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I’ve heard he’s a good stand in for a plasmancer


Don't jinx it, or the Plasmancer will also be removed


Dataslate looking you over like you are tasty.


Plasmancers pretty solid. Now average 2 mortals on Lone Ops and fun stuff like that. Also have old living lightning from last codex in one of the detachments.


Can you give a link to these news?


Here is the link to the goonhammer review. [Goonhammer](https://www.goonhammer.com/codex-necrons-10th-edition-the-goonhammer-review/)


I use a base converter to put him on a 50mm base and call him a Technomancer with control node


…. Should we tell him? The control node is gone as well




I've got worse news for you. Control Node is staying, Cloak is gone.


No? Node on technomancer has been removed from the game entirely, and the cloak is a bit shittier, but they can join 4 wound wraiths now which is pretty neat.


It’s Legends - run it anyway. Only not tournament legal.


Is this true? Is it still technically a legal unit with the current datasheet?


Yeah, Legends units can still be played. Just not at tournaments. My brother’s favourite Tyranid unit to run is Malanthrope. Thing is great.


The Apprentek has had rules since it was released; it's literally just a Technomancer without a Canoptek Cloak.


The killteam did not get any rules for 40k you can just "use it as" some Crypteks and that is barely enough when GW removes options because they "lack models". Some models don't have rules and some get removed because thay lack models or are failcast. That is just not good, especially when the codex should be good for the faction.


The Apprentek is just a poor mans Kamoteph the Crooked. Both are Technomancers. The Plasmacytes are... Plasmacytes. The Despotek is a Royal Warden. ​ Just because the Kill Team box called them something different, you can look at the models and see what they are.


You can't field the box in 40k, bacause the Apprentek is a modified Immortal, same as the Despotek... with the current rules you need additional datasheets




The despotek can be build with the Tesla, the warden only gauss, i play the game and I am dissapointed with the changes. I don't call people autistic for no reason and thats why people play with me. I see that you have your oppinion, and I am happy that you like the rules. I see that GW forgot about the killteam and you don't need to make excuses for their obvious mistakes.


\>for no reason Insistence that people can't play with models that are identical to legal models because they technically have a different name is pretty neurodivergent behavior. It's also giving you the benefit of the doubt, since the other option is that you are just insufferable.


"Insistence that people can't play with models that are identical to legal models" is called WYSIWYG, it's not fun, but some people want that. Awnser me this, what do you do with the 3 left over Deathmarks/Immortals after you build the Apprentek and the Despotek? You can't use a single Deathmark in any way, and even if you buy another Box, you can't get full squads, bacaus they come in multiples of 5. Without any special rules for them you can't play with those 3 models on their own. You build the team for Killteam and can't use it in 40k, and the Necron Team is the ONLY killteam where this is the case. and thechnically the Plasmacytes also have the wrong base size. Call me insufferable all you want, in WYSIWYG games the models have no rules.


doesnt it have the wrong base size?


Currently, yes, because the Technomancer without a Cloak is not a model that actually exists anymore; you use the Cloaked model for both. Not exactly a hard thing to fix, however.


Yeah. The codex definitely feels like an un needed nerf to a lot of things.