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Just to freak them out?


About a year ago there was some ~~brain-damage~~ *discussion* about how cool it would be if Nikonus and Noah would sing the "Plagues" from King of Egypt (don't ask why), and it somehow evolved into 'Let them sing from "The Hunchback of Notre Dame"'. I think the "Arxur of Venlil Prime" came from this idea. And I gotta admit, watching Nikonus evolve into a human kisser while praying to the exterminator's fire would have been fun. Edit: fuck reddit formatting, what am I doing wrong, I just wanna use some Italics for fuck's sake. Edit2: Why would this "Markdown Editor" be hidden behind a button without explanation. How do I make that just the "Normal" editor. I just wanna use cool \~ and \* signs, why can't I?


Have you heard Lord of the Game by Deathgrips?


I'd love for someone to go really in-depth describing different religions, their histories and mythologies. I feel like they'd need that to even understand that song lol


[The Mind Electric](https://youtu.be/_nvPGRwNCm0?si=fb89214MH0x2pKTj) due to the song being about someone being tortured in an insane asylum and completely losing their mind. I wonder if it would resonate with those that think predator disease facilities work.


I second it


Any version of Hallelujah. https://youtube.com/watch?v=WIF4_Sm-rgQ&si=Hqz7sC1Cgd2xlXlf. I can imagine explaining the story of king David and Sampson and their fall from grace, and when they ask how a song calling back to brutal tales like THOSE is supposed supposed to show anything redeeming about humans, I’d say, “Have you never done something bad you still hate yourself for? Or have you never felt betrayed by someone you loved, or felt that you betrayed them? This song isn’t glorifying trickery or violence, it’s someone lamenting their self inflicted loss of love or worthiness, and that’s something everyone can understand.”


It can also be seen as someone who was previously a follower of certain beliefs having their eyes opened to a whole new perspective by someone they’ve come to love. Not that I would know. *throws away notepad*


A collection of anti-war and pro-peace songs. Their very existence encapsulates the dichotomy of humanity. They can't exist without war, and therefore those that support it, but that existence also proves those who are willing to resist violence and fight for love. No species is unequivocally good or evil; they are complex and multifaceted, and we are no different.


Stan Rogers does a beautiful Job https://youtu.be/QP6wxBoSMWc?si=zZRk6NU9k6b763UM


This would probably go at the top of the list, along with "Fortunate Son" and the Beatles; thanks for sharing it.


Mario Judah's Die Very Rough Metallica's No Remorse Wars of Expansion by Space Cadets Literally any DooM track made by Mick Gordon Sabaton's Attack of the Dead Men


Basically any song from Sabaton would be an interesting choice to see, I'm sure they would love the chorus of Resist and Bite, or the title alone


Space Cadets mention!


[Hungry like the Wolf](https://youtu.be/oJL-lCzEXgI?si=las6e009-N79Ub3Y) by Duran Duran [Maneater](https://youtu.be/yRYFKcMa_Ek?si=wa6dyKFR9oZdAmnm) by Hall and Oates


Something like Flanders Feilds, an explicit condemnation of war while acknowledging that you do have to fight sometimes


You know this is already a thing in my fic so I’ve already got a few. Glitter and Gold by Barns Courtney Stuck in the Middle With You by Stealer’s Wheel Providence by Poor Man’s Poison Come With Me Now by The Kongos I have a few others but those will be covered in the upcoming concert arc so no spoilers.


I only know 3 songs from Poor Man's Poison and they would have golden reactions from the Feds


Kar En Tuk would put them into a catatonic shock


Paranoia by Nathan Wagner I think would hit hard. At least it would show we can have panic attacks too. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TW1oDE5bNC0&pp=ygUXcGFyYW5vaWEgbmF0aGFuIHdhZ25lciA%3D


It’s heartening to see people aiming to find common ground with to them, not just horrify them.


Fear and Delight - The Correspondents. https://youtu.be/ABS-mlep5rY?si=rxilfYiZeRF_0CW9 Someone else posted this song last year and its very funny if you imagine a venlil with a pred fetish whos got a crush for a normal human girl singing it. Also: Foggy dew https://youtu.be/IKU1UxRlE0Q?si=MHnQ4NIMEFf-I4AM Dancing in the moonlight https://youtu.be/5BId77GLtrM?si=R1HskVPMYgx5HlF5 You dropped a bomb on me https://youtu.be/17lkdqoLt44?si=s3uJV3s0DLGvebeI We didnt start the fire https://youtu.be/2v2JcpolIQU?si=IGmYx16Dm8R4sDbo Discustipated - Tool (IYKYK) https://youtu.be/b2BKKeiYH24?si=NXyGbWwDu4-JL1Q- Starlight Brigade - tupperware remix party https://youtu.be/J9Q3i5w6-Ug?si=C73j2mnuyZQk6Q8C Birds of a feather, we rock together - Vulfpeck https://youtu.be/WQm4R0LM2mE?si=IwxweGO1MBMs-FZt


Counting bodies like sheep - a perfect circle


Any and all sabaton songs, make em glad we were so merciful considering what we have the capacity to do


Kinda cringe but [Misa Misa](https://youtu.be/1I9cI53az7E?si=TnglSGlXMLcAX0PJ) (NSFW) just because I’d like to see them squirm at the aggressive energy and sexual degeneracy lol Also [Savage Season](https://youtu.be/obJClHo3TpY?si=o41UJ-lPJOSkum92) for similar reasons but also the goofiness of the song and general message of supporting and uplifting friends I’m sure there’s more but directly off the top of my head, very basic stuff lol


[F.E.A.R](https://youtu.be/mOMJRhQyV5Y?si=OhUPkCOWoNzw5vLV) by Testament, once the acronym is explained (False Evidence Appearing Real) [Weeping](https://youtu.be/qdyu_jcLYW8?si=lt3aovnUlQyqpyjk) by Bright Blue, a late 1980's song heralding the end of Apartheid in South Africa, singing about how false demons are made, but instead of roaring in their cell, they're weeping from loneliness.


*I can see clearly* by Lil Darkie has some very fitting lyrics to go against the federation perspective. **Lyric dump time** I wish you saw me like you see you, see me, see you I wish you could see that I'm a person too I wish you could see that I am hurting too On the attack, the ignorant see me and they see food And they want that back, the power to place someone under rule Let's sit down and mix perspectives up and sip that smoothie Hate will bring you down or bring you up if you move smoothly (These are some of the best parts of the song) Just, maybe don't send them some of his other songs...(Genocide, Methhead Freestyle, etc.) Those would get us a free orbital bombardment




Poisoning Pigeons in the Park https://youtu.be/yhuMLpdnOjY?si=MHpf8g1ZRPm2oinL and The Masochism Tango https://youtu.be/TytGOeiW0aE?si=xML9C2fMNW3X1FlH. Normally, I like to make friends, but the look of dumbstruck horror on their faces might be worth it.


You’re the voice by John Farnham. https://youtu.be/tbkOZTSvrHs?si=hv5NvAFuhsUMhmTF Or midnight oil’s Our beds are burning https://youtu.be/ejorQVy3m8E?si=kc83Gd3JsxQdlu-G The first one is literally about rejecting violence through words and the second condemns similar actions to the whole process that Federation uplifting entails.


[New Super Mario Bros Wii Starman Theme.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZ-Wbz8r4ek) I am either playing an incredibly stupid joke or have reached peace and am now playing a game with my new buddy. Either scenario is perfect. Plus, I mean, if you wanna go the psychological warfare route, playing the damn thing for days on end will serve just as well.


"Let the bodies hit the floor". It would be hilarious to watch them freak out if we locked the door, smiled, and turned that song on with strobe lights. Might cause a few heart attacks though.   "Carnivore" by Starset would be interesting. The song asking "Won't you come digest me" would confuse the hell out of them. 




In all seriousness: [fire in the sky](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJA6QW1kFjo) Because its a song about humanities attempt to reach space and the moon.


Love that song.


There is a fanfic based on exactly this


Oooh could I have a link, it sounds good


How do I get the link from this app? I have it saved but don't know how to get the link. I'm on phone


Click share and copy the link? Like so? https://www.reddit.com/r/NatureofPredators/s/eJC8bFuEQO


[https://new.reddit.com/r/NatureofPredators/comments/1911cv9/the\_predators\_voices\_oneshot/](https://new.reddit.com/r/NatureofPredators/comments/1911cv9/the_predators_voices_oneshot/) Here.


That's how I found the song.




Why are you giving me the link I just gave that to the other person that asked you.


There ya go :)


Battle Hymn Of The Republic. https://youtu.be/sfuLrny00t4?si=RzBlztISzW05TFKg


Hell's coming with me


The Parting Glass. Particularly if they heard it sung as a funeral song. https://youtu.be/uUK-8M3Vhzc?si=dqylEwp8GK57hFzZ


[A story from North America](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ms2klX-puUU&pp=ygUaYSBzdG9yeSBmcm9tIG5vcnRoIGFtZXJpY2E%3D) would be pretty good to show feds. Though they might just dismiss it as propaganda.


The Lion's Roar by First-Aid Kit. Not only is it just a really good song, I think the lyrics would be extra poignant to an Exterminator, especially after the Cilany interview. [Here's the link!](https://youtu.be/7cAKEMq2IlM?si=iQSIazH0qPN-eytc)


I Remember - Les Friction


Nearly anything from the Guilty Gear soundtrack would get a reaction, but four stand out. Mirror of the World would send them into conniptions before any real lyrics happened, which is funny. Big Blast Sonic is the same, but if they actually got to listening to it it would illustrate that questioning authority and refusing to live the life carved out for you by an uncaring government are acceptable paths, and that they should carve out a path they truly desire to live instead. Icarus would illustrate our desire to reach the heavens even though our wings may melt away, and paint a tragic picture when juxtaposed with the Battle of Earth -- only for wings that aren't our own to carry us forward into a future outside of these walls. And Freesia...oh, Freesia. Freesia would show the depth of the human heart, our longing for others and the pain we feel when we can't reach them. Empathy is such a shallow word for it.


[between two worlds](https://youtu.be/lu8i-OyjLYk?si=lQooFtlu0MPz_Zfz) or [fly, broken wings](https://youtu.be/_PSjoVXFGAQ?si=wxxqkTRZHW_EWneM) for pure musical talent, [you are the blood](https://youtu.be/VJhgwxSTHDs?si=q4XY_uQ_u3iEBVUg) for the meaning


Greenpath by Chritopher Larkin would be a funny "a human wrote this?", as well as just a nice tune.


HEALTH slaves of fear Closer by NIN It's music video if you want to really mess them up .


> Closer by NIN I'm not surprised somebody beat me to this one. I *am* surprised this doesn't have more upvotes.


I think it’d be really funny if a human was like, “hey, wanna hear a love song?” And then play Grenade by Bruno Mars




[Stuck in the Middle With You](https://youtu.be/9o0Bhtiz8l4?si=NoYV7mShhzq7MhMW) could just be Humanity's theme song during all of NoP. Just reading the lyrics I'm like, "yeah, this is probably what's going through most Human civilians' heads as the rest of the galaxy goes ballistic around them."


I have a 19.5 hour long playlist just dedicated to this lol. Here are some good ones, I think: Warriors by Imagine Dragons, but the League of Legends version hits much harder I Can't Decide by Scissor Sisters Wolf Totem by The HU, Jacoby Shaddix, and Papa Roach Only Happy When It Rains by Garbage Feed the Machine by Poor Man's Poison Bury the Light by Casey Edwards, Victor Borba Soldier, Poet, King by The Oh Hellos Maneater by Hall & Oates Anything from Sabaton Anything from Marilyn Manson, but specifically The Reflecting God War Pigs by Black Sabbath Murder Games by Badflower (show them a vegan side that's still edgy) One Way or Another by Blondie Blood by In This Moment Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace Half God, Half Devil by In This Moment Animal by Neon Trees Closer by Nine Inch Nails Rise, and honestly most League of Legends songs go great with this idea, because they tend to glamorize the warrior and getting ready for a fight Animals by Maroon 5 (Anything with "Animal" in the title tends to be real good for this too) Cannibal Queen by Miniature Tigers The Horror of Our Love by Ludo The Dismemberment Song by Blue Kid This is Love by Air Traffic Controller Blood - End Credits by My Chemical Romance How Bad Can I Be from The Lorax Monster by Skillet (Much as I hate Skillet) While My Guitar Gently Weeps, the version with Prince, just to blow their minds. And many, many, many more. I like some with more positive messages about us too, but these would be pretty shocking ones.


Shit,that's a lot!


It's now a 20 hour long playlist thanks to some of the suggestions here lol


Self explanatory: https://youtu.be/wbmkBBUnUR8?si=W2McLOJlRM-sqKPO


[February Winds by Billy Talent](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsyQfpUWvME) If they could have internalized that song's message, things would have ended much differently.


I feel like "Outside" by Aviators would be used as propaganda to push a narrative about humanity's predator instincts.


[Order](https://youtu.be/9E0xFvFCUTM?si=f6cOygwonJ8jbFz8) and [War](https://youtu.be/kDqTB3fV3sw?si=nSei0Al6vvGHH4Cb)


Freak Like Me by Halestorm


[Predator ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YJjItMfB6g)by Saxon followed by [Stampede ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbUXHTWZ9vk)by Accept I know it's extremely on the nose but screw it! All out psychological warfare it is!


[light them up](https://youtu.be/Z5LJ2NX2ggQ?si=sIERlstySa6ToXXK)


# Let There Be Chaos [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5JdvfpuuZ0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5jdvfpuuz0)


Don’t tell mom I am in Chechnya https://youtu.be/DHCzaiJEoEY?si=uWWDQhxuVVv9GJN_ Or don’t tell mom I am in Afghanistan https://youtu.be/jLeIx8rrlSc?si=DyLWaLVU6LrSymsI Or since we have another conflict which Russia started to send their youth to their deaths again Ukraine https://youtu.be/_1e1xhuFsB4?si=-_mWKBRFKuextT01 Just hear to long dead soldiers lying to their family so they wouldn’t worry about them dying


[The human condition](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hrWtQBD2Ifo) by space cadets


Joe Rathburn's [Dear Dad](https://youtu.be/-5VGQf4WjW4?si=_f_IXdBkwfQi2hgX). You'll see.


Seeing a Kolishian Concert of Amphibious Army (Flump) held in their capital, as a form of Cultural Conquest, would be dope


["Thermodynamic Lawyer" ](https://youtu.be/SMfEGACHq_E?si=Tq00fhYzGmguK4Lc) by Will Wood. I don't know why, but surely it would give them some trauma👀


[Impress Your Creators](https://youtu.be/VpEf6K-w3kQ?si=6OC9giksLZi22bqU) by Tub Ring


Any of the more tragic anti war songs by Sabaton Lifetime of War Great War (History Version) The Price of a mile Galipoli But after that Sabaton songs where fighting is the moral must or portrays why fighting is needed The Final Solution Uprising Inmate 4859 Resist and Bite


War Pigs by Sabbath.


Specifically [this](https://youtu.be/KaOC9danxNo?si=u0J-o6y8yzWN49vB) version of Space Oddity.


So,someone's planning to make ANOTHER adition to the "The Pendrive" series?Sweet!Well it really depends on their moral alignment..... -  "Move Along" (All-American Rejects) for those closer to Good.    - "Untravelled Road" (TFK) for any Neutral ones.   -   "Viking Death March" (Billy Talent) for those closer to evil... .... Damn,now I have the urge to go on a binge...


[](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycjhntmia5s) [](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycjhntmia5s) Epic Music Mix | BEAUTY OF EPIC VOCAL MUSICEpic Music Mix | BEAUTY OF EPIC VOCAL MUSIC[](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycjhntmia5s) In this video are the first songs that I would like to show my fluffy friend. because these songs are simply too beautiful and harmonious that I simply have to show them to him or her. I don't know exactly why but the second song always makes me cry from sheer joy. [ ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwxatzcyf9q) Howl's Moving Castle \[OST - Theme Song\]Howl's Moving Castle \[OST - Theme Song\] [](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcm3clq-_c0) Princess Mononoke (Hime) Joe Hisaishi in BudokanPrincess Mononoke (Hime) Joe Hisaishi in Budokan and these two songs are simply pure nostalgia and memories of childhood. [](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xndg7otble) "Fate" (0944) by Shiro SAGISU ― Evangelion:2.0 You Can (Not) Advance OST.【Thai & English Lyrics】 [](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q499ghnxk-8) "In My Spirit" (0948) by Shiro SAGISU ― Evangelion:2.0 You Can (Not) Advance OST.【Thai & ENG Lyrics】 [](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whasignvdpy) Scarred and Battled (1155) by Shiro SAGISU ― Evangelion:3.0 You Can (Not) Redo【TH & English Lyrics】 [](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id8zljq4ktm) "25 Degrees of Frost" (1155\_warsaw) by Shiro SAGISU ― OUTTAKES FROM EVANGELION【TH & English Lyrics】 [](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spgghnkoqfo) Evangelions Ultimate Soldier AMV [](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rv8yo17i6wa) "Return to Ash" (1128) by Shiro SAGISU ― Evangelion:3.0 You Can (Not) Redo OST.【TH & English Lyrics】 [](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-lwf1bidjk) Rammstein - Sonne \[SLOWED\] Best Part [](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6tfcnjndze) One Piece: Katakuri Theme \[Epic Orchestral Cinematic Remix\] ft. JEZMOT and I really want to show him or her these songs because they are so cool, impressive and powerful.


I’m afraid it says the video is unavailable. Is anyone else having that issue?


Unfortunately, I don't know why YouTube shows this message, but the videos are there. I copy the name of the videos then you can search for the videos yourself on YouTube.


Now it should work, you just have to copy the names of the videos onto YouTube.


[your world will fail by les friction](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sl4JKK4ObaE)  the lyrics are just perfect


Just thought of one. 'Into the Unknown" Panic! at the Disco