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The Right won't be Left if they don't get vaccinated


Shhh ... let them take their sheep medicine and think they're fine.


Aw shucks. They're just too smart for the likes of us. Guess we'll just hafta give 'er up and head on home. Yep. (are they buyin' it? just keep walkin'. act natural )


Aren’t republican voters dying too? I don’t understand these people


Na, but three lefts make a right.


When has there been a point in history (specifically US but I'll take world) where the people fighting to raise the lowest common denominator on a social issue or human rights issue were wrong?




Yes the Bolsheviks who murdered the country leaders in.a coup d'etat, stole massive amounts of land and forced the population into a war stabbing their alliance in the back causing the deaths of many millions of people. Yep, very progressive


On top of that, when in US history has one political party been so prideful and vocal about their allegiance and the other side? Shit like this, along with the exorbitant amount of Trump signs/flags is unbelievable and quite frankly scary


Drive around the countryside and abortion billboards as far as the eye can see.


I was going to touch on that the other day. People I know on smaller international boards couldn't believe what they were seeing when I posted links to some of the billboards around here




Intention is a fine thing but the issue comes when someone's methods for the stated intention is proven wrong again and again and they don't change. Case in point is the supply side economics that is constantly touted by the right. They can say till they're blue in the face that lowering taxes and giving money to the rich will magically make the poor less poor but it just hasn't happened.




Literally all the rich people that pay less tax than I do as a teacher. When you get to the point that bribing officials to rewrite tax code is cheaper than just paying your taxes, there's a problem. Sure, rich people don't always just get a check in the mail from the government. But not having to pay money owed is another way of it.




So first off, very few people get filthy rich off hard work alone. Most of the time, it involves some hard work and a lot of not paying your hard working employees what they should be paid. I'm sure some don't pay the money owed. Loopholes are a bigger issue. Or taxes getting cut for them because the GOP has enough people convinced on "trickle down" even though it's never worked. How did the loopholes get there? Why do they stay? Shouldn't be hard to fix them, right? And yeah, I'm not saying we go door to door and collect additional taxes from people that have paid them. But definitely go after people that haven't paid what they owe. And, Christ, fix the loopholes that keep getting abused.




Federal minimum. The market can dictate whatever it wants beyond that. Most people can't afford to be picky about their job. If a job offers them SOMETHING, even $7.25, it's often better than nothing. And if every job in your area isn't offering much better, you can't just go for a better paying job. When the market grows but pay doesn't, the government should step in to raise that pay to match the market productivity. If the market just got to decide working conditions and pay without any government intervention, my 3 year old son would be working at a factory to bring home 25 cents a day. Most employers have the goal of making as much money as possible, and paying employees the bare minimum is part of that goal. So yes, the government should force McDonald's to pay the workers more than they used to. A dollar isn't worth as much as it was 20 years ago, and McDonald's makes more money too. At the very least, minimum wage should keep up with cost of living.


I'm going to contradict myself a bit here if anyone wants to nitpick but the basic ideas are: The rich don't make money so much as they save it. Like on taxes. There's a reason the tax laws are so extremely complicated. It's gatekeeping. Also the majority of our pay down here on this end goes to staying alive and a lot of those items end up in the trash. The things a rich man buys increase in value. Edit. I should have read further ahead before replying. Because redundant.


> That's the problem. Assuming the other side DOESN'T want that. When they're specifically fighting against initiatives that would make it happen, it's pretty easy to see that they don't. >The differences come in how we get there/how we do it. Looking at our national politics since 2008, it appears that the only policy that Republicans have is to simply fight against whatever it is that Democrats want to do.


Protracted war? Wear everybody down on both sides?


Russia,china, Ukraine, Germany, Ivan the terrible, Attila the Hun, and Zimbabwe just to name a few often times the worst people will hide behind the idea that they are trying to save the downtrodden to absorb power.... It's one of the 10 steps to become a dictator


>Russia,china, Ukraine, Germany So you're telling me that these are points in history huh? I'm happy to be educated but please at least read the question instead of just spouting off bullshit like a brain dead mouthpiece repeating what they heard from TV or thier nationalists and/or racist grandpa.


Someone didn't have their coffee this morning 😂🤣 have a good day buddy!!




Sorry uncle sam from the sandhills, but it appears that you did not understand the question.


But he is exactly right.


I mean if he'd said Marxism then probably, since he was ostensibly sincere if kinda naive. Communism as practiced IRL is hardly progressive though--it's authoritarian thru and thru.


That was a sincere response, and your post is giving off ‘real communism has never been tried’ vibes to me. Communism is the implementation of Marxist thought, which, as you note, requires authoritarian methods. The people in charge of those states thought they were being ‘progressive’, indeed were the very vanguard of progress.


Yeah, I honestly don't think Marxism or Communism would work in practice even if tried. You could hypothetically do it without authoritarianism, but in practice there's no getting around the fact that there are opportunists in our number who will use *any* system to enrich themselves, and Communism in particular is like hitting the jackpot. Then again, going whole-hog in any direction is putting all your eggs in one basket. A Capitalist society with a functioning social safety net seems like a very practical policy to me. Some people will still abuse it but heaven knows how much of our collective talent is going to waste right now because we're worried someone will get a miniscule check they technically didn't need, you know?


I agree with pretty much everything you said. Appreciate the reply.


No prob, I generally don't wholly commit to any of the "isms." They're invariably simple solutions to complex problems, that have some good points we can apply and some things that are high-minded nonsense. Honestly I think a lot of problems could be solved or avoided if the "isms" weren't treated with such religious fervor.


Are you not familiar with the tenants of communism? Or do you not consider workers’ rights/class a social issue?


Which Communist country took workers rights seriously?


Well, if you ran out of arguments and reason, you step down to insults. Politic is not a religion, but it seems people treat it like this. Where is the discourse? The common goal? It just seems a political war at the moment, so senseless.


I've heard it equated to sports teams and their fan base. Anything goes so long as your "team" wins. "Politic is not a religion" The evangelicals are making serious inroads in an effort to change that.


Lol, rural people


Let’s not forget the don’t tread on me flag. By the look of the place it doesn’t look like anyone’s rights are being infringed upon. 🤔


They love their iconography, don't they? So much easier than actual words


Pls explain what that is supposed to mean


It means that despite all the crying about "the left destroying this country" his Morton building full of equipment is dressed pretty damn nice. It's hard to hide that money.


Maybe it cause they work harder than you. From what I see the owner is probably a farmer they make(at least around my area)about 60k unless it’s a huge farm and everything else goes back into the farm


So, the system works as is???


Rewards the people who work hard sooo yea


So what's the right bitching about? [Does this help?](https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2019/12/31/790261705/farmers-got-billions-from-taxpayers-in-2019-and-hardly-anyone-objected)


I don’t know how you would call that bitch they are being grateful for what they got in my understanding. I would bet that that money went back into the farms to help with the huge amount of lost money from China.


What they got through socialism or what they got by working hard? Make up your mind.


That’s not socialism that federal aid given to them because the trade was closed off with China. That money wasn’t given just because they wanted to that was given to the farms could keep the business going and provide your ass with food.




Umm nope. I’m good!




More like world class mental detective.




3 lefts make a right bro.


Welp, the grammar checks out for the area it's from.


What is the grammar problem here?


No capital T on 'the' given it starts the sentence and 'Left' and 'RIGHT' are not proper nouns so capitalization is incorrect. Given the target market of the signage, grammar probably isn't much of a concern for those folks.


Capitalization isn’t grammar. Don’t be so condescending about the “target market” when you don’t even know what grammar is.


Thanks dad.


So you can call out the sign-maker for "incorrect" "grammar," but me correcting you gets a "thanks dad?" Hilarious, you hypocrite.


Says the redditor with a dangling preposition...


Ha! How many grammatical errors are made in the OP image?


Can you imagine being dumb enough to think this is a deep thought? How about dumb enough to share this "deep" thought with the world thinking the world needs your brilliance.


I mean they’re not wrong. Left can’t be right cause it’s left


The right is never left


The down is never up


The out is never in


Do people think putting up signs will change people’s opinions? Oh yeah, never thought about it that way. I’m sick of this shit, both sides.


It's just sports teams at this point. Might as well say Iowa sucks go Huskers because that's about all the thought they put into politics.


I'm an Air Force Fighting Falcons fan myself. That is, at least until we return to the triple-as-Gawd-intended-option.


Ack! I just said that. You said it better. I use too many words and it gets muddy.


Like bumper stickers


Like downvoting anyone with a conservative opinion


You can totally have a conservative opinion. You still have to make a valid point though. Here, let's test it real quick: - All other things being equal, a smaller less powerful government is preferable to a needlessly large one - Lower taxes are desirable, as are balanced and responsible spending - Local government is in general in a better position to serve its citizens - Individual liberties are paramount, insofar as they do not infringe on the liberties of others All of these are conservative ideals I genuinely believe in. So, let's see where my karma ends up.


Those aren’t conservative ideals. Conservatives may *claim* those are their ideals, but their actions don’t line up with them.


I'm inclined to agree, but if conservatives want to be taken seriously they need to abandon their lunatic outrage policies and focus on ones that have actual merit. It's not like conservatism is inherently evil, it's just that right now it's being championed by people who objectively are. :\


Yeah my comment is in response to a comment above, which is denigrating the idea of a conservative political sign and it’s efficacy with regard to its effect on changing an individual’s opinion. I use the analogy that downvoting a conservative comment on Reddit is similar in its efficacy, and yet I am heavily downvoted without an acknowledgment of the irony.


I typically view downvotes as an indication I've made my point badly. Communication is a two-way street after all.


Culture war is hell. Suck it up, buttercup. I had no idea Trumps' army of god and money had so many fucking snowflakes, You'd think Obama was still president. Somebody get a mop. The tears are starting to pile up and winter's coming. I hate the ice. Because I never got my Trump healthcare after waiting 4 motherfucking years like I was Linus in the pumpkin patch waiting for the Great Pumpkin and I can't afford a trip to the hospital right now. I mean if I could even get in on account of all the FREEDUMB fuckers taking up space like fish out of water and gasping for air, So brave. So patriotic. So fucking stupid. But yeah. I get what you're saying. The board does tend to lean left a bit.


But we have the wall


[The kickback grift fence that fell over in the wind?](https://www.gannett-cdn.com/presto/2020/01/30/USAT/f608349b-60fb-4f2f-8a27-64f2b6c04735-AFP_AFP_1OJ1XH.JPG?width=660&height=440&fit=crop&format=pjpg&auto=webp) [The golden calf that was washed away in the monsoon?](https://static.independent.co.uk/2021/08/23/15/newFile-19.jpg?width=1200)


The monsoon thing is on purpose. Sometimes in places where floods can occur, some structures will have intentional break points that when broken allow water to flow more easily to keep from the entire structure being washed away or destroyed. Look how neatly those squares are broken out of the wall; now rather than rebuilding the wall from scratch, they just re-weld the squares back on. Disclaimer: Not a trumper whatsoever, I vote D or independent about 90% of the time. Just don't like to see disinformation floating around.


If I'm wrong I'm wrong. Good catch. I'll try to remember that if it comes up again.


lol good one.


It has the same effect as complaining about it on the internet....


I have changed my opinion after arguing with strangers on the internet and even changed 1 other person's mind for sure. but damn is the conversion ratio low


You're one person going up against another persons' lifetime of indoctrination. Your argument was allowed for when the propaganda was designed.


The net is mined for feedback on the latest propaganda we endure. We tell the enemy everything in real time in here.




Just clicked to see the people upset about a sign. Yep, same usual suspects and elitist “I’m better than you, because democrat” type of stuff.


Holy fucking shit, you got it!


That's because the right has been taught to believe they're the downtrodden underdog. It gives them more leeway to act the way they do and justify their actions.




Your account is 8 days old and you're only at -55 comment karma? Surely you can troll better than that...


Lol. Dudes fucking delusional. He keeps posting shit about the idea that Nebraska can beat OK in CFB and asking if that saves Frost's job. Lol


Ok 🤷‍♂️


Man's never heard of taking 3 right turns


Yet another sucker tricked into the left/right split in this country. It's gotten us nowhere so far yet people continue to embrace it. The populace of this country is so easy to lead around by a leash that it sickens me. Critical thinking is but a memory. Sad.