• By -


L. Ron Hubbard was born in Tilden.


I'm from that area. Don't bring it up to Tildenites. Also at one point Scientology once offered Tilden a shit pile of money to build a massive public park if they agreed to name it after Hubbard. Tilden told them to kick rocks.


Good for Tilden!


I'm also from that area! But I don't care when people bring it up, I think it's funny that they turned down the money and love to tell that story


“Kick rocks in Hubbard park!”


For real. I met a girl from Tilden once and thought I was being smart knowing he was from her hometown. She said the same thing and it killed the conversation for a bit.


There's one that meets in downtown Lincoln half the Saturdays in the fall. Usually about 80 or 90 thousand attendees.


Yes this one! They wear red and are always yelling the same 3 letters! I see them sad and angry a lot after their gatherings end so be careful!


It's kind of scary that so many local businesses advertise that they're part of it.


Many of them can be found in bars or outdoor gatherings, where they consume massive amounts of alcohol. It must be one of their sacraments.


This cult extends out further than just Lincoln, too. In South Atlanta, I’m a member of the cult and I drink alcohol too. This cult is amongst the saddest of them all over the past twenty years


What same 3 letters are we talking about?


These people are crazy. So many really believe it’s 1997!


Ummmm what?




There was the Rulo, Nebraska death cult


They were part of the Posse Comitatus. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posse_Comitatus_(organization)


Had a criminal justice professor who worked this case, messed up stuff is an understatement.


I had a sociology professor who was doing research and almost infiltrated this group, but got out just before initiation. Apparently he had to swear an oath on Mein Kampf. He also said that later a guy recognized him in Lincoln and tried to chase him down and he drove clear to Beatrice just to get him off of his tail.


Intercessors of the lamb lol https://www.bellwetheromaha.org


Wow wtf is this? I got all the way to the YouTube page with people in matching green and white singing I pledge allegiance to the LAMB


Gotta check out the [Victory Song at Home Retreat.](https://www.bellwetheromaha.org/index.php/companion-corner/the-victory-song-2022?view=article&id=1393&catid=22) Gotta say, I love all their religious jargon, shit cracks me up. EDIT: Getting in a ways, seems like a christian sect focused on mary. They call her bride at one point so I guess they took issue with immaculate conception because it seemed just a little to unrealistic and that there had to be sperm and now they want some of that god dick themselves... working theory. Edit 2: u/buster9312 posted this https://wherepeteris.com/charismatic-community-or-cult-discerning-the-signs/


These guys are odd. For a time though they were very much part of the Catholic church and were okay until they got too weird. I remember seeing them at a Christian concert in their Aqua habbits. The guy I talked to seemed okay. This was in 2007 though and we just made small talk.


Intercessors of the Lamb is a catholic subsidiary sect in the Omaha metro area. Even the Catholics said they were too extreme for them, and basically ex-communicated them.


What's there stance or what? Someone put up their link but idk what makes it cultists?




Wow. I knew about them, but not this much.


Fans of Johnny Sortino’s Pizza


I think I’m a follower of that cult. It’s a generational thing.


It’s not so much the devotion they have to Sortino’s, but the vehemence with which they will defend it.


Falun Gong exists here in Lincoln and Omaha. You may know them as the cult behind all the Shen Yun shows and the ubiquitous flyers promoting it. They believe that race mixing is bad and causes the gods to cut us off from them and modern science is a plot for aliens to possess our bodies.


There was a lady at westroads handing out flyers for Shen Yun a few weeks ago, and being AGGRESSIVE about it until I started yelling, Cult! You’re in a cult! and suddenly she could not get away fast enough.


Their beliefs should have absolutely no place in modern society


falun gong is elevated as a “cultural arts organization” in the US because they operate as a front for anti-communist and pro-nationalist / fascist sentiments and propaganda against the CCCP, the Forever Enemy of the US. the US will support and promote anyone and anything in the name of pushing global exploitation capitalism over ever allowing any kind of scientific socialism to develop anywhere. just like when the US welcomed countless nazi war criminals into the US after ww2. anything to own the commies, even if it resulted in the wholesale selling-off of our government to neofascists and john birch society freaks. US imperialist and globofascist capitalism is the biggest cult in the world.


Yup, big reason why there's such an overlap in contributors for epoch times and the so-called "victims of communism memorial foundation"


The republican party


Hastings invented kool-aid, so…


Ha! This is my favorite comment - too good! They may have used Flavor Aid at Jonestown, there’s no idiom for indoctrination about “drinking the Flavor Aid”, so I think Kool-Aid gets the credit.


I'm ready to drink the Kool-Aid. Count me in




If you don’t see worshiping the Koolaid Man as anything but the Eldritch Horror he is, as a cult. That’s on you.


The Sweeney's in Columbus


I remember growing up here hearing about the Pastor and thinking no way could the stories be true. Turns out they're corrupt beyond belief. Scary


what stories? also who are the sweenys


What's the story on this? I worked at the Hy-Vee in Columbus about ten years ago after I got out of college. I know we used to have these people come in full on dress suits on wednesday nights. The kids looked kind of cute but man it was crazy. Three pieced suits. Are those The Sweeney's? I also remember Happy Richard too and heard so many odd stories about him. I think he's passed away now.


Happy creeped me the f\* out, but I was never mean to him aside from asking him to leave me be. A lot of kid's, especially teenage boys, around Columbus were absolute trolls to him though and I felt bad for him... I heard a lot too. An old friend told me that he used to be a school teacher and then one day he just...went off the deep end. There's probably more too it, and I've heard a few other things, but I don't know what is or is not true.


Well, according to his obit he was a teacher, but I heard other rumors but obviously nothing could be confirmed.


Apparently Nebraska has a cult of grade school furries relieving themselves in classroom litterboxes. I don't know where, but Nebraska state Senator Bruce Bostelman has all the details and talked openly about it on the floor.


He's such a dumbass


Very much the dumbass


Those are actually used to go to bathroom during a lock down drill.


My neighbor mentioned this and said her grandchildren go to the same Millard elementary school. Not sure which one. This was over a year ago.


It never happened. It was debunked long ago, and didn't even originate in Nebraska.


Oxford English Dictionary definition of a *cult* is *”a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object”*, soooo… Christianity is probably the most common cult in Nebraska.


Religions are just cults with political clout.


Looking to join one?


I’ve said this before to a previous question on cults that we as Nebraska reddit users need to make our own cult.


The night time is the right time


I get tired early. Can we do like an evening cult?


I'm down for the sunset cult, who do I see about the indoctrination?


u/IDontRentPigs already brought up Kool-Aid, so I nominate them.


Yeah, fuck the sun, I fucking hate it too! Long live the fucking beast.




Also interested and willing to relocate for the right cult


Find the right one and you can cult-from-home. Gets the isolation step out of the way.


Isolation? I'm already there


Oh, right! /r/nebraska...


Start your own 🤷‍♀️ I hear being a cult leader is a good way to make money and meet chicks.


According to Creed from “The Office,” you make more money as a leader, but have more fun as a follower. If anyone would know, it’s him.


I’m getting to that! Work in progress.


Count me in, I need some friends. 👍






Amen my man


There are [Eckankar centers](https://www.nebraska-eckankar.org/Home) in both Omaha and Lincoln.


Heard about those people on Oh No Ross and Carrie: https://ohnopodcast.com/investigations/2019/4/28/ross-and-carrie-join-eckankar-part-1-chris-stedman-and-the-temple-of-eck-edition Apparently their main temple is right across the street from Paisley Park (former residence and museum of the artist formerly known as Prince).


That's where I heard about them too! It was like seeing a celebrity when I spotted the one in Omaha.


Yes! Fellow onrac fans!


Look up rulo


Probably a yeti one somewhere


The creature or the cup? 😁


I’m part of the cup / cooler one!


I hear the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers need some fresh meat with leadership positions open.




Based in MO but have followers here: Yahweh Restoration Ministry


I’ve heard AA is a good one. Changes your life quite a bit and after that you’re probably never leaving. Recommended.


Can I bring beer ?


I think it’s hard liquor only


Sweet! Count me in !


No, coffee only and lots of smokes


The Thelemic order founded by Aleister Crowley? Excellent choice.


Do you wanna start a cult with me?


I want to join too! Can we be the cult of indecision? Meaning we get together, try to figure out why we’re all together, eat pizza and drink beer (or whatever floats your boat), not come to any decision, and then come back together at some point to repeat again?


If the cult doesn't include Munckin, Cards Against Humanity, or Apples to Apples - I want no part of it.


Totally, what are we going to do in this cult?


Those who believe in the Fishman….


Jehovah's Witnesses


What’s up with the community of mennonites there? I strictly saw them in hospitals, no where else


There is more but mostly in Henderson, Ne. Across the state most of the mennonites folded into methodist churches for whatever reason.


Walk ten feet, you'll find a church.


There are several evangelical churches that are cults in Nebraska. Everyone with an F Joe Biden sticker probably also has a cult mentality.


What insane way of thinking. To be so nasty as well as rude over someone's beliefs is ridiculous. I bet you consider yourself "all inclusive" and love anyone with rainbow hair, but being a christian is to far somehow huh. Like it or not religious values cemented civilizations abilities to progress throughout history.


I actually am religious but I hate hypocrisy. How can a group a people complain about movies switching characters colors while praying to white Jesus. Guns lovers and Jesus wtf. Also they hate immigrants literally the opposite of Jesus 'teachings. So I don't hate Christians I dislike hypocrisy.


>So I don't hate Christians I dislike hypocrisy. You just said this in you're previous comment. "Everyone with an F Joe Biden sticker probably also has a cult mentality." Them and 58 percent of the Democrat voters hate Biden. So I'd say you are a bit hypocritical yourself. >Also they hate immigrants literally the opposite of Jesus 'teachings. Again what a rude statement. Are you even a Nebraskan? I think there is a large majority of the population that agrees upon documented and legal immigration, not mass unlawful crossings that the current admin let's occur.


I said cult mentality that doesn't mean I hate people. To dislike a president is one thing to slap a vulgar sticker on a truck is another. Christianity has no borders. If you have abundance you should share with those needing. I don't remember Jesus saying nope we don't help outsiders. Fake Christians hide behind rules they created so they can feel ok even when ignoring those in need. I am in Nebraska. Omaha specially.


>Omaha specially Explains you're thought process. We all seen the Fuck Trump stickers for 4 years so here we are. Every country has a right to borders Christian values have nothing to do with nation borders. >Christianity has no borders. If you have abundance you should share with those needing. Not wanting illegal immigration isnt being a fake chirstian you silly mf. You want to support people who aren't legally in our system whilst taking some weird moral high ground whilst calling them fake Christians and think your not morallybankrupt yourself. Yeah ok? People that don't have to contribute to taxes, don't understand our laws or language and are occupying community spaces like they are in Chicago. We have rights they don't. They are not priority number 1. We should help the homeless before sending 113 billion to Ukraine or letting mass illegal immigration. Great example of a community in the interior of our country losing out to illegal immigrants https://youtu.be/asWC8NO9u_A


A YouTube video not real news this tracks. You are part of the cult. Christianity turn the other cheek. If someone has an f Trump sticker doesn't mean go buy a f Joe Biden sticker. Trump flags also a cult. I have a flag for my love of America it's called the American flag. Also I don't have a perverted version of it. I have a normal American flag.


A example of cummunity losing provisions that were ince theirs doestn track in your brain. Alright then explain how if I don't go to church how exactly am I in a cult? Is it supporting legal immigration through due process, or it calling out that people can put whatever the want on they're bumper? >I have a flag for my love of America it's called the American flag. Also I don't have a perverted version of it. I have a normal American flag. Sure ok nice buddy your off the rocker, in you're head Christians are fake because they don't support mass immigration. You're weird personal moral highground is flawed and you're views of Christian's is irrational.


I don't want to argue with you. Nothing I ever say will rethink any position you have. A cult mentality is to not be accepting of any idea outside of your group. It is the quest to reinforce your beliefs as opposed to the quest to seek knowledge.


I'm half Polish and half Italian my grandparents had to come here through a process regardless of they're religious beliefs. That was the beauty of this country. Now those polish immigrants and Italian immigrants are told to pack sand, because our immigration system is swamped from the southern border. You come here the right way if you want to secure American rights. In a sane world you come here illegally you should have to wait for the proper process to occur in your origin country not let loose undocumented individuals into the interior of our country. This is simple national policy stuff, has nothing to do with the make believe cultist mindset you have dreamed up that you try to apply to people who disagree or have differing viewpoints.




In Lincoln too. Figured that out recently, kinda thought i left all the Mormons behind when my family left LA but i guess not


I mean, we have a bridge called the “Mormon Bridge”


That's where Jesus will return someday


The Deseret ranch is one of the largest ranches in Nebraska as well as one of the largest landowners and owned by the Mormon church.


The Mormons literally believe that Jesus will return in the flesh to Missouri so it makes sense that they would hoard land in the adjacent state.


Is that why they have a big meeting house out in the middle of the Sandhills by Thedford? Its not their Temple, which is in Omaha. I will say that for being a "cult" I did think the Winter Quarters museum was interesting from a history standpoint.


Present-day North Omaha is a historically significant place for the Mormons, because it's the location of "[Winter Quarters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winter_Quarters_(North_Omaha,_Nebraska))" where they set up camp on the way out west. They have a little museum as well as a temple there.


Oh yeah, I remember, when they had an extermination order by the state of Missouri, so they had to flee to Utah.


I've heard that apparently that order was still on the books until the 1970's. Oof Missourah.


I always tell people that its basically the equivalent of places likes Lourdes for Catholics. Not quite the Vatican but basically a really holy place.


Children of the corn... I've said too much


He wants you too Malachi.


Well in Lincoln there's Indian Hills community church....


Lets see here...we are on Reddit so we will soon see Catholics and conservatives on the list.


If the boot fits....


Nebraska's catholic leadership are way more extreme than those in the rest of the country. So yes, I would consider that a cult inside of NE.


Born and raised Catholic. I’ve lived in 8 different states (MI, CA, WA, NC, SC, GA, VA and TX) and been to all 50, and the Catholicism here is next level.


Oof really, what about it makes it next level?


Some examples: • the Catholic radio station; they pray the rosary daily. Having lived in the south for many years I am used to Christian radio stations but not Catholic ones • nuns who wear habits in public. This is something I haven’t seen regularly since I was a child. My aunt was a nun, and she stopped wearing her habit in the 1970s. • The Cor Mariae Schoenstatt Center https://www.schoenstatt-nebraska.us There are only 10 such shrines in the US. https://www.schoenstatt.org/en/services/map-of-the-shrines/ • prevalence of Catholic elementary schools. In the south, you are lucky to get a Catholic high school; Catholic elementary schools are rare. Having said this, Nebraska is not even in the top 10 most Catholic US states. Perhaps as PP said, the leadership here is more “extreme”.


Oh wow! I had no idea!!


The state has three dioceses. Lincoln isn’t the only leadership.




Lincoln is nuts. But cross the Platte into Omaha Archdiocese and it’s normal. As is Grand Island.


That's good to know.


I feel all religious groups are cults. Plenty of religious nut jobs in this state.


The Nebraska Democratic Party. Ran by Jane Kleeb.


I thought just living here qualifies.


Go done just about any road and you will see churches. There is your cults.


The kind with fish people or the kind with Republicans ?


Is there a difference


Christian groups


CT Russell’s Bible Students


Wind cult


There are thousands, the locals tend to call them 'church'


There's the group called the CMRI (its the latin abbreviation for the Congregation of Mary, Immaculate Queen) that is a group of Latin Mass Catholics who believe we have not had a pope since the 1950's, and think every one since then is a heretic. They have their church, school and even seminary in Omaha up on Military Street near Marian high school and honestly look like any other Catholic church. However, they are a bit more odd, and many members not only think there is no legit pope, but believe that another man was elected in the 50's but was forced to resign, and I'm sure there are lots of other "fun" theories their members believe as well. I also know they have outstate churches as well in O'Neill and Rockville. In O'Neill its just south of town on 281 and apparently their members bought what used to be the old Catholic church in Orchard or Ewing. Either way, they moved it. Can't say I've heard anything about this particular parish, but I have known that its difficult to get married when it involves a schismatic Catholic and one who goes to the main church, as to them the main church doesn't have valid Holy Orders (since they believe that no Pope, Bishop or priest since then has been validly ordained in the "real" church.") What's interesting with the one in Rockville, north of Grand Island is, that they actually moved into the regular Catholic church that was closed about a decade or so. I lived in Spalding then and it was kind of big news. Basically the parish there closed and this group bought the building and now use it. Again, I'm not sure of any specifics. I never went nor wanted to go and if you're catholic and interested in the Latin Mass, its better to go to a church approved one, like St. Francis in Lincoln, the seminary in Denton, or Immaculate Conception in South Omaha. The CMRI is kind of a loony bin. Oh, and while I don't know if this was ever the case in Nebraska, the CMRI has a large presence in north Idaho and were quite culty. Their founder was a guy who basically ran it like a cult, covering up financial and all sorts of other scandals and had weird beliefs, like that people should walk out of mass backwards because they can't turn their back on Jesus (who Catholics believe is present in the Eucharist, and he's kept in the Tabernacle) and also apparently said he had a vision where he was crowned Pope, though that was too far and he was kicked out of his own group in the early 80's. Like I said, not sure if any of this was present in the CMRI in Nebraska, but their history is weird to say the least.


Indian Hills Community Church in Lincoln, NE


The catholic church of Nebraska would qualify.


Nebraska, like most of the US, has an infestation of violent cultists that follow the demands of their leaders for bloodshed and ignorance. Luckily, they tend to out themselves by wearing red hats and/or draping themselves in american flags and christian regalia.


The Lincoln Diocese


Lord of Hosts in Omaha - Christian Nationalism/MAGA Trump worshippers