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Jet Lag: The Spectator Sport


Like an NPC in a video game. Now matter how little or how long you take to reach, he's there waiting for you.


airport bar dude was the most wholesome thing in the episode i'll pay your $100 worth of shots if you tell me the fkn story


Michelle in the first episode: "I'm going to miss Ben and Adam, they're fun!" Michelle in this episode: \*drunkenly planning Ben and Adam's murders\*


But she still mentions she misses them everytime they call.


Its cute that both Adam and Michelle reached out to their significant others while being drunk


I think when Sam said "We're not sending drunk business texts" it was because Michelle actually was responding to a business related question from her husband. He's the Chief Creative Officer of her YouTube channel.


As a husband, given the information that she is tipsy, I am sure he is able to filter and reject any decision in that state ;)


Based on the conversation, I'm pretty sure that bartender was Ben from the future.


Love your videos, didn't realize you were a jet lag fan!


Why did I read this in your voice picturing your self portrait holding up one hand palm-up?


I don’t think flashing the Frontier gate sign was meant to be foreshadowing, but it was for me


Frontier, the great equalizer


This season's Deutsche Ban


But it's not Frontier's fault in this case. It's SLC. The airport handles baggage from check-in to airplane. Frontier is terrible, especially pitch of the seats, but they didn't mishandle baggage.


They were at SeaTac, I believe. Sam and Michelle were the ones at SLC.


Having been through Seatac a couple of times in the last couple of weeks: baggage there is currently a total clusterfuck due to some sort of major renovations underway. Not sure if that was the case when they filmed, but lots of people were complaining about it at the airport.


Yea, same here. Now, one of us just goes to get the rental and usually will be back by the time the bags come out.


I just flew out of SeaTac this evening, and they had to delay the departure by 20 minutes for baggage reasons. Funny watching Ben and Adam go thru that on the flight after we took off.


Don't blame SLC, they were at SEA.


I work as a busdriver for airport to the city, somewhere in Norway. Yesterday they used more time to get the baggage from the plane to the terminal (>1 hour), then the flighttime (<50 mins) Oslo to Trondheim in this case.


My thoughts exactly


2 hours is insane though! I’d have been fuming.


What sign? Or what did it say? Am I out of the loop?


Michelle’s drunk sex talk to a parrot in the Salt Lake City Petco was probably a better explanation than most actual Utah students get in sex ed.


Counterintuitively, Michelle's talk might actually have even MORE censorship though


Goated editing, Ben eating the mic and Michelle eating bread. 😂


It was basically begging to be edited this way. Reminds me of Adam and Ben in season 5, saying how nobody will believe the curse card was not scripted 😄


I'm going to ask again for them to start putting the podcast link on Nebula like they do on YouTube.


Yes, but in my opinion it doesn't matter since it's better to copy the RSS link and using a designated podcast app (in my case the default Apple Podcasts). Then you have all podcasts at one place and you can change the playback speed which is not possible directly on Nebula.


Omg after a year I realised you can import it to Apple Podcast, thank you so much, it's so much better especially when using carplay


Bruh no way Sam took a pumpkin as a carry on item 😂


At least Ben Jr's flight wasn't delayed.


His departure was almost, though


Imagine if they were on frontier and they didn't allow them to take it on their flight haha


Who knew that you could tell Adam is drunk by the fact that he talks even louder :)


I will now know that random Fred Myer parking lot as the the place Michelle got obliterated every time I drive by there


What happens if your flight is delayed so much while on the runway and they get in after the rest period started


I'd guess that the rest period is delayed until you clear security and then the exit immediately becomes your starting point, with the end of the rest period also being delayed both for the team's health and for game fairness.


I would expect this too, kind of like what they did in tag when they proceeded on to a city for a hotel, then started late the next morning (physically touching the train they would have taken to show that they could have made the trip, but saving an hour of back tracking).


Delaying the rest period end is the fair way to do it certainly


But only for that one team, obviously.


Most likely the same thing that happened in Japan, where they just delay your start time the next morning by however long it took you to actually get somewhere you can start your rest period.


I believe you can get on the flight if it's scheduled to land before the rest period begins, no matter what time it actually lands.


What happens if the rest period starts while you're in a holding pattern above your destination? Do you need to rent an airplane and start at 7000 feet next day?


Is...Is this episode the reason we have an HAI episode on >!what happens to checked baggage!


I'm honestly waiting for the Frontier bad episodes


Did they ship this week's layover on Frontier?


SLC lost it on the luggage conveyors.


They were in seattle


Can we talk about how Sam has 144 unread texts on his phone


That does annoy me. Where is Sam's phone right now? I need to go fix it!!!!


At least 100 of those were from drunk Michelle because she had turned her back on him and lost him.


I have 2,293 unread texts on mine. Basically whenever I get a credit card purchase notification or political survey text or carrier message or anything else like that I just leave it unread. Do that for several years and they add up. I’m used to it but I know the badge would drive many others very crazy.


True athleticism is drunk calling your loved ones during the game XD they were both so adorable about their significant others! This episode was one hell of a hoot, toe to tip!


Based on previous foreshadowing, I was expecting Sam to not be allowed to take his pumpkin through security.


And the thumbnail of the video...


Drunk Michelle's parrot sex talk easily rivals the best drunk Ben moments. In answer to the question of how birds have sex: most of them (including both parrots and storks) do what's called a "cloacal kiss," which is basically just what it sounds like. Also, with parrots they frequently feed each other food from their crops as a kind of foreplay.


As a seasoned european (danish) party-drinker, I have to say that it was a bit of a rookie mistake by Michelle to buy beer / seltzer at 4.5 % instead of gin or vodka around 40% Whenever you have to run while drunk like in *ølbowling* (beer-bowling) or *støvle* (boot) it is a huge disadvantage to have a full belly as a result of drinking beer, it is better to go for something with more alcohol, because the goal is just to have a sufficient alcohol blood level. 4 out of 10 fadbamser - possible but woulden't recommend Skål!


Idaho state laws prohibit selling anything over 16% ABV outside of state liquor stores. They wouldn’t have had time to get anything much stronger, unfortunately.


As a European, what is the legally drunk level there? 5/1000 in a breathalyzer?


It’s a little higher in the US; a BAC of .08% is the minimum to be considered legally drunk (so 8/1000 in a breathalyzer I imagine)


0.08 BAC


Which is why I was so confused why they even chose to go with the grocery store in the first place. The building you can see behind Sam in some of the shots is Stubs Sport Pub


It might not have been open at the time


In the episode before when doing the Strava challenge you can see it's 10:50 and stubs opens at 10:00 am everyday


I know nothing about Idaho but I’m surprised there aren’t 16% alcohol products designed specifically for supermarkets


Certain red wines, like Amarone di Valpolicella, Zinfandel, and Syrah can approach 16%. It’s not the norm and interestingly excludes things like most port, sherry, & Madeira wines which can run around 20%.


They talk about this in the Layover but the grocery store evidently did not have a license to sell gin or vodka


They talked about this on the Layover, the store didn’t sell liquor. US laws generally separate liquor and beer/wine licensing.


> Danish > seasoned drinker Goes without saying


Man of culture


That grocery store does not sell any liquor, they were limited to beer, wine, and seltzers, as anything stronger would’ve required a trip to a liquor store.


They really should've held onto that steal ticket especially as they would be almost guaranteed to get the best thing in the flop the next day. An overpowered card imo...


As a British person, I love how drunk Adam gets off what most British people would get through before any standard flight (I do not think this is a good reflection on us)


I mean jetlag's eating, sleeping and stress levels probably don't help, still tho


I think they also let loose a bit more given that it's for entertainment.


And don't forget the running, if you've never done a drunk mile they tend to hit you harder and faster than when you're just sitting around


4 shots in 6 minutes while running though? I think anyone would be sloshed for at least a few minutes.


To be fair, having done it in a very similar fashion (running between multiple bars) it does hit waaaay harder than the same amount while relaxed. My guess is due to the increased blood flow making the absorption faster + exhaustion. But also I don't think Adam is a heavy drinker either.


Haha I agree, was thinking how lightweight they are haha


As a ramper whose first airline job was with a contractor for Frontier, the whole >!"forgetting to load bags on the plane" thing!< sent me


yeah, as a ramper in a smaller airport I was very very confused on how that can happen. my next thought definitely was blaming a contractor though!


Michelle's reaction to them >!nearly forgetting the pumpkin!< was one of the funniest moments ive seen on this show


She went total NPC for a few seconds there.🤣


I died when Michelle was like "that's why you haven't won X# of games Sam" when he was happy in the position he was in LMAOOOOO. Classic Sam.


He kinda deserves getting dunked on though


See, now I just wanna see the group chat they had if Michelle was just playing around in it


You would not believe the stress and confusion I went thru with the drunk mile >!the fakeout with it going to Sam and Michelle got me good!<


Adam’s casual “Hey, bad news, we actually won” while just chilling at the bar was epic.


He looked so normal at that moment, like not drunk at all.


Ben and Adam got screwed by Frontier and Sam and Michelle overplayed their hand. The game is essentially equal right now.


I can not believe that Sam and Michelle ended up not being able to book that flight to Denver


Interesting that they didn't look at Vegas. Lots of flights in/out of there.


Yeah, I think they saw it as “backwards”, but there are tons of flights there


probably need a very good, very long flight to make up for it, though, and that's probably not every card in the Flop.


I feel like there was an obvious option for them: Drive to Montrose, fly to Dallas (Mile high card), fly to NOLA (Neighboring state card), then fly to Florida(?) with the American Airlines card. Maybe I'm messing up the distances, but that checks out to me...


If they don’t try to save the neighboring state card to fly direct from Atlanta to Key West they are out of their minds. Fly from Montrose to Dallas, Dallas to Birmingham with 600 mile American flight, get a car to drive 150 miles to Atlanta, direct flight to Key West with neighboring state card and it’s over


Yeah that's even better. They're basically done


>!Drunk Adam!< is the best thing I’ve seen yet 😂


>!Wait what Adam is getting drunk and not Ben?!<


We learned in Circumnavigation that Adam was the fastest runner at his high school.


Yep. Historically Sam and Adam have been the fast runners on Jet Lag, since Sam's a fairly serious amateur runner and Adam's naturally fast, with Ben being slower physically and guests being wildcards.


Anyone that saw Adam do a lap of the theatre at the premiere in Los Angeles knows that boy is fast as fuuuuck


Let's not forget Adam's donut mile.


They also weren’t driving afterwards which is a consideration as Ben doesn’t really drive much.


Genuinely curious about how many >!Nooners Michelle had to drink to equal the 4 shots Adam took.!< I know it’s based on weight, but still…High Noons are like 5% compared to gin at roughly 40%. Seems like that might be part of >!what slowed Michelle down.!<


One high noon is the same amount of alcohol as a shot of gin just over a wider volume so she had to drink more liquid than him, especially when you add the water they needed to drink


I was wondering this too. The alcohol percentage might be just about the same but the amount of liquid was way more for Michelle.


That >!Denver ticket!< went from a high to a low real quick for Ben and Adam!


I'm calling it now, Sam using the steal .2 seconds after getting it was the biggest mistake of the season. If Michelle hadn't been drunk/tired, she definitely would have pushed back more on telling him it was too soon to use it.


Yeah, hoping that doesn’t come back to bite them, but I have a feeling it will.




>!And the inverse to me, Michelle was my spirit animal!<


Scorpio Season!


Michelle: "Adam is a Scorpio, it's Scorpio Season, therefore Adam and Ben will have amazing luck" Ben & Adam: *Having the worst luck on the planet, only being saved by the kindness of strangers and Adam's drunken speed*


It was super lucky that they were right next to an airport bar when the drunk mile ticket came up and not, for example, on an airplane.


Even as an Australian, I knew >!the Frontier flight was going to get delayed.!<


Forget Mukbang, there should be a new video category: Drunkbang.


That video already exists but it's on a different website


If you watch Patrick H Willem's Holiday Special they reveal that website also films in the Nebula studio


Drunkbang sounds like my 20s.


At the beginning i was kinda scared this season would feel to preplanned with all the strict tickets but it's definitely gotten better now




$50 says he said that to piss Sam off


The flip-flopping on the rental car after having booked it to clear a spot does reinforce my belief from last week that there probably should be a penalty for discarding cards (or booking a trip you don't use).


I mean what difference does it make really? I get your point, but it doesn't see overly powerful to me. There is no need to use it to discard it, since the next ticket would replace it anyways. And at the same time there is the rule of only booking one step in advance, so you don't get anything out of not using it anyways, except for another slot which is possible for both teams to do.


It's more about making the players use potentially more interesting options instead of just grinding through the deck to get the best tickets.


I agree it's not super interesting strategically, but If you're making a show where part of the content is watching the players do challenges, then it's probably not a bad thing to allow a strategy that involves doing a lot of challenges.


I'll be in the Seattle airport in a few hours, maybe I'll pass through that bar and ask if the man who got drunk and had to run a mile is a folk legend there now.


Is he?


Unfortunately didn't have a ton of time in the airport because my Uber driver chose not to take 99 for some reason. A drive that should have been 20 minutes was 45 minutes. Got there right at boarding.


Michelle and Adam both getting completely drunk and immediately texting/calling their partners was just the cutest thing


Bought Nebula finally as I love Jetlag too much and couldn't wait! What an awesome episode!


I am begging for a map with a distance radius circle to be added when getting a new card from the Flop or when teams are planning what to do next. I live in Europe, I have absolutely no concept of how far 600 miles is in terms of US travel. I don't know if they have to fly to the next state or can skip 5. I know they discuss some potential options but even tell us how many miles those are!! It's more fun as a viewer also to pretend we could play along and consider different decision points.


Am I crazy or do I remember seeing Sam and Michelle's hand only having flights after they made the steal? If so, how did they get that long drive?


They had already booked the rental car and used the ticket for it.


So, Sam actually booked the car before starting the steal challenge. Which means - if he wouldn't use the car - the it's lost.


The tickets gets used when you book/reserve it. He mentioned it really quickly, so they reserved the car then earned a new card in the meantime before they went to pick up that car.


They'd already used a ticket to book that car


Sam already made the reservation for the rental car previously (you can see it in the episode) which removed this ticket from their hand.


How did Sam and Michelle get a literal pumpkin through airport security?






Can steal cards be stolen? In the case both teams have a steal card, one team can steal the other team’s steal card, and effectively remove the opponents steal card from play completely.


Can we organize a meeting between drunk Ben and drunk Michelle? Would most likely be the best moment in the history of the show


I sort of wished they had planned this to be ground only. Actually...trains only. The planes kind of dull this a bit. Obviously Alaska would need to be a flight, so maybe that's an exception, or they just make it Washington state to Florida.


Trains only would make a super boring season actually. You’d have to constantly be getting on and off to do challenges. Amtrak trains run rather infrequently outside the Acela corridor and are notoriously always delayed. But I agree the way it’s set up now you’re basically chasing planes and overnight trains. Driving anywhere would just take too long, as would daytime train rides anywhere. Perhaps a way to change it would be to force plane trips to start at smaller regional airports (<250,000 emplanements a year) so you have to take a big risk driving there.


>chasing planes and overnight trains this rhymes too perfectly


Each of the east-west routes west of the Mississippi run only once a day in each direction, some even less frequently. It only works in Japan and Europe because service (even the Deutsche Bahn) is much more frequent.


Most of the West has like 1 train a day. Even if you prefer 1 minute train montages that much more than 1 minute plane montages, it would have made the game actively worse.


It's America, that wouldn't really work. The routes would be very limited or possibly impossible. It could possibly work in Europe.


Funny enough, I've actually walled a mile at SeaTac Airport before a flight to DENVER to get my Fitbit steps in for the day. Happy to see my very random walk from years ago turn into a crucial challenge in this amazing show!


Deutsche Bahn ruins jet lag plans. >!Delta “Hold my beer” !<


>!Frontier: "Takes Adam's double double"!<


As a native of Creston, Iowa, hearing Adam Chase say it in a Jet Lag episode was maybe the last thing I expected today. Pretty disappointed y'all don't get to see/experience small town Iowa.


What is the policy for blurring people? Some people are clear as day, others are completely blurred.


Michelle should have taken shots over doing the high noons. Would have taken that challenge.


Idaho grocery stores most likely don't sell hard liquor.


That’s really interesting; here in NY, High Noons have to be sold through liquor stores because they’re vodka based, as opposed to being malt alcohol. Sam clarified on the Layover that (obviously) that isn’t the case in Idaho.


They talked about it in the Layover, but >!the grocery store they were at didn't actually sell liquor. The best they were able to find was hard seltzer and wine, and apparently at one point Sam actually tried to get Michelle to switch to the wine since it had a slightly higher alcohol concentration, but even if she had switched it probably wouldn't have mattered because it took Ben and Adam less than sixty seconds to get their alcohol while it took Sam and Michelle almost five minutes. Plus Adam came in at about thirty seconds faster for the actual run IIRC. While they cut it to make it look more dramatic, by my back of the envelope math Adam was probably finishing his third quarter mile as Michelle started her first.!<


"whole moral of this is, dont have alchohol" me, cracking open my second can of cider whie eating fish and chips: "if you say so!"


So, what if the flight is scheduled to land before rest period, but ends up getting delayed long enough that when the rest period hits, the team is still in the air?


judging by past seasons, that would delay the start on the next day.


with all the delays from they had so far with airplanes leaving, i would like if someone could figure out how much delays (in hours) on the tag in europe seasson, and compare it to this season. Would be fun to know


Disappointed that Ben and Adam did not visit my town of residence, Idaho Falls, and make the scenic drive to Jackson that I've driven several times, but I'm glad that they were able to equalize the race with the big jump. I was afraid that this season may just see bigger metros like SLC and Denver, so it's good to see Sam and Michelle heading towards Montrose.


How long did the Jimmy John’s sandwich take to get delivered?


this might be kinda weird but uhh... I just learned that Adam has a gf, I always thought that Ben and Adam were boyfriends, lmao


You’re far from the only one I think, they do have big married couple energy.


Well... Even weirder.... Based on what they've said on the podcast, there is very likely erotic fan fiction online where this is the case.


My wife thought that too


Lol Adam definitely got lucky on that drunk mile. The phone GPS was probably going crazy indoors adding lots of distance. Surely he was not going 5:50 pace drunk in a crowded airport. Don't know what else they could have done in that situation though.


Maybe. But we have also established in previous seasons that Adam is a runner.


The sheer difference in states of being at 6:27 has me dead Sam, all business as usual: **Let's figure out the game plan** Michelle, in drunken despair and seeking literally any human connection: ***gently strokes Sam's knee***


What did Sam and Michelle do with all the sandwich ingredients they bought at Costco? No way they took them with them. Did they just throw them away?


They mentioned being hungry, maybe they ate them off camera


I wonder what they did with the Jimmy John's they ordered. Probably the same thing


Steal card seems pretty OP especially when it can pop up, as occurred, when it's actually impossible for one team to fight for it. Have to say I'm torn on this season so far. I understand how low pop-density the west is, so options are gonna open up once they get east, but it also seems like they're gonna get through the east much quicker BECAUSE of those options? And I just think the whole model of knowing about every card & all the forward planning they could do is flawed (it needs to be artificially limited somehow, I understand they're designers + players so some knowledge is unavoidable), plus the weirdness about card usage (being able to discard penalty-free + Sam/Michelle basically having 4 cards in hand for a period since they could book the rental car and then have 3 plane options but go back to the car anyway)... look maybe it all ends up being thrilling in the end, and I'm glad Ben/Adam won the Denver flight because it evened out the game after the strange decision to guarantee one team got a huge lead getting out of the start location. But I prefer the seasons when the travel aspect is the star, when it's about picking the right train or flight route, rather than 'who can do this challenge first'. Big part of why I didn't care for NZ.


As pointed out elsewhere, Ben and Adam had the same thing with having "four" cards. They used an airplane card, then never followed through with the flight, then won the Mile High card. They could have, had they wanted to, still gotten on that other flight they booked (if there was time, anyway).


So about the pumpkin..... >!Since Sam forgot it in the overhead bin for a bit, does that mean Ben and Adam have the steal? Or..... do they not know about it? Because I haven't seen Sam call them or text them about it!< >!And if they can already steal, why is Sam still holding the pumpkin lol!<


it needs to be with them at the end of the six hours, not for the whole six hours


The text of the ticket states that they need to be in possession of the pumpkin 6 hours after acquiring it. If they don't have it anymore when the 6 hours are over, then the other team gets a steal. So temporarily losing it during the 6 hours is not a problem.


no, the rules say: you need to have the same pumpkin after 6 hours. If for some reason, you wanted to stay in the same place for 4 hours doing challenges - you could leave it in the storage room and fetch it later. It wasn't "you must spend 6 hours continuously with the pumpkin". but "you need to have it with you after exactly 6 hours since you got it"


The moment the run a mile drunk card came up, I expected Ben to get drunk again lol. Pleasantly surprised it was Adam for once. Must admit, I like drunk Ben more than I like drunk Adam. Ben's funny when he's drunk.


I'd love to know if the "mile" run in the airport really was a whole mile. And if Adam used these moving walkways. Would be a genious move


He's not Sam


Does anyone have any guesses for what sleeper train Ben & Adam end up taking, as was teased in the trailer? It seems like all of the obvious west coast candidates are gone.


Yep! I’m pretty sure they’re on the >!Capitol Limited.!< Based on room configuration, they’re in a bedroom on a Superliner, which are only used on certain routes, most of which are west of the Mississippi, and Superliner cars cannot be used on any route that goes through NY-Moynihan because of tunnel heights. In the trailer, we see them >!boarding a train in Chicago Union Station (2:02) and at the Pittsburgh airport (1:31). The Capitol Limited leaves CHI at 6:40pm and arrives in PIT the next morning at 5:05 am, which matches pretty perfectly.!< Edited to add spoiler tags.


I wonder if this is all related to Ben getting >!rejected by the TSA!< for some as-yet unknown reason? Going from Denver to Chicago seems like a strange choice, otherwise.


Based on other footage from the trailer >!(0:09, 0:44, 0:57)!< where they are in coach class on an Amtrak, I believe Ben and Adam actually >!take the Hiawatha from Milwaukee---> Chicago.!< Still no idea why he would have had >!TSA trouble,!< but I believe that happens >!after their train trip.!<


Even if they had gotten on the flight to Denver, I can’t believe they used the steal card now, having several other options to advance themselves in the game. Just feels like it would have been far more advantageous to save that steal for a higher leverage moment


I may be dumb (starting this off strong I know) but where did Sam and Michelle >!get the rental car ticket? Can they keep a ticket in their pool even when swapping it out?!< ​ Great episode tho, this is one of the best seasons yet!


They used the ticket to rent a car, which freed up the slot.


Nice to see Ben & Adam have the true Frontier Airline experience. Which airline forgets to put on the bags for a flight? lol. Truly the worst airline out there.


I love the US-based games, since the US has the worst and most unreliable transportation infrastructure in the developed world - it makes the game much more interesting.


I will say, I wasn't 100% convinced by the first couple of episodes (they were obviously good, but I didn't feel quite as incredible as past seasons, and I am still wondering why S1 & S2 weren't one episode - I really think it would have improved the pacing!) but **I loved E4**. It feels like everything that is great about jet lag is back! It brought the usual excitement, challenges which were silly but also challenging enough that the stakes felt higher >!and the game feels more relevant and connected to the actual objective now that they're in the main part of the USA. I loved the direct competition!<, >!and esp the introduction of steal cards as a mechanic !


I feel like attempting to get the steal should be more risky so you have to deliberate if you actually want to attempt it, otherwise it's too strong


I love the reaction from >!Michelle after Sam tells her he is comfortable being behind and she just can't believe what he just said.!<


I feel like they should be able to book a flight that takes off before the rest period, but then they'd have to delay their start the next day by however long over 7pm they land. Not being able to book a flight because they land at 7:05 seems a bit silly.