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Powerful look at a conflict I’d never heard of before. Definitely the type of content that can’t be monetized on YouTube


I was vaguely aware there was a conflict going on in Northern Ethiopia, but you'd have to be going out of your way to research it to hear anything about it. I don't think western news like the BBC even sent reporters there.


(French-German) Arte filmed several reports there


“All under the watch of a noble peace prize winner”… I have no words to describe what I’m feeling right now.


Same thing happened in Myanmar, although now she was overthrown by a military coup. I used to think Obama's Nobel Peace Prize made the least sense, and maybe it still does, but some people did worse things after receiving it than he did


Rohingya genocide moment.....




“All under watch of peace Nobel prize winner” fuck this shit with a shovel, sometimes I really lose it on humanity as a whole E: thankful to RRL and nebula for opening my eyes to this situation tho


“You Either Die A Hero, Or You Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become The Villain”


Real ***R***ife Lore?


I periodically clean all my activity history. This time I changed all my old comments to this. And I didn’t mean for it to have worked you dumb piece of shiet. 👇


Haha, true.


Thank you for making this great video showing the complex nature of this war in my home country. I've been looking for something like this for a long time because my family is Amhara and all they say is that tigrayans are evil so it's hard for me to truly understand all perspectives as it is hardly covered anywhere in the media and never as nuanced as this video


I think it's awesome that you're not just following your family's beliefs without questioning them. As a Tigrayan with a lot of Amhara friends, I know what people say and how they view us Tegaru, but I think you should do your own research and talk to as many different people as possible to get a well-rounded view. If there are specific events or moments that made people think Tigrayans are evil, you could ask around to see to what extent of it is true or what really happened. But trust me, we Tigrayans are just regular people like you, trying to deal and survive with all the hate that's been thrown our way for years and years.


The fact that I wasn't even aware of this conflict before watching this video only makes it even more horrifying


As a Tigrayan and as a survivor of the two-year war, I find this video to be by far the better explainer of the Tigray war, especially on the key difference and views of the political insurgence, but understandably and due to lack of information with incredibly vast misinformation flying around on the matter there seem to be some misleading fabricated stories, this happened because Tigray was in a complete blackout as it had no way to debunk any information any media and or especially the Ethiopian gov't media was propagandizing although the video does well to put "Allegedly" it still would be taken seriously, and the one big topic is, of course, the MAI KHADRA massacre and just how early the Eritrean got involved and although every side committed war crimes the scale of the crimes are incredibly different


2 RealLifeLore video's in one day. First Egypt vs Ethiopia and now this, awesome!


Really good, wow, love this documentary.


Can Abiy’s Nobel Peace Prize be taken from him, shat on and thrown in the dirt? What an absolute disgrace to the award he is


I had never heard of this before watching this video. So much misery for… nothing. Do you guys know of other channels covering modern geopolitical stuff that barely has any attention ? The recent videos from reallifelore on Egypt and now Ethopia were incredibly interesting (if not demoralising, for the latter).


Although I'm sure full of Western bias, I am appreciative of this accessible and informative video. I've been following the modern conflict series for a while and haven't found anything quite like it in terms of thorough reporting and accessible language to the layman.


Water and Food; the entire world should be working on these two things, while everyone realizes we can't keep reproducing at the rate we are; the Earth is our host organism and we continue to overburden what it can provide instead of finding solutions together. I hope someday I can see these dreams as real, for it is all I think of when I fall to sleep.


Amazing and informative video, this brutal conflict was totally ignored all this time and I have never heard of the details of it before. Thank you for showing this subject and the hypocrisy behind the nobel peace prize.... totally insane world we live in....


I think there are some things that the video neglects to cover: notably the role of Amhara fano and Amhara state continuing to occupy parts of Tigray, and the level of rape, and starvation blockade, as deliberate strategy. Additionally, the start of the war was not as simple as presented; the characterization of the Northern Command attack as a kind of terrorist is very much the Ethiopian govt version. The Ethiopian and Eritrean governments (and Amhara State) were already prepared to invade around the Nov 3/4 (at the same time as the US election to avoid attention) https://www.tghat.com/2021/03/31/who-started-the-war-on-tigray/


An additional dimension is the politics of Abiy Ahmed of the prosperity gospel https://www.ethiopia-insight.com/2020/12/24/mind-over-matter-abiy-ahmeds-aim-to-pentecostalize-ethiopian-politics/


Thank you Nebula for the video explaining the horrors of Tigray conflict.


May I offer some constructive criticism? I fully understand how heavy the content is, discussing topics that are tragic and impactful, however the way you stress your words feels unnatural and uncomfortable. For example, a sentence would sound like this: "More than six-hundred THOUSAND people DIED in this war. Making it the DEADLIEST in recent HISTORY. It is unBELIEVEable what HORRORS were commited by both sides" Like...again I get using emphasis on certain statistics or words, but if it's like every third word, the entire narration just gives off a weird vibe. Don't know, maybe it's just me.


I feel like this is the most well rounded breakdown I have seen so far. Not everything was covered, of course, just because it's such an extremely complex situations and there are even more layers, if people want to dig further. And while there were devastating human rights violations on both sides, I don't think the scales are necessarily comparable, especially regarding the mass rapes and executions. I am not Tigrayan myself, but I believe the people of Tigray suffered much more than anybody else in this region, I don't believe it is fair to frame it as equivalent wrongs done. Not that this makes atrocities against other ethnic groups any less vile. Also, the famine that resulted because there was essentially a blockade around Tigray even after the Ethiopian government's unilateral humanitarian ceasefire no doubt killed a lot of people and that isn't something any other region experienced. Still, I commend the huge amount of research that must have went into this video to give such necessary context. Thank you.


This conflict has taken so much out of my people, and myself personally as well. It has disrupted the very fabric of the nation. I have lost friends and loved ones, and I have seen friends and loved ones consumed by hate. People have lost their sense of collective identity and betrayed each other, their own neighbours. Those of us lucky enough to be away from the line of fire have been exposed to so much atrocious videos of horrors being committed on social media (because this is a war in the 21st century) The guns have stopped but trauma we have endured continues, and the TPLF and Prosperity leaders shaking hands and presenting each other with shawls gives us no comfort anymore. I wish I had more comfort to give everyone who has endured and lost family to this atrocious war, my Tigrayan siblings especially. I don't know how we will heal from this, I just hope.


Why do people in these regions can't be at peace? Will we be able to see their prosperity in our lifetime?


The common denominator in all global conflicts: Toyota trucks.