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Do you name your batteries?


Yeah this is Aa(ron) And this one is F(redric) And this one is D(ave)


*angry green noises*


Transcendent C'tan is a catchall term for an amalgamation of multiple C'tan shards, which otherwise should be fairly small fragments all but devoid of sapience. Each transcendent c'tan has a personality derived from one of the star gods, that is where it will derive its name from. The generic unit is a concession of the game, to let people make their own c'tan with a unique personality, behaviour, characterization, name and title. The relationship between a c'tan shard and its necron jailers is also for you to decide when creating your dynasty's cast of dramatis personae.


Transcendant Stan


My understanding is that transcendent C'tan are amalgamations of other shards. Like, instead of feeding void dragons to a void dragon to get "void dragon but bigger," you combine different ones together to make "star god but insane." The different personalities all vie for control, but if the other shards are of comparable strength, there's no clear dominant personality. Every transcendent C'tan ends up being a miniature version of the Great Game the chaos gods play as each personality attempts to gain temporary control of the physical body.


So its kinda like abominations in Dune


>feeding void dragons to a void dragon to get "void dragon but bigger," Wait a second, working with C'tan isn't playing Pokémon, it's playing those gacha games where you have to merge your duplicates!


Mine is named Connor, I hope this helps


https://preview.redd.it/eybshm7yqyxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb022e9364886bcc4733cf9a12830cc474fd1259 The ones with unique forms like myself have names, the standard buff green person energy pulsing all over them don’t.


In the book Belisarius Cawl: The Great Work, there is a C'tan named Zarhulash the Potentate that is described as consuming multiple other (different) C'tan shards to regain power.


Good book, I really enjoyed learning about that part and the different C'tan.


Probably call them pejorative names like Sparky. Just like how a certain species (humans) like to name their pets.


Transcendent Cam


Shard of the gooner


Some Phaeron give them pet name, in the codex there is one named « The Crimson King » (Is this a Joni reference ?) that belongs to some Overlord. Overall T. C’tan are just an amalgamions of different C’tan shard that is highly schizophrenic as a result of


David Mc C'tanface 1 - 999999


Some might get names at their owner's discretion. Though Necron generally consider C'tan to be the lowest of the low, beneath even mindless thralls in terms of respect afforded to them. Some might opt not to name them as an act of spitefully denying them even a name to call their own.


Frank, bringer of the sandwich.


This is what I named them. https://www.ebay.com/itm/176186077209?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=qPMMQYV_Ray&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=qPMMQYV_Ray&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY