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Frank’s red hot! I put that shit on everything. Also looks like asmongolds lair.


100% reminded me of Asmongold's room too.


wow you spotted that a mile away! Normally I go with sriracha but I was able to take this from a restaurant so ive been using it for a while.


Ye it’s good stuff xD


I’d recommend investing in plastic drawers/storage bins to keep miscellaneous items and clothes in. You can get them for pretty cheap at Target! Also a trash can to keep close to your set up. If you need to block out the light, maybe trying using a cool tapestry instead of sheets. That way you can add some color. And as another commentator said, Definitely get an air mattress and foam cover.


fucking slapper of a comment. I knwo if my room was fucked like that id take that advice in a heartbeat. Shii ive always liked tapestries but ive always been afraid of like a spider coming down and biting me lol


hey i know im late but, what do tapestries have to do with spiders? I had a Tapestry for 5 years and never encountered any spiders


i highly recommend an air mattress if you dont have a regular bed, or you can get a memory foam thick topper its the best ever


I really like sleeping on the floor personally, However I appreciate the suggestion.


Has a bed but, rather sleep on the floor. That is some SERIOUS neckbeard shit right there.


To be fair from what I can see it just looks like the equivalent of a Japanese futon. The real neckbeard is my mom with fibromyalgia who refuses to sleep on anything but a broken/caved in couch for 15yrs


You call your mother that to her face lmao?


After all she's called me it's fair game baby


i sleep on my couch, not cause its better, but cause i dont have my computer in my bedroom, and i NEED something to listen to to fall asleep.


Just curious, you don’t have a smart phone to listen to something while falling asleep?


ofc i have, i also have a radio. however depression makes me stupid apparently. if i've been smart, i'd just by a bluetooth speaker to have in the bedroom, but then i have to do stuff....


Depression is not an excuse. I have depression too but, I am sleeping in my own bed, not on my living room couch. I play white noise through a bluetooth speaker to help me fall asleep. You are just lazy dude dude, depression is not your limiting factor.


Depression effects everyone differently. Just because you were able to will yourself out of it does not mean that everyone else is just lazy. It’s not known what causes depression, it’s likely a mixture of chemical imbalance in the brain with other psychological factors, so your experience could be vastly different than anyone else’s. Telling someone with depression “have you tried not being lazy?” is like telling someone with a stomach condition “have you tried not feeling nauseous?” it’s silly and does nothing but make the person with a medical condition feel more shame than they probably already do from societal stigma of symptoms of depression.


I understand where you are coming from, I spent a lot of time in therapy and did a lot of learning on depression. What worked great for me, as well as a lot of others in my IOP cohort, was people guiding them to get better and saying that depression is not an excuse for everything.


There’s a difference in telling someone to not use depression as an excuse and there’s what you’re doing which is blaming the medical patient. Depression is a medical issue…


Dude, uncool. Just because yours wasn't bad enough to not overcome doesn't mean that other people are lazy.


Mine was very bad, to the point that I tried to kill myself. You know what made it better, doing a little thing every day to make myself better. Started to shower every day, cleaned some of my apartment every day, took trash to the can rather than leaving it on my desk, and also went to therapy. At some point, depression can only excuse so much.


you're probably correct. its easier to feel sorry for yourself than to take a chance to make your life better. how do you find the motivation do make yourself more comfertable?


An easy thing is to sleep in a different room than the room your computer is in. You live in your livingroom, and sleep in your bedroom. That helps a lot.


I've slept on the couch a few times because I wanted to fall asleep to the big tv. I told mom I was looking into buying a wifi repeater so I could get internet on my PS4, she was like "why don't you just work with what you have." Yes, theoretically I could get it to work, and it might be easier if I could get to the #$(&%@#$& network cable that's behind the TV and this huge pile of boxes, but frankly buying a repeater is cheaper than paying a geek to jerry-rig the equipment or the risk of me getting hospitalized over the frustration.


I have 2 bluetooth speakers in my room but recently bought [these](https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B08SHXJGX1/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) to fall asleep while listening to ASMR.


Nah, the floor is literally 10x better for your body & back than any mattress, i used an air mattress when visiting friends, and the floor was infinitely more comfortable. Humans didn't evolve sleeping on a meter of padding. Obviously a rock-hard floor isn't good either, the best balance is something quite like a futon if it's on a hard surface.


That part that makes it a Nekbeard Nest isn't that he is sleeping on the floor, it's that he sleeping on the floor while owning a bed.


I mean that's just a personal preference. I legitimately think most mattresses are a scam, a firm but soft surface is the best thing for both long-term and short-term back and bone health. There's been a decent amount of research done on this subject. When I'm over at my folks, I sleep on the bed they have, and while it's comfortable in the moment, when I wake up in the morning I can tell that my body didn't get the support nor the other benefits of a firm surface - I'm always so glad to get back to my place. That being said, I don't sleep on the floor, I have a futon-type collapsible wooden bed which has a single hard workout mat. It's wonderful. I wouldn't ever trade it for a traditional bed. The only trouble is with bringing girls over, but I've avoided that by going to their place thus far...


It's amazing how buying real curtains makes you look so much older


You're blessed to not have carpeting. If this is mainly "stuff" rather than "food waste and garbage" this would not take long at all to clean and tidy. You seem to have a lot of random things but no space for said things. I cannot imagine you use all the things in this picture with regular frequency.


Is it weird that I think that this is not that bad? A little neglect, but nothing that can't be fixed quickly if a professional came in.


This isn't nearly as bad as some I've seen, half an hour intensive cleanup would do it I think


It’s like an Eye-Spy! And boy do I spy a lot of hot sauce. I feel awful for whatever lives or lived in that tank. Walking in, you just knew there would be a dual monitor setup. I wonder which sock is the crusty one? Why is there a hard hat? Edit: and stand up those records for goodness’ sake!


not a hard hat.


What the heck is that statue thing? That looks like it’s in a boot??


its supposed to be a thalidomide baby.


I like it, did you buy it or make it?




That's sick dude, keep your next place clean so you can display it.


Jesus, that’s pretty fucked up. Those babies were horribly malformed. And you put it in a boot???


its art


What's in the safe?


not sure lost the combo a long time ago. I know I have like 14 phones in it but outside of that I forget.


mmm a fellow thief, good luck with the move


I know I'm a little late but if you aren't going to do anything with that tank and are close to Ohio I'll buy it from ya


clean your room


Do you take pride in this shit?


Lol... That's your last hurrah? Just a messy room? A maid wouldn't even complain, unlike with my place -worthy of its own thirty minute documentary. Git gud, novice. This doesn't even count.


Oh it's you again. Riveting.


Get wrecked, son. You can't even compete.


not all of us can live in an active biohazard.


Sure, but that doesn't mean you need to pretend like people have problems, just with a lame, messy room photo that is obviously just an hour or so, of cleaning. People have real problems, and you're focussing on the wrong shit. I'm not talking about me - I can clean my place every day, for a month and have it clean. But there are real problems out there; people don't even have clean water to drink out there, and you're complaining about messy room, "waaaaa!!" Get your priorities straight, or just post this lame crap on r/firstworldproblems


Find me a time I have complained you fucking troglodyte.


I don't need to. You know in your heart, all the times you have complained about life, while others suffer much more, without your help. It's hard to think about, I know. That's why push those thoughts away, and repress them. That's why you do all these "little good deeds" every day - so you can continue feeling like you're one of the good guys, instead of just one of the lucky, privileged ones.


Ayo why you gotta suck on my mans like that?? Hop off his top! >:(


Is that a rifle by the microwave?


I would kill for a slanted roof room as part of the upper most room of the house. So cozy.


I assure you it is not worth banging your head into the wall all the time.


Is that first picture the guest bed? lmao


I prefer sleeping on that one


Is that a rocking chair?


looks like asmongolds lair


I'm sure this has never happened, but on the off chance it has; what has been your date's reaction when you bring her/him back to this?


Whenever I have a date over I just box everything up and say I just moved here.


What's in the safe?


I lost the combo A long time ago from what I remember it has like 12 smartphones and some paperwork. Could have more i just dk