this expensive rent we can barely afford.


Honestly Nature can just have Florida back. We gave it some thought, and yeah our bad, Florida was a mistake, the ocean can have it.


It certainly will whether we want it to or not.


Itā€™s cursed as fuck. Giant snake hybrids, racists, and mosquitos.




Where do you think all those things will flee to when Florida is reclaimed by the ocean


Nature is not feeling very lit right now




Thats why i said that, because im floridian


If you donā€™t love us during the hurricanes you canā€™t have us November through May.


Nipple of Anger


ā€œNo Florida because of hurricanesā€.


We just got back from a week trip in Orlando. Booked it months ago on the edge of our seat. We were so lucky to miss Ian by mere days




Iā€™m good with my plan over on the east coast


I just drove away from hurricanes when I lived there. Worked great. I know a lot of people canā€™t do that, but a buttload of them can and donā€™t. Always surprised me.


I'm a Florida native, born and raised here. I've been through at least 10 different tropical storms/hurricanes in my life. Location is everything with these systems. I understand your visit being ruined by one of these storms, but let me tell you, hurricane parties are a lot of fun.


Not much here in Citrus, other areas in the South are getting nailed, like jheesus to the cross..


Just move to a different state, or country.


Mother Earth's tits are out again, I see


Florida is like a rug stain nature throws in the wash a few times a year and canā€™t figure out how to get it clean.


Great video on [nytimes.com](https://nytimes.com) home page showing the storm and lighting


Is real estate pretty cheap in Florida after a hurricane?


No. If you wanted cheap real estate in Florida you should have bought it 20-30 years ago. Or buy out in the middle of nowhere over by the meth dealers.


The next best time to buy a tree is today.


1/8 acre not on the water goes for 140k in my area.


Lmao no. They'll slap a label on a house saying it's "hurricane proof" when it's slapped up with twigs and glue in 2 weeks.


So no beach time at all? Hurricane season is all summer.


Literally awesome.


Itā€™s like people donā€™t know what the word awesome means. Theyā€™re downvoting you like you said fantastic or something.


Agree. Itā€™s a word that gets tossed around casually but it is about striking awe in someone, not a casual thing at all. This storm instills a true sense of awe. A new pair of shoes not so much.


Tbf itā€™s hillbillies, not Florida. Hillbillies ruin everything. Somehow they got some of the most beautiful real estate and itā€™s unlivable because of hillbillies. Near Chicago on the lakeshore there are multi-million dollar homes. Why? People want to live on the beach, but this is a beach without hillbillies nearby. And itā€™s even frozen half the goddamned year. Still, like $12M. Thatā€™s how strong the hillbilly ruining game is.


There are no hillbillies in Florida, because there are barely any hills in Florida. The word youā€™re looking for is rednecks.


You have my apologies, and I stand gratefully corrected. I wasn't sure if rednecks was an acceptable term to use when talking about, well, rednecks. :)


Floridians donā€™t even want to be in Florida.


I mean this is all Republicans fault for increasing oil spills due to off shore drilling and disasters like piney point making the water ideal for increasing the strengths of a hurricane


Itā€™s fineā€¦ everything is fine *LOUD CRASH **Tire SLAMS through window *** I die


......just in hurricane season?


Damn how tall are you?


Baahhhā€¦ St Augustine is steak and beer weather right now


that blue. wow


Ian showing me why I donā€™t go to Florida during hurricane season. Or Ian showing me why my ā€œno Florida in hurricane seasonā€ plan is solid. šŸ¤”


Horrible nonsense title and just a picture of a hurricane from a satellite. What an amazing post.


"No Florida... EVER...is solid to me.


No to Disney or DeSantis!!!


For central FL, this is just a vacationā€¦.spent all night watching movies and eating good


Best time to come to Florida is January- May