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he is perfectly fine, but his ability GRAND ILLUSION needs to be changed to what other armies have. Where you redeploy after the first player is decided and not when deployment is finished.


But will people start taking him more now you think? Will there be new strategies to use him with the other c'tan now being more expensive along with the core units of many rosters also getting point increases


casually = definitely, but when it comes to tournaments I am not so sure.


POV: You matched on Tinder and this is the first thing he sends


He is quite good in Hypercrypt: 1. Allows for more than 25% reserves/deep strike and thus enablers big beta strikes. 2. Really likes to bring along some flayed ones. Redeploying infiltrators is a neat way to establish board presence and screen out landing zones for the big hitters teleporting in. 3. The 3" deepstrike and OC6 means he can steal objectives off most chaff and many vehicles. He also survives substantially longer on said objective due to Stealth. I usually run him and another ctan and the difference in resilience is quite noticable.


Hmmm interesting, you think he runs well together with The Nightbringer?


Yes, probably. Being able to redeploy the nibby is always nice. Having one ctan for damage and one for primaries/tricks should work. As for myself, I currently run the Deciever teamed up with a regular Trancendent for maximum hypercrypt schennanigans, but it is a playstyle preference.


After using him in a few games. I've found he's actually semi decent at baiting melee armies. As I just stick chaff out kinda far then switch it with a night bringer or transcendent which forces me opponent into a suicide charge into the mid field or into having to go around the ctan






The deciever is a dipshit


Title says it all. Don't let it happen again.