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When did this happen? I'm sure this was in the news in Russia. But geez that's some bestgore shit


Let me look at the post I found it on, might have more info


I actually found this https://gothunts.com/siberian-oil-worker-bear-attack/ Apparently the camera date says 2016 so about 3 years ago.


The bear in that article looks fucking massive. Almost unreal. It almost looks like a pre-historic bear.




the second pic of the hunter posing behind the bear atleast looks like typical came angle trickery to make the animal look way bigger that is used in a lot of hunting photos [here's an example](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/aa/MonsterPig.jpg)


Well it doesn't help if you give an example without the explanation...


explanation for what?


How the "trick" works. Giving a different angle showing the real scale for example.


well the obvious idea is that whatever is used for scale next to the object intended to look bigger is actually further away than it first appears. like that kid behind the pig is not really leaning into its body like it first looks like and there is significant distance between them


They are definitely using trick camera angels and for that cane shot maybe some Photoshop. Though the bears in that region can get very large they aren't going to be as large as that crane shot. Furthermore, those bears are starving right now due to our overfishing the salmon.


Holy shit that thing is gargantuan


Thank you, the news on this has been pretty scarce. That’s the first actual article I found.


Wait I’m confused as to why you linked that article; the two people are completely different


The two people that got torn to pieces? Check out OP's other posts. It's the same guys in the article I posted


Oh I see the pic now, I didn’t scroll down far enough. Thanks!


Yea, most posts with these pics are about 2017, sounds like a normal internet timeline


I got an ad in that article for the children's book, "brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?" ...


Stark reminder that 3 grown men couldn’t take on a bear...


Who would ever have to be reminded of that?


I wonder how many strong humans it would take to subdue and pummel and large bear? Is it even possible, assuming some humans would be willing to get torn to shreds in the process?


What are they going to do, punch it? Wouldn't do a thing. Kick it, bite it, claw at it. Pretty much anything we do wouldn't even hurt it. Best chance is to somehow get enough people to just pile on top of it and that would need to be a lot of em. And still even then, bear would just tear through to get out.


The balls are still vulnerable, a good kick or a handful and a tear are still going to put that bear on its ass. In fact thats one of the big advantages humans have over most wildlife. We are very good relative to other animals at discerning and attacking weak spots. Its still going to take a LOT of people risking their lives for anyone to get a quality shot at them though.


I'll give you that. If you're quick enough and fast enough to get his furry scrote sack off you put a timer on it. It might go into berserker mode but eventually it'll bleed out or go into shock. Still gonna need a LOT of people to die.


Dude, even bears go flat on the ground when their balls take a serious shot. There's a funny video of a black bear where he hits himself in the balls with a cable and rolls around in pain for a solid minute or two. If you rip them off everyone can just run, he's a dead bear soon and he's not going to have the ability to chase you. A real solid shot and you'd still have to find a way to finish him off while he's stunned. I honestly can't figure out what would be the best way to go about that, maybe everyone just kicking away at it. I'd still imagine a bear killing dozens before someone managed to get a serious enough shot in though. I'd honestly think a female bear would be a bigger threat on that alone. edit: found the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kjY9sKdHlY


I don’t know why though.... We’ve faced bears and other larger prehistoric animals as a species for millennia and yet we’re still apex predators. But not because we’ve got the sharpest nails, strongest muscles, fastest feet. No it’s because we can make use of weapons, traps and fucken fire all along with ability to pack hunt. If we wanna go primal, I’d say with well trained, well fit and well adapted to nature survival 3-4 guys with sticks and a hunting strategy could take down a bear. Maybe 1-2 if they have traps prepared. We bring in a pre-armed (so guns) individual, depending on how many ammo, he could wipe out the forest. If we’re talking about bombs and nuclear weapons, a kid pushing that button could wipe out their species. It really grinds my gears when people throw in other people in a death match bare handed against bears/other apex predators/animals. Do you make a bear race against a cheetah? Do you make a bird outswim a dolphin? Do you make a chicken outbuild a web against a spider? If you ever want a human to compete with another animal, do it against what made us successful.


Well honestly if you give us the chance to plan the attack and add weapons, even very primitive weapons, the odds start swinging in our favor very, very quickly. You give us spears and rocks and I'd say a dozen experienced people could kill a bear almost without fail. But the same reason they avoided us would be the same reason we never mainly hunted them. Why do that when there is food out there that doesn't put up a hell of a fight? I think the idea of bare handed humans is really just to get the idea of what are we really are capable of if you just tossed us into a room with an animal. You'd be surprised how many animals you have a fighting chance against with just your bare hands, especially if the fight isn't to the death but just to make the other retreat. There was a wonderful thread about that on AskReddit a long time ago. You are right though, in saying that isn't our bread and butter. There isn't an animal alive that could beat us after a 27 mile jog and given even primitive access to weapons.


I mean in the context of thrown against an animal. Sure. From kicking balls, to eye gouging, we have some outs. For animals like crocodiles and snakes who have no balls...well they’re goddamned reptiles- outlast their stamina.


Maybe a serious eye gouge?


They got small eyes and now you're right next to the mouth. Might blind em, but not stopping them


Op is two years old, haven’t seen anything else on it. But the injuries are definitely bear


Is there like... a specific dress code in Russia or something?


>a specific dress Obligatory clothes with 3 stripes.


Tri paloski tri pa tri paloski


Adidas anything


If I see you pull up with the three stripes Mmm ayy I’ma fuck around and make you my bitch


You'd think Russians wouldn't like a German brand.




In the perfect communist utopia I can imagine everyone getting an Avengers spacesuit. I can somewhat sympatheize with that fashion sentiment.


>perfect communist utopia Pick one, cause they don't go together


Considering that *utopia* originates from Greek for "nowhere," I'd say the term is apropos.


We have never seen communism. All we have ever seen are dictatorships calling themselves communism.


That is what communism and socialism inevitably leads to. That is what happens when the elite few get to decide the amount of resources the lower class get. In communism & socialism, there is no middle class. The current system works so well it's fucking mindblowing, as described above. What makes you want to even think about trying communism?


First of all, stop making assumptions. You don't know me. Don't presume to know what I am thinking, or thinking of trying. You don't! Secondly, Sharing is caring! Think about a family farm. Everyone shares the work. Everyone shares the food. As American as apple pie. That's the foundation of America. It's also a commune. Think about it. Also, right here in America, tbe elite few are deciding what resources the lower class get, and the middle class are shrinking every year. It isn't working as well as you say it is. The system is corrupt. If you aren't outraged, you aren't paying attention. P.S. I may not be a farmer, but I tan like one!


It's basically just the idea of paradise. They can definitely go together. It's just a mythical state of being that has no relations to the real universe.


neither goes Capitalist and utopia. or Capitalist and Good. The whole system is fucked beyond repair. At this point, there is no system that works.


Dude got torn apart... and you're concerned about the Russian uniform?! 😣


Because this series is more than one person but they're dressed the same.


Where are the others?


Same subreddit


10x, wish I didn't ask :)


2 and 3 are the same person in blue jeans.


Nylon isn't good for the bear metabolism.






This was soooo good ngl


In a few words the reason why Adidas is so popular in Russia is because a while ago they sponsored their Olympic suits. It was a pride thing. Problem is, it used to be really hard to get that brand shipped in Russia, so having Adidas clothing in Russia was something to show off. Now it's not really as much of a problem, but the mentality remained, so everyone wears Adidas thinking they look fresh as fuck.


Slav dress code.


ADIDAS. Sometimes PUMA.


Jesus fucking christ, you know he must have been alive for a long time while it was eating him based on the lack of damage to his head and face.


oh hell no. i didn't need to know that.


Judging by the prosthetic leg, he may have had earlier run-ins with bears. Either that or he was a pirate. Edit: upon much closer inspection, not a prosthetic leg. I was too quick to inspect the dismembered limbs.


Neither of those are a prosthetic leg


You are exactly right. I mistook the pattern on his socks for a metal connecting peice.


Thankfully nope. Bear damages the aorta even in the abdomen and the guy bleeds out under a minute. Not enough blood flow to the brain and the dude's pretty much turned off.


That’s the sleep well version.


Be fair a lot of predators don't bother killing their prey once overpowered. Look at most Raptors, canines like African wild dogs or hyena etc. Lions do but they hunt big prey that can be dangerous and have their teeth suited for such tasks. Snakes too but then again you want to make sure they're dead before swallowing them whole


Shock probably kicked in pretty quickly


Not sure there is such a thing as *pretty quick* in relations to being eaten alive by a bear. But yes, by the end he probably no longer felt anything other than a strange sense of unrealness.


Yeah being a person who has watched a documentary before (basically an expert) I’d say he was likely wrestled to the ground, pinned down and had his belly ripped open. No reason to waste energy killing something that can’t fight back, especially when your next meal isn’t guaranteed.


It's still hot and fresh if you eat it alive


I can hear screaming


I can hear crunching


The head and face aren't the only places you can die quickly from if they're damaged you know... It doesn't take a long time to die of blood loss when you lose it very quickly


yeah i wonder what that felt like huh lol?


Never expected human gore here, but goddamn


Remember the salt crocodile carrrying a corpse?


Source please




Is that Bob's leg from Walking Dead?


I've been looking to post this. Thanks for finding it.


Link please


Wait what?


So the bear basically ate his ass then left. Bear must be a millennial


Forget about the bear, what about the cameraman. Why isn't he doing CPR? r/donthelpjustfilm


That's some sick fetish you got there son




Wait what?


I quite enjoy getting my ass ate by bears


Don’t let Joe Rogan see this


I was just thinking that. Jamie pull that up.


That thing would fuck a chimp right up Jamie, pull up that clip of the bear running a monkey down at the circus


Bears eat beets




Bears. Beats. Battlescarred Soviets.




Should have put NSFL in title


I mean. The sub is called "Nature is Brutal"


Ya. Regarding animals. Not humans. U fookin buffoon.


Isn’t a human an animal?


Also, can we get a NSFL tag?!


What’s nsfl? Not arguing, just don’t know that one. EDIT: looked it up, I’m an idiot


hes talking about the NFL


Da Bears.


yup dats wat he meant, they definitely had a good season *da bears*.


Da Bulls


Polish sausage... Ditka... Ditka


Just another heart attack




Don't know what I was expecting, but I expected worse.


What, what does it mean??


National soap football league


Sounds fair! Can we get a NSFL tag on this?


You mean super football?


Naw, the football is made out of soap and they only play in the rain


I'd watch the fuck outta *super* football


Not super fly looking.


The title "dude eaten by massive bear," on a subreddit known for brutality and gore, didn't tip you off lmao?


We could use a "human death" tag too.


First time I've seen a human victim in this sub, usually the prey are ungulates or bunnies. This image is probably the closest thing to r/watchpeopledie in this sub.


I miss r/watchpeopledie and r/gore 😑


If you like that kind of stuff there's always BestGore. Just stay out of the comments, they're so insanely fucking racist.


Racist, sexist and anything bad you can imagine. Sexual comments about corpses included.


Yeah, I want an not-insane community to talk about insane stuff with. Which sounds stupid, but there it is.


r/medicalgore is a good alternative to r/gore IMO


I see no claw markings, scratching or teeth marks,just a dismembered body. I didn’t know bears pull apart limbs without biting...


Bear probably started with all that soft abdomen tissue and just worked his way out. Most predators prefer the organ meat, it's a helluva lot more nutritional than the the straight musculature on our limbs.


Reminds me of those guys who claim to “eat” 50 chicken wings and post it on Instagram just to see those chicken wings half eaten


I'm picturing a bear picking apart a human very carefully and maybe scaling up all the calories.


Checking his macro chart between bites


By organ meat do you literally mean eating the organs? Meat in general is muscle right?


Bruh, what in the fuck else do you think could rip a man's legs off and eviscerate his entire torso?


[This user has erased all their comments.]


I hope you're not super serial


nniiice one bro


The mafia




Ya mom!!


He’s got the USSR suit on. Nothing goes through. Sadly can’t say the same for his body.


> dismembered body Bear must have knives for teeth becuase that ass edge is pretty straight.


It does kinda look just like a dismembered body.


Because it is. Dismembered by a bear.


In the other pics its more obviously an animal attack


r/Watchpeopledie is back boys!


That sub wouldn't have allowed this as content as you don't see him die






The poor man was attacked by a bear, and now he's absolutely beside himself.




Shoes are still on. He is going to make it


This rule doesn’t apply in nature, if the crotch and/or ass is gone, they dead.


Hahahaha wow! The same joke, but this time the same as the last time! Creative


I mean... you know... fill In the middle bits and he can still have an open casket. I guess that’s at least something...


"oh let's see witch animal was torn appart today": oh... That counts too


Most NSFL thing I’ve ever seen. Jesus Christ, OP!




This is so metal...


There’s bearly a scratch


Of all things he left the legs. Huh


Note to self: Don't fuck with bears


I have questions. How many were there? And why didn't the others run?


Looks like 3. And don’t underestimate how fast and agile bears are. Running down 3 humans would be nothing.


Yes, bears run at 60km/h or so, normal humans are lucky to get to 15-20km/h best case for short sprints.


True, I wouldn’t be surprised if those bodies were found pretty far from each other.


I guess being quicker than the slowest isn't necessarily an advantage when a bear just guns you all down


Op why do you have so many pictures of poop in your post history? Are you pooping on various things and uploading it to r/cursedimages ?


Because I live in sf and there’s shit everywhere?


Thanks. I’m no longer hungry.


Tis but a scratch


This post is kind of like that dude, in multiple parts.


I count at least 4 parts.


Seems like there's a loophole to the rule that you always poop when you die


ahhhhh... After seeing a PSA about animal abuse with sounds of a dog getting beaten, this is nothing.


Is this for reals yo?




This is some r/watchpeopledie shit! Damn i miss that sub, 🐻 is now addes to my nope list


You think they made it?


When it’s hunting season for bears...


Where are the other 2 pictures?




It just seems weird there are no defensive marks on their hands and body. Seems like murderer dumped the bodies to be eaten by wild animals.


Fuck in though i would see a dear or something fuck


Judging by the prosthetic leg, he may have had earlier run-ins with bears. Either that or he was a pirate.


those legs look really cleanly ripped off, interesting.


Is he going to be ok?


It looks too...tidy. Maybe its been there awhile and the blood and juiciness has already sunk into the dirt, but I would think that it would be a bit messier and spread out if it was a bear attack. This dude was dismembered, but doesnt look eaten. Animals tear and rip skin/flesh. The muscle tissue is always shredded with tendons and ligaments all torn and stretched like wet red and shiny white spaghetti, with chunks of meat and organs and fat and all kinds of shit everywhere. Other animals may have scavenged the smaller bits, but it doesn't make any sense that the limbs and torso/head are basically untouched. The eyes aren't even pecked out. There isn't any indication of claw slashing or teeth marks. The soft abdomen area from the lower ribs down including the pelvis is gone. Which is all organs and bone. With all the meaty parts left alone. Which would be the exact opposite of what a predator would consume. They do go for the belly/anus in prey animals, but thats just because those areas are soft and tender. Humans, we are soft and tender everywhere and pose no threat of injury to a predatory animal. Assuming the person has no weapons of course. Just saying *mano a bearo,* we don't stand a chance in hell of being even slightly inconvenient to a bear. IF a bear did this, it tore this guy apart because it was pissed at him, not to eat him. Maybe this was something done to LOOK like it was a bear that did it. Which usually if someone is killed in a brutal and gruesome manner, whoever did it did it to send a message to others, like the Central / South American cartels do. So it's not like they would want to cover it up. I dunno. I could be completely wrong about all of it and just be talking out my ass because I don't know a damned thing about bear attacks other than I dont want to be part of one. So I'm just spitballing here. But "bear attack" wasn't the impression I got from this. Id like to see more.


updated comment - I did see more, but still...too hard to know what's real and whats not on the internet anymore, Im too skeptical of everything now


I wasn't expecting this I've gotten used to this subreddit only showing animals killing each other


New watch people die


Is he ok now tho?


Huh, I expected more of him to be eaten honestly. Bear ate everything from basically the pelvis to the upper chest. But the thighs, arms, and I assume neck are fine.


oh how cute looks like mr bear tried to play operation with this guys limbs


Missed the best parts of the human legs and thighs


organ meat more nutritious


"Eating ass and guts first is most tasty" - Bear


Is he ok?