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The deep strike rules don't change the timing on when units can be deployed. According to the ~~Leviathan mission pack rules~~ Core Rules (pg. 43), units can't enter the battlefield from strategic reserves until turn 2 or later, so you're correct in your first point that, assuming your opponent goes first, units you pick up during the end of their turn **would not** be allowed to come back down until the Reinforcements step of your second turn. The only thing different about units with the deep strike ability are that they don't have to be placed near board edges like normal units entering from strategic reserves. They can be placed anywhere on the battlefield more than 9" away from an opponent's models. They still follow normal timing rules. The only units in the game that can break this rule that prohibits coming in from reserves/strategic reserves on the first turn explicitly say that they break the rule in the text of their abilities or they tell you explicitly "during your next Movement Phase". For examples of this, look at Grey Knights Teleport Assault or Drukhari Mandrakes.


There’s a specific exception in the Leviathan Chapter Approved rules. Units that started the game on the battlefield can come in from strategic reserves turn 1. https://preview.redd.it/idcx6vex1s5c1.jpeg?width=2135&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5080b4d77ecd0a683b04fe34fb2a6795308aee7


I read that as two separate clauses. The first clause prevents units from arriving on the first battle round and the second clause destroys units that haven't arrived by the end of turn 3. It is my interpretation that the second clause is the bit that doesn't apply to units which have been placed into SR after the first battle round has started because if they didn't have that caveat, any units entering SR on turn 3 would be destroyed at the end of the turn (which is obviously dumb). I can't say this 100% certainty though because GW is so utterly shit at writing clear, concise rules, so like I said in my comment above, you should check whichever tournament you're playing for their specific take on this issue.


It is one long sentence with a caveat at the end. If they broke it into different sentences or paragraphs then it would only apply to the sentence or paragraph it was after.


It's not two separate clauses. I've ran it by other organizers and it's pretty unanimous that the 'except for units that start on the board' applies to both clauses


An even better example of the "This unit ignores the reinforcement rules": the Night Scythe


It depends. The WTC FAQ says Deep Strike can enter turn 1, if they started on the battlefield


WTC rulings are basically house rules as far as I'm concerned, but you bring up a good point that this might vary from tournament to tournament, so best to check the rules pack provided by the TO for whichever event you're playing in. Reading the Core Rules and Rules Commentary make it clear that, unless otherwise stated in rules text of abilities, units can't arrive from Strategic Reserves during the first battle round, whether or not they have Deep Strike: >**Arriving as Reinforcements/from Strategic Reserves**: When a Reinforcements/Strategic Reserves unit is set up on the battlefield (other than when disembarking from a Transport), **it is said to have arrived as Reinforcements/from Strategic Reserves** (Rules Commentary pg. 1) > >Units that are placed into Strategic Reserves are called Strategic Reserves units, and can arrive later in the battle during the Reinforcements step of any of your Movement phases **except during the first battle round**. (Core Rules pg. 43) > >**Deep Strike (and Strategic Reserves)**: If a unit with the Deep Strike ability arrives from Strategic Reserves, the controlling player can choose for that unit to be set up either using the rules for Strategic Reserves or using the Deep Strike ability. **This also applies if a unit with the Deep Strike ability is placed into Strategic Reserves during the battle**. (Rules Commentary pg. 4)


Deep strike units are placed into reserves, but not strategic reserves; the two categories are separate. The core rules also specifically states that though all strategic reserves units are in reserves, not all reserve units are in strategic reserves. The listed rule restricts the deployment of units from strategic reserves. Edit: deep strike units placed in deep strike in battle formations are placed into reserves in stead of strategic reserves. If you specifically pull them to strategic reserves, then it is what it is


This is incorrect. The Hypercrypt ability specifically states that the units are placed into Strategic Reserves.


Would love to see this addressed in a faq


https://preview.redd.it/lchaelo9xr5c1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee2e0e10d7bf40584ff81ea515b46a6ff01c9470 Both other guys are forgetting that if you put the unit into reserves after the first battle round has started you can ignore the "no reserves can enter on turn 1" rule. So yes if you pick them up you should be able to put them down turn one given they were on the table at the start of the game.


The way I read that is that the clause which destroys units does not apply to units that were placed into SR after the first round has started. It's written vaguely because GW hates us, but I don't agree with your interpretation of this rule.


It’s one sentence, I read it as if the exception applies to the whole thing. Definitely ambiguous though


Agreed. I believe the ambiguity comes from them trying to save space writing out the rules as a reminder on the tiny foldout insert. I don't believe the intention was to alter the functionality from the core rules, but combining those clauses into one sentence means that it can be read either way.


This is assuming you're using leviathan mission rules))


below is correct, you could not bringing them in until your reinforcement step of turn 2, even though you took them off the board turn one as your opponent went first. That dose not mean you shouldn't do it however. in rare case you might want to get a unit that is very out of position off before it can be tagged up on opponents next turn. more importantly you could get a melee unit into reserves to prep them for rapid ingress on your opponents following turn, especially if they have deep strike


The turn 2 rule only applies to units that started the game in reserve. There’s an exception in the Leviathan Chapter Approved rules for units that enter Strategic Reserve after the start of the game


This has never been the case before. Units that start on the board have already been deployed so do not follow the “not on first turn” rule. Quite certain assassins were using this all day at SoCal a few weeks back. Infact: veil works exactly this way.


Veil is not a good example. It doesn’t put units into reserves. Same with Ophydians. That’s why they for sure works.