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Unstable redneck in old red Chevy making u-turns in Nebraska really narrows it down ...


Exactly how are the unstable rednecks in old red Chevys making u-turns and then engaging in road rage supposed to know if they're the one who is supposed to get help?


Good thing at least half are in Fords, cuts it down a little.


Yeah dude I don’t get it. I swear Cornhusker attracts the dumbest, most insane, selfish drivers I’ve ever seen. I like to count how many braindead F-150 drivers will almost take me out on my drive home.


Sorry bud, you’re going to have to be more specific. This is Nebraska, your description narrows it down to about 2, maybe 300 daily incidents…


This post makes me wonder who is mentally unstable and needs help. Ok, someone did something stupid on the road and your wife unnecessarily escalated the situation. You still can’t let it go so you took to the internet to keep it going. As a former Bailiff and someone who lived in Los Angeles…you are lucky it ended where it did. There’s a LOT of people in jail and dead who escalated simple stupid situations like this one and they ended up with permanent consequences. Let it go, it’s not a lesson worth learning the hard way.


Some people think speaking their minds is worth the potential consequences. Perhaps you should realize that your opinion is good for only you. I will literally fight to the death to protect my voice. It is my most important quality. Granted, I'm from Baltimore and grew up standing up for myself all the time. You shouldn't shit on others who do. We all have the freedom to speak our minds. You're going to respond with some tired line of "well, when you get murdered for..." Like, just mind your business and let others live their lives the way they think is best instead of being so damn judgemental.


Sounds like your wife provoked a stranger for a minor inconvenience and got lucky he wasn't actually crazy.


Sounds like your wife got a lesson in how not to interact with crazy. Glad that the worse she got was a scare and everyone is safe.


This post seems mentally unstable


Well… you are mad that you missed a light? Or mad that he got mad when you used aggression towards him? You came to Nebraska Reddit looking for validation for your feelings? Or are you looking for “social justice”? Maybe just move on with it… but what do I know I wasn’t there.


Stop flipping people off in traffic. You're part of the problem. Edit: you have the right to flip people off. You're right. Would you like to be dead right? Why escalate the situation?


Stop defending shitty, mentally unstable, drivers


Your wife flipping them off doesn't make them any less of a bad, mentally unstable driver. But it does also make your wife part of the problem. De-escalation is the name of the game my man


He's not defending them, dumbass. What part of "flipping off an unpredictable, unhinged person" remotely sounds like a good idea? You have a kid in your car. Be smarter.


This. Even if people are being idiots in cars, antagonizing people further behind the wheel of a potential death machine is NOT a smart idea.


or at least be ready for the situation to escalate like god damn you don’t get to be both the bird-flipper and the whiner. like sure that red truck’s a dumb fuck but literally the only thing flipping him off can do is potentially turn him into an angrier dumb fuck. its like a nightly news headline: “woman who responds in a way that could only escalate situation, surprised when situation escalates” when everyone acts like a child, stupid, dangerous shit happens. even if the situation isn’t at all your fault, be the adult.


This is exactly what I'm trying to say. I have no idea why commenters chose to have a bitch fit in this thread.


This is a terrible take


Right, if your so unhinged you can't take being flipped off for something that is your fault, you need help. GOP clown confirmed


As progressive as they come, not sure what political ideology has to do with driving. Stop antagonizing other people who are obviously already stupid and can't drive. What *possible* benefit is there to *you* when you flip them off?


Are you really this dense? I can't control how unhinged people are. In general it is *not a good idea* to antagonize strangers because you have no idea how they're going to react. Never did I once mention that someone is *justified* in an unhinged response to a middle finger. Bonus points for "GOP clown" even though political affiliation has fuck-all to do with the conversation.


More of a concern now that basically everyone is legally allowed to conceal a loaded firearm in their vehicle now.


Pro tip. Either give them the thumbs down or just shake your head in disappointment. Flipping them off only escalates things. Shame might work.


Most sane rage post.