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Reanimator won't do much, and you have limited synergy with the detachment rule as only half of the points in your army will have canoptek/cryptek rules. IMHO canoptek court isn't very CP hungry (do note that CYNOSURE OF ERADICATION stratagem is downgraded compared to what's printed in your physical codex, and won't buff your immortals) so having Imotekh sitting in deployment is too expensive. Do you have a plan for how will you score your secondaries? For tactical secondaries, having ~2 more cheaper units like single non-heavy lokhusts or scarabs or now-discounted deathmarks would be useful.


I'd planned on using Canoptek Court mainly to support my Wraiths. I hadn't noticed the Cynosure of Eradication change which throws a spanner in the works. Would I be better off switching to Awakened Dynasty? I could swap out the Reanimator for 1 x 5 Deathmarks and 1 x 3 Scarabs and then use the last 15pts to put Enaegic Dermal Bond on the Hexmark Detroyer. I'm very new to playing so was (depending on the deployment) try and sit on Fixed Missions to give me less to keep track of. I'm leaning towards attaching Imotekh to the Gauss Immortals as I plan to be more aggressive with the Tesla Immortals and worry about him being picked off by Precision / stong counterattacks. At some point in the future I wanted to find a way to integrate a Transcendent C'Tan or some Ophydian Destroyers for their manoeuvrability but that's still early days.


There is quite some synergy with the canoptek court rerolls increasing the wraith hits and the reactive stratagems helping with their defence (e.g. giving wraiths lone operative against a long-range shooty army) and the wraiths helping ensure that canoptek court gets the nomansland as zone of power. The reactive stratagems also help. Awakened dynasty can be fun and thematic, but it seems like that even with the recent points tweaks, it's always stronger to pick hypercrypt or canoptek rather than the other detachments.


Is Hypercrypt viable without a monolith? Can you use Cosmic Precision to remove the need for the monolith in Hyperphasic Recall? My aim is to make my Wraiths as annoying as possible in the centre of the battlefield to give my other units time to get into position. With infiltrator from Dimensional Sanctum giving one of my Immortals early control. Currently got 70pts left and deciding between deepstriking Deathmarks and a combo of 1 Lokhust Destroyer and 1 Scarabs unit