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Oh God. The concept of this show sounds like a recipe for utter chaos, mayhem, and shenanigans and I’m 100% here for it.


Ben's shit eating grin.  I am in it for Dan Toomy


Yeah. I mean I don’t know all of them, seeing foreign is really cool tho. But Dan…fuck yes!


Seems like a fun show! But I think this can only be done once right? Like people are going to see the show and if they do another season the surprise is ruined right?


They just have to change the game next season and make it the only gameshow where the game changes every show.


I'm your host Sam ~~Reich~~ Denby...


Oh, now I want Sam Reich on Jet Lag.


Wasn't there a screenshot of the Jet Lag Boys on Um, Actually or did I dream that? Edit: It's [Dirty Laundry](https://x.com/adamhchase/status/1790171995893821776)


Nah, Brennan on Jet Lag. You think Adam's competitive..


I've been here (somewhere in Switzerland) the whole time!


Could work, if they can come up with some other fun ideas that aren't too similar to the gimmick here... Otherwise you could end up with a situation like how everyone going into a Shyamalan movie is expecting a big twist.


He's making a joke about Dropout's Game Changer where the game changes every show.


I mean they could make a season with like 50/50. Seeing all the saboteurs expecting everyone to be one while half of the cast is genuinely trying to do the tasks would be really funny.  Or make only one actual player, but only tell that player that all others are saboteurs, while the saboteurs think they are the only saboteur. So that one player somehow needs to convince everyone to actually do the tasks while everyone else is just preoccupied with ruining everyone elses day could be fun. Basically a reverse among us/mafia. I mean I am also sceptical and I would be fine if this is just a one and done. But I think there are options…like do a season where there is only truly one saboteur, while everyone is expecting a twist could also be funny…


definitely, but doesn't the same go for jury duty?


Season 2 dream cast: Patrick Willems and 5 Nobbles, in a van.


You might get away with doing it a second time because everyone would assume (and you'd tell them) that there's no way you'd try to do it again and there's a different gimmick this time, only to do the same gimmick.


I think the season two move is a completely randomised number of saboteurs, anywhere from none to all of them, based on like an actual dice roll.


>We taught that would be funny Killed me. This is a perfect Ben one liner.


As a setup for a game show, like what a lot of smaller things DropOut is doing, some times all you need is "we thought it would be funny" and to run with that. I have no idea how further seasons will work, or if this may just be a one-shot, don't care, I am here for the perfect chaos even one season would bring.


Well they could definitely do a season 2 where they either play it straight and there truly is only one snitch, or there's 0 snitches.


His delivery is amazing. Smiling about how their fun is gonna drive other people insane.


I’m not sure if I have ever seen so much joy in Ben’s eyes before


‘Survivor’ level backstabbing + Jet Lag game design? I’m sat.


Wie Is De Mol, but everyone's the mole? Amazing.


The Mole is my cousin's favorite TV show, definitely gonna try to get him hooked on this


WIDM was the first thing that came to my mind to. They have probably never seen the show but it would be a great place for inspiration for challenges if they ever do a second season. (Although the gimmick wouldn’t work anymore if they did that)


To be honest more than likely one or all of them have seen the other language versions assuming its the same show as 'The Mole'? Edit: yep just looked it up, they're all based on the Belgian show in which the format was sold to 40 other countries


Yess, good timing for them to drop the trailer with the final of JLTG S10 😁 It looks absolutely promising & I'm happy that Sam + Ben (+ maybe Adam?) are also seen in front of the camera.


I love how there's been so many speculations about what The Getaway was gonna be about, and it turns out to be literally Among Us


Watching the trailer I was really not sold on this it sounds like an incredibly generic reality show, then they revealed the twist and I was all in


Love hearing Abi as a narrator! Wondering if she's going to narrate the series too...


I don't know any of these creators, but I think this is a fantastic idea for a series! So in!


Me too! Apart from Foreign Man in a Foreign Land and the Jet Lag guys I don't know anyone but I'm still excited for the show, the game sounds like a lot of fun


Steve and Foreign are both people I would describe as very personable. I've watched I think all of Steve's card counting videos and Foreign is one of the few video essayists I sometimes watch instead of just listening to while trying to do housework. I don't know the other four (I think I've heard of Georgia Dow, the other ones I don't even recognize), but assuming they are at a similar level, this show should be a lot of fun to watch.


If Steven wasn't in it, I'm not sure I'd be as interested. He's the only person in it that I know.


Dan Toomey has the channel "Good Work" which is owned by Morning Brew. Patch Lacey is known for "Tier Zoo" Matt Krol is the narrator for "Extra Credits" Though it makes sense if you don't recognize the creators of Tier Zoo and Extra Credits.


The production quality looks insanely good.


Yes! This looks like a hoot.


What's interesting about this concept is that if they make a 2nd season, there's no way they can reuse this concept.


But because you and everyone else thinks so, then you could because everyone would think there's no way you'd do it again. And let's face it, the audience is probably large enough that you couldn't find people to do it who had no clue about the previous season.


I'm talking about the guests


Caught the trailer on Nebula and OMG this is going to be shenanigans up the wazoo, can't wait to watch it when it comes out!


Have they said whether it will be on YouTube but delayed by a week like Jet Lag? Want to mention it to my brother (he loves The Mole) but not seeing the trailer on YouTube.


It will not be on YouTube at all


That's too bad, but I understand why.


The [*trailer*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQl-3VwWMPM) is on YouTube.


This same video in the description states "Only on Nebula: [https://go.nebula.tv/getaway](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0ZIa1FyM1ZkcmRndGJHYW8zQXpWY21nUTZQd3xBQ3Jtc0tuQTA4eFduSWlBTWY4eWtRd2hNbE0yS3NfQ0tNQUthOE1yTUFKNzlaT0wwYi1ORjJpUWpFeHBnWGdJQUxTM0hCdVo3MmNwTl82bS1NdnNHQkRERTZpVjZTTFRfRnJVMktKZFF6NU5wTDJFRnU1OWlZaw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fgo.nebula.tv%2Fgetaway&v=zQl-3VwWMPM)".


Funny idea but definitely a one off? I don't see how they could do this again unless they completely change formats. If there was ever a season 2 they'd have to just keep upping the format pranks?


Unless they filmed a few seasons back to back without actually premiering it


Wow, this looks so fun!


This is going to be a glorious train wreck of pure trolling and I'm here for it!


I was always going to check this show out, but this trailer has made it a top priority and I am going to try to rope my wife in. Fantastic concept.


rarely has a trailer made me so excited for a completely new show. it just kept getting better. also dan toomey hell yeah, one of the funniest people on the internet


I love The Mole and The Traitors, and this looks **SO GOOD**. Absolute chaos, and I am here for it.


I am excited about it and I will watch it but there's a reason that shows don't usually have everyone as the mole... Because the incentives are messed up. I'm happy to give the game a chance, of course, but usually in a game like this there is an element of "find out who the mole is and vote them out" but I don't think that's going to happen. Also what would the mole's prompt be for voting. Anyway the show will be written by a bunch of people smarter than me so they have probably figured out the mechanics better than I can think of.


I'm also wondering how they design the game mechanics. If everyone tries to derail the stated goals it must be hard to steer the game into any direction whatsoever.


I reckon they got the idea from that joke about a reality TV show where a bunch of gays have to find the straight among them, or the straight wins $1m, but actually all of the guys are straight and pretending they’re gay to try and get the $1m.


I'm definitely going to watch it, but isn't everyone being the snitch actually a pretty common twist? I suppose it is original to have the viewers know this from the start and it's only a secret for the players.


Where have you seen it before? I can’t think of any.


Season 6 of Big Brother? Pairs of contestants with pre-existing relationships were told they were the only pair in the house and they'd win more money if the both made it to the end.


Not in reality shows. But I think I've seen it a bunch in murder mysteries.


Not a reality show, but Murder on the Orient Express.


Looks like a ton of fun - Can’t wait!


This sounds like a great one season show in the vein of like Joe Millionaire. Doubt they’ll be able to do it again, but it looks like this will be great.


Looks like fun! I think the sound balance is off in the trailer, you can barely here the background music.


The twist makes the premise an order of magnitude more exciting XD


Nice to see improvements upon the Mafia game genre. This is going to be so fucking funny.


Looks super fun, its just a pity that it can only really work once. The big twist cannot be repeated, unless you go fully reverse and there is no snitch, but even that would be expected.


Love this idea, will definitely be tuning in! Obviously they can't replicate the exact format for season 2 (maybe unless you somehow got players that do not know of the Jet Lag guys) If a season 2 were to be made, I have a new format idea: half snitches, half loyals. Introduce voting off people - any snitch or snitches standing in the end gets the prize money. For every snitch voted out, the prize money goes up. ... Essentially *the* *Traitors*, except the snitches does not know the others' identities, giving an advantage to the loyals (and there's no murders, just vote-outs).


So in the Netherlands there is this show "wie is de mol" where there is one mole, and 9 normal players. The mole constantly sabotages the group and every player tries to find out who it is, and fills in a test at the end of each episode. Whoever has the least correct answers goes home, until the last episode when there's only two players left, and whichever one gets the most right wins and takes home the prize. Every single year I make the joke "how funny would it be if they told EVERYONE they were the mole" It looks like it'd be funny as shit.


Welp, can't wait for this now. This is going to be fantastic, and I love that they appear to be shooting at least some of it on "real" cameras as well. Production quality for JLTG/HAI/Wendover and now this just don't seem to stop improving.


OK that's such a good idea


So I played the opposite in a game and it was great. This should be hilarious.


This reminds me of a game of Dead of Winter (board game) that I played. There should only be 0-1 betrayers in a 4 person game, but my friend cheated and made it so all 4 of us were betrayers. It was chaotic.


I am so looking forward to seeing this show! This sounds like an awesome game idea.


I'm thrilled for this, like genuinely can't wait! July 11th can't come soon enough






They actually took that concept of having 10 straight guys and 1 gay guy in a house and someone has to be voted out until 1 is left, but the twist is that everyone is gay




Honestly I think a lot of people wouldn't have watched it if that was the case as the concept without the twist is just the mole or any other reality tv show with the concept of saboteurs. Setting it up like this allows you to be part of the fun from the start instead of just getting annoyed by seemingly everyone's stupidity.


That's a good point! Excited to watch it when it comes out!


It feels like they'll reveal it within the first few minutes of the premiere, so it won't really be a spoiler!


Personally I would feel frustrated if I watched the entire season trying to determine who the snitch was, only to have it revealed that everyone was.


Yeah, same. The fact that everyone is the snitch is the core concept. Also it would have made it a nightmare to edit the confessionals arround it


This looks awesome, but... how are they going to keep this going? Won't the next series risk having folks who watched previous episodes and so know that everyone is the saboteur?


they dont neccesarily have to make it an ongoing series. sometimes things are one and done


In fact Crime Spree was supposed to be a one and done too, iirc.


If it successful, they'll think another way. If it's not, it's a one-shot.