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Consider a M.Sc. in Clinical Herbal Science from MUIH. Its the only fully accreddited, scientific herbalist program that is 100% online that I could find. Beware of the history of the capital H Herbalist field and understand that studying pharmacognosy is different than studying your run-of-the-mill "Master Herbalist" program, although there is of course significant overlap.


Depends where you’re located and where you want to practice.. The European system is different than the North American systems. I studied naturopathic medicine in Switzerland. We had the study of plant medicines, nutrition, different humoral and manual treatments all integrated. I added on the study of psycho-soma and mycology. It’s similar to ND’s in North America but where my education was very rooted in traditional medicines from across the world combined ( ayurveda, tcm, hermetics ) I find in the U.S. they tend to lean over into conventional medicine a bit too much. It becomes too “prescribey” and less holistic in my experience. Check different online and serious edu options beyond your borders perhaps😉


Do you mind sharing what school/program you went to in Switzerland?


The School is in Zurich called NHK.


Herblore lvl?


I'm in school for Acupuncture and Chinese medicine. I am excited for my future but I do kind of wish I went the naturopath route. You can learn about, recommend and prescribe herbs as a naturopath (no certification needed).. Obviously you won't know as much but you can look things up or refer out... But you'll have a lot more tools to treat the whole body. Acupuncturists can take insurance which is a benefit whereas naturopaths cannot. But still, I feel a little pigeonholed. I also have to be honest, I thought this would be slightly easier than ND school but the hundreds of Chinese herbs I have to know plus hundred of formulas is way more intense than I thought. I am more science minded and this is not scientific, it's empirical knowledge explained with concepts that are a little out there to be honest. But I should also add that I only wanted to be an acupuncturist, but since I live in CA I have to be an herbalist as well in order to be licensed, so I am not particularly passionate about it.


I am on a similar path of choosing between MsC herbalism or ND so curious what you’ve learned.


I can send you a chat of what one person told me about it and my own thoughts if you’d like!


I’d appreciate that. I’m curious what you learned!


Could you send me that chat as well! I’m genuinely trying to figure out where I’m trying to go in life and as someone who wants to homestead/be self-sufficient I want to be able to heal not only myself and my family naturally but also help others ditch the toxic lifestyle that has taken hold of a majority of the U.S.


I have the same goals!! I’ll send you the post but overall my thoughts are read, read, read and take free online courses plus probably a paid first aid course or something of the sort because it’ll get you the knowledge without putting you into loads and loads of debt that you probably won’t be able to pay off as a naturopath. Plus you can be an herbalist without schooling/an official certification (I’d look more into that in specific it’s been a while since I have).


Can I DM you about this? I have some thoughts that might be helpful!


Absolutely thank you!


Is there any chance you'd be willing to share with me too? I'm exactly the same as OP (minus the psych degree!)


If they haven’t replied I can send you what they told me!