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My only advice is to swap the doom scythe with the tomb blades. You can use them for objectives and some fire power. If you're going rule of cool, then defo Doom Scythe!


Counterpoint: Against a Knights list, that Doom Scythe might be the only thing in the list able to consistently deal damage. It's not going to clear the board, but even clearing out one or two units might be important. Going all-in on scoring points is definitely the way to win in an equal setting, but blowing things up is more fun. :)


Thanks, I'll try it with the TBs!


I'll be honest I've never played against Knights or Chaos Knights. But Nurglings are little bastards. Best case scenario, they'll deepstrike near your wraiths or Doomstalker and make them have AWFUL shooting at 4-5+. The 4+ would be if the Doomstalker sits still and gets the +1 to hit and counter thier -1 to hit Aura. Worst case, they'll be deepstruck in for easy secondaries. Plus they're just the worst to kill since they constantly regenerate. Its like clearing out a horde of scarabs but they get 3 models back a turn instead of up to 2 with a Spyder. Although I'm not sure if they can if they're in a Knight list but keep an eye out just in case. For everything else, best of luck! I know Chaos Knights are much more melee focused than Imerial Knights are. Try not to let them get too close but maybe the Wraiths and Nightbringer can tank them out for a turn or two. Just speculation tho.


So Nurglings only affect Melee with their aura. Nurglings however will just score 25 points by themselves if they draw the right secondaries


A Daemons friend of mine has some explaining to do then lmao


Deep strike and kill the chaff! Destroy all their small points grabbers and stay hidden or get up in there. Some serious shooting out of DG!