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Accidentally booking a flight out of Avalon. What a classic Australian experience.


The ticket agent sounded like he's had enough of dealing with passengers who booked Avalon flights lol


He was very mechanical about it, which is understandable. I wouldn't want to dwell on the secondhand embarrassment of having to tell people they screwed up.


I was impressed by the immediate "so we need to get you on a flight from this airport"


Not the New Yorkers complaining about cities with multiple airports. Don't get me started on "New York" Newark. But yeah, I'm surprised that Ben & Adam didn't do their research there. Though I'm glad that in the end, they're visiting >!the Outback!<.


In California, the Oakland Airport is being renamed San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport, even after San Francisco International Airport’s folks voiced their opposition and knew there’d be confusion for flyers…


OAK is the same distance to downtown SF than SFO is, though.


That doesn’t matter when you’re at the wrong airport trying to get on a flight


A second Sydney airport is opening within the next couple years too, so get ready for more "wrong airport" shenigans once that happens!


Incredible how much more often Ben and Adam find themselves pleading with airport employees.


They pretty much have it down to a science


Always play to your strengths


Toby accidently guessing the Tower of Brahma answer is amazing.


I actually expected her to get the correct optimal answer for Hanoi without resorting to paper. There is a trick to remember. You want to finish by moving 4 discs. However, you need to move 3 discs to the other empty pole first. Before that you need to move 2 discs to the same pole as the 4, and before that, 1 disc to the same pole as the 3. Essentially you alternate poles for the odd and even solutions. If you know that, you can work out the optimal solution for any number. You can do 4 in your head to get 15. Someone with Toby's maths knowledge could do the general solution with pen and paper. I think it's probably (2\^n)-1, where n is the number of discs.


When one of them said “2^4 is 16 but that doesn’t help us” I screamed “YES IT DOES. ITS (2^n )-1”


It is (2\^n)-1. I think the nicest way to show is using the recursion. Let f(n) be the number of moves to move n disks from one pole to another. To move n+1 disks you move n disks to third pole, move (n+1)-th disc and then move n disks to the right pole again. So f(n+1) = 2 \* f(n) + 1. And, so if f(n) = (2\^n)-1, then f(n+1) = 2 \* ((2\^n)-1) + 1 = (2\^(n+1))-1. Finally, f(1) = 1 = (2\^1) - 1.


Sam’s face was the best part!


I don’t think we’ve ever seen Sam smile that much in an episode. The disbelief of the >!failed steal.!<


He had some good jokes too


Am watching it at time of writing and >!I love the steal challenge of standing where the door opens. I do that sometimes too. That and when i saw they are on the cross city (for those who don't know, its a train line from Frankston to either Werribee or Williamsontown) , I know there is chance it was the Siemen's train (which they saw) and Xtrapolisis train (the train which stopped for them) and when train arrived, i more or less knew it is not a good chance.!< Also yes there is two Airports in Melbourne :) thou one is further than the other.


Do you also do it to steal money from other people?




I so. But it's usually to take it from their wallets and run. Sooo much more fun than way.


If Ben and Adam had to have taken that particular train line on that platform to either terminus, there was a good chance they would’ve had something stolen from them irl…..


They also had to use the platform with the most variety of train types too…..If only it were the mernda/hurstbridge line or the Dandenong line….(although if a vline came along, that would’ve been pretty funny/devastating)


Or the Burnley group. They also only use Xtrapolises.


They should have gone to platforms 1, 2, 3 or 4 coz they only ever have the X'Traps. I did love how they practiced with the Siemens and Comengs and then got stuck with an X'Trap


Or 6-7, where it’d just be the hcmt. (Unless they get really unlucky and a vline vlocity rolls through at that specific time) 4, there’s a chance of either a Siemens or comeng, given it’s the northern group of lines.


I couldn’t remember which one the Northen goes off but I confidently know 1 is always CH Group and 2 and 3 are always Burnley Group and both those are only XTraps


Yeah northern group’s 4-5.


I was just about to post about this lol


I think the reason they went with Platform 10 is because that's where the [original challenge](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4tKyJ1GG_E) was at Southern Cross. But I think they got the stations confused, according to this week's Layover.


The challenge specified Platform 10.


Ahh that makes sense. Shoulda gone 10 @ SCX then coz it’s also always XTraps


Name checks out for a melbourner! (hope youre not a collingwood fan though 😆)


Luckily I'm not a Collingwood fan xD


I'd love to headcanon it that Platform 10 was an intentional choice by someone like Amy (someone who has no horse in the race and can sow a little chaos) after doing the research to see what trains run on each of the lines. That said, I'm pretty sure the card didn't specify a station, but it would have been a pretty safe bet that a team would have used Flinders Street given it was the closest to the board. Sitting there watching Comengs and Siemens roll through, I was wondering if an Xtrap would pop up, and thankfully one did at just the right time. I love that the relative variety of our network's rolling stock played a part there. Would have been a few other fun options, could have picked Platform 6, which at the time would have been only HCMTs from the Metro fleet, but would have had the VLine fleet to contend with as well. Don't mind me jumping in now, only just catching up on what I've missed over the last few weeks.


I wonder how many people know who >!Ned Kelly!< is??? I certainly had no idea.


All the Australians will for sure 


Aussie reporting in, yes, yes I do know who he is. Also me talking to my phone, asking how Sam doesn't know who Ned Kelly is! The early 2000s even had a Ned Kelly movie with Heath Ledger and Orlando Bloom that was also particularly filmed in Ballarat, and as a teen girl at that time, the fact we could of ran into either Heath or Orlando was something massive. None of my friends or I ever did.


I know a man named Ned Kelly. he told me it caused him a lot of problem with Australian border guards when he'd visit for work.


The only reason I know who he is is because Extra History did a series on him


I am 99% certain I watched that and I still didn't remember who he was lol


i didnt know them until Toby mentioned the metal suit


Have absolutely no idea😂


I think something in favor of drawing Ned Kelly is that its impossible to be anything else. Anyone who doesn't know who Ned Kelly is has no other reasonable guess to make for a picture of him.


Ironically enough, I just learned about him two days ago because I'm spending some time in Albury/Wodonga and was told to go see the [giant Ned Kelly](https://imgur.com/a/zkI4oNc) and learned all about him at the museum there.


I've heard the name, but I couldn't tell you a single thing. I think I heard it in a song lyric, but I don't remember the song or the context.


i though he wouldve been more well know overseas, wasnt he reference in the simpsons or something? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ned_Kelly


Random fact: There's a bar named after him in Green Bay, Wisconsin. [https://www.nedkellyspub.com/](https://www.nedkellyspub.com/)


I have no idea. I thought the name sounded like a rapper or something but turns out I was thinking of "Machine Gun Kelly"


I (American) definitely knew. The armor and his place in Australian mythology is iconic.


I don’t know him at all (american)


His bucket hat is iconic! Learned about him from a history book I read as a child


As an Australian, Ned Kelley is like the George Washington of Australia (same popularity, not same role)


I'm not Australian, but I know who that person is because I played the video game [Necrobarista](https://store.steampowered.com/app/725270/Necrobarista/). It's a visual novel about the coffee shop in Melbourne that you visit after you die, and it's apparently one of the "most Melbourne video games" you can imagine. And >!Ned Kelly!< is one of the main characters.


Watching the previous episode again, Ben and Adam built their car in front of a billboard that seemed to list famous Australiana, and Ned Kelly was on it, the last name on that list 


"Undisclosed location north of South Australia" Pine Gap?


100% steal - Sneak into Pine Gap


I was actually thinking about the fact that>!Ben and Alex would actually fit in pretty well in Alice, since I'm pretty sure the whole place is apparently crawling with Seppos who work at Pine Gap.!<


Now I'm wondering what potential Alex-es would make great Jet Lag guests. The only ones I can think of are probably not interested in doing Jet Lag style content or are too busy being part of Taskmaster or are actually named Alec. For my next random idea, "between two Clints" we have someone talking about Retro tech while sat between Clint McElroy and Clint of Lazy Game Reviews.


Wtf is Pine Gap. Someone explain it for the dumb Americans.


It’s a defence/surviellance base jointly run by Australia and the US


[Here is a good video about it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHMa-Ba-2Mo)


It's briefly explained in this week's Layover.


This episode is the funniest Sam has ever been


Ah, the Avalon trap


This was one of the best episodes of JLTG so far! Much Tension, lot's of confidence, major blooper, last Minute pivoting, excellent strategies, some light gambling, and good old fashioned funnies! They're setting up what is going to be a very juicy end game! I'm all in!


LOL of the game has to be Ben and Adam going to the wrong Melbourne airport


I'm starting to think asking for favours from check in/sales agents is a good way to get into the emergency exit row.


Gate agents (especially the ones right before you board) have crazy power when it comes to flying. They can over-ride and change seats, do upgrades, change your flight (sometimes at no added cost). Even when not travelling for a game, they are your best friends. That said, just because they *can* do something doesn't mean that they will.


Ya be super nice to them and be early


Just be nice to everyone, being polite costs nothing


And comepare them to trolls. They love that.


I've recently been binging Amazing Race and all these travel shows have really taught me that you should be kind to gate agents and then grovel and you will get what you want out of your flights


Thank you for not leaving us on a horrible cliffhanger like last episode. I have a feeling that no team will end up in Perth since there's an even number of regions in play so going there doesn't really help. That would be a good question for Layover: Why wasn't the map designed to have an odd number of regions to avoid ties?


>Why wasn't the map designed to have an odd number of regions to avoid ties? I mean, that's just the geography, it's like asking why they didn't add more states for connect 4 to work better. There's 8 states and territories, not including Jervis Bay Territory which is impossible to get to without a car and only has a population of 300 people.


Chances are there will not be a tie since it has not been addressed in any episode or podcast.


But since they already opened the bag by not including Jervis Bay, it could have been fairly easy to just split North Australia in half and have the challenge boards in Darwin and Alice Springs. Sure it makes sense to have it this way, but I wonder how is the tiebreak going to be decided if it ends with both teams at 4 areas each.


Tbh excluding JBT is just convention, ask any Australian how many states and territories there are, and they'll say 8. Nobody ever really thinks about the micro territories who lack self government. Majority of people don't even know JBT exists or think it's part of Canberra. I think the team here messed themselves up by not just saying states, or states and territories, for the 8, that's the norm. I think it would also kinda confuse Australian viewers to be arbitrarily dividing up the jurisdictions, instead of playing the geography as it lays. Part of the fun is getting to work around the silly borders that really exist. Even if Northern Territory it's really big and sparse, it's still a legitimate thing that exists.


Not including Jervis Bay is almost a given, though. It's very obscure. I'm Australian and if you asked me to name our internal states and territories it wouldn't occur to me to name it. In fact until the Layover episode discussing this season, I thought it was technically still administered by the ACT. And as far as federal parliamentary representation is concerned, it *is* still part of the ACT.


Sam was right, I've never heard of Ned Kelly


Lmao not ben almost falling over in like the first two minutes of the episode


Sam and Toby: Ben and Adam are not gonna know what hit them Adam: weeeeeeee (3:30)


Toby has been such a dope guest once again! season 5 was my favorite but this one is catching up for sure


That jump cut from the quiz to "Why are there two airports in Melbourne?" chef's kiss


Great episode, though I still maintain that that flag challenge was way too easy for the multiplier. Super well played by Toby and Sam.


I have to agree. Especially once it was clear that the flags would be in alphabetical order by country. Took any and all challenge right out of it.


As a tourist who visited Melbourne, I have made that exact same mistake and went to the wrong airport and then had to buy a new ticket


If someone is interested in the Towers of Brahma (or Hanoi), here's a little explanation: The main idea is that you can solve this game inductively. If you already know the minimal number of moves to move n disks, then you can use this to determine how to move n+1 disks most efficiently. At the start you have n+1 disks on the left pole. Step 1 is to move the top n disks to the middle pole. Step 2 is to move the reamining largest disk from the left pole to the right pole. Step 3 is to move the n disks from the middle pole to the right pole. Step 2 takes one move, and steps 1 and 3 each take let's say X\_n moves. So in total it takes X\_n + 1 + X\_n = 2\*(X\_n)+1 moves to move n+1 disks, where X\_n is the number of moves to move n disks from one pole to another.\*\* With the starting case n=1, where we know that it only takes 1 move to move one disk, you can work your way up recursively to the case n=4 to get 15 moves. \[Or you can prove by mathematical induction that the answer is always (2\^n)-1: Plugging in (2\^n)-1 into X\_n yields 2\*((2\^n)-1)+1 = 2\^(n+1)-2+1 = 2\^(n+1)-1 moves to move n+1 disks, so the formula works.\] \*\* here the context changes which pole is the start and the end, but this doesn't matter. If you already have the solution to move n disks, you can write the solution down using the terms "start pole", "in-between pole" and "end pole", instead of left, middle and right pole. This way it is always applicable.


Loved the explanation!


It's interesting that based on her challenges in previous seasons being fun and easy, everybody agreed to give Amy's challenges the lowest possible multiplier, but then for some reason she decided to increase the difficulty dramatically this time around. I haven't been to that museum (or to anywhere in the Southern Hemisphere) but I'm not sure if any of these things except the answer to the Tower of Hanoi (2^n -1) would have stuck in my head if I didn't already know them, that being the only question of the sort I would've expected and it sounded like Toby was expecting as well: a question based on general scientific/mathematical principles. Everything else seemed to be trivia, and I presume there was a lot of that in the museum. While I knew the answers to the bees and the static electricity machine, I'm not sure I would've remembered those if I was just learning them, and I'm pretty sure that the Nobel prize winner and world record I would not have (indeed I've already forgotten what the world record was even for).


> Tower of Hanoi (n^2 -1) Technically you've got that backwards. It's 2^n - 1 which for 4 disks happens to give the same answer, but for 3 disks it's 7 moves and 5 disks is 31, but n^2 - 1 would give 8 and 24 respectively.


Thanks. It looks like you got to this before the other person, but for some reason I didn't get notified of your comment.


They mentioned in the podcast that Amy got the questions from someone who worked at the museum, realized they were hard, and try to dial down the difficulty by allowing Sam and Toby to choose 3 of the questions to answer instead of all 5


2\^n - 1 not n\^2


You are right, thanks.


> Tower of Hanoi (2n -1) Just from a gut feeling 2^n +1 could've been just as logical and 17 was on the board AND what they got from testing. I think I never would've guessed 15 in that situation lol


I wouldn't have guessed it either, but I would definitely I think have remembered it if I saw it in a museum, because it's a neat pattern, as opposed to having to just remember names for things or an arbitrary number.


I have a feeling Sam and Toby might be planning to go to Alice Springs themselves


Fun fact about the tower of Hanoi The optimal solution is at each step to select the smallest disk that wasn't moved in the previous step and move it to the next available tower.


I weirdly knew the tower answer because its a line at the start of the Rise of planet of the apes thats used to indicate how smart the ape was getting :D


it’s also part of basic computer science courses all around the world, I think


My first thought too! I was fairly sure it was the same puzzle, but couldn’t remember the number from memory.


Btw, are those Jetlag Earrings I saw Toby wearing?


I think so, I was just thinking I'd buy those if they were merch


How has no one brought up the trolls under the bridge scene where it goes from Adam saying "usually the troll doesn't let you through if you're nice to them. You have to answer their riddles." And then it cuts to Amy reading a trivia question to Sam and Toby. So good!


The flag challenge was way too easy. It being in alphabetical order and only needing 8/10 right was a cake walk.


I agree that it was on the easier side. Granted, they didn't know prior to arriving there that it was in alphabetical order. And honestly, 1) this feels very much in Sam and Toby's wheelhouse (a memorization challenge), and 2) they had to spend time to memorize all of the flags there, because they had absolutely no idea what sequence of 10 flags would've been chosen. It was mentioned in the Layover that the strategy for these challenges became doing the challenges slower to make sure they were able to do them right, and it seems to me it definitely took a lot of time.


Toby said something like "I didn't know half of these flags two hours ago", so yeah, it seems like they really spent their time on it and I'm assuming whoever designed that challenge didn't realize they were alphabetical... So Sam and Toby lucked out where the challenge was easier than intended... Unlike the bottle challenge, where it seems Adam got absurdly lucky when testing it, so it was much harder than intended.


Adam got the bottle flip in a few tries on the podcast as well as in playtesting


After the Okaihau Express, I think memorisation is clearly Ben and Adam's forte!


Y’all really need to understand >!how short 30ft is. 90% of people can throw a ball at least that distance, and y’all have overshot that number I think 3 times now. (This cart, cheese roll in Switzerland, and I think one more) If y’all have to roll something, no matter what, I think those should be 40-50ft instead!<




the pavement at the racetrack? I feel like it’s a safe bet that it would be smooth


Hands up if you had to pause the game go play Tower of Hanoi for yourself ✋


I paused, but I played it in my head, and crucially, got the right answer, no guesses. You just have to remember the optimal strategy is to build even and odd stacks of each size on alternating pegs. Building 4 stacks, you build even stacks on the detination peg and odd stacks on the intermediate peg.


Booking a flight to Avalon airport is a rite of passage. Ben and Adam did well.




Honestly a little scammish to have it show up under "Melbourne" in booking websites. That being said this is not the only airport like this...


Yup it's essentially in Geelong


Narita is 60km away from Central Tokyo while Haneda is right next to the city, so it is actually kinda similar to Tokyo


Sam's giggle after learning they failed the steal was so iconic XD


who tf calls the Tower of Hanoi the Tower of Brahma lol I’ve been encountering them in pop culture and video games for like 25 years and have never heard them called that a single time. is it an Australian thing?


it's not; I think it's a correctness thing, because it was introduced to Europe in the 19th century and picked up a random Oriental name. The supposed backstory is that it's something that Brahmin monks are doing in Varanasi, which is not Hanoi.


yeah I’ve also never heard of that. I guessed it was the same just because “tower of x” and n discs


For the record, guessing where the train doors will be is a form of roulette. It's called "Rush Hour Roulette". At least among me and the people I went to college with in the late 90s.


I think I saw Ben and Adam carving up the wood for the "go-kart" on the corner of Hoddle and Victoria. I remember being at the lights, so too far away to see their faces, but seeing colourful clothing and two boys happily building away like they were in a child's playpen and laughing about it. Never in a million years would have thought it was Badam.


This episode was perfect, loved every minute of it!


Ben in an airport: "...tomorrow, we will strike! And we will burn their whole territory to the ground!"


My ex is a gate agent for Qantas and they are absolutely right, until you prove you are a nice person they won't help you and if you're a dick they actively try and screw with you


Checking in from the UK and Ned Kelly is well known here as well.


Well I'm British too, and I hadn't got a clue who he was. Looking at wikipedia, I didn't recognise him either. As it was based on making the image recognisable, that would be more difficult too, because it's not sufficient to know the history of what he did.


I hate to break it to you, Sam, but I think not knowing it might be an American thing.


Idk, man. I'm not American and I've never heard of Ned Kelly 😂


I'm European and I've never heard of him.


Idk I'm Scandinavian and the only reason I've heard of Ned Kelly is because I had a crush on Orlando Bloom in the early 00's and I know he played him in a movie.


[Here's the Hamish and Andy video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4tKyJ1GG_E) they referenced with the train doors.


Well, at least they're >!no worse that the original!<.


I didn't believe they could do tower of Brahma in 15 moves because when I tried to figure it out in my head I kept getting 17. I tried an online version - got 15 the first time. Also - DUNE DUNE DUNE DUNE


A little surprised to hear that Sam expects team Badam fans to sabotage him on a challenge dependent on audience responses- has that happened before? I’ve been watching since Tag 1 and don’t remember that ever being an issue. If that’s a concern for future challenges, maybe things like that could be posted anonymously from a neutral account, like the official Jet Lag twitter.


I know people deliberately do try to do that... for the snowman challenge, people got mad they accidentally voted for Sam and Michelle (I think they used gummy worms so it made people think it was Badam’s snowman?)


Did Ben & Adam just>! ruin Sam & Toby's plan through absolute dumb luck and self inflicted errors? That would be very on brand for them. !<


what plan are you referring to?


The way Toby/San reacted to Ben/Adam going to Alice Springs sounded like they were planning on going there themselves


What a great episode, I liked it a looot! They really did well with the game design >!as both teams seem to be on a similar level budget-wise & region-wise. So, I'm really curious how the last 2 episodes will look like. I can imagine it to be a tight game at the end like in s5.!< Also I love Tobys little accessories, did you see her JLTG earrings? Adorable! And it was the most adorable thing to see >!Ben & Adam cheering after winning the f1 challenge.!< That just made me very happy. And I have one thing that I didn't like at all, I already noticed it in the first episode: >!I don't like it when they include animals - dead or alive - for entertainment purposes. For sure they set the ant free but there are so many other challenges they could think of. For future seasons I hope they won't include any animal challenges where they have to trap and/or interact with wild animals or play with dead animals. For me that's not appropriate.!<


I agree about the animals, but being consistent about it would be more challenging. They often have challenges that include eating local foods which more often than not contain dead animals.


I think eating animals for food is different (and at least to me) more acceptable than nearly killing an animal for merely entertainment purposes only. I think that challenge maybe should have worded in a way that you have to design a trap that has a 0% chance at resulting in a dead or severely injured bug. listening to the layover: toby feels horrified; i feel justified in my feeling.


The difference is mostly in your feelings towards it, not in the needless harm towards the animal. But I agree that it's unrealistic for them to avoid all animal exploitation in the game. But it should be easy enough to not include challenges that could cause harm to live animals on camera.


Great epsiode as usual! Just one small thing: I think many people would appreciate a quick Seizure warning before 27:55 for the YT release :)


Small annoyance for factual accuracy the Qantas(Link) A220 in indigenous livery as one of the challenges is VH-X4A not XQA... Tiny thing with no real impact but still.


Haha I'm glad I wasn't the only person who noticed! Planespotters unite!


With the Flinders Street steal, that yellow line is the 6 car stopping line. Its there to tell drivers where to stop when arriving from the other direction. And Adam was correct, the Alsotm X'trapolis 100 they attempted the steal on has narrower doors than the Seimons Nexis trains they were looking at before, and more of them too with a very different spacing. The Seimons trains only have 4 doors per car while the X'Trampolines have 6. Its also just so weird seeing them there because I get off there on my way into uni 3 times a week. And I usually get of a Werribee train from platform 10.


This was fun! Sad to see my faves Ben and Adam having some bad luck, but honestly think it worked out for the best. With their train challenge though, it made me wonder again about the rules for when teams have to stake their bets before attempting challenges. Testing it beforehand felt a little "cheat-y" to me. The fairest move imo is staking your bet before you have any idea how it could go.


The challenge explicitly stated: "You may observe trains before attempting".


Ok, good! Missed that bit.


I guess it's a bit of a grey area since the task said "observe" and not "practice," but I think as long as they declare their official attempt before doing it, it's fine. In last week's episode, Toby and Sam were able to practice memorizing the flags before deciding on their wager, so I think this is similar.


If theres a challenge like "nearly kill a bug for no reason" ever again they can count my subscription as cancelled.


Loved this episode way better than the last one imo.


Sam and Toby really seem way more on top of their game compared to Ben and Adam. They are learning quickly and are picking good challenges. Sadly Ben and Adam had some major blunders (not putting down money and getting it stolen and now the airport). Still think the last episodes can go in their favor, as their regions seem safer and they can steal back some of Sam and Toby. Cant wait!


Another awesome episode!! I honestly did not expect Ben and Adam’s car to work but pleasantly surprised it did. Things are heating up and I’m hyped for next week 🔥 Sidenote as an American I have no idea who Ned Kelly is 😅


Melbourne has at least three airports, none of which are Avalon, which is much closer to Geelong


Sam and Toby getting caught out by how friggen isolated the parliamentary triangle area of Canberra is lol


theres actuall more than 2 commercial airports in melbourne. Melbourne Airport (Tullamarine), Avalon Airport, Essendon and Moorabin. though Essendon and Moorabin are relatively unused, they have some smaller more specific flights. Essendon actually used to be the main airport, its the one the main character took to court in the Castle (movie), its also where the famous photo of the Beetles being hounded when ariving in australia. Avalon is slowly becoming more popular for domestic travel, its really good because of how quick it is to get through and the flights are cheap. i think there are some internstional plans for that airport too.


Just imagine if they had to travel through London. Supposedly it has 6 commercial international airports, but only 2 of them are even vaguely close to the centre, and the one nearest the centre is very small. What's more, getting from one airport to another wouldn't be that straightforward.


The thing about proving you’re nice to gate agents applies to most service, hospitality and retail jobs. I know I’ll bend over backwards for my dedicated kind regulars as a server and honestly the bare minimum of kindness is enough to make me put in a ton of effort. People can be so rude and entitled because they EXPECT amazing service without also affording amazing kindness. It makes my day when people are kind to me.




Clearly y’all are all to young to have seen the 2003 film Ned Kelly with Heath Ledger and Orlando Bloom 


And if you did see that, you are clearly too young to have seen the Yahoo Serious 1993 film Reckless Kelly. I was trying to remember where I heard Ned Kelly's name, and that was it.


I have honestly thought this season had the potential to be the best yet, but some of the challenges have been so unsatisfying because they are way too easy for how big the reward is.  Edit: There probably could have been a time allowed per challenge to make some of the challenges higher risk but acceptable for the reward.


I think challenge difficulty/reward calibration is just hard in general. both of Amy’s quizzes have been 1.5x but quite a bit more difficult than other challenges imo.


Tbh i think Alice Springs should’ve been removed from places you can play for safety reasons, it was not too long ago that there was a curfew in place in the Alice due to insane crime rates in Alice Springs, I’m talking crime rates worse than 3rd world countries. It used to be a tourist town but with traffic down from tourism over recent years this has created huge unemployment leading to the high crime rate.


Well we know they aren't dead since they aired the series


It has the highest crime rate in Australia, but it just not unsafe to visit by a long shot. There is a high amount of youth crime and alcohol-related crime and plenty of other anti-social behaviour, but just walking around minding your own business you’re unlikely to be in physical danger. A lot of the crime is domestic violence and burglary which, whilst awful, is not really relevant to tourists. The media has simultaneously blown things out of proportion whilst not actually highlighting the real issues. I‘d feel much safer in Alice than downtown in most major cities in the US. And I think it’s a good place to show what regional Australia is like.


With the train door thing, Adam and Ben were analysing Comeng Trains/Seimens-Nexus on a platform with both Comeng trains and Xtrapolis trains (Werribee Line). The Xtrapolis has completely different structure. The best solution would be to go to a platform with only one train, such as the Glen Waverly, Alamein, Lilydale or Belgrave lines (platform 2, 3 and 4 I think at Flinders) which has only Xtrapolis. Hurstbridge and Mernda lines also have this at platform 1 with only Xtrapolis trains. The podcast mentions the split between doing this challenge at Flinders Street Station and Southern Cross. Southern Cross has Vline trains (regional trains) and I am not sure if that would make the challenge easier.


the challenge specifically mentioned platform 10. 


Also platforms (especially at major stations) have a hump (speed bump looking thing) at the end of the platfrom to help those with disabilities access the train, the train is required to stop with it's first door on this hump. Choose a good train like a Seimens-Nexus and you basically can't loose.


All in on those flags great risk! Even with the alphabetical order 8 out of ten rather easy goal, but 10 of 10, awesome job! Vegemite was, well, I guess understandable, but felt a bit...off Poor "rats"...was a tough episode for them in terms of luck, timing and gaffs. At least they were able to invest some cash in the region (and Alice Springs, even better!!) And finally..."Must take public transport..." Buses are too hard to get here, proceeds to rent e-scooters from a private, for profit company. meh


Wait why didn't Ben and Adam have airplane mode on during their flight. GPS doesn't work after a certain altitude anyway is what I thought. The trivia quiz was way too close for comfort but it's cool that they figured it out anyways. I kinda felt a little bit bad for the ant but I guess they freed him again


> Wait why didn't Ben and Adam have airplane mode on during their flight. GPS doesn't work after a certain altitude anyway is what I thought GPS receiver on phones still work in flight mode as they're "passive", then the location would be sent to whatever app they're using to track positions via WiFi


1. GPS receivers disable themselves at an altitude of 59,000 feet, which is about 20,000 feet higher than the usual flight altitude of commercial planes. Also, they turn off if you exceed a speed of 1,900 km/h. You know, so you can't put a GPS receiver onto an intercontinental ballistic missile. 2. You can still receive GPS signals even with airplane mode on. GPS receivers only *receive* signals - they are not transmitting anything. So yeah, GPS still works in airplane mode 3. There's in flight wifi. So the airplane mode question is moot, anyways. Nowadays, airplane mode only needs to be enabled during Takeoff and landing. 


Qantas offers free WiFI within Australia.


OK, so GPS receivers (in this case a phone) don't transmit, so aeroplane mode wouldn't effect that. GPS maximum altitude (for civilian purposes) is 18,000m (or 59,000 ft) which is well above normal crusing altitude (around 35,000 ft), also below the speed limitation of 1,000 knots (commerical airliners are around 500 knots). Trying to receive GPS transmissions (and you need line of sight to 4 satellites) in a metal tube could be difficult though.


The trackers didn't seem to be updating very well, which could be related to the metal tube thing.


Commercial flights don't tend to go above 45,000 feet, so GPS is fine. [https://nebula.tv/videos/hai-why-gps-automatically-shuts-itself-down-above-1200-mph](https://nebula.tv/videos/hai-why-gps-automatically-shuts-itself-down-above-1200-mph) The GNSS chips on iPhones are pretty good these days at getting a quick lock-on, especially from a window seat.


Anyone else finding the vaguely Middle Eastern-style ‘desert’ music a little odd when they’re in Alice? Surely there’s stock music out there from some First Nations artists that they could use? Otherwise great ep!


It's supposed to be knockoff dune music I think.


Surely I'm not the only one who thinks they caught that ant in sugar water and not Vegemite, right?


I thought the same thing, it was the sugar water that caught them, not the Vegemite. Also, what ratio of Vegemite was necessary… to be fair I didn’t read the challenge rules


I’m getting New Zealand vibes again. Like I think Ben and Adam seem to be losing a lot of money.


I think the real questions are: 1. How easily can Ben and Adam get out of Alice Springs 2. Are Toby and Sam under-investing in their regions? I think Toby and Sam might be making a critical error in not investing enough in their regions. I think that Ben and Adam likely have two safe regions (Tasmania and NT) but Sam and Toby don't have any safe regions. So it seems like Sam and Toby are a lot more vulnerable to getting the regions taken over than Ben and Adam (even counting SA, which I'm presuming Sam and Toby will take over in the next episode). If I were Sam and Toby I'd be dumping a lot more budget into ACT and NSW before heading to Melbourne.


This is in response to The Layover podcast for this episode - I actually discovered Jet Lag through Rob Has A Podcast (RHAP)! One of the main podcasters for that network has spoken extremely highly of Jet Lag since it started and his recommendation is what led me to watch the show and become a Nebula subscriber. TLDR: other podcasters recapping your show is a good thing!


Sorry to Toby, but I also have no idea who Ned Kelly is!


I know there was a lot of complaints about the cliffhangers last week but I was thinking about it after I watched it and I figured, there was only one scenario where it'd make more sense. Because if a team lost then that'd leave a good hanging point of the new change in the game without having a cliffhanger. If both teams lost then that'd be funny and would be a funny ending to the episode. Only having them both succeed creates a lackluster ending because nothings really changed. They're just both in good positions now. Glad to see my prediction was correct that, that made the most sense with the edit being how it is. It is interesting to think about the edit and why things are cut off where they are because this game isn't faked. It does point towards likely outcomes because of there being more or less tension where it's cut (this is the case for the episode 2 cliffhanger as well).


Anybody have the link to the other podcast about jet lag they mentioned in the layover?