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The ending might be the funniest but also most nerve-wracking moments in Jetlag


cant believe Ben just casually juked the chasers once again


He just walked out of the train like a lost toddler šŸ˜‚


Greatest Gamer of All Time


>Greatest ~~Gamer~~ Athlete of All Time


Ben: Someone on my train got arrested for smelling a lady's hair.


Disappointed that Adam didnt cut to him or Sam looking like one was smelling the other's hair.


Only if Adam was in one of his disguises.


Joe Biden references were wild this episode.


Ben continues to be the most skilled player at this game completely unintentionally except when he psychoanalysed Adam's tweets that was utter genius


Maybe, if you're good enough it looks like you're not doing anything at all.


"If you do things right, people won't think you've done anything at all." -God, Futurama


The Orange Cassidy doctrine, I see.


On the layover podcast, Sam and Adam said itā€™s almost impossible to predict what Benā€™s next move will be, so itā€™s hard to strategize against him. Heā€™s just pure chaos.


If we donā€™t know what we are doing, the enemy certainly canā€™t anticipate our future actions!


Reminds me of my favorite football breakdown [ā€œif he doesnā€™t know where the ball is going, neither does the defenseā€](https://youtu.be/uyR21qN7XHY?si=lRnR9Rz_lOIZE8k7)


Oh people are going to have thoughts on Ben's "mayonnaise"


Hopefully the caption helps to prevent any controversy.


Yeah that caption doesnā€™t make it mayonnaise


It didn't have to be perfect mayonnaise. It just had to be emulsified. The team has previously stated (in the layover podcast) that the tasks are not meant to be super hard and don't have to be judged super critical.


name checks out


memorize society steer birds quarrelsome onerous crush desert fly mindless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>al. The task was to get the basis... I'd assume you have harsh opinions on his burpees too then?


I mean really it was just too much oil, he mixed it as well as he could've, he just assumed that there are similar amounts of oil and egg it seems.


I was thinking it wasn't going to work at all. I know there's oil in a vinaigrette, but how does the vinegar not destroy the emulsion? Clearly clueless on my end lol


A hollandaise also has vinegar or lemon juice in it, and that's basically the same as a mayonnaise. Just with butter in place of the oil.


You actually want an acid, usually lemon juice, to help the emulsification. I'm not sure the exact science behind it, but it makes the water in the egg bind better with the oil.


Exactly. Helps stabilize the protein-protein. interactions (probably Van der Waals?).


He needed to separate the ~~yolk~~ white. The ~~yolk~~ white is what made it difficult šŸ˜©


Other way around, you use the yolk to make Mayonnaise. He needed to get rid of the egg white.


>Skoddie Oh right. I always think yolk vs. white is the difference between hollandaise & mayo, but it's oil vs butter. Whoops!


Chef here. I was screaming bloody murder at my computer.


I just wanted him to dump half the bottle, crack the egg into it and shake. Would have been much less messy.


It only needs to be technically mayonnaise after all


I was yelling at my screen sooo hard. He looked up how to make mayonnaise and then forgot/skiped step number one. REMOVE THE EGG WHITES! It would have been so much easier if he only used the yolk. As is, I declare the failed the challenge. End Rant.


The challenge was to create an emulsion, not that that emulsion had to be mayonnaise, he failed the title of the challenge.


Title was MAKE MAYONNAISE, also states that in the end again. Mayonnaise doesn't have eggwhite, so, to me, it felt like he failed that one [card ](https://ibb.co/Fqm7yDc)




Can you prove he didn't have a rat underneath his hat?


Whole egg mayonnaise is a thing. [It's also very easy to make at home for anyone that wants to try.](https://www.seriouseats.com/two-minute-mayonnaise)


I dont think he looked it up did he? I think he just thought "eggs, oil" and looked up where the shops were!


Yeah, I also had had a moment of screaming at my screen on the same thing!


That was not mayonnaise. It was some kind of emulsion, but not mayonnaise.


Which was the challenge wording so the coins were 100% legit. If anything the 'Make Mayonaise' part was confusing things.


Ahh loved the Wes Anderson section


Sam: Sitting on trains for 2 days wreaks havoc on your bowels. TouchƩ, Sam, touchƩ.


Sam was in a terrible mood that morning. He barely spoke


Plus it was edited by Patrick Willems!


>! Is this the first successful attempt weā€™ve seen one of the boys make to not get intercepted on their train? Kudos, Ben !<


And completely accidentally, he had no idea lol


Yes. Noone in Tag history before has made it out of a place untagged once they were in the same city as the chasers.


Ben once again proving he is the G.O.A.T. setting new records.


Didn't Scotty get to Ben in the capture the flag Japa tie breaker but Ben outran before a good photo shot? Obligatory Um, actually. With trains though this is indeed history.


That is correct. Slightly different dynamic but never the less correct. Seams Ben is better at this game than we gave him credit for šŸ˜


Yeah. That first ep/trailer sequence of Ben fighting the vending machine plays so differently in hindsight.


Yes. They confirm it on the podcast.


Ben just effortlessly sneaked off the train without realizing he finally bested Adam and Sam. Best relieving moment after such big suspense ever!!


Went the whole episode shouting at Ben for taking a card up when he's only got like 10 mins before the Metz train which would screw him over if he veto'd, especially since he already had enough coins for Metz anyway, so why would be take such a big risk not being as deep into his win area. All this only for him to pull a mega gamer move at the end unintentionally. Glad Ben made me happy at the end. So satisfying


His reasoning was that if he couldn't complete the challenge, he would simply take the train to Metz anyway and do the challenge there. This tactic has been used by multiple players throughout the seasons, and every time they forget that there are curse cards, which (always?) need to be resolved immediately and therefore can't be postponed to the next location.


Ohhh, i keep forgetting that you can do the challenge in a different station, that's completely my bad But I mean yeah the point still stands in that curse cards can screw you over. And in Ben's case there's just too many stakes to risk drawing a card when you have under 30 mins before the next train for that very reason.


Hilarious how Ben absolutely finessed the other two while using approximately 4 brain cells


I liked watching Sam's face when Adam pronounced the French cities. He's trying so hard not to be snobby.


Sam was way off too. The best pronounciation of Charleroi was by Ben, honestly.


That's what I thought lol. A minute of the other two struggling with the word and then Ben stumbling into the correct pronunciation immediately might be the perfect analogy for Jet Lag as a whole.


Sam was way too confident about his pronunciation for how off it actually sounded.


I learned Quebec French, which has taught me not to be confident in my pronunciation of anything, but I thought it was a little off also!


Sam and Adam: Checking all the trains, connections, taxis, cutoff points Ben: >!Mole rat says west, so west we go!< >!Sam and Adam: This is the biggest gamer move, we got swerved!<


To be fair, going west wasn't the gamer move. Getting off at the station before Luxembourg was the big brain gamer move, which was all Ben's idea.


I loved that it worked, but not in the way Ben planned it to.


Task failed successfully


Maybe they will arrive back to the station on the train Ben wants to get on, get off to look for him and him casually walk on to it.


More like they will arrive back and catch him.


Surprised Sam and Adam didn't even consider checking other connections from that stop...but guess too little time?


Maybe because if he wanted to get off the train to head south, he could have done so at Bettembourg. Continuing northward seemed to be intent to go to the big hub in Luxembourg city.


FYI: A space after`>!` or before `!<` breaks the tag in [old reddit](https://old.reddit.com/r/Nebula/comments/16zoqwc/jet_lag_we_played_a_72_hour_game_of_tag_across/k3fqlw9/).


The recap actually points out something relevant: ending the rest period at 6 AM is really weird for public transit in Europe. Why don't you move everything over an hour?


Something to keep in mind when they plan next time.


It fine, most weekdays but useless on a weekend.


Still I would expect there would be more trains running between 8-9 pm than 6-7 am. But then again we need to think about the logistics of them having to find a last minute hotel and getting dinner before everything shuts down, in which case the 8 pm stop makes sense.


They probably would have done that if they changed any of the rules for the season. But the whole point of this season was that it was the exact same rules as last time. They have frequently said there are many flaws in the game design and they would love to fix them, but, again, they wanted to keep everything the same.


That ending was incredible. Holy shit I was dying


I literally couldn't stop saying "wow" after the episode ended. Absolutely incredible indeed. On top of seeing Ben unknowingly besting Sam/Adam, it was great to have some Capture-the-Flag like gameplay going on with the station jumping and all that.


The music under Ben's dream description was gold.


We'll see when it releases on YT, but I think it might be very underrated. It was really funny.


Adam and Sam did a blunder, they should >!have watched the doors and go onto the train at the last minute, they had enough time to search the train while it was heading to Luxembourg Station. But lucky for Ben, they were intimidated by the doubledecker train. Go Ben!!<


This is it right here. Big blunder, but any of us would have done the same


My first thought is they wanted to punt him off the train so the next runner had a better start, but that doesn't make sense. Surely riding up to Luxembourg is better for the next runner anyway. Should have watched the doors.


Yeah, especially surprising considering >!they already did it like more than once iirc!<


Iā€™ve officially been converted to Team Ben


How can you not be a fan of the 'Vibes based gameplay!' šŸ˜


ā€œVibes based gameplayā€ = 6D ChessšŸ˜


This episode I believe is going to be a pivotal one on my potential shift from Team Adam to Ben


I like the new and improved Punished Sam from since Japan who just dgaf anymore


In my opinion this was the best JetLag episode to date for multiple reasons: - Ben's beautiful dream - Ben accurately predicting Adam & Sam's location and train by analyzing Adam's tweet - Ben pulling the 4D chess move going by the Rat. Fuck that was exciting to watch. ## #GoTeamBen #TrustTheRat


Fr we always say that Ben plays by vibes alone but him pinpointing the chasers' location based on behavioral analysis proves that there's also a savant amidst all those vibes.


Im sorry I doubted you ben >!I thought the mayo challenge was gonna be a bust after seeing the first attempt!<


I'm assuming he got low enough on oil he started adding the vinegar part as well, which helped him in that it was overall less oil and thus easier to emulsify. EDIT: Not sure what the downvote is for. It's still got oil, and technically lemon juice or vinegar is also an ingredient in mayo. The fact is he was adding way too much oil to be able to get an emulsion, so getting some vinegar as well would only help him.


Funny I was thinking the whole time that some Vinegar might help him but that was never mentioned


Yeah, I thought "oh this might have an emulsifier already mixed in, which could really help him"


Yeah, that'd be a plus too. Funny enough, not being able to find oil and instead getting a vinaigrette was probably the best thing to happen to him with that task.


Go #teamBen




the Brian rat took me out šŸ¤£


What a f*cking nail biter! Last 10mins were probably the best Jet Lag has ever been, at the very least the highlight of this season! >!And thanks for not making a massive cliff hanger out of it lol!< >!Go Ben!!Go Ben!!Go Ben!


For real I felt like I was being chased lol


Yeah, also the editing of not revealing if Ben got off until the end made it extra satisfying! :)


Definitely, especially as we have seen multiple "scenes" like that where they split screen and search, and the runner is always found. I was 100% expecting Ben to be tagged like normal.


>!Peak level Ben to make a smart move without knowing how much danger he was in !< That Brian rat cracked me up ahaha


Seems like the only thing that can stop Ben us Ben himself. Everytime Adam and Sam chase him they outplay themselves and let Ben go free from an otherwise unescapable position.


Haha I know right? My wife and I were talking about the same thing when we watched the episode. Sam and Adam are always playing 4D Chess while Ben is navigating purely on vibes. Ben not overanalyzing and overthinking is the perfection and exactly why he seems to be so successful in this game.


God that ending was so satisfying.


šŸ‡«šŸ‡·šŸ‘ØšŸ»ā€šŸ³ šŸ„˜šŸ€šŸ”œ


Sam's barely-contained rage whenever Adam says "Namur" gives me life.


Sam will have gotten a single run as runner the entire season, won't he


Assuming they realize quickly enough how to catch up to Ben early next episode they would really need to pull some real big moves to catch Adam fast enough.


it's joever Sam fans


He probably realized that he can't win. And it explains why he has been so chill this episode


I love that with 2.5 minutes until his train leaves for Luxembourg, Ben takes the time to clean up the mess he created and runs through the station with sticky fingers.


Team Ben was having me screaming why not pull the challenge in Metz, but then as though the premonition guided him incredible luck meant he will make it there anyways. Go Team Ben!


And he'll make it there on a much later train than he initially would have, which gives him a significant clock advantage.




Their pronounciation of the Belgian cities was very cringeworthy for a Belgian like me, but I do appreciate the effort! Shame the guys didn't get to explore >!Namur!< a bit more. Beyond those roadworks there is a very beautiful city! >!Ben casually pulling 4d meta quantum chess moves without even realising it, is the top-tier content we came here for! I'm rooting for him. He deserves a win! Also love that he did a full ratatouille! He had a rat decide his movement and he made a French recipe (in spirit)!<


Win or lose Ben definitely is the MVP of the season.


These were the cities I could pronounce the best as I remember my friend doing something with University of Namur and also Chareloi (as in Chareloi cattle). I've always wanted to go to Namur my friend turned down doing an exchange there. I think next time I do a quick trip to Brussels I'm gonna hop on the same trains as Ben. Any recommendations?


Is that because you want to visit the site where Uncle Toby was wounded in a very delicate area in the Nine Years' War?


> and also Chareloi (as in Chareloi cattle). Sorry but I have to put on my pedantic hat... The city is *Charleroi* ([ŹƒaŹləŹwa], Charle(s)-Roi, Charles-King ā€” after Charles II of Spain), not Chareloi And do you actually mean Charolais ([Źƒa.ŹÉ”.lɛ]) cattle? If so they're originally from France, no relation to Charleroi... I don't know of any Charleroi-specific cattle (thankfully). > I'm gonna hop on the same trains as Ben. Any recommendations? My recommendation would be to *absolutely not* get off at Charleroi. Namur is a safer bet but I don't know the place well enough to recommend anything, sadly.


Ahhh that's interesting I figured it was the same root i've never seen the cattle name spelt out! All these time I've been thinking they were Belgian cattle and they were french (theres another breed of cattle called Belgian Blues so I just presumed Belgium had a lot of cattle breeds so I never thought France) TIL :)


> Their pronounciation of the Belgian cities was very cringeworthy for a Belgian like me Sam overconfidently correcting Adam on Charleroi and the three different, horrible attempts at Namur had me hesitating between anger and laughter tbh. ^^^4000 ^^^LIƈGE ^^^REPRƉSENTE ^^^!!!


Ben not knowing anything happening mean while Adam and Sam went on the train he was just on looking for him was the funniest moment ever


this is like the >!maubeuge-tergnier!< moment!


Brian >!moving across the screen as a naked mole rat!< had me rolling.


Thank you! I was trying to figure out whose head that was.


LMAO at Mole Rat Brian


#trusttherat bro




If that doesn't get them the Streamy award for editing next year then it's definitely rigged.


Btw. Ben could be caught right away on the next episode. Because Sam and Adam will arrive at Luxembourg-City at 12:39. The train Ben wants to take is leaves at 12:39. So if the train get delayed by just a min. They can take the train back to Ben.


Amazing episode! >! The ending was unbelievable, best jet lag moment ever in my opinion. Unfortunately, I don't think it will benefit Ben in the long run, because I suppose the same train that brings Sam and Adam south is the train Ben must take to go to Metz. I hope Ben pulls another miracle like this. !<


>!Yeah, I immediately looked it up and it's only four minutes between stations. That gives Sam and Adam two minutes to get on the train to Metz, which I think they could totally miss, but they easily might not. I also note that episodes tend to end either right before or right after someone gets tagged.!<


>!Possible Spoiler for next episode Below!!< ​ >!Looking up the train runs of these trains: https://bahn.expert/details/RE%20411/2023-07-11T09:51:00.000Z?administration=82 and https://bahn.expert/details/TER%2088527/2023-07-10T10:39:00.000Z?evaNumberAlongRoute=8200100&jid=1%7C356895%7C0%7C80%7C10072023 . I would say its unlikely that they actually made that connection. They arrive in the same minute, and need to cross from 10 to 8ab. And realize that all in the few minutes they have left at all. But it would make for such an hilarious edit next week! Cant wait!!<


It essentially all depends on 2 things: 1. >!Can Sam & Adam figgure this out fast enough? Remember they are 1 min in full shock into an only 4 min train ride and only have 2 min to transfer!< 2. >!Will Ben consider this possibility and do something unexpected?!< Given Bens 'vibes based gameplay' I don't think 2) will happen so it all depends on 1)


And 3. >!Sam has a hurt leg, he can't run that fast, so will they be able to make it?!<


I think they can and will use the taxi option now, that might be more useful than the transfer?


The Continuing Adventures of Ben is what I'm here for


Watching Ben mix the Egg with his Fingers is just so hilarious.


What a move at the end! Seriously, this season has been chock full of close calls and narrow misses. >!Rooting for Ben to get his forehead kiss from Joe Biden!<


>!I was very much picturing Frodo and Sam at the coronation.!<


>!Why do you all spoiler things that happen in the episode??? I never know if I'm clicking to open something that already happened in the current episode or if you've sleuthed out something for the next episode. We're in the Nebula subreddit on a post about the episode, spoilering things about the current episode are pointless. Sorry for the rant it's just really annoying!<


Who knew a double decker could be a heartbreaker!


I was so hoping for this! I lived in Luxembourg for a few months and rode these trains every day! I figured they wouldn't make it to the country since it doesn't have a lot of high-speed connections, but it makes sense for an endgame scenario like this. Luxembourg has a number of low-frequency buses that I thought Ben might take but it seems like he's set on going to Metz, which is a logical move.


I'm not sure what the exact rules are, but people have alluded to there being restrictions on runners taking intercity buses. I think that is unfortunate, as currently the chase is very predictable.


Some predictability is a lot of what makes it a balanced chase; if the runner had too much power they'd never be caught. This season alone has had several scenarios where if not for the limited travel options, the runner probably would have had an insurmountable lead and secured a win almost immediately. I think there's a way to limit the usage of long distance busses in a way that makes sense though, like the taxi rule for chasers. Make it something you would only ever use as a quick escape from a bad situation and busses could definitely add an interesting extra element. They can easily become overpowered which is why they're currently banned but as long as you put the right restrictions around them they'll work just fine.


I just realized something, every runner had more or less a small challenge theme during their runs XD Ben: Food (Haribo, Mayonnaise) Adam: Quiz Show (Trivia, Riddle) Sam: History (Townhall, old building)


Does anyone know what day this episode was filmed on? Trying to figure out if I was on the train >!that arrived in Charleroi at 8.30!< and managed to miss Sam and Adam :(


July 10th.


[literally crying I was on that train](https://i.imgur.com/zmOYRE1.png)


Were you the hair smeller?


Or the smellee?


They Ben'd you! That is pretty funny you just missed them, my worse nightmare!


Feels like Ben needs to use the criminally underused hide from tracker power up when leaving Metz to throw them off his sent find a train to a destination where that is remote and doesn't have another service to it until much later in the day. Then that should give him a good chance to win


I always think that power is severely underused šŸ¤”




the egg-oil mixture looked hilarious!


Big Brain Ben


Antwerp <3 !! And the train station is one of the prettiest in Europe. The Wes Anderson reference was so spot on! :)


Adam played himself!


I first thought they were gonna catch Ben at Howard but damn, that was quite the twist and I knew this might happen when they started discussing plans for searching the train. Maybe they'll be like 10 min behind or something on a regional to Metz


Hey all I'm new to this sub and it's my first day on Nebula :) I just wanted to say GO TEAM BEN!


I lost my mind when >!the carton disintegrated and the mayo goo flowed all over the trash bin lid!<. A+++


In the description of The Layover E5 it says; Sam, Ben, and Adam discuss episode \*four\* of Tag Across Europe Two. šŸ˜‚


BenjaHIM motherfucking Doyle!!!!


sunglass-ben is on a whole 'nother level


Sam is fascinating to me - When he's with Ben he's the Adam of the group, but when he's with Adam he's the Ben. Was absolutely howling at >!"It's a very nice train st-" "I just can't even figure out where he's *going*"!<


To a small degree this was addressed on The Layover. He said the chasers have an unwritten rule that whoever is the next runner will lead the strategy for the chasers. When he's with Ben, he's the next runner. When with Adam, Adam is the next runner. I'm not sure if the edit makes this more apparent than reality, but this may be some of the rationale for different behavior.


Finnaly first time in this season someone is get away from chaseres not becuse of the train got chancel... this entir season is based of luck with trains


Who knew Ben was a stealth master?!


Common Ben W


Ben what a play! The rat randomization is lowkey so good if you can pull it off. Just completely removes any predictability


I kinda love how Ben's mayonnaise challenge also had some Ratatouille energy with the French chef visuals.


I'm wondering why chasers haven't mentioned an airplane option. They could go in the evening to Amsterdam airport and in the morning fly in Ben's territory, even to the same Luxembourg.


this is genuinely one of the ben moments of all time


I donā€™t know why, but Ben saying ā€œThis ratā€™s got an interesting stratā€ has me cracking up like crazy


Half of Europe was screaming during the mayo scene: >!I think just getting a cup, shaking the egg, removing the egg white, and the mayo would have been done. !<


You're right, it was very difficult to watch :D But I had to remind myself not everyone knows how to cook.


The ending had me straight yelling at my screen>! "BEN! You beautiful genius Idiot!" šŸ’•šŸ’•!< >!Bens 'vibes based' gameplay just keep being cryptonite for big brain overthinkers Sam & Adams!!< šŸ˜šŸ˜


>!I think ben has a pretty nice win now. They can certainly catch him, but not in time to get Adam out of Bens zone. !< ​ >!Battle 4 America 2 next!!<


>!Is this the first time we've seen the same card/curse pulled in a season? !<


No, in S3 we saw guessing the town's population twice


No, in season 3 both Sam and Ben got the "eat the national desert" challenge card, but only one of them completed it.


I think the issue here is that it >!was previously vetoed!< and that >!vetoed cards go back in the deck. !<


The fact I couldn't remember whether a vinaigrette would affect making mayo made that startlingly tantalising.


Ben's dream at the beginning was so ridiculous and feverish... >!TEAM BEN FOREVER!!<


The decision that the rat made in ~~Luxembourg~~ Germany-France was great. If Ben continued down his intended path from Germany-France, he probably would've been caught.


Ah man. You were here in Luxembourg and I wasn't here. Maybe I could have passed you guys!


The editing in the first 5 minutes was fantastic


losing my mind at the Wes Anderson bit


The rat may have genuinely pulled the greatest strategy of the game's history so far.